Considerations For Housing in Covid 19 Pandemic World

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Considerat ions and

r ecommendat ions f or
housing in r esponse to a
COVID-19, Pandemic World
August 2021

Image source: Pexels

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Ack nowledgments

L ead A uth ors:

V irendr a Kallianpur, Pr actice Leader, Per kins and Will
Sher y l Pet ers, Provincial Direct or, R edevelopment, BC Housing
James Forsyt h, R egional Direct or, BC Housing
Wilma Leung, Senior Manager, Technical R esearch & Education, BC Housing
Sadia Afr in, Acting Senior Manager, Construction Ser vices, Development and Asset Str at egies, BC Housing

Con tr i butors:
David Dove, Pr incipal, Per kins and Will
Larr y Adams, Pr incipal, NSDA Archit ect s
Mar y am Ahmadi, I nt ermediat e Ur ban Designer, Per kins and Will
Karolina Hanula, I nt ern Archit ect, NSDA Archit ect s
Courtney St ewart, R edevelopment, BC Housing
Sar a Sar var i, Student I nt ern, BC Housing

L ayouts an d Graphi cs:

Mar y am Ahmadi, I nt ermediat e Ur ban Designer, Per kins and Will

Col l ab orators
Dane Jansen, Pr incipal, DY S Archit ecture
Pet er Osuchow ski, President, TD Syst ems
George Simpson, Direct or Facilities, R ainCity Housing and Support Society
Jim Aalders, V ice President – HDR Archit ecture
Madeleine Hebert, R esearcher, Happy City
Ry an Br agg, Pr incipal, Per kins and Will
Adr ian Wat son, Pr incipal, Per kins and Will
Kat hy Wardle, Associat e Pr incipal, Per kins and Will
Ruf ina Wu, Senior Associat e
Kaz Bremner, Senior Archit ect, Per kins and Will
Hor ace Lai, Senior Archit ect, Per kins and Will
Alysia Baldw in, I nt ermediat e Archit ect, Per kins and Will

This report is a result of a study led by BC Housing & Perkins and Will in collaboration w ith ex perts through w orkshops
and discussions.

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world


Introduction   4

Methodology and Approach   8

Considerations and Strategies   16

Design Consideration Case Studies 44

Bibliography  72

Intr oduction

Image source: Pexels

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

1. 1. Int r oduct ion

The emergence of t he novel coronavirus has prompt ed As illustrated in the Barton and Grant Health Map in
national and global measures t o contain t he spread of t he Figure 1-1 below, the built environment is identified as
virus. As people t end t o spend t he major ity of t heir time having a great degree of importance in determining the
indoors, ex amining t he built environment is essential t o health and wellbeing of our neighbourhoods.
understand how we can minimize t he spread of t he virus Forecasting our ‘new normal’ for housing design and how
w ithin buildings. we approach design is ongoing. Although we can not say
These recommendations can be applied to any housing ex actly what the future w ill look like, we can ex amine
project: ex isting, projects in development, and future current trends, tactics, and ideas. This guide off ers
projects. prudent and reasonably attainable recommendations to
combat the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

es ,
r c t i cs

h e ot h
l f o li
ba p o

r n er
l o y,

ei g r e
,g m
r e no

hb g i o
l t u co

ou n s
cu r o e



The determinants of
health and wellbeing in
our neighbourhoods

Figure 1-1. The determinants of health and wellbeing in our neighbourhoods - Barton and
Grant (2006) Health Map, The Journal for the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

1.1.2. Encouraging Health and Wellbeing Through Built Form

As shown in Figure 1-2 below, a robust design framework Better resource allocation for housing and built
that strengthens social networks and promotes healthy environments that fulfill the physical, mental, and social
choices is a relatively resource-efficient method of improving needs of different groups, will foster community prosperity
public health for the greatest number of residents. and wellbeing.

