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Society of Systematic Biologists

The Limits of Cladism

Author(s): David L. Hull
Source: Systematic Zoology, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Dec., 1979), pp. 416-440
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. for the Society of Systematic Biologists
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Accessed: 27-06-2016 02:48 UTC

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Hull, David L. (Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
53201) 1979. The Limits of Cladism. Syst. Zool. 28:416-440.-The goal of cladistic systematics
is to discern sister-group relations (cladistic relations) by the methods of cladistic analysis
and to represent them explicitly and unambiguously in cladograms and cladistic classifica-
tions. Cladists have selected cladistic relations to represent for two reasons: cladistic relations
can be discerned with reasonable certainty by the methods of cladistic analysis and they can
be represented with relative ease in cladograms and classifications. Cladists argue that fea-
tures of phylogeny other than cladistic relations cannot be discerned with sufficient certainty
to warrant attempting to represent them in either cladograms or classifications and could not
be represented if they could. I argue that a better alternative is to work toward improving
methods of cladistic analysis (or else to supplement them with other methods) so that such
features of phylogeny can be discerned and to devise methods of representation capable of
representing them in both cladograms and classifications. However, cladograms and classi-
fications cannot represent everything about phylogeny. It is better to represent one or two
aspects of phylogeny explicitly and unambiguously than nothing at all. [Cladism; classifica-
tion; evolution; species.]

"Our classifications will come to be, as far as they which attempts to represent only one as
can be so made, genealogies; and will then truly pect of phylogeny is likely to be simpler
give what may be called the plan of creation. The
than one which attempts to represent two
rules for classifying will no doubt become sim-
pler when we have a definite object in view" simultaneously. Given any particular
(Darwin, 1859:486). goal, the simplicity of the rules capable
of accomplishing this goal depends both
Charles Naudin's "simile of tree and classifica- on the inherent limitations of the mode
tion is like mine (and others), but he cannot, I of representation and the ingenuity of the
think, have reflected much on the subject, oth- taxonomist. For example, the traditional
erwise he would see that genealogy by itself
does not give classification" (Darwin, 1899,
Linnaean hierarchy might lend itself to
2:42). representing certain features of phylog-
eny more readily than others, but nothing
precludes a taxonomist from introducing
One possible goal for biological clas- additional representational devices to re-
sification is to "represent" phylogeny, to move these limitations. The end result is,
construct classifications so that certain of course, more complex rules for classi-
features of phylogeny can be read off un- fying. Systematists are thus forced to
equivocally. However, Darwin was quite strike a balance between how much they
correct when he noted that genealogy by wish to represent and how complicated
itself does not give classification. Differ- they are willing to make their principles
ent taxonomists may select different as- of classification and resulting classifica-
pects of phylogeny to represent. One tions.
might choose order of branching, another In recent years a school of taxonomy
degree of divergence, another amount of has arisen whose members have serious-
diversity, and so on. Whether or not the ly taken up the challenge of attempting
rules for classifying become simpler, as to represent explicitly and unambiguous-
Darwin hoped they would, depends on ly something about phylogeny. The
the features of phylogeny which the tax- school is cladism, the aspect of phyloge-
onomist chooses to represent and the par- ny which the cladists have chosen to rep-
-ticular set of principles which he formu- resent is order of branching. The cladists
lates to represent them. A classification have given two reasons for choosing this

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particular feature of evolutionary devel- sen, 1977; Wiley, 1979). Do the evolu-
opment to represent. First, the Linnaean tionary phenomena which cladistic anal-
hierarchy, as a list of indented names, ysis cannot discern actually exist? As I
lends itself more naturally to expressing understand evolution and evolutionary
discontinuous than continuous phenom- theory, two of these phenomena clearly
ena. Whether or not evolution is gradual occur (ancestors giving rise to descen-
or saltative, phylogeny is largely a matter dants and reticulate evolution), one is
of splitting and divergence. A hierachy of quite likely (multiple speciation), and the
discrete taxa names is well-calculated to fourth is doubtful (speciation without de-
represent successive splitting. It is not as viation, although the unique derived
well-calculated to represent varying de- character may be all but undetectable). Is
grees of divergence. Second, the cladists not the inability of cladistic analysis to
argue that order of branching can be as- discern the preceding phenomena, as-
certained with sufficient certainty to war- suming they take place, a limitation of
rant the inclusion of such information in the methods of cladistic analysis? Instead
a classification while other aspects of of declining to deal with such phenom-
phylogeny cannot be. The method which ena because the methods of cladistic
cladists have devised to discover order of analysis cannot discern them, perhaps a
branching is cladistic analysis. better strategy might be to attempt to im-
Cladists argue that, by and large, all a prove upon the methods of cladistic anal-
systematist has to go on is the traits of the ysis or to supplement them with other
specimens before him, whether these methods. The crucial question with re-
specimens represent extant or extinct spect to cladism, as I see it, is what is
forms. By studying his specimens, he can cladistic analysis? What are its limits? Is
discover nested sets of characters. Unique cladistic analysis one way of ascertaining
derived characters distinguish a mono- phylogeny, the only way of ascertaining
phyletic group from its nearest relatives; phylogeny, the only way of obtaining
shared derived characters combine these knowledge of any phenomena?
monophyletic groups into more inclusive One fact about cladism which compli-
monophyletic groups. In this way the sys- cates attempts to answer the preceding
tematist can ascertain nested sets of sis- questions is that cladism, like all scien-
ter-groups. This method, so cladists ar- tific movements, is neither immutable
gue, cannot be used to discern a variety nor monolithic. At any one time, cladists
of other relations-speciation without the can be found disagreeing with each other
appearance of at least one unique de- about particular principles and conclu-
rived character, reticulate evolution, sions. In addition, if one traces the de-
multiple speciations, and the ancestor- velopment of cladism through time, from
descendant relation-nor can any other its inception in the works of Hennig
method. (1950), through its introduction to En-
Several questions arise at this juncture. glish-speaking systematists (Hennig,
If the Linnaean hierarchy cannot repre- 1965, 1966; Brundin, 1966; Nelson,
sent certain features of evolutionary de- 1971a, 1971b, 1972a, 1972b, 1973a,
velopment very well, is not that a limi- 1973b, 1973c, 1974) to the latest publi-
tation of the Linnaean hierarchy? Instead cations of present-day cladists, signifi-
of refusing to represent what a particular cant changes can be discerned. The most
system of representation has difficulty in significant change which has taken place
representing, a better alternative might in cladism is a transition from species
be to abandon or improve that system of being primary to characters being pri-
representation. This is one avenue which mary. For Hennig (1966, 1975) and Brain-
the cladists themselves have taken (Grif- din (1972a), the basic units of cladistic
fiths, 1976; Hennig, 1966; L0vtrup, 1973; analysis are species, characterized by at
Nelson, 1972a, 1973c; Patterson and Ro- least one unique derived character. Now,

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for a growing number of cladists, any they have not developed by progressing
monophyletic group which can be char- up the periodic table, from hydrogen to
acterized by appropriate traits can func- helium, lithium, beryllium, etc.
tion in cladistic analysis, regardless of From the beginning, Gareth Nelson
whether that group is more inclusive or (1973c) seems to have been developing
less inclusive than traditionally-defined two notions of cladistic analysis simulta-
species. Cladistic classifications do not neously, one limited to historically de-
represent the order of branching of sister- veloped patterns (cladism with a small
groups, but the order of emergence of 'c'), the other a more general notion ap-
unique derived characters, whether or plicable to all patterns (Cladism with a
not the development of these characters big 'C'). His method of component anal-
happens to coincide with speciation ysis is a general calculus for discerning
events. It is not the emergence of new and representing patterns of all sorts. For
species which is primary but the emer- example, in a recent discussion, Nelson
gence of new traits (Tattersall and El- (1979:28) states that a "cladogram is an
dredge, 1977:207; Rosen, 1978:176). In atemporal concept ... a synapomorphy
general, cladists seem to be moving to- scheme." It remains to be seen whether
ward the position that the particulars of all of the terms of cladistic analysis from
evolutionary development are not rele- "sister group " to "synapomorphy" can
vant to cladism. It does not matter wheth- be defined so that none of them neces-
er speciation is sympatric or allopatric, sarily presupposes a temporal dimension.
saltative or gradual, Darwinian or La- Although I think that the principles of
marckian, just so long as it occurs and is cladistic analysis can be extended to any
predominantly divergent (Cracraft, 1974; system which genuinely evolves (i.e.,
Bonde, 1975; Rosen, 1978; and forthcom- changes through time by means of mod-
ing works by Nelson and Platnick, El- ification through descent), I will limit
dredge and Cracraft, and others). myself in this paper to phylogeny and
The writings of most cladists have biological evolution. I also will not ad-
been concerned with developing meth- dress myself to Nelson's more general
ods of ascertaining the cladistic relations notion. Attempting to discuss the princi-
between biological taxa, but Platnick and ples of cladistic analysis as they apply to
Cameron (1977) have shown that these phylogeny is a sufficiently difficult task
same techniques can be used to discern without attempting to present interpre-
the cladistic relations exhibited by lan- tations of these principles which are also
guages and texts (see also Kruskal, Dyen, consistent with Nelson's more general
and Black, 1971; Haigh, 1971; and Nita, program.
1971). In general cladistic analysis can be
used to discover the cladistic relations METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES AND

between any entities which change by OBJECTIONS

means of modification through descent In spite of certain observations which

(Platnick, 1979). As general as this notion cladists have made periodically about the
of cladistic analysis is, it still retains a evolutionary process, the principles of
necessary temporal dimension. Transfor- cladistic analysis do not concern evolu-
mation series must be established for tion but the goals of biological classifi-
characters, not just an abstract atemporal cation and the means by which they can
transformation series like the cardinal be realized. These principles are primar-
numbers or the periodic table, but a se- ily methodological. As I see it, the goal
ries of actual transformations in time. For of cladism is to represent cladistic rela-
example, the vast majority of matter in tions in both cladograms and classifica-
the universe happens to be hydrogen. In tions as explicitly and unambiguously as
isolated pockets of the universe, more possible. Thus, cladistic methodology
complex molecules have developed, but has two parts: rules for discerning cladis-

