Effects of Different Storage Conditions On Chemical and Physical Properties of White Mushrooms After Vacuum Cooling

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Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 545–549


Effects of different storage conditions on chemical and

physical properties of white mushrooms after vacuum cooling
a,b a,b,*
Fei Tao , Min Zhang , Yu Hangqing c, Sun Jincai d

The Key Laboratory of Food Science and Safety, Ministry of Education, Southern Yangtze University, Wuxi 214036, Jiangsu Province, China
School of Food Science and Technology, Southern Yangtze University, Wuxi 214036, Jiangsu Province, China
Department of Agriculture, Huishan District, Wuxi 214174, China
Zhejiang Haitong Food Group Ltd. Co, Cixi 315300, China

Received 19 February 2005; accepted 28 June 2005

Available online 22 August 2005


Vacuum cooling was used as a rapid cooling method for white mushrooms. In the current study, experiments were carried out to
evaluate the effects of different storage conditions on weight loss, the respiration rate, soluble solid content, membrane permeability
and degree of mushrooms browning. To investigate the influence of storage conditions on the properties of mushrooms, mushrooms
were stored in three different conditions: (1) cold room, (2) hypobaric room, and (3) modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). Addi-
tionally, their cooling processes were also investigated. The results showed that the optimum storage condition was modified atmo-
sphere packaging (MAP). Also the results indicated that weight loss, respiration rate, soluble solid content, membrane permeability
and degree of mushrooms browning had significant difference under different conditions during storage.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: White mushrooms; Vacuum cooling; Storage condition

1. Introduction Vacuum cooling is a rapid cooling technique exten-

sively used for cooling some agricultural and food prod-
Consumption of mushrooms has been increasing sub- ucts (McDonald & Sun, 2000; McDonald, Sun, &
stantially due to their delicacy, flavor and nutritional va- Kenny, 2000; Sun & Wang, 2000; Thompson & Rumsey,
lue. Mushrooms are excellent source of several essential 1984). It is achieved by the evaporation of moisture
amino acids, vitamins (B2, niacin, and folates) and min- from the product. The evaporation is encouraged and
erals (potassium, phosphorus, zinc and copper) (Manzi, made more efficient by reducing the pressure to the point
Aguzzi, & Pizzoferrato, 2001; Mattila et al., 2001; Shiv- where boiling of water takes place at a low temperature
hare, Arora, Ahmed, & Raghavan, 2004). Mushrooms (Tambunan, Sagara, Seo, Morishima, & Kawagoe,
have a short shelf life of 3–4 days compared to most veg- 1994). Vacuum cooling has been adopted commercially
etables at ambient temperatures, because that they have on some mushrooms farms in USA (Lane, 1972), and
no cuticle to protect them from physical or microbial at- investigated in UK (Barnard, 1974); and more recently
tack or water loss (Martine, Gaelle, & Ronan, 2000). adopted on some UK farms. Vacuum cooling is rapid
and cools mushrooms uniformly within a stack, but
the capital and operating costs are high and weight
Corresponding author. Present address: School of Food Science
and Technology, Southern Yangtze University, Wuxi 214036, Jiangsu
losses are incurred (Barger, 1963).
Province, China. Fax: +86 510 5807976. There are few published reports on the effects of stor-
E-mail address: min@sytu.edu.cn (M. Zhang). age conditions on the post-harvest characteristics of

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
546 F. Tao et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 545–549

mushrooms after vacuum cooling. The aims of this 2. Hypobaric room (ZY-2 M3 Hypobaric room, Qihong
paper are to compare the storage conditions of mush- Cold-Making Co. Ltd., Wuxi, China): mushrooms
rooms after vacuum cooling by evaluating the effect of were stored hypobarically in air at 20–30 KPa total
storage on some physical and chemical properties. pressure and temperature was 4 ± 1 °C with a relative
humidity about 75%.
3. Modified atmosphere packaging (ADFM-V3000 air
2. Materials and methods controlled atmosphere packing machine, Hengzhong
Packing Co., Lianyungang, China): mushrooms were
2.1. Materials also in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) at
5 ± 1% O2 with 3 ± 1% CO2 and sealed in 25 lm
White mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus, Monad, 2796) low-density polyethylene (LDPE) membrane. The
used in this study were harvested in the first week of storage temperature was 4 ± 1 °C with a relative
May from a local field in Wuxi, PR China. The mush- humidity about 75%.
rooms were carried into the laboratory in one hour after
harvest and processed in two hour. The replicate plots
were arranged in a completely randomized pattern. 2.4. Analysis

