Foods To Be Included and Avoided

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Chapter 7: Important foods to eb included and avoided for the different disorders:

1. Diabetes mellitus

Foods to be included/recommended Foods to be avoided

1) All cereals and millets, brown rice 1)White rice, Maida (refined flour and
its by-products)
2) All pulses and legumes, skim milk and 2)egg yolk, meat , buffalo milk
milk and milk products, egg white, lean
3) All the fruits and vegetables, green 3)fruits like mango, banana, chickoo
leafy vegetables
4) Oil in moderation 4)oily, fried foods, spicy foods
Junk foods
Sweet preparations, desserts,
chocolates, processed foods

2. Hypertension/ high blood pressure

Foods to be included/recommended Foods to be avoided

1) All the cereals and millets 1.White rice, Maida (refined flour and
its by-products )
2) All pulses and legumes, skim milk and 2.egg yolk, meat , buffalo milk
milk and milk products, egg white, lean
3) All the fruits and vegetables 3.fruits like mango, banana, chickoo
4) Oil in moderation 4.oily, fried foods, spicy foods
Junk foods

5. All the processed foods: ketchup,

sauces, jams, Ready to cook/ ready to
eat preparations, chips, pickles, papads,
Chinese foods , anything that contains

3. Fevers and infection

Foods to be included/recommended Foods to be avoided

1) All the cereals and millets: soft rice, 1.White rice, Maida (refined flour and
porridges, kheer, rice kanji its by-products )
2) All pulses and legumes: All dals 2.egg yolk, meat: chicken, mutton ,
skim milk and milk and milk products: buffalo milk
curd/buttermilk, egg white, lean meats
3) All the fruits and vegetables 3.oily, fried foods, spicy foods
Junk foods
4) Oil in moderation

4. Obesity

Foods to be included/ recommended Foods to be avoided

1) All the cereals and millets 1.White rice, Maida (refined flour and
its by-products )
2) All pulses and legumes, skim milk and 2.egg yolk, meat , buffalo milk
milk and milk products, egg white, lean
3) All the fruits and vegetables 3.fruits like mango, banana, chickoo
4) Oil in moderation 4.oily, fried foods, spicy foods
Junk foods

5. All the processed foods: ketchup,

sauces, jams, Ready to cook/ ready to
eat preparations, chips, pickles, papads,
Chinese foods , anything that contains

5. Diarrhoea

Foods to be included. recommended Foods to be avoided

1) All the cereals and millets: hot cereals, 1.White rice, Maida (refined flour and
porridges, plain white rice, fermented its by-products )
2) All pulses and legumes, milk products: 2.egg yolk, meat , milk, paneer
curd/ buttermilk, egg white, lean meats
3) All the cooked fruits and vegetables 3.Raw fruits and vegetables
4) Oil in moderation 4.oily, fried foods, spicy foods
Junk foods

5. soups, juices
6. Constipation

Foods to be included Foods to be avoided

1) All the cereals and millets: whole 1.White rice, Maida (refined flour and
wheat, bread and pastas its by-products )
2) All pulses and legumes, egg white, lean 2.milk and dairy foods
3) All the fruits and vegetables: sweet
potatoes, beans, clear soups, broccoli,
apples, pears
4) Oil in moderation, increase fluids in the 3.oily, fried foods, spicy foods
diet. Junk foods

4. chocolate

7. Stomach ulcers

Foods to be included Foods to be avoided

1) All the cereals and millets 1.White rice, Maida (refined flour and
its by-products )
2) All pulses and legumes, skim milk and 2.egg yolk, meat , buffalo milk
milk and milk products, egg white, lean
3) All the fruits and vegetables 3.citrus fruits like oranges, sweetlime,
lemon, pineapple
4) Oil in moderation 4.oily, fried foods, spicy foods
Junk foods

5. all processed foods

8. Lactose intolerance

Foods to be included Foods to be avoided

1) All the cereals and millets 1.White rice, Maida (refined flour and
its by-products )
2) All pulses and legumes, egg white, lean 2.milk and milk products in moderation
3) Dark green leafy vegetables 3.citrus fruits like oranges, sweetlime,
lemon, pineapple
4) Oil in moderation 4.oily, fried foods, spicy foods
Junk foods

5. all processed foods, milk based

9: Gluten intolerance

Foods to be included Foods to be avoided

1) All the cereals and millets except wheat 1.wheat, wheat flour, wheat based
products like wheat pasta, noodles,
brown bread
2) All pulses and legumes, milk and milk
3) All the fruits and vegetables
4) Oil in moderation 4.oily, fried foods, spicy foods
Junk foods

5. all processed foods

Other food allergies like shell fish, nuts avoid that particular food and their by products ;
rest all can be included.

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