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The ideal teacher would always look out for their students, no matter what the situation is.

He or
she should treat their students as if there were their own kids. Good teachers always build strong
relations with their students. The class comprises of students with different iq levels and
temperaments and every student is different from others. It is therefore very important for a good
teacher to be there whenever a student needs help or have got some problems. He knows the
requisites of the students and has the ability to equip them with the tools required to shape up
their personality, behavior and academic excellence. Some students needs individual help after
school. An ideal teacher will provide extra help in any way possible.

My teacher Abdul Rehman not only has the comprehensive subject knowledge but he is also able
to explain the concepts well through active learning techniques. Every teacher has different style
of teaching but it can be truly said that he is an architect who guides students not only in their
academics but also other sphere of life. He inspired me a lot and I found him my ideal. An ideal
teacher is the one who has the attributes of a competent mentor and should be a role model,
councilor, a guide and disciplinarian. My teacher has all these stated attributes as he spends
many hours of the day with students. Under his guidance and teaching even the weakest students
show improvements.

Another important reason why I like sir Abudl Rehman is that he always challenge their students
to go the extra mile. The reason being is the students can't stay on the same level all the time.
They have to gradually move up to advance levels. Students these days have so much problems
going on with their personal life, and their school work. My teacher realizes this aspect and
shows patience towards their students, and gives them time to think and relax. He often teaches
the students about making the right decisions in life. He always tries to engage students in
different class activities so that their creative skills could be enhanced. .

He shows students the right path under all the circumstances and never shies away to help
students in the need of help. Students rely on him and they feel comfortable to discuss even their
personal problems. AT times they don’t go to their parents for advice on particular areas and
they seek help from my teacher. He listens to them carefully and then provides them with
adequate advice.
He constantly motivates his students to go ahead and broaden their horizon. He does everything
to encourage students so that they can realize their hidden abilities. He stays and work long hours
with the students so that they won’t give up. His motivation keeps the students to achieve the
highest milestones. His charismatic personality and gentle behavior enable him to earn respect
from everyone. He is so popular among students and his peers as well.

I can rightly say that my respected teacher inspired us and makes us mentally healthy. He is kind
hearted, active and through gentle man. He is a man of principles and provides us the tools we
need to succeed and leave our mark on the world. He is firm and never tolerates indiscipline. He
is always ready to help his students who face difficulty. He brought us out from the darkness
illiteracy to the enlightenment of wisdom by shaping us into better individuals.

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