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What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

How have you developed and

demonstrated that talent over time?
One of my great talents that helps me strive to achieve my goals and dreams is my
work ethic.This skill has taken me far from both my job, school and soccer. My work
ethic hasn’t always been good and hard working.
This first semester I struggled a lot in school and at my job. While balancing 3 different
things in my life, my grades began to slip and drop dramatically. This is very unusual for
me because I've always had good grades and an average of 3.5 gpa, but my gpa was at
a 2.9. BUt once I realized my mistakes, I started to change at the start of second
I began to always do my homework on time and correctly. By the time I started to do
this, I began to see big changes in my test grades. FOr example in Chemistry, I would
on average get a 60-70% on the test’s but in the second semester when I started to
work more, my grades improved. I started to get a 80-90 on my chem test, which is
super surprising because I never got that high on the test’s before. I now have a GPA of
3.8 now which is one of the highest I ever had in high school.
Not only did I improve my grades, I started to improve my work ethic in soccer as well. I
began to practice harder with more intensity, then I started to see my improvement at
the game. With this improvement, I started going to the gym as well which improved my
strength and my performance. Now I am much stronger and more agile than ever
before. I make it a goal to watch more premier league soccer so I can learn and practice
the skills they use.
This is my greatest skill, and I will always cherish it. This goal has carried me
throughout my whole life and I truly believe it made me a better person. I have seen
improvement in my school work, job and soccer club. This goal will continue to take me
places in my life and i will always strive to be better than how I was before.

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