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Chapter 5
Food – Our Basic Needs
Question /Answers

Q5 a) What are the five main nutrients that our body require?
Ans 5 a) The five main nutrients that our body require are: -
1) Carbohydrates
2) Proteins
3) Fats
4) Vitamins
5) Minerals
Q5 b) How are proteins useful?
Ans 5 b) Proteins build, maintain, replace tissues in our body. They are also
known as body building foods. Our muscle, organs and immune system are
mostly made up of proteins.

Q5 c) What are the functions of fats in our body?

Ans 5 c) Fats provide us with energy and act as a reserve tank of energy. They
protect vital organs and keep our body warm during cold winter.

Q5 d) What makes a balanced diet?

Ans 5 d ) All the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins
and minerals in correct amount makes a balanced diet. It also includes
roughage and water.

Q5 e) How does it help to include sufficient roughage in the diet?

Ans 5 c) Roughage helps us in following ways
i) It helps other foods to pass easily through digestive system and thus
supports digestion.
ii) It helps in smooth excretion of waste from the body
iii) It helps to maintain proper weight.

Q5 e) Why should we not have junk food too often?

Ans 5 e) We should not have too much of junk food as we miss out on getting
enough of other essential nutrient like vitamins and minerals.
Junk food also leads to
i) Obesity
ii) Digestion problems
iii) Fatigue and weakness
iv) Adverse effect on kidney, liver and other vital organs


Q 7 ) Who needs to include more carbohydrates in his diet a rickshaw puller or

a bank cashier? Give reasons
Ans 7 ) A rickshaw puller needs more carbohydrates because he is involved in
lot of physical labour and need carbohydrates to fulfill his energy needs.

Q 8) Tia is 4 year old . Give two reasons why she needs to have good amount of
Ans 8 ) Tia needs protein as protein will help her to grow. It will also help her
to build organs and immune system, maintain and replace tissues in her body.
Q 9) Why do we need to drink more water in hot weather and after exercising?
Ans 9) When we exercise or walk in hot weather huge amount water gets
removed from our body in form of sweat. To restore this waterloss from body
we need to drink lot of water.
Q 10) Can you say why it is important to boil milk before consuming it?
Ans 10 ) Boiling milk kills lot of microorganism that can cause food spoilage.
Thus boiling should be done before consuming it.

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