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1. Find the node voltages v1 and v 2 of the circuit shown in figure.

Also find the value

of the current i s .

2. Find the node voltages v1 and v 2 of the circuit shown in figure. Also find the value
of the current i 1.

3. Find the node voltages v1 and v 2 of the circuit shown in figure. Also find the value
of the current i x .

4. Find the current i of the circuit shown in figure using source transformation

5. Find the current v 0 of the circuit shown in figure using source transformation
6. Find the current and power absorbed by the 8Ω resistor of the circuit shown
in figure using source transformation method.

7. Find the value of the current i x of the circuit shown in figure.

8. Find the complex power supplied by the source of the circuit shown in
Figure. Also determine the power factor of the entire system if the current
phasor I ¿ 10 ∠ 450 A rms.

9. A circuit takes a current of 3 A at a power factor of 0.6 lagging

when connected to a 120V, 50Hz supply. Another circuit takes a
current, of 5 A at a power factor of 0.8 leading when connected
to the same supply. If the two circuits are connected in series
across a 230-V, 50Hz supply, calculate (i) the current (ii) the
power consumed and (iii) the power factor.
10. Find the complex power supplied by the source of the circuit shown in
Figure. Also, determine the power factor of the entire system.

11. The length of the magnetic path (ABC) is 25 cm and the middle path (BE) is 15 cm. The
core has the uniform cross sectional area of 10mm 2. The number of the turns of the
winding is 50. The relative permeability of the core is 4 x 10 -3 H/m.
(i) Obtain the electrical analogy of the given magnetic circuits.
(ii) Determine the current I required to establish a flux of 5 x 10 -4 Wb in the
section Be of the core indicated in Fig. 1.

12. A 240V rms 60Hz supply serves a load that is 10 kW (resistive), 15 kVAR
(capacitive), and 22 kVAR (inductive). Find
(i) the apparent power
(ii) the current drawn from the supply

13. The mutual inductance between two coils is M=0.2H and the source voltage
is v s=12 cos 10 t V. Find the current i 1 and i2.

14. Find the value of the coupling coefficient that will make 10Ω resistor dissipate 320
W when the source voltage is v s=165 cos 1000 t V
15. Find the unknown parameters of the given circuit by applying Ohm’s law.

16. Find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of the given electrical network across 20Ω

17. Find the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit seen by the 6Ω resistor and the find the current
Ix if V=75V and I =7A.

18. Find the node potential using Nodal analysis.

19. Find the value of the RL in the circuit, if the circuit transfers the maximum power.
Also find the maximum power transferred by that circuit.

20. Find the form factor of the waveform shown in Fig.1


21. Explain the three phase power measurement by two wattmeter method.
22. A single phase 230V (rms), 50Hz supplies a load branch of (8 + j6) ohm. Determine
(a) current in the load branch (b) power consumed by the load, (c) power factor of
load, (d) reactive power of the load.
23. Voltage and current for a circuit with two elements in series are expressed as follows:
v ( t )=170 sin ( 6280+ π /3 ) V

i (t )=8.5sin 6280+ A)π
(i) Plot the two waveforms (ii) Determine the frequency in Hz (iii) Determine the
power factor (iv) What are the values of the circuit elements?
25. Obtain the instantaneous power and average power of the circuit which is supplied by
the voltage source v ( t )=120 cos ⁡¿ and current flowing in the circuit
i (t )=10 cos (377 t−10 ) A .
26. A current of (120-j50)A flows through a circuit when the applied voltage is (8+j12)V.
Determine (i) impedance (ii) power factor (iii) real and reactive power.
Calculate the power factor of the entire circuit shown in Fig. 2 and its source voltage
is V =165∠ 0 , V rms value.

27. A 3 phase load operates with balanced voltages applied to its terminals and draws
balanced current. The potential coil of a wattmeter is connected between R and Y
terminals of the load. The current coil of the wattmeter is connected in series with phase
B. What is the power measured by the wattmeter? Assume that RYB is phase sequence.
28. For the series magnetic circuit in Fig. 12.12: a. Find the value of I required to develop
a magnetic flux of 4 X 10 -4 Wb. Determine µ and µ r for the material under these

29. In a two-wattmeter method, assume that wattmeter1 reads zero, wattmeter2 reads
positive. What is the value of the power factor?
30. What is the need of the Earthing in electrical connections?
31. Explain the concepts of residential wiring.
32. What are the safety measures to be taken care at the residential wiring?
33. Is single phase motor self-starting? Why?
34. Classify the DC machines and explain the basic concepts of the DC machines.
35. Explain the working principle of the single-phase transformer under (a) No load (b)
Resistive load (c) Inductive load conditions with suitable vector diagrams.
36. Classify the basic types of rotating electric machines?
37. Draw the speed- torque characteristics of the DC motor.

38. What are the applications of step-up and step-down transformers?

39. How transformers are classified according to their construction? 
40. Name any four applications of DC series motor. questions Paper
41. What is the purpose of providing ‘taps’ in transformer and where these are provided?
42. Explain the operation of the alternators.
43. Explain the working of stepper motor.
44. Explain the working of servo motor and BLDC motor.
45. Discuss the operation of Moving coil instruments
46. Discuss the operation of Moving Iron instruments with repulsion concepts
47. Discuss the operation of Moving coil instruments with attraction concepts
48. How do you measure the single-phase power? Explain.
49. How do you measure the three-phase power? Explain. (explain the two wattmeter
50. Explain the concepts of power generation, transmission and distribution.
51. Explain the concepts of earthing.
52. Explain the construction and working of an instrument whose deflecting torque is
proportional to the current flowing in the coil.
53. Explain the construction and working of an instrument whose deflecting torque is
proportional to the square of the current flowing in the coil.
54. Discuss the measurement of power and the power factor of the three-phase system
using two wattmeter method with neat circuit diagram and phasor diagram.
55. Explain the principle working of the moving iron instrument with neat diagram.
56. Explain the schematic of the power system in present days and olden days.
57. Discuss the distribution system used in the electrical power system.
58. Which is the basic protective device in the power system network? Explain the
current carrying capacity of that device.
59. What is the use of the relay in the power system? Explain the basic relaying
circuit. How does it support for the circuit breaker?
60. Explain the function of fuses.

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