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Name: Citra Amelya

Nim : 21119008

Class : Psik 5A

Topic : Who: the power of health workers

their healthcare workers are stronger than we think they are on standby and ready behind the curtain
and in the laboratory from start to finish preventing disease defeating disease and saving lives every
second spent fighting the unexpected and defending against the unimaginable everywhere they are
there from dawn to dusk but their power doesn't stop there, they get people back to work, they make
businesses succeed and economies grow, the health sector is the fastest growing source of jobs and will
keep the world going. moving towards sustainable development goals but to unlock their true power,
we must act now as population grows and transforms the world facing a shortage of 18 million health
workers by 2030 in March 2016 Secretary-General of the United Nations appoints a high-level
Commission on health employment and growth economy to plan we need to invest in education and
jobs to address the country's ever changing needs we need bold political and policy support with
national and international cooperation and we need to see healthcare no longer as a cost but as an
investment, an investment that is more healthier, fairer and more prosperous it's time to transform the
global health workforce by making greater investments to stimulate job creation tackling gender
inequalities and maximizing women's participation Health services or expand and enhance lifelong
education and training with a focus on skills driving health services towards achieving universal health
coverage with a focus on people not disease integrating new technologies into education and practice
equipping healthcare workers health workers to respond effectively to emergencies and ensuring safety
they. resources for building cross-border and sectoral health workforce collaboration to ensure the
global supply of health workers grows sustainably ensuring that when the health of workers migrates it
benefits their countries of origin and their countries of destination and that their rights are protected
and collect better data, outcomes measurement and hold everyone accountable for collective action.

Topic : What if you become a nurse?

This is the story of how she became a mother who had to consider becoming a nurse or at least think
about nursing in a new light, the story starts when she is 18 years old she goes to a Catholic girls school
in Omaha Nebraska and leaves for her freshman year at reed collage in Portland Oregon atheism
communism, how we assimilate information and move through the world the problem is an
evolutionary mechanism which can mean survival it also leads to stereotypes and professors say this is
why we need liberal arts to challenge innate tendencies and liberal arts say to grapple with ideas that
live and breathe not only impact the bottom line.

I get mixed responses sometimes they just start telling me about their yeast infection which is less good
than why you need to go to medical school and it makes me really angry that nurses have been
relegated to stereotypes for too long. and stiff white skin with Hats either moms or Madonna sex
objects or toying with I think we're considered cleaning dirt at the bottom of the medical hierarchy and
I'm not the only one who feels this way my mom lasted a few years as a nurse and flipped over to
become a doctor because in her time the stereotypes this is impossible from out of but not possible,
their accessories are agents who are fully aware of their own ignorance coming to act as a choice about
their career, others this choice is based on something Donna portrays against power in her own interest
which is related to helping someone from a peer position considers subordinates and true nurses will
tell you that they want to work with people not for them or above, we are seeing a new dawn for care in
2050, our estimated population will increase to 9 billion and the advent of the Act Ter Treatment reach
out, there are huge and complex challenges on the horizon I think about the not-so-distant day for all of
us where we sit in our living rooms and we have the promise of tiny eye care devices as medicine
continue to find newer and more sophisticated ways to tidy up people and their experiences into data
and numbers and boxes as they have now what they have now what in humanity there will be more or
less of them nurses are very important because nurses know the complexity and diversity of human
experiences who have been at the bedside for 40 50 years until those who are just starting out in their
professions they see everything that goes on in the name of health care and if you are wondering well
how this affects you all think about the time you or someone you love has met the world of modern
medicine and you will see that the nurse is a foreigner y who overnight become your advocate and for a
12 hour shift they are your fighter and friend when you are heartbroken and truly vulnerable.I came to
see the single most important relationship between each of us and the system of care so that
graduation is coming and I have to apply for my job as a nurse but the thing I am full of stories about this
profession that really changed my life the first time I it breaks down physically and emotionally and
makes me soft when you see a body confined to a hospital bed day you appreciate the sheer freedom
that your health gives You it also teaches you about uncertainty because we are always procrastinating
and the uncertainty of life makes no sense and for every moment we spend working against the world
trying to control it we are missing something this is a photo of my partner and I he is here in the
audience and I have to tell All of you there have been times in my life where I can't stand here and show
you this photo where I'm emitting part of my story but discussing me something else it trains me like
Audrey Lord said to be deliberately unafraid of anything something will happen that separates you from
your background of bereavement as dr. Finn says we can't shut ourselves up enough to know the other
we have to do more to let go of our own biases and the empathy we rely on this is only the second best
understanding we have to work on and this is our sentiment today's world demands more than my
liberal arts education asks questions like we really experience something objectively is justice more than
ever human conventions and nurses turn around and ask me how would you care for a patient whose
child just died in their lap when they were a drunk car driver or crime chained to their bed while reading
i learned that learning is something that is never complete so you pursue it for its own sake and then i
started nursing school and it shows the kind of brilliance that is infinite for explaining cancer to children
aged de eight years in terms they can understand and require the brilliance of someone's attention
through painful procedures that are also fun and I don't know how I can tell you about the dilemmas
they share as they face each with the human condition.

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