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Agni College of Technology

Thalambur, Chennai 600 130

Department of Electronics and Communication Engg.
Anna University Solved QB 5 Units
Sub Name: Electromagnetic Fields Sem: IV
Sub Code : EC 8451 Year II
Unit -1
PART – A Question & Answer
State the fundamental theorem of divergence. (N/D 2019), (N/D 2018), (A/M 2018) , (A/M
2017) , (A/M 2016)

The integral of the divergence of a vector over a volume v is equal to the surface integral of the
1. normal component of the vector over the surface bounded by the volume.


3. Write Stokes’s theorem in integral form. (A/M 2019)


5. Write the different coordinate systems. (A/M 2018)

There are three co ordinate systems. They are Cartesian(x,y,z), cylindrical (ρ,ϕ,z) and spherical(r,
6. State Stokes’s theorem. (N/D 2018) , (N/D 2017)
The line integral of a vector around a closed path is equal to the surface integral of the normal
component of its curl over any surface bounded by the path.

7. Define gradient of a scalar. (A/M 2017)

8. A 15 nC point charge is at the origin in free space.Calculate V,if point P1 is located at P1(-
2,3,-1) and V =0 at (6,5,4). (N/D 2014)

9. State point form of Ohm’s law. (N/D 2014)

The conduction current density is given by .This is known as point form of Ohm’s law.
. In XY plane, Q1 = 100 µC at (2,3) m experiences a repulsive force of 7.5 N because of Q2 at
(10,6) m.Find Q2. (A/M 2014)
= +
= 10 +6 −2 −3 =8 −3

| |= 8 + 3 = 8.54
4 75 4 8.854 10 73
= = = 609 10
100 10

Given two vectors determine the unit
vector normal to the plane containing the vectors A and B

12 Define curl.

13 Define divergence.













PART – B Question
1. Let T=xy2 and take appoint ‘a’ to be the origin (0, 0, 0) and ‘b’ the point (2, 1, 0). Check the
fundamental theorem of gradients. (N/D 2019)

2. Suppose = (2 + 3 ) + (4 ) ̅ . Check Stokes’s theorem for the square surface. (N/D

3. Check the divergence theorem using the function = + (2 + ) ̅ + (2 ) and the
unit cube situated at the origin. (A/M 2019)

4. Write the infinitesimal displacement, surface and volume elements in spherical and cylindrical
coordinates(A/M 2019)
5. State and prove Stoke’s theorem. (A/M 2018) , (N/D 2016) , (N/D 2013)
6. Given two vectors A = 3 ax+4ay-5az and B = -6ax+2ay-45az determine the unit vector normal to
the plane containing the vectors A and B. (A/M 2016)

7. Starting from Maxwell’s equation derive homogeneous vector Helmholz’s equation in phasor
form. (A/M 2016)
8. Define curl, divergence and gradient and state their meanings. (N/D 2015)
9. Three infinite uniform sheets are located in free space as follows:3 nC/m2 at z=4,6nC/m2 at z=1
and -8 nC/m2 at z=4.Find E at the points PA(2,5,-5),PB(4,2,-3) ,PC(-1,-5,2) and PD(-2,4,5) (N/D
10 Point charges of 50 nC each are located at A(1,0,0),B(-1,0,0),C(0,1,0) and D(0,-1,0) in free
. space.Find the total force on the charge at A. (N/D 2014)
PART – C Question
(A/M 2015)
2. A charge +Q is located at A(-a,0,0) and another charge -2Q is located at B(a,0,0) .Show that the
neutral point also lies on the x-axis ,where x=-5.83 a. (A/M 2015)
3. What maximum charge can be put on a sphere of radius 1m,if the breakdown of air is to be
avoided? For break down of air (A/M 2015)
If calculate the current through,(i) a hemispherical shell of
radius 20 cm. (ii) a spherical shell of radius 10 cm. (A/M 2015)

5. A wire of dia 1 mm and conductivity 5x107 S/m has 1029 free electrons/m3.when a E field of 10
mV/m.Find charge density of free electrons,current density and current in the wire. (A/M

Unit -2
PART – A Question & Answer

2. Write Poisson’s equation. (N/D 2019) , (N/D 2016)

3. Write Coulomb’s law. (A/M 2019) , (N/D 2016)


5. Specify the applications of Gauss law. (N/D 2018)

Application of Gauss law are:

(i) Point charge

(ii) Uniform line charge
(iii) Uniform surface charge
(iv) Uniform volume charge

6. Mention the Laplace equation in electromagnetic field. (N/D 2018) , (N/D 2016)

7. Two capacitance are connected in series. Find the equivalent total capacitance. (A/M

8. What is current density? (A/M 2018)

9. Define dielectric strength. (A/M 2018)

10. State Gauss law. (N/D 2017)

Gauss’s law asserts that the total outward flux of the field over any closed surface in free space
is equal to the total charge enclosed


12. Write the expression for energy stored in electrostatic field in terms of field quantities.
(A/M 2017)

13. What is the practical application of method of images? (A/M 2017)

14. Define capacitance and capacitors. (A/M 2017)

Capacitance C of the capacitor as the ratio of the magnitude of the charge on one of the plates
to the potential difference between them.

