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Statement of Brummet, A. J. (2021, March While first published in 1989, Sackney (2007) argues
Education Policy 5). Mandate for the School this document is extremely that, “increasingly, parents
System. Government of British important as it lays the basis and the community are
Order (Mandate
Columbia. Retrieved May 26, for the framework and goals of being urged to get more
for the School
2022, from the education system in British involved in the schooling
System) Columbia. In this article, the process” (p. 180). This
article calls for family and
gov/education/administration/le prime goal of public schools is
community involvement in
gislation-policy/legislation/scho to foster intellectual
career, human, and social
ollaw/d/oic_128089.pdf development amongst development. Only
students. This responsibility intellectual development is
belongs to the school system the sole responsibility of the
but should be supported by school system. Anderson
family and community.Career, and Sivasubramaniam
human, and social (2017) also call for
development, however, are the community involvement,
responsibility of not only the but argue it is ineffective
school, but the family and without, “...measures that
community as well. The main directly affect the quality of
attributes of the public school teaching” (p. 128). This
article, however, does not
system are designated as
accessibility, relevance, equity, speak of improving
quality, and accountability. The teachers’ methods or
statement finishes by practice.
describing the duties, rights,
and responsibilities of
students, parents, teachers,
principals, district officials, the
college of teachers, the
community, and finally the
ministry. Similar descriptions
are given for independent
schools and homeschooling.

Framework for Ministry of Environment and In British Columbia, “The The Framework for
Enhancing Climate Change Strategy. Framework for Enhancing Enhancing Student
Student Learning (2021, October 22). Framework Student Learning” dictates the Learning calls for what
for Enhancing Student role of the ministry, the school Shah et al. (2022) refers to
Learning. Province of British boards, and the schools. The politics of anti-racist
Columbia. Retrieved May 26, role of the ministry is to resistance. This strategy of
2022, from collaborate with, “… school improvement, indigenous peoples and key “...centers historically
tent/education-training/k-12/ad education stakeholders” silenced voices of
ministration/legislation-policy/pu (Province of British Columbia, students, families, and
blic-schools/framework 2021). Furthermore, they will communities, with calls for
review all boards within the structural changes to
province to ensure all district resources,
educational outcomes are governance, and positions
being improved. They will of power” (Shah et al.,
ensure that all outcomes and 2022, p.45). While the
measures from each school framework states all
district are published. Lastly minority and diverse
they will, “…work with boards learners should receive
to build capacity along a equity in their education, it
continuum of supports calls special attention to
including communicate, Indigenous learners. It
facilitate, cooperate and direct plans to do so by
using provincial and local collaborating with,
information” (Province of “...Indigenous peoples and
British Columbia, 2021). key education
Boards will ensure that stakeholders in the
districts and the schools within process, including
them all have educational partners, parents,
plans and that they are students, teachers, support
published annually. They must staff, and representatives
also align all district annual for Indigenous students,
operational plans and children and youth in care,
participate in continuous. and students with
improvements review disabilities or diverse
programs abilities. Sackney (2007)
calls for this engagement
in his article and claims
many provinces do not
specifically focus on
minority groups as British
Columbia has done in its
The framework also states
that all districts should
support one another and
cooperate and
communicate with one
another. While this does
not go as far as sharing
data and evidence
province wide as Sackney
(2007) suggests is key to
success, it is a start.

