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G.S. Mandal’s
Department of Computer Engineering
Marathwada Institute of Technology, Polytechnic,
Academic Year: - 2021-2022


This is to certify that : -

Roll Exam Seat

Name of Student Enrollment No.
No. No.
60 SHAIKH FAIZAN 1800660218 200707

94 PATHAN ARMAN 2000660017 200796

80 PREM KUMAR 1900660229 200782

72 PREM KERE 1900660220 200774

have successfully completed “CREAT A WEB PAGE USING All EVENT

Micro-project for the subject CLIENT SLIDE SCRIPTING as in the

enclosed ‘Portfilio’ during his / her tenure of Completing the Diploma in
Computer Engineering ( CO5I ) in Academic Year 2021-2022 from M.I.T.
Polytechnic, Aurangabad with Institute Code 0066.

Prof. Prof.R.D.Deshpanday
Guid K.m.vaishnav H.O.D

Annexure-IV Micro Project Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Annexure-I A “Format for Micro-Project Proposal”

1.0 Aim/Benefits of Micro Project (minimum 30-50 words)

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

3.0 Proposed Methodology (procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-project in
about 100-200 words.)

4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity.)

5.0 Resources required (major resources such as row material, some machining facility, software

Annexure-II A “Format for Micro-Project Report”

1.0 Rationale (Importance of the project, in about 30 to 50 words. This is a modified version of
the earlier one written after the work)

2.0 Aim/Benefits of Micro Project:

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list is more Cos are addressed)
4.0 Literature Review

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed (Write step wise work done, data collected and its analysis (if
any). The contribution of individual member may also be noted.)

6.0 Actual Resources Used (mention the actual resources used).

7.0 Outputs of the micro projects (Drawings of the prototype, drawing of survey, presentation of
collected data, findings etc.)

8.0 Skill Developed/Learning outcome of this micro project

9.0 Applications of this micro project

1.0 Rationale

Scripting languages are a type of computer language that may be used to

communicate with other software, such as a web browser, server, or standalone
programme. Scriptinglanguages, such as JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, and others, are
among today's most popular coding languages.

It's no surprise that scripting languages are frequently utilized in web development
since they make coding easier and faster.

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is used to build web pages. Web pages have
traditionally been rather static, consisting primarily of text and graphics. Modern web
design, on the other hand, makes use of more interactive material.

This can range from basic changes in the colour of a button when a user drags their
mouse over it to sophisticated interactive online games. Dynamic web pages are defined as
online pages with interactive information.

Scripting may be used to add dynamic content to web pages. A script is a series of
instructions that are carried out under specific circumstances. Validating a user's entries, for
example, is a good practise when they fill out an online form. This is when scripting enters
the picture. Small programmes called web scripts are run when a user interacts with a web
Scripting is commonly utilised in web development. Web development encompasses
all aspects of creating an Internet-based website, including online design, web content
creation, network security setting, and programming. Scripting helps you to transform a
static HTML page into one that is more dynamic. It allows visitors to engage with a website
rather than simply seeing its pages.

Web scripts can execute on the client side (also known as the front-end) or the server
side (commonly known as the back-end). The web browser used to view a web page is
referred to as the client. The computer server that hosts the website is referred to as the

2.0Literature Review

Anevent is a signal that something has happened. Events are actions or

occurrences that happen in the system you are programming, which the system tells you
about so your code can react to them.

 mouse events (MouseEvent): mousedown, mouseup, click, dblclick, mousemove,

mouseover, mousewheel, mouseout, contextmenu
 touch events (TouchEvent): touchstart, touchmove, touchend, touchcancel
 keyboard events (KeyboardEvent): keydown, keypress, keyup
 form events: focus, blur, change, submit
 window events: scroll, resize, hashchange, load, unload

3.0 Proposed Methodology

Events are used to respond when a user clicks somewhere, focuses on a link with their
keyboard, and changes the text in a form. When I first started learning JavaScript, I wrote
complicated event listeners. More recently, I’ve learned how to reduce both the amount of
code I write and the number of listeners I need.

Mouse events:
 click – when the mouse clicks on an element (touchscreen devices generate it
on a tap).
 contextmenu – when the mouse right-clicks on an element.
 mouseover / mouseout – when the mouse cursor comes over / leaves an
 mousedown / mouseup – when the mouse button is pressed / released over
an element.
 mousemove – when the mouse is moved.
Keyboard events:
 keydown and keyup – when a keyboard key is pressed and released.
Form element events:
 submit – when the visitor submits a <form>.
 focus – when the visitor focuses on an element, e.g. on an <input>.