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tic relations and rules for representing truth and cogency of argument, but they
them in cladograms and classifications. are a good deal more interested in truth
For example, Nelson raises two objec- than in cogency of argument. If a line of
tions to the ancestor-descendant relation: reasoning which led to a particular con-
first, "ancestral species cannot be iden- clusion turns out to be somewhat less
tified as such in the fossil record" (Nel- than perfect, it really does not matter all
son, 1973b:311), and second, "they are that much, just so long as the conclusion
also inexpressible in classifications" depicts reality with greater fidelity than
(Nelson, 1972a:227). previous attempts.
One source of the confusion which has Scientists have limited patience when
accompanied the controversy over clad- it comes to discussing arguments. That
ism is the interpretation of their meth- patience is even more limited when the
odological principles as empirical beliefs arguments are methodological. As strange
about evolution. The claim that dichoto- as it may sound coming from a philoso-
mous speciation never occurs is an em- pher, I am highly sceptical of methodo-
pirical claim to be tested by empirical logical principles and prescriptions, es-
means. The claim that we can never dis- pecially when they are presented in the
tinguish between dichotomous specia- midst of scientific disputes. They tend to
tion events and more complex sorts of be suspiciously self-serving, designed to
speciation is a methodological claim put one's opponents at a disadvantage
about the limits of our methods of sci- while shoring up one's own position. In-
entific investigation. Finally, the claim variably the advocates of a particular
that multiple speciation, if it occurs and methodology can know what they need
if it can be discerned, cannot be repre- to know while their opponents can never
sented unambiguously in cladograms hope to know what they need to know.
and/or classifications is a comment about For example, the pheneticists claim that
the limitations of these modes of repre- we can analyze traits into unit characters,
sentation. Once the principles of cladism but we can never hope to establish gen-
are recognized for what they are, meth- uine, evolutionary transformation series
odological principles, the logic of the cla- among characters. None too surprisingly,
distic position on a variety of issues be- the pheneticists need to know the former
comes much clearer. but not the latter. Only the cladists and
Scientists are interested in truth, not evolutionists need to know the unknow-
Absolute Truth, but truth nevertheless. able. Similarly, the cladists claim that we
Although philosophers have yet to pro- can establish transformation series with
duce a totally unproblematic analysis of sufficient certainty to warrant the role
science as the pursuit of truth (see, for which they play in cladistic systematics
example, Laudan, 1977), I think that sci- but that ancestor-descendant relations
entists are correct in the focus of their are unknowable. As luck would have it,
attention. Scientists also present argu- cladists need to know the former but not
ments to buttress their empirical claims the latter. Only the evolutionists need to
and try to make their arguments as good know the unknowable.
as possible. Unfortunately, scientists are As cynical as the preceding remarks
rarely able to present their arguments in may sound, I think they have some valid-
the unproblematic forms thus far ana- ity. It is no accident that all four of the
lyzed successfully by mathematicians phenomena which the cladists claim can-
and logicians. The reasoning which goes not be known, cannot be discerned by
into the formulation and testing of sci- the traditional means of cladistic analysis
entific theories is a good deal more com- and cause problems for the explicit and
plex and informal than any explicit ra- unambiguous representation of sister-
tional reconstruction has yet been able to group relations in both cladograms and
capture. Scientists are interested in both classifications. It is also no accident that

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one of the phenomena which cladists they could be known, a wiser strategy
claim cannot be known (the ancestor-de- would be to attempt to devise methods of
scendant relation) plays a central role in analysis capable of discerning these fea-
the research program of their chief ri- tures of evolutionary development and
vals-the evolutionists. I do not mean to representational techniques sufficient to
imply that the preceding remarks apply represent them. In this paper, I have at-
uniquely to the cladists. They apply to tempted to produce an internal criticism
scientists in general. If I were investigat- of cladism; that is, I have accepted the
ing the pheneticists or the evolutionists, goals of cladism and have set myself the
comparable observations would apply as task of deciding which methodological
readily to them. These are the sorts of principles are central to the undertaking,
games which scientists (not to mention which peripheral, and which could be
philosophers) play with each other. modified or abandoned without loss and
In general, I think it is very bad strat- possibly with some gain.
egy for proponents of a particular scien-
tific research program to stake their fu-
ture on epistemological considerations,
especially on our inability to know some- A curious feature of scientific devel-
thing. Phenomena which scientists in opment is the frequency with which a
one age claim can never be known often new movement is named by its oppo-
become common knowledge at a later nents. Social Darwinists no more wanted
date. The history of science is littered to be called Social Darwinists than clad-
with the bodies of scientists who staked ists have wanted to be called cladists.
the success of their movements on what Twenty years ago, Julian Huxley (1958)
we can never know. I agree with Einstein coined the terms "clade" and "grade" to
(1949:684), who, in response to philo- distinguish between groups of organisms
sophical criticisms of his work, stated: with a common genetic origin and groups
distinguished by different levels of or-
Science without epistemology is-insofar as it is ganization. Later Mayr (1965:81) and
thinkable at all-primitive and muddled. How- Camin and Sokal (1965:312) introduced
ever, no sooner has the epistemologist, who is
seeking a clear system, fought his way through
the term "cladogram" to refer to a dia-
to such a system, than he is inclined to interpret gram "depicting the branching of the
the thought-content of science in the sense of his phylogenetic tree without respect to rates
system and to reject whatever does not fit into of divergence" (Mayr, 1978:85). Finally,
his system. The scientist, however, cannot afford
Mayr (1969:70) invented the term "clad-
to carry his striving for epistemological system-
atic that far. ism"as a substitute for "phylogenetic sys-
tematics," the name preferred by Hennig
I hardly want to argue against meth- and his followers. Gradually the cladists
odological rigor in science, but I also do themselves have come to use the term to
not want to see scientific progress sacri- refer to themselves, albeit grudgingly.
ficed to it. Invariably methodological rig- Whether the Hennigian school of sys-
or is a retrospective exercise, carried on tematics is called "phylogenetic" or "cla-
long after all the Nobel prizes have been distic" is not very important, but the pre-
won. From the point of view of current cise nature of cladograms as they function
methodologies, scientists will, as Ein- in cladistic analysis is. In fact, uncertain-
stein (1949:684) noted, appear to the ty over what it is that cladograms are sup-
"systematic epistemologist as a type of posed to depict and how they are sup-
unscrupulous opportunist." Instead of posed to depict it has been the chief
cladists insisting that certain aspects of source of confusion in the controversy
phylogeny can never be known and over cladism. Like all terms, the meaning
could not be represented cladistically if of "cladogram" has changed through the