15. What is electric potential?Write expression for potential due to an electric dipole. (N/D

16. Define resistance of a conductor. (N/D 2016)

17. Write the Laplace’s equations in all the three coordinates. (A/M 2016)

18. What is dielectric polaraization? (A/M 2016)

19. Define electric dipole.
Two equal and opposite charges are separated by a small distance.

21. Define electric field intensity.

22. Define dipole moment.




PART – B Question

1. Define electric displacement and discuss electrostatic boundary conditions. (N/D 2019) , (N/D
2018) , (A/M 2018)
2. State Coulomb’s law and Gauss’s law. Define electric potential. Write the relation between
charge density, electric potential and electric field. (N/D 2019)

3. Find the electric field due to infinite long conductor and infinite sheet of charge using Gauss
law. (N/D 2017)
4. Derive the energy stored in electrostatic field in terms of field quantities. (N/D 2017), (N/D
2016), (N/D 2014)
5. A cylindrical capacitor consists of an inner conductor of radius ‘a’ and an outer conductor
whose inner radius is ‘b’. The space between the conductor is filled with a dielectric
permittivity r ε and length of the capacitor is ‘L’. Find the value of the capacitance. (N/D 2017)
6. State the relationship between polarization and electric field intensity. (N/D 2017)
7. Write down the general procedure for solving Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation. (N/D 2017)
8. Define electric field intensity due to line charge.(N/D 2018) , (A/M 2018)
9. Derive the equation for potential difference to move a point charge in electric field. (A/M
10. Derive the electric field due to electric dipole. (A/M 2018)
11. Derive the expression for energy stored in the electrostatic field of a section of a coaxial cable.
(A/M 2018)
PART – C Question
1. Two long coaxial cylindrical metal tubes ( inner radius a, outer b) stand vertically in a tank of
dielectric oil ( susceptibility ) (mass density ρ).The inner one is maintained at potential V
and the outer one is grounded. To what height does the oil rise in the space between the tubes.
(N/D 2019)

2. Illustrate with an example, to apply Poisson’s and Laplace equation. (A/M 2018)

3. A parallel plate capacitor with plate area of 5 cm2 and plate separation of 3 mm has a voltage
50sin103t V applied to its plates. Calculate the displacement current assuming ε = 2ε 0 (N/D
4. If 2 parallel plates are 4 m2 are separated by the distance of 6 mm, find the capacitance between
the plates. If a rubber sheet of 4 mm thick with permittivity 2.4 is introduced in between the
plates leaving the gap of 1 mm on both sides, determine the capacitance. (A/M 2016)
5. Two parallel conducting plates are separated by a distance ‘d’ apart and filled with dielectric
medium with relative permittivity .Using Laplace’s equation, derive an expression for
capacitance per unit length of parallel plate capacitor, if it is connected to a Dc source
suppling ‘V’ volts. (N/D 2015)
Unit -3
PART – A Question & Answer
1. Define Lorentz force law and give its expression. (N/D 2019),(N/D 2016)


3. Write Lorentz force equation. (A/M 2019)


5. Define magneto static vector potential. (N/D 2018)

The vector magnetic potential is denoted as Aand measured in Wb/m.It has to satisfy that
divergence of a curl of a vector is always zero. where A is vector
magnetic potential. .The curl of vector magnetic potential is
the flux density.

6. What is meant by Biot Savart’s law. (N/D 2018)


(N/D 2018)


(N/D 2018)

9. What is vector magnetic potential? (A/M 2018) , (N/D 2016)

The vector magnetic potential is denoted as Aand measured in Wb/m.It has to satisfy that
divergence of a curl of a vector is always zero. where A is vector
magnetic potential. .The curl of vector magnetic potential is
the flux density.

