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IMPULSIVE combat flavored EXPLORER who


You have a hard time tamping down your enthusiasm. Why wait when you can just do it
(whatever it is) and get it done? You deal with problems when they arise rather than plan ahead.
Putting out the small fires now prevents them from becoming one big fire later. You are the first
to take risks, to jump in and lend a hand, to step into dark passages, and to find danger.Your
impulsiveness likely gets you into trouble. While others might take time to study the items they
discover, you use such items without hesitation. After all, the best way to learn what something
can do is to use it. When a cautious explorer might look around and check for danger nearby,
you have to physically stop yourself from bulling on ahead. Why fuss around when the exciting
thing is just ahead?

You gain the following characteristics:

Reckless: +2 to your Speed Pool.

Skill: You’re trained in initiative actions (to determine who goes first in combat).

Skill: You’re trained in Speed defense actions.

Inability: You’ll try anything once, but quickly grow bored after that. Any task that involves
patience, willpower, or discipline is hindered.

Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the following list of options, choose how you
became involved in the first adventure.

1. You heard what the other PCs were up to and suddenly decided to join them.

2. You pulled everyone together after you heard rumors about something interesting you want to
see or do.

3. You blew all of your money and now find yourself strapped for cash.

4. You’re in trouble for acting recklessly. You join the other PCs because they offer a way out of
your problem.
COMBAT FLAVORED EXPLORER (gun skirmisher Speed build)

Physical Nature: You have a Might Edge of 1, a Speed Edge of 0, and an Intellect Edge of 0.

Weapons: You can use light and medium weapons without penalty. You have an inability with
heavy weapons; your attacks with heavy weapons are hindered.


Danger Sense (1 Speed point): Your initiative task is eased. You pay the cost each time the ability
is used. Enabler.

Fleet of Foot (1+ Speed points): You can move a short distance as part of another action. You can
move a long distance as your entire action for a turn. If you apply a level of Effort to this ability,
you can move a long distance and make an attack as your entire action for a turn, but the attack
is hindered. Enabler.

Improved Edge (Speed): Choose one of your Edge stats that is 0. It increases to 1. Enabler.

Trained Without Armor: You are trained in Speed defense tasks when not wearing armor. Enabler.

You carry a gun and you know how to use it in a fight.

Tier 1: Gunner (You inflict 1 additional point of damage with guns. Enabler.)

Tier 1: Practiced With Guns (You are practiced with guns and suffer no penalty when using one.

GM Intrusions: Misfire or jam! The attack fails and the action is lost, plus an additional action is
needed to fix the problem.

Might Pool: 10
Might Edge: 1 (Physical Nature)
Might defense:

Speed Pool: 9 +6 =15 +2 (Reckless) =17

Speed Edge: 1 (Improved Edge [Speed])
Speed defense: Eased two steps (specialized [Skill, Trained Without Armor])

Assault rifle: Speed ranged (long [100 feet] {30 m}) attack: heavy (6) +1 (Gunner) =7

Unarmed: Speed melee (immediate [10 feet] {3 m}) attack: eased, light (2) =2
Intellect Pool: 9
Intellect Edge: 0
Intellect defense:

Effort: 1

Armor: 0

Recovery Roll: 1d6 +1

Eased (trained): Initiative actions (to determine who goes first in combat) [Skill].

Hindered: Any task that involves patience, willpower, or discipline (Inability); attacks with heavy

Cypher Use: 2

Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing and a weapon (assault rifle [heavy weapon, rapid-fire
weapon, long range]) of your choice, plus two expensive item (nightvision goggles, smartphone),
two moderately priced items (backpack, sleeping bag), and up to four inexpensive items (ammo
[box of 50 rounds] ×2, trail rations [1 day] ×2).

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