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years. It no longer means to cladists what numbers of organisms, and so on. How-
Mayr, Camin and Sokal proposed. The ever, as a diagram in two-dimensional
meanings of "cladism" and "cladistic space, a tree can include only so much
analysis" have changed accordingly. In information before a point of diminishing
an attempt to reduce the confusion over returns sets in. Eventually attempts to in-
the meaning of "cladogram," cladists clude additional sorts of information re-
have introduced the distinction between sult in the loss of information. If trees are
cladograms, phylogenetic trees, and evo- supposed to be systems of information
lutionary scenarios.' Once again, the par- storage and retrieval, the information
ticular terms used to mark these distinc- must be retrievable.
tions are not important; the distinctions Scenarios, as cladists use the term, are
themselves are. It is also true that the not diagrams. They are historical narra-
cladists have devised these distinctions tives which attempt to describe not only
for their own purposes. Others might which groups gave rise to which (the sort
want to draw other distinctions or to draw of information contained in trees) but
these distinctions differently. In any also the ecological changes and evolu-
case, all three appellations refer to rep- tionary forces which actually produced
resentations, not to the phenomena being the adaptations which characterize the
represented. "Cladogram" and "tree" re- organisms discussed. Romer's (1955:57)
fer to two sorts of diagrams, while "scen- story of the role which the drying up of
ario" refers to a historical narrative ponds and streams played in the transi-
couched in ordinary biological language. tion from the crossopterygians to early
Phylogenetic trees are designed to de- amphibians is by now a classic example
pict phylogenetic development, indicat- of an evolutionary scenario. Because
ing which taxa are extinct, which extant, scenarios are presented in ordinary lan-
which gave rise to which, degrees of di- guage-supplemented with a host of
vergence, and so on. As diagrams they do technical biological terms-the phenom-
not include discussions of the methods ena which scenarios can describe are lim-
used to construct them, the natural pro- ited only by the limitations of language.
cesses which produced the phenomena Hennig's early cladograms (Hennig,
they depict, and a variety of other consid- 1950:103; 1966:59, 71) give every ap-
erations of equal importance. A tree is a pearance of being highly stylized trees.
diagram, not an entire taxonomic mono- The circles arrayed along the top of the
graph. All sorts of conventions have been diagram apparently represent extant
devised to represent phylogeny in a dia- species, while those at the nodes repre-
grammatic form; for example, lines usu- sent extinct, common ancestors (see Fig.
ally represent lineages, forks represent la). At one stage in the development of
speciation events, the slant and length of the cladogram, Nelson (1972b, 1973b) ar-
a line reflect the rapidity with which di- gued that the circles at the nodes did not
vergence took place, and the termination represent real common ancestors but
of a line indicates extinction. Other tech- "hypothetical ancestors." The term is
niques of representation have also been problematic. All taxa that ever existed are
used on occasion; for example, dots in- equally real. Only our ability to discern
dicating questionable connections, lines them varies. We can usually discern ex-
of varying thicknesses reflecting relative tant species with greater certainty than
extinct forms, but the postulation of any
taxon, whether extant or extinct, involves
1 The distinction between cladograms, trees, and
highly complex inferences and requires
scenarios discussed in Tattersall and Eldredge (1977)
was taken from a manuscript by Gareth Nelson. See evidence which is frequently quite dif-
Mayr (1978) for early definitions of such terms as ficult to obtain. (Recall the objections
i'cladogram .. "phenogram," and "phylogram." which pheneticists raised to the biologi-

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ciation event (the splitting of one species

into two), or the emergence of an evolu-
tionary novelty (a unique derived char-
acter), or both. If the emergence of a
unique derived character occurs always
FIG. 1.-The evolution of the cladogram. (a) A and only at speciation, then the two an-
cladogram in which the darkened circles at the ter-
swers always coincide. If not, not. Similar
mini represent extant species, while those at the
nodes represent common ancestors. (b) A cladogram observations hold for the term "cladistic
in which the darkened circles at the termini rep- relation." It can refer to order of splitting
resent species, both extant and extinct, while the of taxa, or to order of appearance of evo-
circles at the nodes represent "hypothetical com-
lutionary novelties, or both. The decision
mon ancestors," i.e., morphotypes. (c) A cladogram
in which the darkened circles at the termini rep- hinges on how "operational" one wishes
resent species, both extant and extinct, while the to make cladistic analysis. Since specia-
nodes represent speciation events and/or the emer- tion events are inferred by means of the
gence of unique derived characters.
appearance of evolutionary novelties,
one inferential step can be eliminated by
talking only about the emergence of evo-
cal species concept even when it is ap- lutionary novelties and not speciation
plied to extant forms.) If extinct forms are events.
"hypothetical" because of their inferen-
tial basis, then so are extant forms. The
difference between extant and extinct One reason for the cladists' introducing
species is not between observation and the distinction between cladograms,
inference, but between inferences of trees, and scenarios was to clarify the
varying degrees of certainty. technical sense in which they were using
Another interpretation of "hypothetical the term "cladogram." Too many people
ancestor" is that the circles which appear were misinterpreting cladograms as bi-
at the nodes of cladograms are not sup- zarre, highly stylized trees. A second rea-
posed to be taxa at all but "morpho- son was to establish the logical and epis-
types," rational constructs characterized temological priority of cladograms over
by the defining traits of the taxa listed at trees and of trees over scenarios. As clad-
the termini of the cladogram and no oth- ists define these terms, an inclusion re-
ers. As Platnick (1977c:356) observes, the lation exists between them. Scenarios in-
"nodes of cladograms represent only in- clide all the information contained in
ferred species (or, more accurately, only trees, and more besides. Trees include
minimum sets of synapomorphic charac- all the information contained cladograms,
ters)." In this sense, hypothetical ances- and more besides. Thus, any knowledge
tors are "hypothetical," but they are not required for a cladogram is required for
"ancestors." They are not even taxa (see a tree, and any knowledge required for a
Fig. lb). In present-day cladograms, all tree is required for a scenario, but not
taxa, whether extinct or extant, appear vice versa. Thus, cladograms are more
along the top of the cladogram. Clado- certain than trees, and trees more certain
grams would be much less misleading if than scenarios. As harmless as the dis-
they included nothing at the nodes (see tinction between cladograms, trees, and
Fig. ic). scenarios may seem on the surface, it re-
If the nodes in a cladogram do not rep- sults in cladistic analysis being in some
resent real taxa (ancestral or otherwise), sense basic to all evolutionary studies.
what do the lines and forks in cladograms The relations set out above do obtain
represent? Two answers have been given between cladograms, trees, and scenar-
to this question, which may or may not ios-as the cladists define these terms.
'be reducible to the same answer. A fork That is one reason why non-cladists
in a cladogram can represent either a spe- might prefer other definitions. But even

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if one were to accept the cladists' defi- quisition is a process of both "reciprocal
nitions, certain conclusions which clad- illumination" (Hennig, 1950; Ross, 1974)
ists have claimed follow from the preced- and "reciprocal blundering." Getting one
ing line of reasoning do not. For example, element right helps improve our under-
in claiming that "trees should always be standing of the other elements, but errors
based on cladograms and that scenarios feed through the system just as readily.
should follow from trees," Tattersall and Although cladists might well admit that
Eldredge (1977:205) are confusing logi- knowledge acquisition in general is a
cal and epistemological order with tem- process of reciprocal illumination, they
poral order. The conclusion to an argu- also tend to be so sceptical of trees and
ment follows logically from its premises. scenarios that they see all the illumina-
That does not mean that people must tion going in a single direction-from
think of the premises first and only then cladograms to trees and scenarios. At
think of the conclusion. Sense data are times cladists seem to argue that not only
epistemologically prior to all knowledge, should evolutionary studies begin with
but that does not mean that scientists cladograms but also they should end
should begin every scientific study with there as well. Cladistic relations are
an extensive investigation of their own knowable; everything else about phylog-
sense data. If scientists had actually pro- eny is unknowable.
ceeded in this fashion, we would still be For example, Platnick (1977d:439) ar-
awaiting Ptolemaic astronomy, not to gues that the only way that phylogenetic
mention relativity theory. The inferences trees can be tested is by the same means
which take place in the actual course of used to test cladograms, "by evaluation
scientific investigations are very intricate in the light of newly discovered charac-
and frequently "feed back upon each oth- ters." Any three taxa can be ordered into
er," as Tattersall and Eldredge (1977:205) 22 different trees. Some of these trees can
note. In retrospect, there is considerable be rejected by discovering appropriate
point to unraveling these inferences and characters, i.e., the appropriate autapo-
setting them out in some logically coher- morphies and synapomorphies. Other
ent fashion, but the insistence that sci- trees can be rejected only by claiming
en-tists must always begin at the begin- that no autapomorphies exist for the rel-
ning and proceed step by step according evant taxa. Since the most that a system-
to some sort of logical or epistemological atist can legitimately claim is that he has
order would stop science dead in its yet to detect such autapomorphies, he is
tracks.2 not justified in rejecting these trees. Plat-
Cladists also make much of the differ- nick (1977d:440) concludes that "phylo-
ences in certainty between cladograms, genetic trees are not testable by character
trees, and scenarios. In actual practice, distributions and thus that scientific phy-
scientists wander from one level of anal- logeny reconstruction is not possible at
ysis to another in the course of their in- the level of phylogenetic trees and must
vestigations. As a result knowledge ac- be restricted to the level of cladograms."
But the same sort of argument can be pre-
sented against the cladists. They do not
2The pheneticists presented similar arguments
need to know ancestor-descendant rela-
for the epistemological priority of phenetic classi-
fications. According to the pheneticists, the only
tions, but they do need to establish trans-
place at which systematists can legitimately begin formation series and to determine the po-
is phenetic characters and the construction of pure- larity of these series. They do need to
ly phenetic classifications. Once such a phenetic individuate characters and decide which
classification is erected, then a systematist could
put various "interpretations" on his classifications
are autapomorphic, synapomorphic, etc.
and possibly produce one or more "special pur- For instance, synapomorphies can be
pose" classifications; see e.g., Sneath and Sokal used to test cladograms if they are syn-
(1973). apomorphies, but no one has yet to sug-