2.2. Treatment Measurements of the percent soluble solids were

made with ABBE Bausch and Lomb refractometer on
The vacuum cooler used in the experiment was ZY0.1 juice squeezed from undamaged pieces of tissue cut from
vacuum cooler (Qihong Cold-Making Co. Ltd., Wuxi, the mushrooms. These observations were made initially
China) (Fig. 1). In the experiment, special care was and after 4, 7, 10 and 15 days.
taken with the position of the thermocouples. One Mushrooms quality was assessed by the extent of
thermocouple was placed into the mushrooms that browning of the cap, measured using the reflectometer
determined the end of the experiment; the other thermo- function of a Hunter Colormeter (Shanghai precision
couple was placed in the surface of the mushrooms. instrument Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China). Each mush-
The mushrooms were vacuum cooled to 5 °C and rooms was measured at three equidistant points of the
then stored under different storage conditions. The end cap of the mushrooms. To analyze the reflectance data
chamber pressure for reaching 5 °C was 0.5 KPa. (L), they were first transformed by the function:
Y = log n (100 L), where Y can be described as the de-
2.3. Storage conditions gree of browning (Burton, Frost, & Atkey, 1987; Gorm-
ley, 1974).
To study the effect of storage conditions on chemical Measurements were made during 0, 4th, 7th, 10th
and physical properties of mushrooms after vacuum and 15th day for the mushrooms stored continuously
cooling, products were stored for 15 days under three at 4 °C under three storage conditions. Ten mushrooms
specific circumstances: were measured from each treatment-day interaction.
Electrolyte leakage was used to assess membrane per-
1. Cold room (ZB-1.5 cold room, Qihong Cold-Making meability according to the procedure described by Kaya,
Co. Ltd., Wuxi, China): storage temperature was Kirnak, Higgs, and Saltali (2002). The freshly mush-
4 ± 1 °C and relative humidity was about 75%. rooms discs (5 mm thick, 10 mm diameter, 2 g total)
were placed in 20 mL distilled water after 1 h immersed
in 30 mL distilled water to remove surface contamina-
tion and incubated at ambient temperature. Conductiv-
ity of the suspending solution was measured after 1 h
and thereafter boiling for 30 min (taken as 100%) with
a DDS-11A electrical conductivity meter (DDS-11A,
Leici Instrument Co., Shanghai, China).
The static method was used to assess respiration rate.
Mushrooms (200 g) were put into a gas-tight container
of 260 mm diameter with 10 mL of 0.4 N NaOH in a
Petri-dish, containing ambient air as the initial atmo-
Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of the research vacuum cooler. (1) sphere. Petri-dish was taken out and titrated with
Vacuum chamber. (2) Steam condenser. (3) Conderding unit. (4)
Draining valve. (5) Vacuum pump. (6) Vent valve. (7) Expansion valve.
0.2 N oxalic acid (C2H2O4) after 30 min. The change
(8) Solenoid electric valve. (9) Filter dryer. (10) Condenser. (11) in the concentration of CO2 was used to estimate respi-
Compressor. ration rates (Yang & Zhang, 2000).
F. Tao et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 545–549 547

All experiments were carried in triplicate and the 16

weight loss (%)

average values were used in the analysis. Data were sub- 12 cooling
jected to ANOVA and LSD values at P = 0.05 or Dun- 10
8 hypobaric
canÕs multiple range tests (P < 0.05) were calculated. No 6 room
consistent statistically significant differences were de- 4
tected among the treatments between the experiments, 0
so means presented in this paper are the combined 0 5 10 15 20
store time (days)
Fig. 3. Effect of different storage conditions on the weight loss in
percent of original weight over 4, 7, 10 and 15 days of storage
3. Results and discussion (P < 0.05).

3.1. Vacuum cooling process results showed that different storage conditions had a
significant effect on weight loss of the mushrooms
Fig. 2 shows the change of the temperature and pres- (P < 0.05).
sure of the mushrooms during vacuum cooling. The vac-
uum cooling process itself occurred in two fairy distinct 3.3. Respiration rate
phases. This result is in agreement with the results ob-
tained previously by Robertson (1978) and Lovelidge The change of respiration rate under different storage
(1972). In phase one, the pressure in the vacuum cham- conditions is given in Table 1. The first measurement in
ber was reduced from atmospheric to about 0.5 kPa and, the experiment showed high respiratory activity. This
during this time, the temperature of the mushrooms was probably due to harvest stress caused by the cutting
changed slightly until the saturation pressure at this process. Similar results were obtained by Villaescusa
temperature was reached. At approximately this pres- and Gil (2003), who reported that mushrooms had ini-
sure the flashpoint would occurs; this was the point that tial high respiration rate, followed by a slight declined
the temperature of mushrooms declined sharply but the period that lasted 10 days and then a quick increased
pressure was reduced slightly. period.
In the common mushrooms, a peak in its high respi-
3.2. Weight loss ration rate is observed during post-harvest development
at the moment of cap opening. However, Braaksma,
The average percentage loss of weight after vacuum Meer, and Schaap (1996) suggested the high respira-
cooling under different storage conditions during stor- tion rates of the mushrooms during post-harvest devel-
age is presented Fig. 3. The percent weight loss increased opment because of the high energy phosphate-bond
with the duration of storage. The weight loss of the content.
mushrooms stored under modified atmosphere packag- Significant differences (P < 0.05) in respiration rate of
ing (MAP) was the lowest among the three storage con- mushrooms were observed between cooling room and
ditions. Its weight loss was always below 1% during hypobaric room or cooling room and MAP. However,
storage. The mushrooms stored under cooling room there was no significant difference between hypobaric
and hypobaric room had weight loss between 10.12% room and MAP.
and 14.78%, respectively at the end of the storage. The
3.4. Membrane permeability

time (min) Membrane permeability was determined by measur-

6.5 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ing electrolyte leakage. The results shown in Table 2
pressure (KPa)

