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Nursing Research Topics The following article is aimed at providing ideas for nursing research topics.

You can think of choosing any of the topics mentioned in this article as part of your research. Nursing is one of the most demanding professions in medical science. Nursing is considered to be a noble profession and nurses are called 'ambassadors of hope'. Nursing education provides a groundwork for student nurses through various courses and practical exams. A nurse student has to do the research on a particular topic and present a dissertation on the same, towards the time of earning a degree in nursing. The finalization of a topic among numerous nursing research topics is often a challenging task for students, since it's mandatory to conduct an extensive research on the subject you have chosen and write a simple, comprehensive report or dissertation on the same. Here are a few nursing research topics ideas. You can pick one and research on the same, to prepare a full length presentation. Current Nursing Research Topics Since technology is being upgraded so fast in today's medical world, nurses need to be more proficient with patient care and the usage of medical equipments and technology. Thus, association of technology with nursing could make it one of the current nursing research topics. You can focus on any of the following. NMS or night monitoring system for capturing the actions of dementia patients: You can evaluate a night monitoring system's performance for tracking the nighttime activities of dementia patients. Dialysis nursing: This research paper can cover the roles of a nephrology nurse in dialysis hospitals and homes. You can include the level of competency expected in theoretical and technology handling, since many sophisticated equipments are being used for dialysis nowadays. Cardiocirculatory emergency techniques and equipments: This will include information about the technology and equipments involved in case of cardiocirculatory emergency. Nursing Research Topics in Obstetrics If obstetrics is your niche, you may select any of these nursing research topics in obstetrics. VBAC or vaginal birth after cesarean: You may involve a study of how VBAC can serve as an option for previous C section deliveries. Induction of synthetic form of Oxytocin for augmentation: You can research on Oxytocin medication, or pitocin administered during labor and possible risks. Effects of risky circumstances on child and mother from a pathophysiological perspective: You can research on pathophysiology of pregnancy, from a nursing perspective. Medical Ethics Related Nursing Research Topics You can focus on any of the following areas. Ethical issues embraced by nursing. Bio ethical principles. Importance of medical ethics in today's online world. Nursing Philosophy Related Research Topics in Nursing If you are interested in nursing philosophy related research, you may select any of the following nursing research paper topics. Nursing job outlook: You may explore employment change, furnishing statistics and industry specific expected growth in nursing jobs according to various government agencies, job prospects associated with advanced nursing specialties and salary of a nurse et al. Nursing and chronic alcoholism: Nursing research proposal topics like this, would expect emphasis on describing the steps to be adopted by nurses in rehabilitation of chronic alcoholics. You may also involve legal and ethical issues included in rehabilitation of alcoholics for the betterment of their life. This can make a good presentation among several nursing research paper topics related to substance abuse and nursing. Nursing Student Research Topics If you are on the lookout for nursing student research topics, you may be interested in any of the following. Betty Neuman: You can explore about neuman's model or neuman's theory incorporating issues associated with nurse patient interaction. You may also include communication techniques in nursing. Patient abuse in nursing facilities: You could incorporate federal regulations in order to control

patient abuse in nursing facilities. Staffing related issues, lack of experienced nursing professionals and other factors leading to abuse and government regulations would be the things to be talked about. This would make it one among good nursing research topics. Well, these were a few suggestions for nursing research topics. It's imperative that while selecting the topic, you may want to alter the titles suggested above, to make it more relevant to the area you want to focus on, you may also like to refer to these research topics in nursing in that particular specialty. Good luck with your research!Nursing Research Topics For An Undergraduate Thesis I have been asked a few times to post some good Nursing research topics or Nursing researches in this site that can be used for an undergraduate thesis. I cannot blame people to expect complete Nursing researches to be posted here. But heres my point for not doing so my thesis advisees paid me to help them complete those studies. As a way to show respect to them and their efforts/contributions, I will not post here complete Nursing researches that anyone can just copy and paste onto a blank Microsoft Word file and submit as their undergraduate thesis. This practice is pathetic. Some Nursing researches I have handled took 3 years to complete (graduate theses/dissertations). What makes anybody think that I will post a complete thesis here for free? If you need guidance in your studies (Nursing research, education research, etc.) please feel free to contact me through email. My posts in this site are materials that you can use as reference in your own Nursing research or any field of study but do not ask for the results of my own researches. That is, in my opinion, an abuse. Please do not expect to get everything here for free. There are many parts of a research that I will not publish here as a matter of policy and respect to my former students and clients. As they say If someone gave you his left hand, do not ask for his right (hand). If you want some Nursing resarch topics, here are my suggestions on how to come up with good topics in Nursing research which you can use in your undergraduate researches. I will not suggest specific topics but a general guide on how to choose a good nursing research topic (which will serve you better in the long run): Look around you (school, home, events, community, Nursing curriculum, Philippine governments health programs, clinical instructors, et al.) and determine some problems in those areas Is there a need to study a perceived problem? If yes then read the next step. If no, then find another problem. In doing research, your first problem is really to look for a problem. Determine the feasibility of the nursing topic you or your groupmates have chosen. Try to evaluate if you have the following: Time if you can finish the study before the deadline set by your college/institution/school Money if you can sustain the projected expenses. If you think you cannot produce the necessary amount to cover the expenses of the whole research, then drop the topic and think of another one Interest the most important element that you must have when choosing a topic. If the topic or idea doesnt appeal to you, find another one or think of another one. Even if you have the time and money to finance the study, if you do not have the interest, there is a high probability that you will not be able to defend the thesis succesfully Project possible outcomes. Are the possible recommendations practical to implement if and only if the study has already been conducted? If yes, then move forward and write the draft of your first chapter. For more details on How to Write Chapter 1, click on the link given. Things that you can possibly study are educational processes, relationship between variables (e.g., Clinical Instructors teaching performance and students academic performance), different teaching methods employed in your school, incidence of particular diseases like diabetes, prevalence of certain cultural practices related to health and nursing management, factors affecting a phenomenon like academic performance of nursing students in RLE, childbearing practices of a minority group, health issues like reproductive health, social issues like status and coping measures of single parents, etc. Like I said, just look around you and look for problem areas in Nursing education, Nursing curriculum, clinical area and others. Find studies in the past which you can follow up. Nursing education in the Philippines is not perfect. If you will only open your eyes, youll find good nursing research topics that could really be interesting to you and useful to others.Nursing