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gest any infallible means for deciding be known (or at least cannot be known
whether or not a trait is actually a syn- with sufficient certainty) to see why they
apomorphy. The same can be said for are so difficult to discern. Is it that they
such relations as the polarity of transfor- cannot be known, or that they cannot be
mation series. In fact, Tattersall and El- known by means of cladistic analysis? Is
dredge (1977:206) state, "In practice it is there no way to acquire knowledge of the
hard, even impossible, to marshal a world other than by cladistic analysis?
strong, logical argument for a given po- The point of this section is, however, that
larity for many characters in a given the difference in our ability to ascertain
group." The sort of argument from neg- cladistic relations and other evolutionary
ative evidence which the cladists use phenomena is one of degree, not kind.
against others at the level of taxa can be Differences ir1 degree of certainty are
used against them at the level of traits. neither very neat nor aesthetically. pleas-
Of course, their opponents also must in- ing, but they are the most that cladists
dividuate and categorize traits. Thus, the can justifiably claim. What they lose in
cladists' position is refuted at only one elegance and simplicity, they gain in
level of analysis, while the position of plausibility.
their opponents is refuted at two. Put Certain cladists, in more recent publi-
more directly, such arguments refute no cations, seem to be moving in precisely
positions whatsoever. this direction. For example, Eldredge
The cladists have weakened the force (1979:169) states that, contrary to his ear-
of their arguments by presenting them in lier opinions:
a needlessly dichotomous fashion. The
only thing that they need to know to pro- I no longer oppose the construction of phyloge-
netic trees outright, or for that matter, scenar-
duce cladograms are cladistic relations,
ios (which are, after all, the most fun), but mere-
and they are knowable. Others who wish ly point out that, in moving through the more
to produce trees need to know much complex levels, we inevitably become further re-
more; e.g., ancestor-descendant rela- moved from the original data base in adding as-
tions, the existence of multiple specia- sumptions and ad hoc (and largely untestable)
hypotheses. As long as we understand precisely
tion and reticulate evolution, etc. These
what we are doing at each step in the analysis,
phenomena are totally unknowable. The which includes having an adequate grasp of the
cladists need not present such an ex- probability that we are wrong and of what the
treme (and suspiciously self-serving) po- assumptions are what we have added along the
sition. Estimations of cladistic relations way, there no longer seems to me any reason for
anyone to tell anyone else what not to do.
are inferences and as such carry with
them the possibility of error. However, it
Although those workers engaged in the
is certainly true that everything which
production of trees and scenarios might
the cladists need to know the evolution-
differ with Eldredge on the situation
ists also need to know, while the evolu-
being as extreme as he makes it out to be,
tionists need to know more besides.
they too are aware of the difficulties. For
These additional phenomena also carry
example, Lucchese (1978:716) concludes
with them a certain degree of uncertain-
a paper on the evolution of sex chromo-
ty. Hence, evolutionary classifications
somes with the following remarks:
are bound to be more uncertain than cla-
distic classifications. The question re-
... for an individual to profess an insight into the
mains whether all evolutionary phenom- biological changes that have occurred through
ena other than cladistic relations are so time remains an act of faith of considerable mag-
uncertain that no attempt should be made nitude. [Yet, within] the limitations just set forth,
to include information about them in a the purpose of this article has been to spin a rel-
atively reasonable evolutionary tale in the hope
classification. In the succeeding sections
of expanding the current perception of a highly
of this paper, I will investigate various significant example of genetic regulation in eu-
phenomena which cladists argue cannot karyotes.

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THE PRINCIPLE OF DICHOTOMY taneous." As Hennig (1966:211) notes,

the issue of dichotomous speciation can
Few principles attributed to cladistic be trivialized by defining "simulta-
taxonomists have caused more conster- neous" too narrowly. If it is defined in
nation and confusion than the claim that terms of split seconds, then multiple spe-
all cladograms and classifications must be ciation is impossible. Conversely, if "si-
strictly dichotomous. When cladism was multaneous" is defined too broadly,
first introduced to English-speaking sys- everything can be made to occur "at the
tematists, cladists and anti-cladists alike same time." The question of dichoto-
agreed that the principle of dichotomy mous speciation can be made significant
was "essential to the philosophy of Hen- only by the specification of a unit of time
nig and Brundin " (Nelson, 1971a:373; which makes sense in the context of the
see also Darlington, 1970:3; Mayr, evolutionary process. In the absence of
1974: 100; Bonde, 1975:302; Platnick, such a unit, the notion of simultaneity
1977d:438). Although Cracraft (1974:79) can be expanded or contracted at will and
agrees that "phylogenetic classification the issue decided by fiat (see Cracraft,
sensu Hennig and Brundin would appear 1974:74).
to require the assumption of dichotomous Whether multiple speciation as an em-
branching," cladistic classification in a pirical phenomenon seems plausible or
more general sense "does not necessitate implausible depends on the model (or
dichotomous branching, and the exact models) of speciation which one holds. If
pattern of branching is determined by the speciation is viewed as the gradual split-
manner in which shared derived charac- ting and divergence of large segments of
ter-states cluster taxonomic units." The a species, as Hennig (1966:210) main-
question remains why the principle of tains, then multiple speciation looks less
dichotomy has seemed so central to most likely than if it is viewed as a process in
cladists and continues to seem so to which small, peripheral populations be-
some. come isolated and develop into separate
Although no cladist has ever main- species, as Wiley (1978:22) supposes.
tained that the principle of dichotomy is But, as the cladists have reminded us
an empirical claim about the speciation often enough, dichotomy is a methodo-
process, few cladists have been able to logical principle. If speciation were al-
resist the temptation to justify it by ref- ways dichotomous, this fact about evor
erence to empirical considerations. For lution would certainly lend support to
example, Hennig (1966:210, 211) begins dichotomy as a methodological principle,
by stating that dichotomy is "primarily no but good reasons might exist for produc-
more than a methodological principle" ing exclusively dichotomous cladograms
and then goes on to add, "A priori it is and classifications even if speciation is
very improbable that a stem species ac- not always dichotomous.
tually disintegrates into several daughter Cladists have presented two sorts of
species at once." Cracraft (1974:79) in- justification for their preference for the
terrupts the discussion quoted above principle of dichotomy: our inability to
with the remark that the principle of di- distinguish dichotomous speciation from
chotomy "can be justified on theoretical more complex sorts of speciation and our
grounds not associated with classifica- inability to represent unequivocally
tion." Bonde (1975:302) agrees. Although more complex sorts of speciation in
dichotomy is a methodological principle, cladograms and classifications. If one
in nature "speciations are probably near- limits oneself just to traditionally-defined
ly always dichotomous." traits (e.g., presence of various sorts of
Whether multiple speciation seems appendages, dentitions, etc.) and if one
possible or impossible depends on the assumes that these traits have been ap-
unit of time one selects to define "simul- propriately individuated and identified,

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then the argument which the cladists put groups under study are legitimate. Many
forth is reasonably straightforward. If a trichotomies are very likely to be resolv-
cladist starts with any two species chosen able into dichotomies after further study,
at random and compares a third species many of the groups treated as single may
to them, two of these species will be cla- have to be split into two or more groups,
distically more closely related to each and vice versa. However, as the groups
other than either is to the remaining are studied more exhaustively, the legit-
species. If the cladist continues to add imacy of continued doubt decreases. If
species to his study one at a time, he will after exhaustive study, three species con-
produce a consistently dichotomous tinue to appear to be related trichoto-
cladogram until one of two things occurs: mously, the claim that they might actual-
either he happens upon a genuine in- ly be related by a pair of dichotomies
stance of multiple speciation or else he begins to ring rather hollow. Descartes
is unable to resolve this complex situa- has shown where that sort of mindless
tion into the appropriate sequence of suc- scepticism leads. If a systematist can be-
cessive dichotomies. Because dichotomy come reasonably certain that he has cor-
is the simplest hypothesis, it should al- rectly discerned a genuine dichotomy, I
ways be preferred, evidence permitting. see no reason why he cannot also attain
But as the cladists see it, given the sort that same level of certainty in the iden-
of data available to the systematist and tification of trichotomies-even using
the resolving power of his methods of just the traditional methods of cladistic
analysis, he will always end up where he analysis. But systematists are not limited
begins-with doubt or with dichotomy. just to the study of ordinary taxonomic
Never is a systematist justified in con- traits. There is no reason for not using the
cluding that a speciation event is genu- methods of cladistic analysis on other
inely trichotomous because he is never sorts of evidence, e.g., the data of histor-
justified in dismissing the possibility that ical biogeography. As Platnick and Nel-
an apparent trichotomy is really a pair of son (1978: 10) remark:
unresolved dichotomies.
If the preceding is a fair characteriza- Trichotomous cladograms are of no signifi-
cance as tests (or as initial hypotheses) unless the
tion of the cladists' argument, it has two cladograms for all available test groups are tri-
weaknesses. First, the cladists are selec- chotomous, in which case we may suspect that
tive in acknowledging possible sources an event disconnected an area into three smaller
of error. After all, a systematist cannot areas simultaneously. Testing this hypothesis by
biotic relationships seems impossible (because
guarantee that a trait which he considers
we have no way of distinguishing those clado-
to be unique and derived actually is. grams reflecting actual trichotomies from those
There is always the possibility that he is reflecting only our failure to find the relevant
dividing a single group into two or lump- synapomorphies that would resolve a dichoto-
ing two groups into one. If a trichotomy mous cladogram), but it should be subject to in-
dependent testing by data from historical geolo-
represents either a genuine trichotomy or gy, which can either be in accordance with such
two unresolved dichotomies, then a di- a synchronous tripartite disconnection of the to-
chotomy could just as well represent tal area or not.
either a genuine dichotomy, a lumped tri-
chotomy, or a single lineage divided mis- If multiple speciation can occur in na-
takenly into two. When a systematist ture and if in certain circumstances it can
claims that a particular speciation event be discerned, then cladists would be
is trichotomous, he may be mistaken, but wise to devise methods of representing
he may also be mistaken in claiming that multiple speciation in their cladograms
it is dichotomous. During the early stages and classifications. One theme which the
of investigation, doubts about the actual cladists repeatedly voice is that anything
cladistic relations which characterize the represented in a cladogram and classifi-

