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Personal Details of the client

 Name : BAIJU.C  Address : Vettuvila Puthenveedu, Parassala, Thiruvananthapuram (DIST)

 Case Number : OP 29/16  Month and Year of filing case : April 2016  Nature of case : Dispute with
Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB)


 How did you reach the Lok Adalat? First of all I gave a complaint before Executive Engineer,
KSEB, Parassala Region. But there was no use. There after I consulted an advocate who gave me the
suggestion to file a complaint before the permanent Lok Adaalat.

 Who is the respondent?

The respondent in this case is Mr. Francis.K, Assistant Engineer, Electrical session, Parassala.

 Facts of the case? The petitioner, BAIJU.C brought 00.81 Acres of land with an incomplete
building situated therein as per sale deed no.1424/2015 in the year 2015. The sale deed was executed
by Mr. Santhosh kumar in favour of the applicant. The above said

incomplete building was in dilapidated condition at the time of purchase. In order to renovate the same
the petitioner effected constructions and obtained electricity connection from the respondent. The
above said electricity connection is in domestic tariff and the petitioner was regularly paying the
electricity bill without any delay.

On 15/03/2016 the petitioner received a notice from the respondent calling upon the petitioner to
produce the ownership certificate of the above said building within 15 days of receipt of the notice if the
petitioner fails then in consequence the electricity will be disconnected and it also stated that Parassala
Grama Panchayat Secretary through his letter dated 27/03/2016 has informed that the above said
building of the petitioner was an unauthorised one. But the petitioner never received any sort notice
from the Parassala Grama Panchayat till date. The respondent herein without proper enquiry has issued
such a notice. After the notice period of 15 days, even after the production of original ownership
certificate the respondent disconnected the electricity supply to the petitioner.

 What is the present situation of the case? There is an injection in force which restrained the
respondent from disconnecting the electricity supply to the petitioner.

 What do you expect from this Adalat?

I hope to get a direction from this Adalat to set aside the proceedings initiated by the respondent
and to grant such other reliefs as the Adaalat deems fit.

Personal Details of the client

 Name : MUJEEB RAHMAN  Address : Riyas mazil, Vellayani JN, Thiruvananthapuram

(DIST)  Case Number : OP 30/17  Month and Year of filing case : March 2017  Nature of case :
Dispute with Health Department


 How did you reached Lok Adaalat ? First of all I filed a complaint with the Junior Health Inspector
(JHI) of Shantivila primary health center. But there was no response from the JHI. Thereafter I filed a
complaint in the taluk health center and taluk health officer redirected my complaint to the aforesaid
JHI. Even after making repeated complaints, they have not taken any necessary steps. So I filed a
complaint with the permanent Lok Adaalat on the advice of my advocate.

 Who is the respondent? The respondent in this case is Mr. Sushil Kumar, Junior Health
Inspector (JHI), primary health centre, Shantivila

 Facts of the case? The petitioner Mr. MUJEEB RAHMAN is residing at Riyas manzil in Vellayani
junction, Nemom village, Thiruvananthapuram District. He is running a restaurant named „NICE‟ since
last 15 years at Vellayani junction. The aforesaid restaurant is running successfully for long time. A new
house is under construction just behind the said restaurant which is owned by Mr. Abdul Khader. The
drainage line of that house is going through behind the

restaurant‟s kitchen by which insects and bacterial infections are increasing day by day. It‟s also
affecting the petitioners business.

On 12/01/2017, the petitioner filed a complaint with the JHI of primary health centre, Shantivila.
But the JHI turned his blind eyes towards the petitioner. Thereafter the petitioner filed a complaint to
the taluk health officer and he directed the complaint to the JHI, Shantivila for proper investigation. But
even after the direction from the taluk office, the JHI did not responded.

 What is the present situation of the case? An interlocutory application is application is pending in
the case and the Addalat ordered to reach a settlement.

 What do you expect from this Adalat? I am expecting to get an order from the Adaalat directing
the respondent to take necessary steps for shifting the drainage.


Personal Details of the client

 Name : C.V.THOMAS  Address : Chandravil House, East Kallada Village, KOLLAM (DIST) 
Case Number : OP 97/17  Month and Year of filing case : June 2017  Nature of case : Dispute with
Kerala State Electricity Bank (KSEB) Questions:
 How did you reach Lok Adaalat? I was aware of system of Permanent Lok Adaalat. So I myself
filed the complaint to the Adaalat.  Who is the respondent of the case? The respondent in this
case is Mrs. Harikrishna, Assistant Engineer, KSEB section office, Kallada, Kollam.

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