Document events:
 DOMContentLoaded – when the HTML is loaded and processed, DOM is fully
CSS events:
 transitionend – when a CSS-animation finishes.

4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity)

S. No. Details of activity Planned Start Planned Finish Name of Responsible

date date Team Members
1 Started to creating program 21-12-2021 26-12-2021 Shaikh fazian
2 26-12-2021 28-12-2021 Arman pathan
Gathered all information in detail
3 Created report 28-12-2021 30-12-2021 Prem kumar
5.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining facility,
software etc.)

S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks

1 Computer 8 gb ram 1 tb hard disk 1 -
2 sublime text 3 (Software) Build 3211 1 -

3 Book Text book 1 -

Annexure –II B

Create a web page using All event

1.0 Rationale
Client-side programming, such as JavaScript, can be integrated in a client's browser's
page. When operating a web application, this script will allow the client's browser to relieve
some of the load on your web server. Client-side scripting enables the construction of
quicker and more responsive online applications by executing source code on the client's
browser rather than the web server.

Client-side scripting refers to a type of online programming that is run on the client
side, rather than on the server, by the user's web browser (on the web server).

This sort of computer programming is an essential element of the Dynamic HTML

(DHTML) idea, since it allows web pages to be written, or to have distinct and changing
content based on user input, environmental circumstances (such as time of day), or other

Client-side scripts are frequently embedded within an HTML or XHTML page (thus
the term "embedded script"), but they can also be found in a separate file that is referenced
by the document (or documents) that utilise them (hence the term "external script"). The
relevant files are delivered to the user's computer by the web server (or servers) on which
they reside in response to a request.

The script is run by the user's web browser, which subsequently displays the page,
including any visible script output. In addition, client-side scripts may include instructions for
the browser to execute in response to certain user activities (e.g., clicking a button). These
instructions are frequently obeyed without the need for further contact with the server. To
reduce communication burden, server load, and response time, balancing the execution of
client and server scripts is utilised.

Users may be able to examine the script's source code by examining the file that
includes it. Many web authors learn how to develop client-side scripts by looking at the
source code for scripts written by others.

2.0 Course Outcomes Integrated

a) Create event based web forms using Java script.

b) Implement Arrays and functions in Java script.
3.0Literature Review

The change in the state of an object is known as an Event. In html, there are
various events which represents that some activity is performed by the user or by
the browser. When javascript code is included in HTML, js react over these events
and allow the execution. This process of reacting over the events is
called EventHandling. Thus, js handles the HTML events via EventHandlers.
Forexample, when a user clicks over the browser, add js code, which will
execute the task to be performed on the event.
1) Mouse events:

2) Keyboard events
3) Form events:

4) Window/Document events

4.0 Actual Procedure Followed.

5.0 Actual Resources Used

S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks

1 Computer 8 gb ram 1 tb hard disk 1 -
2 sublime text 3 (Software) Build 3211 1 -

3 Book Text book 1 -

6.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects

7.0 Skill Developed / learning out of this Micro-Project

In this Micro-Project, we are learn and understand how to create a form

using all event handling.
Also, see theJavaScript is an important client-side scripting language and
widely used in dynamic websites.
The first thing that happens is that the browser loads the site from a server.
Then the client-side scripts are run in the same browser without call-backs to the
server to process requests.
But firstly, we will understand the how to work all event and we will
understand the how to implement the all event in the form using script tag.

8.0 Applications of this Micro-Project

 Scripting languages are used in many areas:

 Scripting languages are used in web applications. It is used in server side as well
as client side. Server-side scripting languages are: JavaScript, PHP, Perl etc. and
client-side scripting languages are: JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery etc.
 Scripting languages are used in system administration. For example: Shell, Perl,
Python scripts etc.
 It is used in Games application and Multimedia.
 It is used to create plugins and extensions for existing applications .
9.0 Area of Future Improvement

Software engineering has a bright future. Worrying about the life of a specific

programming language implies that you can only learn one, and that learning
another is a prohibitive undertaking. If you want to program, learn one language to
start and then as you improve learn more that have different strengths.

Every language you learn after your first is less work. Keep your learning deep
and understand how things work as much as possible, and you'll find that the
learning transfers well.

If you just learn without understanding, and you find that you need to copy
and paste code to get anything done? Then you'll hit a wall regardless of the
language you use.

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