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cation should be represented explicitly

and unambiguously. If cladists were will-
ing to argue that trichotomous speciation
never took place, then trichotomies in A B 7 c
cladograms would not be ambiguous.
FIG. 2.-The ambiguity between genuine trichot-
They would always represent a pair of
omies and unresolved dichotomies. (a) A clado-
unresolved dichotomies. As things stand gram which represents unambiguously a pair of
now, they are ambiguous, representing successive dichotomies; epistemological doubts, if
either a genuine trichotomy or else a pair any, are not indicated. (b) A cladogram which is
commonly used to represent a pair of unresolved
of unresolved dichotomies. Whether or
dichotomies, a genuine trichotomy, common ances-
not cladists think that instances of mul- try and reticulate evolution. (c) A cladogram which
tiple speciation can be discerned, the indicates doubt about the actual relations between
adoption of such an ambiguous mode of the species indicated. Such cladograms might in
representation seems counter-produc- time resolve to (a) a pair of dichotomies or (b) a
genuine trichotomy. Common ancestry and reticu-
tive. A better alternative would be to re-
late evolution must be represented in some other
serve trichotomies for representing tri- but equally unambiguous fashion.
chotomous speciation events the way that
dichotomies are used to represent di-
chotomous speciation events, epistemo- ANCESTOR-DESCENDANT RELATIONS
logical doubts to one side, and to devise
Although some disagreement exists
another way of indicating incomplete
over the occurrence of multiple specia-
knowledge. For example, if a systematist
tion, everyone agrees that certain species
is reasonably sure that two species are
which once existed no longer exist and
each other's closest relatives, he can in-
that some of these species gave rise to
dicate this by a dichotomy. If he thinks
Recent species. The cladists' complaints
--they might be but is not sure, he can con-
about the ancestor-descendant relation
nect them by dots. Similar remarks apply
cannot possibly be interpreted as empir-
to trichotomies (see Fig. 2). No system of
ical. They are clearly methodological.
representation can represent everything,
Once again the distinction must be made
but if doubt is important enough to rep-
between difficulties in discerning ances-
resent in a cladogram, it is important
tor-descendant relations and difficulties
enough to represent unequivocally.
in representing them. Farris (1976:272)
Similar remarks are equally applicable
acknowledges this distinction when he
to classifications. For example, Nelson
presents two reasons for not treating fos-
(1973c) distinguishes between the two
sil species as ancestral to later species:
sorts of representation commonly used in
the Linnaean hierarchy-subordination First, there is no obvious way of using a classi-
and sequencing-and shows how com- fication to represent ancestor-descendant rela-
tionships. A taxonomic hierarchy with its well-
binations of these two conventions can
nested taxa is naturally suited only to the repre-
represent a variety of evolutionary phe- sentation of sister-group relationships. Second
nomena including trichotomous specia- while sister-group relationships may more or less
tion. More recently, Wiley (1979) has readily be established through the detection of
suggested using sedis mutabilis when- apomorphous similarities, ancestor-descendant
relationships may not be so established.
ever the order of listing taxa in a classi-
fication means nothing. In addition to the
difficulties which the recognition of mul- A second distinction of equal impor-
tiple speciation raises for cladograms and tance is between the recognition of ex-
classifications, it also poses problems for tinct species as species and deciding
the proper definition of monophyly and which species gave rise to which. Those
related terms (Wiley, 1977; Platnick, cladists who are willing to recognize ex-
1977c). tinct species as species while maintain-

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ing that the ancestor-descendant relation enough and with sufficient certainty to
is unknowable are put in the position of justify systematists' attempting to repre-
explaining how we can know the former sent them in their classifications. An even
but not the latter (Engelmann and Wiley, more fundamental question is whether
1977). Those cladists who argue that nei- biological species are sufficiently impor-
ther is knowable are spared this dilemma tant to the evolutionary process to war-
but are faced with the problem of what rant the attention they are given. But in
to do with fossils. L0vtrup (1973) argues any case, the existence and extent of bi-
that extinct species are so poorly known ological species are almost always in-
that they should be totally excluded from ferred indirectly from character distribu-
classifications. Crowson (1970) sees the tions. Hence, mistakes will be made.
differences in our ability to recognize ex- When these species are extinct, mistakes
tinct and extant forms to be sufficiently are even more likely and our ability to
great that they should be included in sep- correct them even more limited. No one
arate classifications. Nelson (1972a:230) could possibly claim that all pterodactyls
reasons that fossil groups should be fitted belonged to a single species, but finer
into classifications which also contain re- distinctions are highly problematic.
cent groups but distinguished by some Thus, those cladists who continue to
convention. Finally, Rosen (1978:176) maintain that biological species are the
agrees that extant and extinct forms ultimate units in their investigations are
should be distinguished but that they forced to admit that their cladograms and
should be treated as the same sorts of en- classifications might be mistaken. They
tities-groups distinguished by unique might have lumped several species into
derived characters. In this section I will one or divided a single species into two
deal first with difficulties in discerning or more species. For extinct forms, these
species and ancestor-descendant rela- mistakes are difficult, if not impossible,
tions and then with problems of repre- to remedy. Cladists who have abandoned
sentation. the biological species concept are spared
Hennig (1966, 1975) and Brundin this problem. They are not classifying
(1972b) maintain that the biological species but are grouping organisms ac-
species concept is central to phylogenet- cording to the possession of particular
ic systematics. From the beginning, crit- traits. The only doubt associated with
ics of the biological species concept have such an exercise is whether the organ-
argued that it is not sufficiently "opera- isms actually have the trait attributed to
tional" even for extant species. Perhaps them, whether or not it is actually a trait
it is possible to ascertain which organ- and not several, and whether it has the
isms actually have mated with one distribution attributed to it. The question
another to produce fertile offspring and remains whether it is any easier to indi-
which organisms cannot mate with each viduate traits than it is to individuate the-
other and/or produce fertile offspring, but oretically significant taxa. The two seem
it is impossible to discover which could both conceptually and inferentially very
have done so but did not. When the closely connected.
species under investigation are extinct, If extinct species cannot be recognized
so the critics argue, nothing can be dis- as genuine groups of some sort, they can-
covered directly about their breeding re- not be recognized as sister groups. But
lations. It is certainly true that the bio- assuming that extinct forms can be rec-
logical species concept is not very ognized as extinct species or as extinct
operational, but as I have argued else- groups delimited by a particular trait, can
where, no theoretically significant con- ancestor-descendant relations between
cept in science is (Hull, 1968, 1970). The extinct and extant forms also be dis-
interesting question is whether biologi- cerned? Cladists are all but unanimous in
cal species can be discerned often claiming that they cannot. As Nelson

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(1973b:311) states, "Indeed, I have as- knew precisely which fossils these were.
sumed that ancestral species cannot be Perhaps paleontologists have been over-
identified as such in the fossil record, and ly enthusiastic in identifying missing
I have pointed out that this assumption links and common ancestors, but I find it
is fundamental to Hennig's phylogenetic hard to believe that they have been this
systematics." Two considerations seem foolhardy. As Harper (1976) and others
central to the cladists' claim that ances- have pointed out, paleontologists rarely
tor-descendant relations are unknowable. specify a particular species as a common
First, any distribution of characters ance*stor. Almost always a genus or
which would imply that one taxon was higher taxon is specified. When paleon-
ancestral to another would equally imply tologists claim that one genus or other
that one was the sister group of the other, higher taxon arose from another, they do
and no other way exists for deciding not mean that higher taxa "evolve," al-
ancestor relations. Second, given the vast though at one time macroevolution was
number of species which must have ex- more popular than it is now. All they
isted from the beginning of time and the mean is that the species which is ances-
relatively few which have left records, it tral to this higher taxon, if it were ever
seems very unlikely that very many ac- discovered, would be placed in the taxon
tual common ancestors have been discov- which has been specified as being ances-
ered. tral. For example, whether or not speci-
I find the second argument more per- mens of the actual species which gave
suasive than the first. It is always possible rise to amphibians have been discovered,
that what appears to be a genuine ances- whether or not they could be recognized
tor is really a sister group and that the as such if they were, Romer is committed
two share an unknown common ancestor. to the view that they would be placed
Of course, it is always possible that a trait among the crossopterygians. Nor are pa-
which has been recognized as a single leontologists necessarily committed to
trait is actually two, that a trait which is Simpson's definition of monophyly. Even
considered to be derived really is not, though they may be willing to specify
that a derived character which is thought only a genus or other higher taxon as a
to be unique really is not, etc., etc. The common ancestor, they may still have the
possibility of error pervades all of sci- goal of making all higher taxa monophy-
ence. What is needed is some reason to letic at the species level and would re-
believe that not only is it possible for the draw the boundaries of their higher taxa
two groups to be sister groups instead of if they became convinced that a higher
one being ancestral to the other, but that taxon was descended from two or more
one hypothesis is more probable than the species, even though these species were
other. Reference to the vast number of all included in a higher taxon of equal or
species which have existed and the few lower rank. But it must also be admitted
which have left any traces of their exis- that claiming a higher taxon as a common
tence does just that. If paleontologists ancestor is not as empirical as claiming
claim that they have identified an extinct that a particular species is. Higher taxa,
species which is in a direct line of de- as they are usually constructed, are large-
scent to some earlier or later species, ly a function of the principles of classifi-
then such claims are on the face of it ex- cation adopted (Engelmann and Wiley,
tremely unlikely. 1977).
For example, when Romer claims that Harper (1976) also presents eight prin-
amphibians arose from ancient crossop- ciples which he thinks can help distin-
terygians, he surely could not have meant guish sister-group relations from ances-
that one of the fossils already collected tor-descendant relations. All of Harper's
represented the actual stem species from principles cannot be discussed here, but
which all amphibians arose and that he one is sufficiently important to warrant