10. State Ampere circuital law. (A/M 2018) , ( N/D 2017), ( N/D 2016)

The line integral of the tangential component of H around the closed path is the same as the net
current enclosed in the path


(A/M 2018)

12. A long straight wire carries a current I= 10 mA. At what distance is the magnetic field
intensity is 15 A/m ? (N/D 2017)


(N/D 2017)
14. An infinitesimal length of wire is located at (1,0,0) and carries a current 2A in the
direction of unit vector az. Find the magnetic flux density B due to the current element at
field point (0,2,2). (A/M 2017)

15. Calculate the mutual inductance of two inductively tightly coupled coils with self
inductance of 25mH and 100 mH. (N/D 2016)

16. A current of 3 A flowing through an inductor of 100 mH . What is the energy stored in
inductor? (A/M 2016)

17. Mention the force between two current elements. (A/M 2016)

18. Differentiate diamagnetic,paramagnetic and ferromagnetic material. (A/M 2016)

19. A current filament carrying 15 A in az direction lies along the entire z axis.Find H in
rectangular coordinates at PA(2,-4,4). (N/D 2014)

20. Find the magnetization in a magnetic material where
A/m. (N/D 2014)

21. State the flux rule for a non rectangular loop moving through a non uniform magnetic
field. (A/M 2014)
When the conducting loop is moving in in a time varying magnetic field B,the induced EMF is
the sum of transformer EMF and the motional EMF.



(A/M 2014)



PART – B Question

1. Find the magnetic field at a distance ‘s’ from a long straight wire carrying a steady current
I by using Biot Savart’s law and Ampere’s law. (N/D 2019)
2. Derive the expression of energy in magnetic fields. (N/D 2019)

3. State Biot Savart’s law and derive the expressions for magnetic field intensity, of a straight
current carrying conductor. (A/M 2018), (N/D 2017),(A/M 2016), (A/M 2015)
4. Derive the inductance of toroid and solenoid. (N/D 2018) , (A/M 2018)
5. (i) Derive the equation which relates magnetization and permeability.
(ii) Explain the different types of magnetic materials. (A/M 2018)
6. An infinitely long straight conductor with the circular cross section of radius b carries a
steady current I. Determine the magnetic flux density both inside and outside the
conductor. (N/D 2018)
7. Derive vector magnetic potential. (N/D 2018)
8. Derive a general expression for the magnetic flux density B , at any point along the axis of
a long solenoid. (N/D 2017)
9. Derive the boundary conditions for magneto static fields at the interface of two different
medium with permeability μ1 and μ 2 . (N/D 2017)
10. Plane Z=0 and Z=4 carry current K= -10 ax A/m and K= 10 ax A/m, respectively.
Determine H at (1,1,1) and (0,-3,10). (N/D 2017)
PART – C Question
1. Apply Lorentz force equation , to derive the force on a differential current element. (A/M
2. A rectangular loop in the xy plane with sides b1 and b2 carrying a current I lies in a
uniform magnetic field = + + . Determine force and torque of the
loop. (N/D 2018)
3. State Boit Savart’s law.Find the magnetic field intensity at the origin due to current
element I dl =3r(ax+2ay+3az) (3,4,5) in free space. (N/D 2016)
4. (i) A charged particle with velocity u is moving in a medium containing uniform field
E=Eax V/m and B=BayWb/m2.What should u be so that the particle experiences no net
force on it?
(ii) State and derive the boundary condition between two magnetic mediums(A/M
5. Derive the expression for inductance and magnetic flux density inside the solenoid.
Calculate the inductance of the solenoid and energy stored when a current of 8 A flowing
through the solenoid of 2m long, 10 cm diameter and 4000 turns. (A/M 2016)
PART – A Question & Answer

(N/D 2019)
(N/D 2017),(A/M 2016)


3. What is meant by displacement current? (A/M 2019)




(N/D 2018)

7. (A/M
Compute the average power transmitted.


(A/M 2017)
9. Find the displacement current density for field (N/D 2016)

10. Maxwell’s second equation is based on a famous law.What is it? Substantiate. (N/D 2014)
Maxwell’s second equation is derived from Faraday’s law.Faraday’s law states that the electromotive
force (emf) induced in a circuit are equal to the rate of decrease of the magnetic flux linkage the circuit.


12. List the application of Lorentz force equation.















PART – B Question
1. Write Maxwell’s equations in integral and differential form. (N/D 2019) , (A/M 2018) , (N/D 2017)
2. Derive the wave equations for electric and magnetic fields. (N/D 2019)

3. A circular loop of N turns of conducting wire lies in the xy plane with its center at the origin of magnetic field
specified by = cos 2 sin where b is the radius of the loop and is the angular frequency.
Find the emf induced in the loop. (N/D 2018)
4. Derive the Maxwell’s equation in point and integral form. (N/D 2017)
5. Derive the wave equation starting from Maxwell’s equation for free. (A/M 2016)
6. Derive Maxwell’s equation for time varying field. (A/M 2016)
If ,find the value of K to satisfy Maxwell’s equations for region
(N/D 2015)
If find J if fields are invariant with time. (N/D 2015)
9. Derive Maxwell’s equation for basic principles. (N/D 2014)
10. Why Ampere’s circuital law is modified? How it is modified? Substantiate. (N/D 2014)
PART – C Question
1. Describe wave equation for electric and magnetic field. (A/M 2014)
2. Write Faraday’s law in differential form and integral form and explain Farady’s law with experiments. (A/M
3. Derive wave equation from Maxwell’s equation. (N/D 2014)
4. From Maxwell’s equation ,derive the electromagnetic wave equation in conducting medium for E and H fields.
(N/D 2011)
(N/d 2011)

