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5/24/22, 8:11 PM CDC

Result & Analysis

Student: NEERAJ KUMAR . Test: VIT Bhopal_2023_Aptit… Course: 2023_Special Aptitu…

Attempt 1

IP Address: Tab switches: 0 OS used: Windows Browser used: Chrome

Test Duration: 00:00:10 Test Start Time: May 24, 2022 | 08:01 PM
Test Submit Time: May 24, 2022 | 08:02 PM

Overall score Aptitude

Rank: NA Rank: NA

0 Topper score: 50.00 / 50 0 Topper score: 50.00

/ 50

/ 50 Average score: 27.01 / 50 / 50 Average score: 27.86

/ 50

Least score: 0.00 / 50 Least score: 0.00

/ 50

Overall Question Status Aptitude - Question Status

Total Questions: 50 Total Questions: 50

Questions Attempted: 0 Questions Attempted: 0

0 Questions Correct: 0 0 Questions Correct: 0

/ 50 Question Wrong: 0 / 50 Question Wrong: 0

Partially Correct: 0 Partially Correct: 0
Question Not Viewed: 49 Question Not Viewed: 49

Topic wise Analysis Aptitude 

Question No: 41 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Read the following passage carefully and answer the respective questions given below
each of them.

What are the good parts of our civilization ? First and foremost there are order and safety.
If today I have a quarrel with another man, I do not get beaten merely because I am
physically weaker and he can kick me down. I go to law, and the law will decide as fairly as
it can between the two of us. Thus in disputes between man and man right has taken the
place of might. Moreover, the law protects me from robbery and violence. Nobody may 1/9
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come and break into my house, steal my goods or run off with my children. Of course, there
are burglars, but they are very rare, and the law punishes them whenever it catches them. It
is difficult for us to realize how much this safety means. Without safety these higher
activities of mankind which make up civilization could not go on. The inventor could not
invent, the scientist find out or the artist make beautiful things. Hence, order and safety,
although they are not themselves civilization are things without which civilization would be
impossible. They are as necessary to our civilization as the air we breathe is to us; and we
have grown so used to them that we do not notice them any more than we notice the air.

Another great achievement of our civilization is that today civilized men are largely free
from the fear of pain. They still fall ill, but illness is no longer the terrible thing it used to
be.... Not only do men and women enjoy better health; they live longer than they ever did
before, and they have a much better chance of growing up.Thirdly, our civilization is more
secure than any that have gone before it. This is because it is much more widely spread....
Previous civilizations were specialized and limited, they were like oases in a desert.

What according to the author, is the second merit of the present civilization?

Development of means of transport and


Freedom from drudgery

Freedom from the fear of


Mental enlightenment of the people

Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Reading Comprehension

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Question No: 42 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in the circular table all facing the centre of
the table. All the people are not necessary to be in the same order. A sits second to the left
of B. Only two people sit between G and F, who is an immediate neighbour of B. More than
two persons sit between H and D in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions. D is not 2/9
5/24/22, 8:11 PM CDC

an immediate neighbour of A. E is not an immediate neighbour of G. A does not face E. E

does not sit second to the right of F.
 Who sits second to the left of the person facing B?


Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Easy
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Seating Arrangement

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Question No: 43 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Answer the questions on the basis of the following information.
At Hoverbird University there are five faculty members — Promo, Niche, Optimum, Fiskal,
Behawear teaches QT (Quantitaive Techniques), ME (Managerial Economics), OB
(Organizational Behaviour). FA (Financial Accounting) and BM (Brand Management) not
necessarily in the same order. Only one subject is being taught in a single day and
weekends (ie, Saturday and Sunday) are off.

A professor evaluates a subject paper which he does not teach.

Prof. Promo teaches Brand Management on Wednesday.
Prof. Niche does not evaluate the ME or OB papers.
OB is being taught on Monday.
Prof. Behawear evaluates QT.
Prof. Fiskal evaluates BM and he teaches ME on Tuesday.
Mr. Optimum teaches FA.

Who evaluates the OB paper?

(a) Prof. Promo 3/9
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(b) Prof. Optimum

(c) Prof. Niche

Either (a) or (b) CORRECT

Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Data Interpretation

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Question No: 44 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
The default _____(1)_____ is that everything is vulnerable, says Robert Watson, a computer
scientist at the University of Cambridge. The reasons for this run deep. The vulnerabilities
of computers stem from the basics of information technology, the culture of software
development, the breakneck _____(2)______ of online business growth, the economic
____(3)_____ faced by computer firms and the divided interests of governments. The rising
damage caused by computer _____(4)____ is, however, beginning to spur companies,
academics and governments into action. Modern computer chips are typically designed by
one company, manufactured by another and then _____(5)___ on circuit boards built by third
parties next to other chips from yet more firms

Fill in the blank numbered (3)

incentives CORRECT




Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability 4/9
5/24/22, 8:11 PM CDC

Subject: Cloze Test

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Question No: 45 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
The default _____(1)_____ is that everything is vulnerable, says Robert Watson, a computer
scientist at the University of Cambridge. The reasons for this run deep. The vulnerabilities
of computers stem from the basics of information technology, the culture of software
development, the breakneck _____(2)______ of online business growth, the economic
____(3)_____ faced by computer firms and the divided interests of governments. The rising
damage caused by computer _____(4)____ is, however, beginning to spur companies,
academics and governments into action. Modern computer chips are typically designed by
one company, manufactured by another and then _____(5)___ on circuit boards built by third
parties next to other chips from yet more firms

Fill in the blank numbered (5)



mounted CORRECT


Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Verbal Ability
Subject: Cloze Test

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Question No: 46 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
A professor keeps data on students tabulated by performance and sex of the student. The
data is kept on a computer disk, but unfortunately some of it is lost because of a virus.
Only the following could be recovered: 5/9
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Panic buttons were pressed but to no avail. An expert committee was formed, which
decided that the following facts were self-evident: Half the students were either excellent
or good. 40% of the students were females. One third of the male students were average. 

How many students are both female and excellent? 




Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Data Interpretation

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Question No: 47 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
The following triangular bar diagram shows the percentage of students who passed in XII
class in I division, II division and III division. The students belong to three schools EHS
(Emerson Heights School), DPS (Daily Public School) and SVV(Sahitya Vidya Vihar). The
number of students in EPS, DPS and SVV are 500, 750 and 470 respectively. Refer to the
diagram to answer the questions that follows 6/9
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The total number of students passing in division I from the three given schools is 





Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Hard
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Data Interpretation

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Question No: 48 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Common content
Study the following table carefully and answer the questions based on it.
Subscription of different schemes of Mutual Fund Company over the months. 7/9
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In which of the following months the total subscription to W and X schemes was equal to
the subscription to W scheme in February?




December CORRECT

Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Data Interpretation

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Question No: 49 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

If the following numbers are arranged in descending order then what will be the middle
digit of the number,which will be exactly in the middle ?
589, 817, 698, 795, 579, 769,691

5/24/22, 8:11 PM CDC

Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Number series
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Question No: 50 Multi Choice Type Question Report Error

Answer the following questions based on relationships.

Mother of Q is sister of P and daughter of M. S is the daughter of P and sister of T. What is
the relation of M with T?


Grand father

Grand mother

Grandfather or Grandmother CORRECT

Status: Not Viewed Mark obtained: 0/1 Hints used: 0 Level: Medium
Question type: MCQ Single Correct Subject: Aptitude Subject: Reasoning Ability
Subject: Blood Relations

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