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mentioning-the role of fossils. Does not than cladograms. And, according to Pop-
the existence of fossils in certain strata per, bolder hypotheses are preferable to
and their absence in others, especially less bold hypotheses. Thus, two of Pop-
when a fairly extensive fossil record is per's desiderata come into conflict. If all
available, imply something about possi- the relevant data were available, bolder
ble ancestor-descendant relations? Hen- hypotheses would be easier to falsify be-
nig thinks it does. For example, he (Hen- cause they imply more. The problem is
nig, 1966:169) argues that the "sequence that in this case, the evidence necessary
in which the characters in question to test the bolder hypotheses is much
evolved" is "sometimes clarified by fos- harder to obtain than the evidence nec-
sils." He also thinks that fossils can help essary to test the less bold hypotheses.
determine the minimum age of the mono- And what is worse, mistakes in ascertain-
phyletic groups to which they belong ing ancestor-descendant relations intro-
(Hennig, 1975:112). Nelson (1969:245) is duce much more serious errors into a
a good deal more sceptical: "If a given study than mistakes in ascertaining sister
fossil could be demonstrated to have groups (Engelmann and Wiley, 1977).
been a representative of a population an- As I mentioned earlier, I am highly
cestral to a Recent species," it might be suspicious of scientists claiming that
of some significance, but such an "ances- something cannot be known, especially
tor-descendant relationship strictly when they do not need to know it and
speaking cannot be demonstrated." Even their opponents do. In this case, I think
though Nelson (1972b:367-370) admits that the cladists have exaggerated the dif-
that data concerning "relative strati- ficulties in making reasonable inferences
graphic position" might narrow the about prabable ancestors for a second
"range of possible relationships held by reason as well-difficulties in represen-
the taxa in question," he recommends tation which common ancestors pose for
divorcing "problems of relationships both cladograms and classifications. If
from data concerning stratigraphic distri- common ancestors cannot be recognized
bution of fossils." He concludes that with reasonable certainty, then the evo-
ancestor-descendant relations are both lutionists are in trouble. If they can be,
unknown and unknowable in an "empir- then cladists are in trouble. As Tuomi-
ical sense," that is, "by way of inference koski (1967:144) remarks, "Hennig and
from observation of study material" (Nel- Brundin are aware of the fact that such a
son, 1973b:311). linear classification of monophyletic
Following Popper (1959, 1972), several groups is capable of expressing only hor-
cladists have argued that hypotheses izontal sister relationships, not vertical
about ancestor-descendant relations are mother-daughter relationships." If ances-
unscientific because they are unfalsifia- tor-descendant relations can never be
ble (Wiley, 1975; Engelmann and Wiley, known with sufficient certainty to war-
1977; Platnick and Gaffney, 1977, 1978; rant postulating them, then the inability
Cracraft, 1978; Nelson, 1978a; Patterson, of cladograms and classifications to rep-
1978). Because these hypotheses are un- resent them is no great drawback, but
scientific, they should play no role in sci- Wiley (1977) has suggested that a better
ence. At one time Bonde (1975) agreed strategy would be to devise representa-
with this line of reasoning, but in the tional devices capable of representing
meantime he (Bonde 1977:772) has no- them just in case. So far, several systems
ticed something else about ancestor-de- of representation have been suggested
scendant hypotheses: they are bolder for distinguishing extinct from extant
than sister-group hypotheses. Because groups, and the difficulties which at-
cladograms claim less than trees and tempts to distinguish between sister-
trees claim less than scenarios, scenarios group relations and ancestor-descendant
are bolder than trees and trees are bolder relations in cladograms and classifica-

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tions have been pursued at great length

(Nelson, 1973c; Cracraft, 1974; Patterson,
1976; Patterson and Rosen, 1977; Wiley,
1979). For example trichotomies in clado- A Y B C
grams are already ambiguous, represent-
FIG. 3.-Three possible patterns of evolution. (a)
ing either trichotomous speciation events
A phylogenetic tree in which a single lineage
or a pair of unresolved dichotomies. At- changes in time without splitting. (b) A phyloge-
tempting to represent common ancestry netic tree in which a single ancestral lineage splits
in this same way would introduce yet into two descendant lineages and both descendant
another dimension of ambiguity. But I lineages diverge from the ancestral lineage. (c) A
phylogenetic tree in which splitting occurs but only
see no reason why some system of rep-
one of the descendant lineages diverges from the
resentation cannot be developed to dis- ancestral lineage.
tinguish these three possible situations
in both cladograms and classifications.
sification but for the purposes of formu-
lating and testing hypotheses about the
Cladists are frequently interpreted as evolutionary process. As important as sci-
claiming that phyletic evolution does not entific classifications are, scientific theo-
occur. Once again, the actual thrust of ries are even more important.
their discussion of phyletic evolution is Eldredge and Gould (1972) have ar-
methodological, not empirical. Figure 3 gued that phyletic evolution rarely, if
represents three possible patterns of evo- ever, occurs and that the evidence for it
lution: gradual change in a lineage with- is largely illusory. However, regardless
out the lineage splitting, splitting fol- of whether or not phyletic evolution oc-
lowed by both descendant lineages curs, the cladists maintain that a single
diverging, and splitting followed by only lineage should not be divided into
one of the descendant lineages diverg- species no matter how much it might
ing. Simpson (1961) has argued that change. New species are to be recog-
sometimes lineages change sufficiently nized only when splitting occurs. Accord-
through the course of their development ing to Hennig (1966, 1975), species are
so that later stages should be considered not classes of similar organisms but well-
distinct species even though no splitting integrated gene pools. In phyletic evo-
has taken place. The inevitable opera- lution, the lineage changes through time
tionalist objections have been raised but retains its integration. Hence, it
against Simpson's suggestion: that no should be considered a single species. As
non-arbitrary way exists for dividing a Platnick (1977a:97) argues:
continuously evolving lineage into dis-
tinct species and that lineages cannot be To attempt to divide a species between specia-
established in the first place because tion events would indeed be arbitrary: we would
there is no way of knowing which organ- not call an individual person by one name at age
10 and a different name at age 30. Dividing
isms are ancestral to which. I have al-
species at their branching points, however, be-
ready discussed these topics at sufficient comes not only non-arbitrary but necessary: we
length both in this paper and elsewhere would not call a son by the same name as his
(Hull, 1965, 1967, 1970). If the continuity father.
of phyletic evolution were sufficient to
preclude "objective" subdivision, then In this instance, I think Hennig is
all our measurements of physical space right, not because of any epistemological
would be equally suspect because space or methodological reasons, but because
is even more continuous. Perhaps the es- his decision is consistent with the most
tablishment of lineages is a risky busi- theoretically appropriate definition of
ness, but it is also an extremely important "species." Species are integrated lin-
undertaking, not for the purposes of clas- eages developing continuously through

