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ENGLISH 10 Quarter 3-Module 2: F Structures of Hodi heaton Fences Caraniat 19 Onda LEON 1 Single -Word Hodifers What | know \Wiat | know 1.0 Task A- Lett Give a try 2 € a) > bd 4» ¢ 5 C 2 8 40 hk a 1 OD u. ¢ % C 7A ae , 0 io C q. oD 10. © 1 Db i ¢ > D a b wD : vy A 1. Db an Whi "| Ig D0 ats | Task No.2 -! fecal Cohesion js the grammatical Cohereng and lancol linking Ce alte witlin a bat or both of ‘ier ateae ais ie them — gives thformmation \ which inlude e : a a ort “ideal Acweoping and ane Pe : «vapor ina your “iii ar qument cynthia; j and inkegrating Teadings, organi zing and. darifyin ideal, N he Whats Ne Task 4s Oucribe i} The lad are wearing cthtic pi sper alfes. A The carabao is walking slowly (slowly, black). i d. Dahilayon Tor Ta ta cudi & wonderful (happily, wonderful) plau vil bp. 4. The baby sleep! soundly (sod soundly) : 5 A Aare Cage ci pineapple statue can be found in Comp Priligs, Bukidnon What's Hore, ee of Ddverb* ADV 1. Tara walks peaceful ADI_2. Michacl wos lucd atk he van. ADS.9: the howe looked empty. ADV¢ Youwrike so neatly ADS 5 ‘Thor flowers |ovk color ful. ADV_6- The teams matched evenly ADV? the wore a beauhful design dress. ADI_8 Don play a speuial vole in the play. ADV. Singing inakaraoke is Eun HDVID Peter Firished is auignment remarkoy quickly. ADT Marie UW careful little girl. ADVI. He We eohng Very slowly. ADT '> Pim Feel: grakeful attr receiving the award. AOS! Tomorrow, | will be wearing. a purple k. NOVID. The visilove have ave early ue Jacke What | hae learned Task No o-Now | know Hy favorit partfe of this lewon icJare ideatifyngthe Single - Word a ifers-and explginng how it dither between adverb_and adjechyt« Single- word meal fig are \wporlagt because iL_helpe you _ unductand the given sentence. In this Iucon, | want to learn more about wlor on a \ ter Ais. | need tosh : What 1 Can Do lark No Ge We time to shine \ Tom works dowly 2 Sue climby up the ladder carctully the dogi barks loudly 4 We wan evcellent advr > They Learn the Engluh language eauily « Hay cingi wall TN awlully Cold teday i John enone congs are simply god The Wt boy cahng a hal Weridge i \ fouled Vhe cake deh cowly. Acreasm ent Tak Not Pula Hark on tt Ne wrikes meaning ful letters. ADI Ply l - | The chudunt cae very al Hy frien So st ial 8 The } ba K 11 eatiledly opened Wh, ai bu exception lly ood Vie kid looked al n U an wharehtind tmaqidan ADT ris) Was yoy Shen Aov ae strange Woman su find the Fholich sub a cay for me, ADT Fs ean at red th, Sh you want to be beeen ‘in the Fr6. The snake we saw from thy fore ADDITIONAL Activities Task oy What ave thuy? Ordre Oe rath odi fiers » deseril or < \ modify wount or pronoyn gir BrEssrssca4ee > yee KINK Bs “ina ducriphie word mee Wor laws. hat ttodi fi tho, see. vale or Nese, foots Wot slow ‘ . climbs up __caretul barks loudly a — learn __eauily — iit ings _ Well today ayvFully cold _ songs —fungly good ealin hol _ porridge, ~Nael _ddicioust Flint spoke dearly and with convidion, he dangly quel erate re The beacher wonder ADI. gunlly. hat a bod ‘a Hornet ADE. ent. AD. to hor, ADV. the stars carga Sp denly Falked bo oo oe fo ancther pot. ADV future, Git now. extragdinary a iW pe Adverb ) modify a verb an et chy or @ - LEGON 2 Phrasal todifers What | kno hats. In Tok eb veady? Not No.2 = Complek, the idea 14 1. Hodifier change, corifics, qualities, aA or limits a parkcular word ‘tn oC a sentonw \n order ty add cmpton, FY explanation, or detail. 