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ENGUSH IO Quarter i= Achuiby Sheet 2: \nformahve, Persuavive and fcgumentabve Text Frence Caranias (0- Acacia LETS EXPLORE SOMETHING! leorning tak 4 4 Row evor b atl > in the come way 4 but, neithur and nor 6. Fun though LET) LEARN NEW TRING! nd ant L rout! Quen ons: . 9 4. What kind of tut is paragraph 1? Paragraph 2? Para grape! S+ Paragraph 1 Informahve Text “Paragraph 2 Persuasive, Text LN 5 krgumentohve bext 2tow do the thre Fut diff; from each olher? |. Le Informative Text is given for the purpose of providing information about a topic to th audience. knal ” peremac- sive Fert proudu the oppor tun v convince someone to adopt a parecalar viewpoint And lastly, bequin en tative, Text, it brits fo change the Frade rind by com nding them to agree with the writer point of th W. >What writing techriquer wue wed in cach ext? & Informahue, Purcuasive and Argumentatve Text. UrTS ENGKOE The PUN! Carving task 5 4 FALE 2 TAUE %- TRUE \n for mahue An argum= Pemsuanve Proady éntahve uray contol ON. — Prrewades gr cominuur Information /£omanahion of fot and writ! 4h ready fy > the topic (tear The main diffiene between / aunerl ahve eucays that an inform) “ sonny ahe Ucay contain ohly ‘nformakon \ to explain a topic, ehstoah ie gument ative «ay contains ctalidic fac and weil petonal idea. Argument ahve, - Prasent an argument of both side of an iaue Let cReca TRE Pot! 4 i: 6. 4. 6. & . f. a. 10. fh t- a cy aa og FS rOO STD IC CFF LETS APPLY ON! Learring Task 5: Wrike a chort speech wing your understanding of 4 inaplu ef cohui on and corhertnc. and vriking techn - auu Choa your speech Wetur informal, parame or argun entalivy. P Coheion Teena at two uigtal pea 00d writing. Cohejon rammalical and lexical {inkl within, the tat oF ceateau thal holdin. katt toguthur and give, ih meaning. From G language point of view a let usu certain convenoni hal helps be, mee a tet cohusive. Te topic. of the bat onables the writer ty sdec from @ lexical que of related words: We can abo we grammatical kale tp allow the reader fo comprchend what ir bang reffared to throughout the tot Conberena ‘in writing iv the logical bridge Hetween, words, sonkac, and. paragraphs. Corherent writing wes devices to connect idear within aa ontaa and paragvaph. tain idea and rearing can dif cult fer the ryder bo follow if the wrihag \acki conherenu.the diffweaw between Conhesion, and conturente 1 thal conhtecema rekore to the “vhetori cal” aupec of your writing, which indu de Acuehoping and Supporting your argumert,cynth-esizing and inkegrah ng be grgarizing and dorifying Tew. While the confection of wring fowuics on the “grammakcal" sped of writng.

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