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time (Simpson, 1961; Mayr, 1963; Ghi- If divergence is irrelevant without split-
selin, 1974; Hull, 1976, 1978; Wiley, ting, it should be just as irrelevant with
1978). Cohesiveness at any one time and splitting. On Hennig's view, what should
continuity through time are what matter, really matter is the integration of the
not phenotypic or even genotypic simi- gene pool. At speciation, so Hennig
larity. Some lineages may diverge exten- claims, the ancestral gene pool totally
sively through time without splitting; disintegrates, resulting in the extinction
some not. It does not matter. A continu- of the ancestral species. According to
ously evolving lineage should no more Bonde (1-977:754), Hennig's species con-
be divided into distinct species than an cept is the "only logical extension in time
organism undergoing ontogenetic devel- of the concept of the integrated gene
opment should be divided into distinct pool. At speciation this gene pool is dis-
organisms. These same considerations integrated and two (or more) new sister
apply to the other situations shown in species originate, while the original
Fig. 3. species becomes extinct." Wiley (1978:
Cladists argue that new species should 21-22) agrees that "in most cases the
be recognized only when splitting oc- methodological necessity of postulating
curs. In non-saltative speciation, tempo- extinction of ancestral species in phylog-
ral continuity is maintained, but the co- eny reconstruction as advocated by Hen-
hesiveness of the lineage is disrupted. nig (1966) is biologically (as well as
They also argue that whenever splitting methodologically) sound," but not al-
takes place, the ancestral species must be ways. According to his own evolutionary
considered extinct. Bonde (1975:295) species concept, an ancestral species can
characterizes Hennig's position as fol- survive a split, if it can "lose one or more
lows: constituent populations without losing its
historical identity or tendencies."
By the process of speciation the ancestral species
is split into two new species called sisterspecies If speciation can occur only by the mas-
(or daughterspecies) .... That the two sisterspe- sive disintegration of the parental gene
cies are new and the ancestral species becomes pool, then Hennig's decision always to
extinct at the speciation is most practical for a treat ancestral species as extinct is well-
consistent terminology, and it also follows frorn
Hennig's species concept, and from the defini-
founded biologically. However, if Mayr
tion of phylogenetic relationship below (cf. (1963), Carson (1970), and Eldredge and
Brundin, 1972a: 118). Gould (1972) are right and speciation al-
ways (or usually) takes place by the iso-
According to Hennig, the two sorts of lation of small, peripheral populations,
splitting depicted in Figs. 3b and 3c are then it seems very unlikely that such an
to be treated in exactly the same way; i.e., event will totally disrupt the organization
as a mother species becoming extinct as of the parental gene pool, and Hennig's
it divides into two daughter species. It convention of treating ancestral species
does not matter that in one instance both as always going extinct upon speciation
daughter species diverge from the moth- loses its empirical support.3 As interest-
er species, while in the second only one ing as these empirical considerations are,
does. As much trouble as it may cause the as I have mentioned several times pre-
systematist attempting to distinguish viously, cladists are currently disasso-
ancestors from descendants, it simply ciating themselves from any particular
does not matter that the mother species
is indistinguishable from one of its
daughter species. I agree with Hennig's 3The arguments presented by Eldredge and
reasoning but not his conclusion. If in- Gould (1972) support Hennig's contention that new
species should be recognized only when splitt'ing
tegration is what matters, then the differ- occurs. These same arguments, however, count
ences indicated in Figs. 3b and 3c are against Hennig's contention that ancestral species
irrelevant for the individuation of species. always disintegrate upon speciating.

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views about the evolutionary process. as integrated gene pools, then species
For example, Bonde (1977:793) states changing gradually through time should
that "contrary to my earlier beliefs, the be considered single species and not di-
details of the process of speciation are not vided successively into distinct species.
important for the phylogenetic systemat- New species should be recognized only
ic theory because the patterns resulting at splitting, but at splitting the ancestral
from allo-, para- and sympatric specia- species does not always go extinct. How
tions can be analyzed in the same way in many species are to be recognized at
terms of degrees of phylogenetic rela- splitting depends on what happens to the
tionship." If so, then facts about the evo- integration of the parental gene pool. If
lutionary process cannot be used to cast it remains largely unaffected, then the
doubt on the cladists' research program. ancestral species continues to exist as it
Such considerations cannot thereby be buds off descendant species. If not, it be-
used to support it either, and Hennig's comes extinct. Whether or not the daugh-
arguments must be abandoned. ter species diverge after splitting is irrel-
The only remaining consideration is evant for the individuation of species as
"consistency of terminology." Hennig integrated gene pools. Divergence may
seems to think that calling a species by matter for a host of other reasons, but not
the same name before and after specia- for the individuation of species. Of
tion would cause all sorts of terminolog- course, none of the preceding is relevant
ical confusion. However, comparable to those cladists who think that the rec-
terminological difficulties are easily ognition of species as some sort of signif-
surmounted at the level of organisms. icant evolutionary unit plays no role in
When a single Paramecium splits down cladistic systematics. It is also true that
the middle to form two new organisms, in the absence of some sort of diver-
each is considered a distinct organism. If gence, the systematist is unlikely to no-
we were prone to name such entities, we tice that speciation has occurred (see lat-
would give each a separate name. How- er discussion of the Rule of Deviation).
ever, Hydra can continue to exist while
budding off other Hydra. Once again, if MONOPHYLY AND RETICULATE
we were inclined to, we could give each
of these organisms its own name. The The term "monophyly" has had an ex-
parent Hydra would retain its name even tremely varied history. According to
though it budded off other descendant Mayr (1942:280) all taxa should be mono-
Hydra. Finally, in sexual reproduction, phyletic. By this he means that all organ-
two parental organisms produce gametes isms included in a taxon should be "de-
which come together to form a third. Or- scendants of a single species." He does
ganisms need not cease to exist when not say, however, whether all the de-
they mate. Queen Victoria and Prince scendants of a single species should be
Albert remained the. sa-me organisms as included in a singl.e higher taxon, nor
they produced child after child. Occa- whether this stem species itself should
sionally, we do call a son by the same be included in this higher taxon or ex-
name as his father. Usually we have the cluded from it. In later discussions, Mayr
good sense to add "Jr.," but whether we, (1969) states that he intended no such im-
do or not, they remain distinct organisms. plications. He also states explicitly that,
If such practices occasion so little con- as far as animals are concerned, reticulate
fusion at the level of organisms, there evolution may be disregarded. He justi-
seems no reason for them to introduce in- fies his position by reference to how rare
surmountable terminological difficulties genuine hybrid species are among ,ani-
at the level of species. mals. Botanists might choose to make
In this section I have argued that if one another decision. Hennig (1966:73) de-
accepts Hennig's conception of species fines "monophyly" somewhat different-

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ly: "A monophyletic group is a group of same as that of Mayr and Hennig: hybrid
species descended from a single ("stem") species may occur in plants, but they are
species, and which includes all species rare in animals. Simpson also does not
descended from this stem species." On specify any uniform way in which stem
Hennig's definition, all and only those species are to be treated.
species (both extant and extinct) which Several points are at issue in the pre-
are descended from a single species must ceding discussion: (1) should all taxa be
be included in a single higher taxon (see monophyletic at the level of species, (2)
also Bonde, 1975:293; 1977:757). Hennig if so, how are hybrid species to be treat-
(1966:207-208) also recognizes that the hy- ed, (3) should all the descendants of a sin-
brid origin of species would produce gle stem species be included in the same
"special complications" for the principle higher taxon, and (4) if so, what should
of monophyly and echoes Mayr in his re- be done with the stem species itself? The
sponse that luckily hybridization is rare cladists find themselves in agreement
in animals. Among plants he is willing to with respect to (1) and (3). All species in
countenance polyphyletic species but any higher taxon must be descended
not polyphyletic higher taxa (Hennig from a single ancestral species. Con-
1966:208). Hennig (1966:64, 70-72, 207) versely, all the descendants of any one
is not clear about the recognition and stem species must be included in a single
placement of "stem species" in his clas- higher taxon. Some disagreement exists
sifications. over the proper treatment of (2) and (4),
As much as Mayr and Hennig differ hybrid species and stem species. For
with respect to the principle of mono- those cladists who maintain that the only
phyly, they agree that all species includ- kind of event in the past which can be
ed in a single higher taxon must be de- reconstructed with reasonable certainty
scended from a single stem species. is speciation (or at least the production of
Simpson (1961:124) presents a much unique derived characters), common an-
broader definition: "Monophyly is the cestry, whether single or multiple, can-
derivation of a taxon through one or not be ascertained. The distribution of
more lineages (temporal successions of characters resulting from hybridization is
ancestral-descendant populations) from indistinguishable from that resulting
one immediately ancestral taxon of the from a trichotomy, which in turn is indis-
same or lower rank." According to Simp- tinguishable from a pair of unresolved
son, a taxon is strictly monophyletic if it dichotomies, which in turn is indistin-
arises from a single immediately ances- guishable from common ancestry. Since
tral species; it is minimally monophyletic all three phenomena can produce the
if it arises from a single immediately an- same distribution of traits, all such distri-
cestral taxon of its own or lower rank. butions of traits should be interpreted as
Thus, a genus is strictly monophyletic if unresolved dichotomies-other things
it arises from a single immediately an- being equal.
cestral species. It is only minimally The claim that we can never distin-
monophyletic if it arises from two or guish between a genuine common ances-
more species which are included in the tor and a closely related sister group has
same genus. It is polyphyletic if it arises some plausibility. The claim that we can-
from two or more species not included in
the same genus. As broad as Simpson's
definition is, it too is confronted by the monophyletic further weakens the already loose re-
difficulty of accommodating hybrid lationship between phylogeny and biological clas-
species (Hull, 1964).4 His response is the sifications which Simpson proposes, Bonde (1975,
1977) interprets me to be defending Simpson's def-
inition of "monophyly." There is a point to making
one's polemics as polite as possible, but when an
'Although the main purpose of Hull (1964) was attack is interpreted as a defense, that point has
to argue that allowing taxa to be only minimally been passed.