5. oh Gingle-word wodiher ua descriphie &- D word Shak modifies the ene of 1A avolher word ,phrare or clause. It can gC be an adjechy or an adverb. q. 0 . fdruchire nodif cation i composed Ip. D wually by two demerit. A head ir D jh. mdia word emphasized by a lk D modifier. mA A. hdjechvel ducribe or todify, nouns 1D D or pronouns. : Wo 5. hdverbs modify a verb ,an adj coi, Ip. A ot another adverla What's New Tack 10. - Who and Where ptt ts shown in the pic hu . ee ee Oe ean ete etude: ae tea dig { ro Nia ode Which Phrasal Hodi fer iby, _horet. The pit & very deli dows. Prepes. The parcel are now jn the struck for deliver PARTP_-John conning in Gado iw nally at ae a break. AOVP_ 4 We strolled “Yhrough Ihe gardene siy_clawly.? 3 _taete 5- Hy friends ond t erowed byt ; ADIP the Kid we found Of tke park way uctly enthusi ache “PARTE The gud toy pled in will “be. ait, fo the orhat AOVE_ 8 The catumer of ‘iy aunts store, responded udely. PARTP 4 Shell i } OU Be ea ade. Seay PWhat | have learned Task No. -Share what You Learned 41 learned that phrasal modify are roup_of dy informahon _aboul_anobhur am o 21 realized thal there are different types of phrasal modifers: thal can funchon eilher as an adjecive or an adverb, these, ore srepaihonal phrasc, adjecival phrase, adverbial phract, and! parkcipake prove. 9.1 promise ty Karn more about phrasal modifiers by wing the © important _hps me i it. What | can do Task Nob -\WhaF is being mo dif ed? 4. The internet conmechon runs guile slowly. hurd J Wer 2. Tonia singing (ad songe suddenly oied. nan | [parhuipate phraid adjechue , The meeting war hdd gn hme. - (W2chl [preposthonal_phras 4, Our pease a now. oi | 5. Yunis playmal ASU ment Task No.T-ltow it Funchons ADEE 4. The kike Aipeing car and vee is about tp land. -ADvERe ». \ caught Tim sleepng inthe canteen. ADVERE . Forah aries aot AOTEGIVE a \eqw Rena : AdvERO 5. the line moving aking ADTECMVE_(. The papers, moe looks dean. ADvc#® "The poli came C AOTeLTVE _g. The dad snp _cartoons ‘itated the char ackers on play. Aven 4. \ cx the band pracheng laa . ADVERB 0. The nce ya changed Hy k DIECIVE 1). toms leche flan W ee : STINE i th clock ticking xo loud al the room is distrack ng me. ADvERD (> 1 caw ka laughing ; ADVERD kt We saw children it @ corner reading books. ADIETTIVE Ip. Shula and hor friends ran towards the park. Mdifional Achuihy None Nb.€- Lely Build a howe ai oo) of words tha’ — giver informakion ’ aboul another word in the same centence. Phrases can funchon as adyerbs or adjechues. id Phrag , Adiechval Pray, - > begie With a -propaii=. |? ¥ a, Aroup of, words thal func: : ns as An Adjechue to modiry nouns fion and endy with fio ya a Aone ‘appear a the q foun. ta end ,or in the middle of Pre Unk. Adverbial - Phray Parhdipale Phrase oi a group of Words thal func- ye (ae ot we Meng “ ms as an. mo a as a 0, verb, adjechut,or another ee modi hy gba) She gu with a i prone aie hwo present or pact partivigate. WRAL LESSON ® = Clausal Modi fiers Whal ( knew Task Nod Geline cese with Clauses a4 2» Uh >. b Waar ie Mo. Your duscriphion sounds familiar 6 “whal am |? lam a group ef words that funch on ae an adljechve, te modify Nouns, ay parkesple begins wilh a proénl or past parh eee Se Powthcipan Phrase «What um | Tam a @roup of words that funch ons a6 an Adseckve fe moalify nouns or Pronouns, My adjechver can Berean, al ie start, eras, be ih the middle of He P. ruse? L> Pees kval Phrare hal am [& lam a gveup of words thet funchone as an adverb by modily