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Class 11 English Vistas (Word Meanings)

Chapter 2 The Tiger King

S.N Meanings (in
Word Meanings Synonyms
o. hindi)
1 Strategic calculated - planned, deliberate
Stuka a German bomber aircraft that was used in the
2 bomber second world war ………….
indomitab untamed, unconquerable,
3 le undefeatable undefended
Final refers to the final residence of the soul – the
4 abode heaven. ………..
5 Demise death dying, decease, passing
6 Foretold predicted foresee
7 d forced pressure, impel

cause (someone) to become motionless with

8 Transfixed horror. …………
9 on shock amazement, astonishment
10 d say or pronounce clearly. articulate, vocalise
11 Incredible unbelievable unreliable, eely, suspectable
a currently circulating story or report of uncertain
12 Rumour or doubtful truth. report
13 Rife widespread, prevalent Extant, stylish
to understand an event or situation only after it
14 Hindsight has happened झ ………..
Proclamat declaration, pronouncement,
15 ion a public or official announcement statement
16 Fling throw emit, shove, plunk
17 d taken with authority impound, seize
18 Ambition a strong desire to do or achieve something. aspiration, vanity
19 Bare here, unarmed weaponless
20 Firm determined strong, steadfast, tenacious
21 Resolve decision compromise, extricate
22 Boar pig ……….
23 Durai tamil word meaning chief or leader ……………..
24 Carcass the dead body of an animal. श corpse, defunct
25 Relented relaxed his decision succumb
26 ons discussions - श conference
27 Dispatche sent refer, consign
28 n unplanned, accidental Inexpectant, unwarranted
29 Hurdle problem drawback, hitch, balk
30 Standstill stop pause, stasis
31 Extinct having no living members. defunct, Exanimate, gathered
32 Hara-kiri a ritual of suicide practiced in Japan. ……………..
Brandishi intimidate, threaten,
33 ng waving as a threat or in anger or excitement browbeat
34 g tremble with fear shiver
35 d called cause to talk, convene
36 e find out calibrate, inquire
37 Adorned decorated ornamentation, getup

38 pitch extreme rearmost
avidity, Eagerness,
39 Anxiety curiosity impatience
40 Tally count reckon, total, score
41 Savage uncontrolled fractious
42 Wary be cautious careful, alert, aware
flatness, melancholy,
43 Gloom sadness doldrums
44 Dispelled removed delete, remove, repel
45 n freedom concession, allowance
46 Wantonly carelessly …………..
disobedience, defiance,
47 Flout to go against something or someone insubordination
48 Fury anger rage, indignation, furor
49 t confusion झ mix-up, complexity
50 Mounted increased enhanced
Disconten dissatisfied, disaffected,
51 ted unhappy श discontent
52 hic causing sudden great damage or suffering objectionable, calamitous
53 on pray prayer, request, petition
54 Elation joy pleasure, enjoyment, delight
Processio march, demonstration,
55 n parade manifestation
56 ng a wound full of pus ripen, mellow
57 Sore painful inflammation swelling

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