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In-service Certificate in

English Language Teaching


Candidate’s Name: Alejandra Vargas Rochín

Candidate’s Number: 12 Centre Number: MX005

Schedule: Fridays from 4:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Choose the assignment: Methodology

Assignment 3

Submission Date: Friday, March 3rd, 2017

“Methodology Assignment 3”

I. Introduction
Learning cannot take place only on the board and notebooks. For many year textbooks have been helpful
tools for teachers and learners to achieve specific learning goals and to have a record of them. They may
have plenty of tasks which include the development of both receptive and productive skills taken from
reliable educational sources. They also help as a way to go back and forward when studying. In addition,
textbooks are an excellent way to assess. Nonetheless, it is important to evaluate the textbooks we are
planning to use in our lessons in order to know if they are appropriate to our learners´ age, level, needs
and even if the contents are accurate to what we need to teach according to our schools´ systems and
syllabus. This evaluation should be done when planning our lessons so we can modify the textbook or Comment [gar1]: Exactly Ale, we do
need to take all this array of elements when
adapt it to the lesson aims by supplementing it with further materials that might be helpful for our planning the very best lessons.

students´ acquisition of the language ; which was also stated by Davies: “The book can provide you with
all the useful resources […], but only you, the teacher, can respond fully to your specific teaching
conditions and your specific learners’ interests and personalities. […] This usually means adapting and
supplementing the book to some extent.” (Davies, 2000, p. 139) Comment [gar2]: Very relevant
quotation. Omit the name, it is not
In this essay, you will read my evaluation of a textbook used for a specific lesson taught, how I necessary as you have already mentioned it
when introducing the quotation though.
supplemented it, and what results I got with the modifications done to the textbook.

II. Type of Textbook

The textbook used for the lesson was Big Fun level 3. This textbook is a leveled core series one since it
is part of different leveled books. It has activities to develop the four skills, this integration of skills is
useful and an advantage because as Gower said: “An integrated skills lesson allows for the practice of
language in a way which is closer to ‘the real world’ and assists in the development of a full language
user.” (Gower, 1995, p. 86). Also, I have noticed that the textbook has activities for visual, auditory, and Comment [gar3]: Use the quote to
support what you say and not exactly to put
kinesthetic learners which help students get engaged easily. Students like the textbook because it has forward what the author has in mind. In this
particular case, your voice was totally
suppressed by the author’s. Try to use the
videos, songs and a variety of activities for every unit, the topics are relevant, up to date and related to authors but do not let them take the lead.

daily life situations that they know, making students be aware of when to use what they learned. Just as
Scrivener said: “It is important, all the same, to also be able to step back and refresh our wider
perspective on the role our teaching has on our students’ lives and on the life of the world.” (Scrivener,
1994, p. 142) Comment [gar4]: In contrast to your
first quotation, this one is not so relevant.
Comment [gar5]: Include this in the LP
III. Class Profile only. Even in the marksheet that you will
receive, it is stated that the profile has to be
My class consists of 19 students, 13 boys and 6 girls with an average age of seven years old; learners included in the LP.

have classes five days a week, with lessons of one hour per day. Their level is A1 beginners, studying
first grade of primary school; they have been studying English for 3 years by now. Learners need to
practice more their speaking skills, they also have some trouble with pronunciation of certain patterns,
and need to reinforce grammar especially subject-verb agreement. Talking about their affective needs,
they are strongly motivated when making contests and getting prizes; they also enjoy singing songs and
watching videos. Most of the students are visual, with some kinesthetic and a few auditory learners.