a verb, adjechoy or anes another adverb. It comprires my one or 0 aaveres tha group a Adrwbial Phrase ue “What am Te ai coup of we a fun ch ons ant an ad vere lor! ae cdl adjechve bo modi'ty. (t begins with 2 prepen ion an end if with a noun” Ly Prepesifion al Phrase. Dav na 10. te a ib Ke (Z SOBRBROCZzR AWS Whakr New Task No -low Coed Are tou cnovah? pe 4. Or pal made reservakons to a Ceo where we a wankd to_stay: we Og. The beet Waite D @aike@ vokl tha heard that courkt a “Ccalgeaiang tale ae in nm Manila, whale Hore Tark No-4- Write what you knew 4, Feople who are, smart follow the rules, et Aion Ie was as tread he shayed awake to finish his Attigumenf wh i end “are the pee Fhe cat bok @ nap. aunt ca & when cae pemembad The “A aa when idlernet aid tot vt 5. Wencg did not ship the ae Ue binde dhe winu tom become the wont fo learn more want to learn aoe The reeron why Ali went to a mall ic thal he wants fo i. buy a choes. 7 tt Why Ali went by a mall he jhilten, which wara runt fhally teund a focler homé. er Bi ich War A bunk, Anally found a fester hore ylation works hard so that | can finich ty cducaten. pi Ane ra ‘cqn shih my educahen “tine wel come whe 1 | ale tects cn you regret for the things you have When geou fearct for the tings you hen | 7 eh ve. Aas. ° pula to He college as ‘clon a (wall Be high <— 3 ts soen as | Apich Senor high What | have learned neh Task NO 5-Tell me Vn this lesson, | have learned that: A claucal modifier 6 a group of words witha subject and a verb which modifies a Roun, Avery, aphrase or another Clause. Clause Ho tiie ca be classified inky tio: the adjechue aang adverlral phrase. The three Hiags | F love in ie ae iscovery oO u no dtiee, row it is wed, and ib Conseg went Tn this lesson, ( want fo learn mo aloout: Clawal modifier tl can do What Note which fo choos? five Alb war Hr. Torres who Cince who) decided fo coninue the pr cubordieahing coidaya. | will Join th comping if Gwhatif) my parents allow me. subordinab ng oijudion ©. fila docsnt eat Lefore (when, befor) exorvise. dbo ncbey con A hear) broyght a basket all wich (which, co ha) will be wed for He _shordnaleg, coxyashon_ | have leave Serol carly because (Where because) | have som, ewent to atlend) ative conucton —_lo-The qardan where eee we planed floyes that beet dubruchve a storm. tlcie._coiuaion fel awa cake will be awarded |o th shdenbs who (albough,who) oarlisipaled in extra- Curvi cular aches. tate Logan -NAvoe8 Yee, xdgea, fll (ane) Hiemy lbp _ ®\_'_Q Suboxnalng wajuaan4. Fall, W ce. who afl)! mest in fhe surnin or camp, is the last seasons MUP. {ubor nding coxjuncion \0. Then will canal the show unlecs Gwhen, ulus) pore k fidat are sold | hSSees ment tb co Non-What iu being Underlined? c_4. You ikea bi ily. sor ha g dengas ri rend | Rae | the people who are thought OWS rary We oie eee Thi took vin ree of the cooker. Who Lea io vend d me- we, he ket his der ta the bag wo he wan perform the experiment wall. ONC 4. Rhea payed util her tren law | ADTC ¢.4y priend whose fpr a four _quidu, went fo vist ese “A030, werk t to a market inst ADV |p| will not go oa a ida in a Now _m. +9. MI At the nhebenk ql ‘ed ue fa cur English 1s missin. AoW 12: | wenl fo cleep AD TC (The seedling that my Bh (nu. ne as NON grown tall _ hove 4. A Aliugl howe an extra mohoy, Jam volunteered tp pay for our stacks. OV Is. ila ac tok wae will gt diccouraged from aed ASSEGMENT SesSoseys lo- IL Ih 1p GFICSIC OSF$GOCTS 15.

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