Unit -5
PART – A Question & Answer
1. What is meant by group velocity? (N/D 2019)

The group velocity of a wave is the velocity with which the overall envelope shape of the wave's
amplitudes—known as the modulation or envelope of the wave—propagates through space.

2. Find the skin depth at frequency 1.6 MHz in aluminum, where conductivity =
. / and = (N/D 2019)

3. What is meant by brewster’s angle? (A/M 2019)

It is the angle of incidence at which the light with a particular polaraization is perfectly
transmitted through a transparent dielectric surface with no reflection.

4. Define phase velocity. (A/M 2019) , (N/D 2016)

5. Define Poynting theorem. (A/M 2018)

By Poynting theorem,the vector product of electric field intensity and magnetic field intensity is
another product called Poynting vector(P). The Poynting vector (P) measures the rate of flow of
energy of the wave as it propagates.

6. Define skin depth. (N/D 2017) , (A/M 2017)

The electric current flows mainly at the skin of the conductor between the outer surface and a
level called the skin depth.



8. List any two properties of uniform plane wave(A/M 2017)

9. What is Poynting vector? (A/M 2016)

By Poynting theorem,the vector product of electric field intensity and magnetic field intensity is
another product called Poynting vector(P). The Poynting vector (P) measures the rate of flow of
energy of the wave as it propagates.
10. A sinusoidal electric intensity of amplitude 250 V/m and frequency 1 GHz exixts in a lossy
dielectric medium that has a relative permittivity of 2.5 and loss tangent of 0.00. Find the
effective conductivity of the lossy medium. (N/D 2014)

11. Find the Poynting vector on the surface of a long straight conducting wire (of radius ‘b’
and conductivity ) that carries a direct current I. (A/M 2014)







18. A uniform plane wave in a medium having

Having frequency of 10KHz.Calculate the attenuation constant.

19. A uniform plane wave in a medium having

Having frequency of 10KHz.Calculate the phase constant.

20. A uniform plane wave in a medium having

Having frequency of 10KHz.Calculate the propagation constant.

21. A uniform plane wave in a medium having

Having frequency of 10KHz.Calculate the intrinsic impedance.

22. A uniform plane wave in a medium having

Having frequency of 10KHz.Calculate the wavelength.

23. A uniform plane wave in a medium having

Having frequency of 10KHz.Calculate the velocity of propagation.



PART – B Question

1. Derive and state Poynting’s Theorem. (N/D 2019)

2. Discuss the reflection and transmission of a wave at normal incidence. (N/D 2019)
3. Derive the Poynting theorem equation from Maxwell’s curl equation. (A/M 2018)
4. Deduce the Poynting’s theorem from Maxwells equation and find the total time average power,
crossing a given surface S. (N/D 2017)
5. Analyze the wave behavior at boundaries under oblique incidence and derive Brewster’s angle. (N/D
6. Prove that a linearly polarized wave can be resolved into a right hand circularly polarized and left
hand polarized wave have equal amplitude. (N/D 2015)
7. Derive the expression for total power flow in a coaxial cable. (A/M 2015)
8. Describe the concept of plane wave propagation in good conductors. (N/D 2014)
9. Explain with relevant expressions, the concept of reflection of plane waves by a perfect dielectric at
both normal and oblique incidence(N/D 2014)
10. With relevant examples explain in detail the practice application of electromagnetic field. (A/M
PART – C Question
1. The electric field intensity of a linearly polarized uniform plane wave propagating in the +z direction
in seawater is = 100 cos(10 πt) V/m at z = 0,∈ = 72, = 1 = 4 / .Determine the
attenuation constant,intrinsic impedance,phase velocity,wave length and skin depth.Find the distance
at which the amplitude of is 1% of its value at z = 0. (N/D 2019) ,

(N/D 2015)

2. Propose the salient points to be noted when the boundary conditions are applied. (A/M 2017)

(N/D 2015)

4. Explain in detail on what happens when the wave is incident (i) normally on perfect conductor. (ii)
obliquely to the surface of perfect dielectrics. (N/D 2015)
5. In a medium characterized by σ = 0 , μ = μ 0 , 4 0 ε = ε and ( ) y E = t − βz a 8 20sin 10 .Calculate β
and H. (N/D 2017)


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