30 25 clearly proved the drastic effect of storage conditions

25 on the membrane permeability of mushrooms. Mem-
temperature (°C)

20 brane properties had been shown to change during stor-
15 age (Yamada & Kobayashi, 1999). The membrane
10 permeability of the mushrooms were increased with stor-
temperature age time and showed that membrane systems became
5 5 pressure more vulnerable to leakage. The membrane permeability
0 0 of three storage conditions had significant differences
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5
among them (P < 0.05). The membrane permeability of
time (min)
mushrooms stored under cooling room was the greatest
Fig. 2. Temperature and pressure reduction curve of vacuum cooling. (16.67%), while the membrane permeability of MAP
548 F. Tao et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 545–549

Table 1
The change of mushrooms respiration rate under different storage conditions over 4, 7, 10 and 15 days of storage (mgCO2 (kg h) 1)
Storage time (day) 0 4 7 10 15
Cooling room 167.2 ± 4.7 159.59 ± 3.4a 146.67 ± 2.8a 151.56 ± 1.6a 193.29 ± 4.1a
Hypobaric room 167.2 ± 4.7 148.06 ± 4.3b 140.55 ± 4.7ab 136.27 ± 3.9b 143.87 ± 5.3b
MAP 167.2 ± 4.7 145.39 ± 5.1b 134.28 ± 4.2b 130.65 ± 5.3b 132.58 ± 4.8b
Note: Values (mean of three replicates) in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different by DuncanÕs test (P < 0.05).

Table 2

soluble solid content (%)

Effect of storage conditions on mushrooms membrane permeability 7.5
(%) over 4, 7, 10 and 15 days of storage
Storage time (day) 0 4 7 10 15 cooling room
hypobaric room
Cooling room 1.33 4.74a 5.83a 8.05a 16.67a MAP
Hypobaric room 1.33 4.14b 5.69a 7.91a 15.5b
MAP 1.33 3.92a 4.62b 6.6b 15.0c 5.5
Note: Values (mean of three replicates) in the same column followed by 0 5 10 15 20
the same letter are not significantly different by DuncanÕs test storage time (days)
(P < 0.05).
Fig. 5. Effect of different storage conditions on the change of the
soluble solid content of the mushrooms over 4, 7, 10 and 15 days of
storage (P < 0.05).
was only 15.0% at the end of the storage. All these results
suggested direct relation of membrane permeability to
storage conditions. of storage, the mushrooms reached the highest percent
soluble solids which averaged 7.25%, 7.5% and 7.25%,
3.5. Degree of browning respectively. There was significant change in the percent
soluble solids not only during storage time, but also
Both storage time and storage conditions significantly under various storage conditions. Therefore, the storage
(P < 0.05) affected the degree of browning of the mush- conditions had significant effect on the percent soluble
rooms (Fig. 4). The degree of browning of the mush- solids of the mushrooms (P < 0.05).
rooms stored under cooling room increased the most
quickly, while the mushrooms stored under hypobaric
room and MAP increased slowly. This result indicated 4. Conclusions
that both hypobaric room and MAP storages could
more efficiently extend the shelf life of the mushrooms The results of this study showed that modified atmo-
than the cooling room. sphere packaging (MAP) was the most suit for the
mushrooms stored after vacuum cooling among the
3.6. Soluble solid content three storage conditions. The chemical and physical
properties of mushrooms after vacuum cooling stored
Differences in the percent soluble solids among the under MAP had significant difference from that stored
various storage conditions persisted during storage under hypobaric room and cooling room.
(Fig. 5). Mushrooms under hypobaric room had the
highest percentage soluble solid content, while those un-
der cooling room had the lowest. After about five days Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank the Science and

degree of mushroom brown

1.6 Technology Department of Jiangsu Province in China
for its financial support (Program No. BE2003349); they
cooling room
hypobaric room also thanks to Qihong Cold-Making Co. Ltd., Wuxi,
MAP China, for provision of mushrooms and facilities.
0 5 10 15 20
storage time (days)

Fig. 4. The degree of browning on the top of the mushrooms cap Braaksma, A., Meer, P. V., & Schaap, D. J. (1996). Polyphosphate
under different storage conditions over 4, 7, 10 and 15 days of storage accumulation in the senescing mushrooms Agaricus bisporus. Post-
(P < 0.05). harvest Biology and Technology, 8, 121–127.
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