low high


effort and resources required

potential scale of impact

Health Programs and Campaigns

Active Design, Encourage Healthy Lifestyle and

Healthy Homes Behav ioural Choices

Social Dwellings Strengthen Family Relationships and

Good Neighbourhood Neighbourhood Social Network
high low
Figure 1-2. Impact of Built environment on Improving Public Health Pyramid - UK Green Building Council Health and Wellbeing in Homes Report 2016

1. 2. For ces at Play

COVID-19 as a cataly st for change and re-calibration

1.2.1. Increasing Role of Homes

According to Statistics Canada, between the years of During the COVID-19 pandemic, homes became containers
1991 and 2017, the median living area of condominium for almost all activities, from virtual schooling to working
apartments in British Columbia and Vancouver shrunk by from home to indoor entertainment. With these increased
17% and 20% respectively. demands, the role of the homes has changed. Innovative

work dine study

Live relax play shop
entertain exercise

Figure 1-3. Role of homes during pandemic

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

and adaptable design solutions need to be implemented to built environment (Figure 1-3).
incorporate the expanded daily life requirements within the

1.2.2. Change in Mobility Patter ns

While communities were in lock down mode during the peak retail, and recreation facilities in spite of a rise in mobility
period of COVID-19 in British Columbia, mobility patterns around housing.
witnessed a dramatic change. Based on a June 2020 Google This shift in mobility patterns reveals the importance of
report (Figure 1-4), despite an increase in local store and park access to essential community resources and natural refuge
visits, there has been a sharp decline in movement through as a principle factor in better health and wellbeing.
public transit systems and around transit nodes. This was
precipitated by the drop in flows to and from workplaces,

Mobility Change Report in British Columbia - June 2020

Retail and Recreation Grocery and Pharmacy Parks
-18% compared to baseline +6% compared to baseline +121% compared to baseline

+80% +80% +80%

+40% +40% +40%

Baseline Baseline Baseline

-40% -40% -40%

-80% -80% -80%

May 8 May 29 June 19 May 8 May 29 June 19 May 8 May 29 June 19

Transit Stations Workplaces Residential

-40% compared to baseline -36% compared to baseline +8% compared to baseline

+80% +80% +80%

+40% +40% +40%

Baseline Baseline Baseline

-40% -40% -40%

-80% -80% -80%

May 8 May 29 June 19 May 8 May 29 June 19 May 8 May 29 June 19

Figure 1-4. Mobility Changes in British Columbia from Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Report

1. 3. St r uct ur e of the Repor t

Introduction Methodology and Approach Considerations and Strategies Practical Implementation

1 2 3 4
why the study was done? how the study was done? what are the findings? how can it be implemented?

and Appr oach

Image source: Pexels

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

In an effort to address the housing challenges during the pandemic, and build a collective intelligence on this emerging
field, an integrated methodology was adopted including literature review, collaborative workshops, and iterative design
idea explorations. The collected information was gathered into a cohesive report which will remain a living document. It will
continue to grow, improve and evolve with additional knowledge about the viral disease, building science and technology
responses, and our understanding of how to mitigate infection and contamination risks improves.

2. 1. Tr ends and Obser v at ions

Behav ioural tendencies that might reshape our post pandemic w orld

As people learn to live with the new reality and the ripple effects of COVID-19, there are some emerging behavioural themes
and trends. These help to inform designers, developers, facility managers, operators, and decision makers when employing
new strategies to improve interaction with the built environment.

a. Phy sical distancing Hi Hello

In order to stem the spread of the coronavirus, physical interactions around the world
6 ft
have been restricted enormously.

b. Virtual as the new reality

As people stay physically apart, they are discovering new connections and nurturing
relationships virtually.

c. Higher regard for health, self-care, and mental w ellbeing

As people cope with the challenge of staying healthy and bound at home, they are
focusing more on taking care of their own physical and psychological needs.

d. Shift to value and essentials ✗ ✗

With many people experiencing negative impact on their financial stability as well as a ✗ ✓

shift in their daily routines, expenditures are being directed towards essentials.

e. Online shopping, on demand deliv er y

As people spend more time home, digital and contactless services - including curb
side pickups and deliveries - are highly favoured. Much like centralized mail boxes,
secure delivery points in multi-unit housing complexes for personal packages should
be considered

f. Increase preference for local businesses

With reduction in trips across cities along with the value, availability, and quality of
products, local businesses are revisited at a higher rate in neighbourhoods.

g. Importance of and reliance on technology

Technological and digital platforms allow many services and businesses to remain
active during lockdown and ensure people could distance more effectively.

