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being permanently lost is overcome.

There are two types of ecosystems



Each ecosystem is a unique combination of a variety of organisms and physical conditions such as soil, climate etc.

Biomass is the living matter in any organism. It is the amount of living time or energy available as food for the organisms of the next trophic level. The mass of organisms in each trophic level is called the standing crop.

Pyramid of Biomass In a given food chain the biomass normally decreases at each successive level in the chain and so do the numbers at each level.

The maximum biomass is at the first trophic level i.e. plants, which is synthesise

The most distinguishing characteristic of life is the boundless diversity in living forms. It is the total living (biotic) component of our bioshpere. Biodiversity can be defined as the variety and variability of all animals, plants and micro organisms found on earth. The diversity is due to the genetic make up of each organism. This variation or diversity is seen at species level, genetic and ecosystem level. The biological diversity is seen when we studied the classification of plant kingdom and the classification of animal kingdom.

Conservation of biodiversity is very important if man has to survive. Ecosystems are cyclical, balanced and self perpetuating. If a particular component is removed faster than it is replaced, the ecosystem loses its balance. Hence, to maintain stability of the ecosystem both the biotic and the abiotic components must be preserved. The following are some of the factors that are affecting biodiversity adversely.

Increase in population resulting in the increased need for food and shelter. Industrialisation has lead to rapid urbanisation converting cultivable land into settlements. Use of certain chemicals has affected the ozone layer surrounding the earth. Use of non-biodegradable substances like plastic, DDT, etc, reach the body of the organism through the food chain and cause

harm to them.

Indiscriminate cutting of trees has resulted in deforestation Killing wild animals for the thrill of sport has resulted in certain species becoming endangered.

Certain remedial steps have to be taken to conserve biodiversity.

Educating people and creating an awareness of the problem. Creating sanctuaries and parks for wild life and birds. Preventing pollution and planning proper disposal for wastes. Growing more trees through aforestation. Banning the use of non-biodegradable materials (E.g. plastic) and substituting with biodegradable materials (E.g. paper, cloth). Banning the use of harmful insecticides and pesticides. Eco-friendly substitutes should be used.

All is not lost. Biotechnology has recently provided some long-term solutions to the problem of the fast depleting diversity. Seeds, pollen grains and vegetative propagated parts of plants are preserved and stored in very specialised conditions in the form of genetic material called germplasm. By preserving the germplasm of the species the risk of them

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