IV. Unit Analysis

The main aim of unit 5 “Eating out” is to order in a restaurant using vocabulary about food. The unit
starts with a predicting picture, a video and songs( See App#1; it has two vocabulary exercises in which
students look and listen to the target vocabulary; Then, they need to match it with a big picture (See
App#2-3). It also has a listening exercise in which students have to circle what the customer wants (See
App#4). The unit also has two phonology exercises to practice four different letter sounds; In the first Comment [gar6]: Pronunciation-based

one, students need to listen and distinguish some consonant sounds in the beginning of the words, so
they can cross out the odd one. In the second one, they classify pictures by their initial sound and
complete two words in sentences (See App#5-6). Next, the textbook has a short story in which students
follow it through pictures and use the workbook to identify some details of it (See App#7-8). Then, it
has a math exercise in which students need to count in sets of 10 and complete some numbers looking at
the pictures (See App#9). After that, it has a science exercise in which students classify pictures to find
patterns in nature (See App#10). Finally, the textbook has a Unit Project in which students need to draw
and cut a snowflake (See APP#11).
Based on my students´ needs the vocabulary practice lacks a little bit, it is not enough for them just to Comment [gar7]: The vocabulary
section lacks a bit more of controlled
listen and match the target words. They should be more in contact with them, be aware of the practice.

pronunciation, identify the letters of the words and have more practice may be with more exercises. The Comment [gar8]: They need further
practice with MPF as well as different types
listening exercise is appropriate for their age and needs. The phonology exercises are great because of practice that can help and cater for the
different learning styles in your class.
without noticing it they are making a segmental analysis of different consonant sounds. As they do not Comment [gar9]: Why do you say so?
Back up your arguments.
know how to read yet, the story has great illustrations with short dialogues that are set on the bottom of Comment [gar10]: Good use of
the page with images of the characters, this makes easier to follow and comprehend the story. The math
Comment [gar11]: Keep your register
exercise is a great way to acquire more vocabulary; counting by tens and then using the pictures makes as formal as possible: This facilitates ss’
understanding of...
the content interesting and easier for students to manage. The science exercise is a good way to make
them feel engaged and curious of how to say different words of their daily life’s in L2. The project does Comment [gar12]: Lives

not make cohesion with the content of the unit; If my students do this project they will be happy but it is
not going to be meaningful nor being a consolidation of what they are going to learn in unit 5. Comment [gar13]: Excellent
observation; the project though entertaining
Taking into consideration Jeremy Harmer’s words: “We might decide to use the lesson, but to change it and likely to make s produce language, is
not related to the content of the unit
described at all.
to make it more appropriate for our students […] we might add something to it […]” (Harmer, 2004, p.
306) in order to supplement the unit, I will enhance the vocabulary exercises for two more challenging Comment [gar14]: This quote is more
relevant and supporting your opinions
and multi skilled exercises. For these exercises I decided to remain using the suggested vocabulary from expressed before.

the book and the listening because I think they are appropriate and relevant for my students, but this
time with a different purpose (See App# 12-13). Also, I will give them another type of project related to
the content of the unit making it a great consolidation of what they have learned (See App #14).
Cunningsworth stated that: “Learners have intellectual and emotional needs too […] course materials
can help by using subject matter that is intellectually stimulating and to which the students can relate
personally.” (Cunningsworth, 1984, p. 6) for this reason I decided to change the vocabulary exercises, so Comment [gar15]: Feed your
arguments and use the quotation to
my students might have the opportunity to practice more and been challenged with them. With these consolidate them. Mention how challenged
and stimulated your learners will be by
means of the project or the exercises and
new exercises, my auditory students will be engaged by listening and number the pictures, my visual then make use of the quotation.

students by looking what is missing or counting how many items there are and my kinesthetic students
by cutting, pasting and circling. I chose to change the project because I think that they are going to feel Comment [gar16]: Well done, you
have already spared some thought to all
engaged with the idea of creating their own restaurant and that they can decide which food they would your types of learners.

like to sell. This project is focused to help both my visual and kinesthetic students because it is easier for
them to learn in this way. It will enhance the unit by giving an attractive visual to the class. Comment [gar17]: This is good and
fair enough. What do you think about
My last decision in order for my students to have a better acquisition of the target language is to change showing them one you yourself make with
cut-outs from magazines which may also
serve as an example of what you are
the suggested sequence of the textbook. I will teach the two vocabulary exercises and the project on the requiring your ss to produce.

same lesson. Even though, teaching 8 vocabulary words could be ambitious, two of them are cognates
and three more were part of the vocabulary they learned in previous years; that gives us only 3 new Comment [gar18]: Excellent
supporting facts.
words for them. Finally, I will use the project as a production stage because they can use everything they

V. Brief Lesson Outline

The lesson started with a warm-up singing our hello song and dancing the hokey pokey. Then, I asked
students what comes to their minds when they listen to the word RESTAURANT so we can make a
brainstorm on the board. After that, I used flashcards to make the presentation of the vocabulary about
“eating out”. Then, they answered two worksheets and the class ended with making a restaurant menu
which students used to produce short phrases of how to order in a restaurant. Comment [gar19]: I’d suggest you
omit this. After all, I have the LP and I can
create a clear picture of what you did in the
VI. Evaluation of the Material and Action Points lesson.

