Parents Fact Sheet

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The Facts:

Involvement of parents in
• 80% of Australian Children do not
get the recommended 1 hour of
exercise daily.
physical activity
encourages children’s
• Between the ages of 2-4 it was
discovered that children spend roughly 6 hours engaging in physical activity.

• Children between 2-4 years also spent around 1.5 hours each day in sedentary
Allowing children to
choose the physical
activity they’d like to
• As children get older this decreases and
unfortunately results in children engaging in less
physical activities.
participate in.
Modelling- by The Benefits:
participating in physical
activity yourself children
will copy this behaviour
• Daily physical activity promotes a healthy body
including the heart, brain, and muscular system

and be more likely to be
involved. Physical activity promotes social awareness in children to be able to
cope in group situations and be able to deal with their peers in a social
situation with different emotional support such empathy and leadership
Restricting screen time
will ultimately encourage
more physical activity in
• Physical exercise in children has been correlated with perceived
competence, task goal orientation and high levels of self-efficacy

your child.
Fairplay vouchers:
Parents, carers or guardians can apply for a voucher
valued up to $150 from the Queensland Government for
their child, which can be used towards sport and active
recreation membership, registration or participation fees
with registered activity providers (Queensland Government,
Applying for FairPlay voucher | Recreation, sport and arts |
Queensland Government (
Fernandez-Jimenez, R., Al-Kazaz, M., Jaslow, R., Carvajal, I., & Fuster, V. (2018). Chilren Present a
Window of Opportunity for Promoting Health. Journal of the American College of Cardiology,

Mandolesi, L., Polverino, A., Montuori, S., Foti, F., Ferraioli, G., Sorrentino, P., & Sorrentino, G.
(2018). Effects of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Functioning and Wellbeing: Biological and
Psychological Benefits. Frontiers in Psychology .

Queensland Government. (2022). Applying for a fairplay voucher . Retrieved from Queensland

Victorian Government. (2018, June 30). Children- keepng them active. Retrieved from Better Health

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