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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow

Service Learning Contract

Just as a teacher "goes the extra mile," so will Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow students. You will
contract for one test grade each quarter. Each student is responsible for earning ten ( 10) service-
learning points per quarter and must acquire appropriate signatures. Generally speaking, one
hours of work = one point.

Here are some suggestions:

Volunteering to help a teacher, administrator or staff member with creating bulletin boards,
managing materials, setting up classrooms, or re-shelving books. You are limited to 5 hours per
quarter for this type of activity.

Assisting with a special event/activity. This may include Math/STEAM Night, BeachGirlsRock,
African-American Male Summit, peer tutoring, or field day.

Other activities may be acceptable, please see me for approval.

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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Student's Name:~t\.....\.,,~\"'t>i'"""V"l:.....__,c~,~_,__e........

Total Hours Earned: ) q_ /10 Service Learning Test Grade:_9--.--~/10


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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow ~ ,.~ EDUCATORS
Tallwood High School
Family and Consumer Science Department
Mrs. Jenna Free, Coordinator

Service Learning & Professional Development Log

Student Name: ~\\f:'n ~ft?H@l

Quarter (circle): 1 ~ 3 4

Students: Please refer to the "VTFT Service Learning Details" document for what counts, who should sign, etc.!
Logs are always due one weeb before the end of the quarter,

Date of Signature Certifying Your

Activity Activity Name & Description # Hours Participation + Name
Read for the Record (exampfe) JJ/r.c -'(rJlltlt llFC'
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·• Total# of Hours Completed: __\Q_tto

Student Signature: -~~~ VTFT Teacher Signature:

Service Learning Grade for this Quarter:

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lOO /100
· Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow C'\ ~~ EDUCATORS
Tallwood High School
Family and Consumer Science Department
Mrs. Jenna Free, Coordinator
'l>' ~RISING
Service Learning & Professional Development Log
Student Name: _.,;....;.~ ..::__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Quarter (circle): 1 2 4

Students: Please refer to the "VTFT Service Learning Details" document for what counts, who should sign, etc.!
Logs are always due one weeb before the end of the quarter.

Date of Signature Certifying Your

Activity Activity Name & Description # Hours Participation + Name
Read for the Record (example) .:Af n: S(y11ature
Read to 3rd.grade students at Tai/wood Elementary and 2 Also wrle ou: the n;irne or teacher/adllll In charge of
helped leach a mini-lesson on the book ine t vtnl 1f 5Ignaiure 1s nor fvt:y l~ •tJte.

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• Total # of Hours Completed: _il)_,10 Service Learning Grade for this Quarter: { 001100
Student Signature:~ VTFT Teacher Signature: \J-,b~
Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow ~ ~~ EDUCATORS

Tallwood High School
:am,ily and Consumer Science Department
. ~ ..., RISI-NG
l rs. enna Free, Coordinator

Service Learning & Professional Development Log

Student Name·. ....'u..:.: ~~
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Quarter (circle): 1 2 3 ~-

students: Please refer to the "VTFT Service Learning Details" document for what counts, who should sign, etc.!
Logs are always due one wee!? before the end of the quarter.
Date of Signature Certifying Your
~ctivity Activity Name & Description # Hours Participation + Name
. Read for the Record (example) _1/J/rs. .S'{i .Jnallfre
Rend to 3rd-grade students al ra!lwood l..:.l&rnento1y and 2 Also w· tr:, o~Jt iht; nc.1me of t,";iH.:her!odv.1 1n C'1a i- Je of

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Total # of Hours Completed: lo /10 Service Learning Grade for this Quarter: J00._/100

Student Signat ure: -· -~---....:::,_

~ - _ _ _ _ _ VTFT Teacher Signature:

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