Understanding the British Columbia Ministry of “Understanding the BC Policy “Understanding the BC
BC Policy for Education. (2021). for Student Success” explains Policy for Student
Student Success Understanding the British what student success is Success” is an important
Columbia Policy for Student according to the British article because it does
Success. British Columbia Columbia’s Ministry of what most of our readings
Government Website. Education and how to achieve ask for: focus on the
Retrieved May 26, 2022, from it. This guide declares that it is teaching. For effective the goal of the British learning this article states
gov/education/administration/ki Columbia Ministry of calls for “Quality Teaching
ndergarten-to-grade-12/underst Education to improve and Leadership” and
anding_the_bc_policy_for_stud intellectual, career, social, and “Student Centered
ent_success.pdf human development amongst Learning”. Elmore (2008)
its students. The ministry plans argues that policy does not
on reaching these goals by improve schools, instead,
ensuring quality teaching and “...they improve through
leadership, student centered the complex and
learning, future orientation, demanding work of
high and measurable teaching and learning” (p.
standards, and healthy and 1). The province of British
effective learning Columbia confirms such
environments beliefs by stating,
“...great teachers and
educational leaders have
always been the key to
student success” (British
Columbia Ministry of
Education, 2021).

Chilliwack School Chilliwack School District. The Chilliwack District’s The Chilliwack School
District 2021-2027 (2021.). Chilliwack Board of strategic plan demonstrates District places literacy and
Strategic Plan Education Strategic Plan. how schools in Chilliwack are numeracy as two of the
Retrieved May 26, 2022, from working to improve four most important goals themselves. The goals of the for improvement. Methods
s/ district is to improve literacy, used to measure both of
1-07/2021-06-18_Strategic%20 numeracy, transitions, and these include assessments
Plan%20Brochure_Final%20W human and social done at the provincial
eb.pdf development in the lives of its level. Such strategies are
students.Such goals are to be discussed in the article by
met by practicing high quality Anderson and
instruction, data driven Sivasubramaniam (2017).
decisions, collective Although these two
responsibility, and targeted authors argue that
interventions. Specific provincial assessments
measures for each of these lead to improvement, the
goals are given later in the results are often limited
document along with an (Anderson &
assurance that all teaching will Sivasubramaniam, 2017,
be influenced by the First 139). Such formal
Peoples Principles of assessment are often,
Learning. “...criticized for rewarding
lower-level learning (rote
memorization and factual
recall, use of standard
procedures such as
mathematical formulas), as
opposed to more complex
and demanding learning
objectives that require
open·ended problem
solving, application, and
synthesis of knowledge in
authentic "real world" (not
just textbook) contexts.

The Chilliwack
re-emphasises the
importance of “High
Quality Instruction” as per
the articles by both City et
al. (2009) and Elmore
(2008). No specific
examples of how this is to
take place are given,
however, just as in
“Understanding the BC
Policy for Student

Emphasis on community
involvement and creating
equity for minorities is also
explained. Just as in the
policy of British Columbia,
Indigenous learners are
given special attention in
this document.

Sardis Secondary Sardis Secondary School. This document is the growth The Sardis Secondary
2021-2025 Growth (2021). Sardis Secondary plan for the school I work at. 2021-2025 Growth Plan is
Plan Growth Plan 2021-2025. The author describes it as a similar to that of the district
Retrieved May 26, 2022, from “...conceptual framework… but offers greater detail in
https://sardissecondary.sd33.bc designed to communicate the actions happening in the
.ca/sites/sardissecondary.sd33. big ideas that we believe about school to make goals our school in a visual, holistic happen. In Argyis’s (1999)
0Sardis%20Secondary%20Gro fashion.” The big ideas article he states that,
wth%20Plan.pdf mentioned included high “organizations do not
quality instruction, data driven perform actions that
decisions, collective produce learning. It is
responsibility, and targeted individuals acting as
interventions. These goals are agents of organizations
to be met by improving who produce the behavior
literacy, numeracy, transitions, that leads to learning”
and development of human (p.67). This document,
and social skills. The although representative of
document is broken down an organization, speaks of
further to show what actions strategies by teachers and
and measures are being used departments within the
to hit targets. school. Collaboration and
sharing of curriculum is
discussed under the
numeracy section creating
a similar scenario to what
happened in Elmore’s
(2008) article. According to
Elmore (2008) in the
example he used, a similar
curriculum does not
produce results, it is whats
taught and how it is taught
that matters.

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