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not discern hybrid species does not. We ly. If speciation is on occasion trichoto-
know with as much certainty as we know mous and such events can be discerned,
any empirical phenomenon that certain why not represent them? If common
species are of hybrid origin. We did not ancestors and reticulate evolution can be
observe the hybridization event in the discerned, why not represent them?
past, but we can infer its occurrence with However, the principle of monophyly is
a high degree of certainty. For example, important to cladism. In recent years a
if a species were discovered at the large literature has grown up over the
boundary between two species with the "proper" definition of "monophyly" and
combined chromosomes of these two related terms (Ashlock, 1971, 1972; Nel-
species, the likelihood is very high that son, 1971b, 1973b; Farris, 1974; Platnick,
this species is a hybrid of the other two. 1976, 1977b, 1977c; Wiley, 1977). Scien-
Perhaps the outcome of a cladistic anal- tific terms change their meanings as sci-
ysis of these three species would be a ence develops. "Gene" did not mean the
pair of unresolved dichotomies, but that same thing at the turn of the century as
is a problem for cladistic analysis. it does today. One important function of
Another reason which cladists have for the history of science is to trace such se-
rejecting both stem species and hybrid mantic changes. However, the results of
species as unknowable is the difficulties such inquiries cannot be used to desig-
which both relations pose for unequivo- nate certain meanings as "proper" and
cal representation in both cladograms others as "improper." I'm not sure what
and classifications. For example, Nelson Darwin meant by the term "monophyly."
(1979:8) observes: I'm not even sure he ever used the term.
Changing the definitions of terms in sci-
ence haphazardly introduces needless
An instance of hybridization would be repre-
sented in fundamental cladograms by non-com-
confusion. From the point of view of
binable components that exhibit non-random making assertions about classifications,
replication, and in the general cladogram by tri- the term "holophyly" will do as well as
or polytomies that present conflicting, but non- "monophyly." The desire on both sides
random, possibilities for dichotomous resolution
to retain the term "monophyly" for their
(as exemplified in fundamental cladograms).
concept stems from the need to establish
continuity in scientific development. Just
Instead of introducing yet another di- as continuity matters in individuating lin-
mension of ambiguity into polytomous eages in biological evolution, it matters
cladograms, a better alternative would be in individuating scientific lineages in
to devise distinct methods of represen- conceptual evolution. The sort of fighting
tation for each of these distinct phenom- over words which is so common in sci-
ena. Perhaps we will never know which ence is not an idle exercise.
species are actually stem species, per- Terminological squabbles to one side,
haps we will never know which specia- the dispute between Ashlock (1971,
tion events are trichotomous, perhaps we 1972) on the one hand and Nelson
will never know which species are of hy- (1971b, 1973b) and Farris (1974) on the
brid origin, but just in case someday we other hand has some substantive points.
can, why not devise methods of repre- Cladists want to represent cladistic rela-
senting these phenomena in cladograms tions by nested sets of derived traits. To
and classifications? Wiley (1978, 1979) do so, they must exclude what they term
proposes to do just this. "paraphyletic" taxa. As far as assertive
In the previous sections I have argued content is concerned, which definition of
that certain methodological principles at- "monophyly" wins out is irrelevant; the
tributed to the cladists really do not con- structure of the resulting classifications is
tribute all that much to the long-term goal not. Whether one claims that all taxa must
of cladism-the representation of cladis- be holophyletic (sensu Ashlock) or mono-
tic relations explicitly and unambiguous- phyletic (sensu the cladists) is important

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sociologically. What matters substantive- The rule of deviation also has a meth-
ly is that the taxa themselves be grouped odological form. Whether or not specia-
appropriately. tion is always accompanied by the pro-
However much cladists and evolution- duction of at least one unique derived
ists disagree about the proper definition character in one of the groups,5 if no such
of"monophyly," they agree on one point: character is discernible, the groups will
hybrid species pose a problem. Although not be discernible by the methods of cla-
I hate to destroy this rare instance of una- distic analysis. Of course, they will not
nimity, I think they are mistaken. The be discernible by any other methods
goals of neither school of taxonomy re- either. It is unlikely (probably impossi-
quire that all species arise from single ble) for speciation to occur without at
ancestral species. All that is needed is least one new character developing, but
that all species have a single origin. In if "character" is used in its traditional
most cases, species do have their origins sense to refer to such things as tooth
in the speciation of single ancestral structure, feather color, type of blood pro-
species. It follows that these species also teins, peculiarities in mating dance, etc.,
have single origins. But sometimes a new it may be the case that speciation can oc-
species arises from two immediately an- cur without the production of a distin-
cestral species. They nevertheless have guishing feature of the sort that a system-
their origins in a single speciation event, atist is likely to notice. He can know that
and that is all that is necessary. Both the two groups are two groups because
schools need to require that all taxa be they do not mate. He may even be able
monophyletic, but only as monophyletic to tell which group is which because they
as nature allows. inhabit different ranges. But he will not
be able to decide which species a speci-
THE DEVIATION RULE men belongs to merely by examining it.
According to Hennig (1966:207), (Of course, one might redefine the term
"When a species splits, one of the two "character" to include spatial location or
daughter species tends to deviate more some such.)
strongly from the other from the common For those cladists who see their task as
stem species" (see also Hennig, the recognition of species and the group-
1950:111). Brundin (1972b:71) claims ing of these species into more and more
that the deviation rule is "one of the most inclusive taxa, the discovery of the ap-
fundmental aspects of the principle of propriate unique derived characters and
life" and essential to cladism. Bonde shared derived characters is crucial. It is
(1975:296) views deviation as a common very likely that the relevant characters
(though not universal) pattern of evolu- exist. The task is to discover and catego-
tion, which is important (though not nec- rize them appropriately. The cladists
essary) to cladism. Schlee (1971:5) finds
it "unessential" to the Hennigian ap-
proach, while Nelson (1971a:373) con-
cludes that it is both unessential and a 5The number of characters necessary to distin-
methodological principle. If the rule of guish a new taxon depends on a variety of decisions.
deviation is supposed to be an empirical For example, if one assumes that the ancestral
species has already been delineated and can bud
claim about evolution, it has some plau-
off new species without itself going extinct, a single
sibility. As Bonde (1975:296) notes, if unique derived character will do. If the ancestral
speciation takes place only when an species also must be delineated, a second unique
"atypical" population becomes isolated derived character is necessary. If ancestral species
in an "atypical" environment, one might are always considered to be extinct upon speciation
and speciation is always dichotomous, still another
reasonably expect this new daughter
character is required, and so on. Of course, in tra-
species to diverge more from the ances- ditional cladistic classifications, all these "ances-
tral species than its sister does. tral" species will be treated as sister groups.

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share this task with all systematists. For that the cladists' rules for classifying are
those cladists who see their task as the simple enough, but that the resulting
recognition of sequences of unique de- classifications are not.
rived characters and shared derived char- Another avenue of attack, employed by
acters, regardless of the coincidence of some taxonomists, is to agree that ge-
the emergence of these characters with nealogy is worth representing in classi-
speciation events, the rule of deviation fications but object to the aspect selected
becomes a tautology. It reduces to the by the cladists. Divergence is also an im-
claim that when a unique derived char- portant feature of evolutionary develop-
acter is recognized a new group is rec- ment. Instead of constructing classifica-
ognized; otherwise not. By terming the tions solely on the basis of cladistic
rule of deviation, interpreted in this way, relations, varying degrees of divergence
a tautology, I do not mean to denigrate it. should also be reflected. One problem
with this response is that no methods
CONCLUSION have been set out thus far which permit
In this paper I have examined some of the inclusion of both sorts of information
the principles which cladists have sug- in a single classification in such a way
gested to facilitate the representation of that both are retrievable. It is one thing
sister-group relations in cladograms and to let a variety of considerations influ-
classifications. Currently some disagree- ence how one constructs a classification.
ment exists among the cladists them- It is quite another to formulate a set of
selves over the precise makeup of these principles so that others can retrieve this
principles, but eventually a single, gen- information from the classifications. If
erally accepted, reasonably simple sys- classifications are to be systems of infor-
tem of conventions is likely to material- mation storage and retrieval, information
ize. The consistent application of these must actually be retrievable. So far, only
principles will result in classifications Ashlock and Brothers (1979) have taken
which allow anyone who wishes to read up the challenge. A second problem with
off from them the sister-group relations this alternative is that it is likely to in-
which went into their construction. I crease the complexity of both the rules of
have also raised questions concerning classification and the resulting classifi-
some of the prescriptions which cladists cations. If classifications which represent
have enunciated about what cannot be only sister-group relations are too com-
known about phylogeny or represented plicated, classifications which represent
if it were known. All scientific knowl- sister-group relations, ancestor-descen-
edge is fallible, including the recognition dant relations and degrees of divergence
of sister groups. Perhaps ancestors, hy- are likely to be even more complicated.
brid species and multiple speciation Another possible response is that clad-
events cannot be discerned with the ists have taken Darwin's suggestion too
same degree of confidence as sister- literally. Classification should be in some
group relations, but the contrast is not vague sense "phylogenetic," but biolog-
between fact and fantasy. -Cladists have ical classifications cannot be made to re-
selected sister-group relations because flect very much about phylogeny without
they are relatively easy to discern using frustrating other functions of scientific
the methods of cladistic analysis and just classification. The most that systematists
as easy to represent in cladograms and can hope to do is to weigh a variety of
classifications. Opponents have com- conflicting goals and produce the best
plained that the price is too high. Being possible compromise. Clear decisions
able to infer sister-group relations from between these various alternative goals
biological classifications is not worth the are not easy, but if the cladists have done
increase in complexity and asymmetry of nothing else, they have shown the sorts
the resulting classifications. They argue of rules which are necessary if biological

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