Research Topics For An Undergraduate Thesis I have been asked a few times to post some good Nursing research topics or Nursing researches in this site that can be used for an undergraduate thesis. I cannot blame people to expect complete Nursing researches to be posted here. But heres my point for not doing so my thesis advisees paid me to help them complete those studies. As a way to show respect to them and their efforts/contributions, I will not post here complete Nursing researches that anyone can just copy and paste onto a blank Microsoft Word file and submit as their undergraduate thesis. This practice is pathetic. Some Nursing researches I have handled took 3 years to complete (graduate theses/dissertations). What makes anybody think that I will post a complete thesis here for free? If you need guidance in your studies (Nursing research, education research, etc.) please feel free to contact me through email. My posts in this site are materials that you can use as reference in your own Nursing research or any field of study but do not ask for the results of my own researches. That is, in my opinion, an abuse. Please do not expect to get everything here for free. There are many parts of a research that I will not publish here as a matter of policy and respect to my former students and clients. As they say If someone gave you his left hand, do not ask for his right (hand). If you want some Nursing resarch topics, here are my suggestions on how to come up with good topics in Nursing research which you can use in your undergraduate researches. I will not suggest specific topics but a general guide on how to choose a good nursing research topic (which will serve you better in the long run): Look around you (school, home, events, community, Nursing curriculum, Philippine governments health programs, clinical instructors, et al.) and determine some problems in those areas Is there a need to study a perceived problem? If yes then read the next step. If no, then find another problem. In doing research, your first problem is really to look for a problem. Determine the feasibility of the nursing topic you or your groupmates have chosen. Try to evaluate if you have the following: Time if you can finish the study before the deadline set by your college/institution/school Money if you can sustain the projected expenses. If you think you cannot produce the necessary amount to cover the expenses of the whole research, then drop the topic and think of another one Interest the most important element that you must have when choosing a topic. If the topic or idea doesnt appeal to you, find another one or think of another one. Even if you have the time and money to finance the study, if you do not have the interest, there is a high probability that you will not be able to defend the thesis succesfully Project possible outcomes. Are the possible recommendations practical to implement if and only if the study has already been conducted? If yes, then move forward and write the draft of your first chapter. For more details on How to Write Chapter 1, click on the link given. Things that you can possibly study are educational processes, relationship between variables (e.g., Clinical Instructors teaching performance and students academic performance), different teaching methods employed in your school, incidence of particular diseases like diabetes, prevalence of certain cultural practices related to health and nursing management, factors affecting a phenomenon like academic performance of nursing students in RLE, childbearing practices of a minority group, health issues like reproductive health, social issues like status and coping measures of single parents, etc. Like I said, just look around you and look for problem areas in Nursing education, Nursing curriculum, clinical area and others. Find studies in the past which you can follow up. Nursing education in the Philippines is not perfect. If you will only open your eyes, youll find good nursing research topics that could really be interesting to you and useful to others. If you want to get updates on Nursing Researches, Nursing Board Exam Results, Nursing Articles, Nursing Education, Health and Health tips, and other informative articles in this site, please subscribe to my Free RSS feed. Thank you very much!Even though writing a research paper is seen as a monumental task, the truth is that its process is quite straightforward. To make sure that the process is as straight forward, it is important for a person to assemble sufficient materials to be used in the process. Here we look at the steps involved in writing a research paper.

Select a topic In many occasions, the topics for research are chosen for a researcher. There are also other occasions which allow one to choose the topics on their own. If that is the case, then finding a topic that interests you will make it a little easier for you to work on. You can make a list of topics that you would like to handle and from the list choose the most interesting amongst them. The topic should be broad enough to research and yet narrow enough for you to manage. Find sources and take notes There are numerous sources that one can use to get information from, such as books, the internet, magazines and the library among others. Use a number of the sources to find facts about the topic of study. Record the information you get from the different sources and number them for easy references. At this, write down everything that seems interesting to you. Repeat the process until you get sufficient. From these, get information that is more relevant to your topic and write it down separately. Afterwards, arrange the information basing it on topics and sub topics. Outline your paper and write the first draft. After sorting the information according to topic and sub topic, outline it. Outlining the information only requires you to re-sort it. This will make your paper to begin to take shape and slowly begin to take a more logical position or argument statement. Then develop a thesis and write an introductory paragraph. At this stage you may realize that you have insufficient material and therefore need to do more research to supplement the information you already have. Draft a complete research paper and read it over. This might not be so flowing and therefore it may need to be edited and re-arranged. You can edit and rewrite the draft until you get a satisfactory draft. Final draft Once you have a draft that looks logical to you, read through it again. This is to make sure that the draft is free of grammatical, spelling and typographical errors. Proofreading the final draft will also ensure that you include every source of the information in the paper's bibliography. Finally, use the draft with the instructions you got to ensure that your research paper is in line with what you were instructed to do or include. If you want to get updates on Nursing Researches, Nursing Board Exam Results, Nursing Articles, Nursing Education, Health and Health tips, and other informative articles in this site, please subscribe to my Free RSS feed. Thank you very much!

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