During the lesson, when students answered the worksheets, they were fully enjoying the listen and
number exercises because as they do not know how to write in L2 they felt they were doing a dictation.
They were producing short phrases about the things that were missing, and were paying attention in how
to write the words correctly. They also, loved to count how many slides of pizza and cake were there in
the picture, and they had a bad time trying to choose only one meal and one dessert. In addition, my Comment [gar20]: Why? See my
comment in the LP.
students were totally engaged with the project, they were really happy looking for the images.
In the other side, timing was not my ally. My students took so long in cutting and pasting the images. Comment [gar21]: On the other hand

Even though, I consider that the materials chosen were successful, because they helped my students to
get the topic easier. Comment [gar22]: Understand/
If I were to give the class again and use the same material, I would ask my students to bring the pictures
already cut so I might have more time to practice their speaking skills making a role play. Comment [gar23]: Good idea. Also
you can bring cut-outs, perhaps not from
magazines but from printouts to make your
life easier.
By doing this essay, I learned how important it is to analyze the textbooks and materials proposed for
our classes because even though they can be important for the syllabus we should give, we must think if
they are appropriate for our students´ needs and if the tasks suggested may really help our kiddos to have Comment [gar24]: Please Ale, keep
your register as formal as possible.
a meaningful learning process and to achieve learning and language goals. Comment [gar25]: Elaborate on this
and also make use of more terminology.
Length: 1,136 words.
Copy of Selected Unit
App #1

Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)

Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 49
Pearson Education
New York, United States
App #2

Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)

Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 50
Pearson Education
New York, United States
App #3

Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)

Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 51
Pearson Education
New York, United States

App # 4
Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)
Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 52
Pearson Education
New York, United States

App # 5
Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)
Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 53
Pearson Education
New York, United States

App # 6
Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)
Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 54
Pearson Education
New York, United States
App #7
Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)
Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 55
Pearson Education
New York, United States

App # 8
Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)
Big Fun 3 (workbook)
Unit 5 p. 47
Pearson Education
New York, United States

App #9
Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)
Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 57
Pearson Education
New York, United States

App #10
Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)
Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 58
Pearson Education
New York, United States

Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)
Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 59
Pearson Education
New York, United States
App # 12

Adapted from: Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)

Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 50
Pearson Education
New York, United States
Adaptations made by Alejandra Vargas Rochín
App #13

Adapted from: Herrera, M., Hojel, B. (2009)

Big Fun 3
Unit 5 p. 51
Pearson Education
New York, United States
Adaptations made by Alejandra Vargas Rochín

App #14
Adapted from: Herrera, M., Pinkley, D. (2009)
Backpack 4
Unit 7 p. 85
Pearson Education
New York, United States
Adaptations made by Alejandra Vargas Rochín

Cunningsworth, A. (1984). Evaluating and Selecting EFL Teaching Materials. Oxford: Heinemann International.

Davies, P. (2000). Success in English Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gower, R. e. (1995). Teaching Practice Handbook. Oxford: Heinemann English Language Teaching.

Harmer, J. (2004). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Malaysia: Pearson Educational Limited.

Scrivener, J. (1994). Learning Treaching, A guidebook for English language teachers. Oxford: Macmillan Books for
In-Service Certificate in English Language Teaching - 2017


I Alejandra Vargas Rochín , declare that the

following (Methodology assignment 3) is entirely my

own work and that it is written in my own words and not those copied directly from any other

source, except for those properly acknowledge.

RFC: VARA891201DL7
Signature: CURP: VARA891201MDFRCL06

Date: Friday, March 3rd , 2017

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