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MS Excel

 MS Excel is one of the major parts of the MS office suite.

 It is one of the most powerful spreadsheet software in the world.
 The spreadsheet contains a table with various numbers of rows and columns.
 These rows and columns are used to put the values.
 You can easily manipulate these values using some complex arithmetic
operations with the help of excel formulas.
 Apart from that, MS Excel also offers programming support, which makes it
better than the other spreadsheet software.
 You can do the programming with excel via Microsoft Visual Basic for
 It also has the ability to get data from external sources via Microsoft’s
Dynamic Data Exchange.
 Apart from that, it also offers extensive graphic support to the users.
 The most common uses of MS excel are performing basic calculations,
creating pivot tables, and creating macros.

Importance Of MS Excel In Our Daily Life And Business Life

Easy Computation Solutions
MS Excel has the ability to do several numbers of arithmetic calculations. With the
help of different formulas, it can add, multiply, subtract, and divide lots of numbers
simultaneously. Moreover, it can easily be re-do if the value is changed or added.
Options Of Formatting
Excel has various formatting options, like highlighting, italics, colors, etc., that
enable businesses to show and bring out the essential data differently.

Availability Of Online Access

Businesses’ employers and employees can easily access their files over the cloud

Analysis Charts
MS Excel enables its users to create analysis charts easily. You can create Pie
charts or Clustered Columns by filtering and correctly inputting data in just a few
clicks. Even Excel allows you to customize the colors and boundaries of the

All Data At One Place

Excel contains over 10 lakh rows and 16 thousand columns in the spreadsheet. You
can also import data, add pictures and other objects through the insert tab. Excel
enables you to put all the data you collected from different files in one place easily.
 There are various uses of MS Excel in education. Even Excel is making
teaching a lot easier for teachers.
 The teachers use tables, shapes, charts, and other tools in excel to present the
topics to the students.
 Moreover, the teachers are also using formulas to teach the students about
mathematical computations.
 In education, the data visualization of MS excel is the key to the teachers.
 Now the students can easily understand the topic because of the
visualization, especially when the teachers are going to represent the stats,
then they use bars and charts. 
 Apart from that, the use of MS Excel in schools and colleges to create
 There are various pre-built templates in MS excel.
 You can use these templates to create the timetable.
 Besides, excel also offers formulas that are useful for multiple education
 It is one of the best uses of Excel.
 You can use these templates to create the timetable.
 Besides, excel also offers formulas that are useful for multiple education

 Excel plays a crucial role in the business. Even every business owner is
using excel.
 The use of excel in business varies from organization to organization.
 The business can use MS Excel to perform goal setting, budgeting process,
and planning, etc.
 Now the business can easily manage their daily operations because of excel.
 Apart from that, they are also able to predict their performance.
 The excel financial formulas are doing a tremendous job for the business. 
 MS Excel is offering the IF formula, which is quite helpful in creating
hundreds of logic in the business calculations.
 MS Excel is quite handy for business operations.
 All you need to do is visit the template menu to take full advantage of it.
 The best part of the pre-built template is, you need not create anything from
Goal Setting and Planning
 We all have daily goals or weekly goals.
 Therefore to manage our daily tasks for the goals. We can use MS excel.
 In MS Excel, all we need to do is accomplish the daily task along with the
remark column.
 Whenever we complete our daily tasks, we write on the remark columns that
we are done with the task.
 It is also helpful for planning purposes.
 With the help of excel, we can calculate everything in advance as part of our

Business Owners
 The previous point highlighted the use of MS Excel for business.
 But at this point, we will share with you the uses of MS Excel for business
 We know that business owners also need to perform various tasks from their
 Some of these tasks are work progress, team management, and payouts
details, etc.
 One of the significant tasks for the business owner is to track
the marketing campaign progress.
 Excel makes it simple and easy for business owners.
 All they need to do is select the prebuilt template to start creating the sheet.

 It helps housewives to manage their daily expenses as well as grocery.
 With the use of excel, they can create the report for weekly and monthly
 It also helps them to track their expenses.
 Most housewives are also helping their children to learn the basic skills of
MS Excel.
 In this way, the statistics students also get ready from the beginning of the
 Apart from that, Excel knowledge also emerges from housewives to earn a
possessive income.
 There are lots of part-time jobs available for housewives. 
 It is one of the best uses of Excel.

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