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NAME Yeraldine Romero Avila – Miguel Urrea DATE ________________________

1.Choose the correct verb form to complete the following sentences. U se the FIRST OR THE

1. You have to work hard if you ____________________ to pass your exam. (WANT)
2. You would be smarter if you ____________________ from the university. (GRADUATE)
3. You __Will be__ tired tomorrow if you do not go to bed soon. (BE)
4. If you sell more than you did last year, you ____________________ a rich man. (BE)
5. I _________________________ it very much if they gave the job to Mark. (NOT LIKE)
6. If sales __________________________ soon, we will have to lay off some workers. (NOT
7. If the report is not on my desk by tomorrow, you ____________________ in big trouble. (BE)
8. If we had enough money, we ________________________ to the concert. (GO)
9. I _________________________ so angry with you if you got more work done. (GET)
10. You _______________________ English better if you read more English newspapers.
Unfortunately, you don’t read much. (SPEAK)
2. Each of the following has a short dialogue. Try to imagine a situation in which the dialogue
could take place, and then choose the correct answer.

1. “Yes? ___________ I help you?”

“Yes. Do you have these sandals in a size eight?”
A. Should B. Can C. Will

2. “The hotel supplies towels, you know. You _______________ pack a towel in your suitcase.”
“This is my bathrobe, not a towel.”
A. don’t have to B. must not C. couldn’t

3. “Do you understand how this computer program works?”

“Sort of, but not really. ____________________ you explain it to me one more time? Thanks.”
A. Could B. Should C. Must
4. “What are your children doing? Stop! You ____________________ play with sharp knives.”
A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. don’t have to
5. “My horse is sick.”
“Oh? What’s the matter? You ______________________ call the vet.”
A. will B. should C. may

3. Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use Present Simple, Present
Continuous or Present Perfect.
My friend Mike Lives (live) in Cambrigde but each winter he moves (move) to Spain. He has attended
(attend) several Spanish language courses since he started going there and now he speaks (speak)
Spanish quite well. While he is in Spain, he goes (go) mountain climbing and he has climbed (climb)
all the important mountains at least once. Unfortunately, he broke his leg last month, so at this moment
he is reading(read) and watching (watch) a lot of television. Usually he doesn't watch (not / watch)
much television, but since last month he has seen (see) at least two films every day.
4. READ the sentence, CHOOSE the best answer.
1. Joji lived in Tokyo for five years, but he left in 1993.
a) lived b) has lived
2. The Titanic sank in 1912.
a) sank b) has sunk
3. Somebody has stolen my bicycle! Now I'll have to walk home.
a) stole b) has stolen
4. Gerry has fallen off his bike three times this month.
a) fell b) has fallen
5. Chika graduated from university last July.
a) graduated b) has graduated

5. Answer the questions according to the information given in the text.

Today the game reserves of East Africa are facing a number of threats. Although they earn
considerable revenue by attracting tourists, they take up land which is increasingly sought by the local
people. While these reserves feed and protect animals, they are in danger of turning into barren areas
and deserts. Trees, shrubs and grass are gradually being eaten by grazing herds. Another problem is to
be found in the changing attitudes of the animals themselves. Many of them are losing their hereditary
fear of man. In this way they become a danger to visitors and thus to themselves. Attacks on vehicles
are beginning to increase, and it is possible that the problem will become serious in a few years' time.
The problem of shortage of land is not simple one. As the population increases, more and more people
look hungrily at the land set aside for game reserves. They claim that a government's first duty is to its
inhabitants and not to tourists or to wild animals. Despite the income obtained from tourism, this is an
argument which is difficult to answer satisfactorily.
1- Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text?
a) Problems Facing East African Tourists
b) African Wild Animals Becoming More Dangerous
c) The Increasing Popularity of Game Reserves
d) Some Problems of East African Game Reserves
2- Why does the government continue to maintain game reserves?
a) to keep the vegetation under control
b) to reserve it for building development
c) to obtain income from tourism
d) to sell the offspring of the wild animals to zoos
3- People want the land spared for game reserves because of ------ .
a) a number of threads
b) the rise in population
c) a number of tourists
d) trees, shrubs and grass
4- ‘Revenue’ means ------ .
a) income b) place c) respect d) greenery
5- ‘Barren’ means ------ .
a) crowded b) wide c) useless d) wild

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