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

2. 2. Work shops

Figure 2-1. Miro was used as the virtual platform for the Workshops

The creation of this document is a prime ex ample of how the of how the pandemic is now requiring designers and
pandemic has not limited our ability to work and interact, community builders to recalibrate their approach towards
but rather has changed the way in which we do so. In lieu of a space and neighbourhood creation. With many amenities
physical workshop, a virtual workshop was facilitated using shut down for a long period of time, a major reconsideration
Miro, an on-line virtual platform. for space programming and allocation is inevitable. Housing
Two workshops were organized to discuss and build has to become agile and flexible enough to accommodate
the collective knowledge on the considerations and the activities required do to maintain health and wellbeing
recommendations for housing in pandemic and post - both personally and professionally. Social connectivity
pandemic era. The first virtual workshop drew upon the to the community could be addressed by rethinking the
cross-national and international ex pertise w ithin Perkins building envelope and common spaces.
and Will. Participants were given time to ex plore the virtual Additionally, observations reinforced trending paradigms
workshop boards to absorb, comment, and discuss. The of sustainable design: housing has to minimize its carbon
recommendations varied from small space considerations footprint, maximizing solar exposure of individual units,
during the pandemic to perceptions about the future of promote rainwater collection, and provide natural
density in large cities. ventilation.
One of the outcomes of this workshop was an understanding

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

• Flexibility and Adaptability: Spaces designed for accommodating unpredictable and


• Space Planning: Space configuration and design for innovative programming and
Physical physical distancing

• Sanitation: Use of hygienic materials, textures, and building elements - Personal hygiene and
cleaning routines

• Equity: Practice inclusivity and equity to incorporate a wider range of community requirements
• Resiliency: Agility and elasticity of building resources, integrated building systems,
and materials

• Technology: Use of technological advancements to facilitate monitoring, validation, and

Findings Environmental interaction - Technologically connected communities and empowered

• Accessibility: Adequately connected to neighbourhood resources and community places -

enhance active transportation infrastructure

• Natural Elements: Access to natural resources, maintained landscapes, and

adaptable biophilia

• Performance: Minimize building's carbon footprint, use of sustainable resources, and hold a
Social vision for regenerative design

• Improve Health and Immune System: Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle
• Signage and Visual Cues: Configuration and placement of visual information for daily routine

Figure 2-2. Summary of findings discussed in the Workshop 2

A second virtual workshop was held to gather input from

a multi-disciplinary group ranging from mechanical
consultants to non-profit housing operators to social
programming experts.

Flexibility emerged as one of the most important aspects

in the design of housing during - and potentially - post
pandemic. Flexibility in planning and operational decisions
to the programming of interior spaces was discussed. These
inputs have been incorporated in the relevant sections of
the report.

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

2. 3. Sequence Flow s Thr ough Spaces

Ar rival sequence and circulation for various user groups

walking sidewalk

driv ing parkade - street

resident entry
biking storage - locker


mail room


laundry room

walking sidewalk

driv ing parkade

staff entry
biking locker





staff category:
operators - support providers - health providers
- facility maintenance staff

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

liv ing



unit - home unit entry



balcony - deck



walking sidewalk

one time driv ing parkade

v isitor biking locker

mail room

parcel room



one-time v isitor category:

guest visitor - food delivery - parcel delivery

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

2. 4. Inter connect iv it y
In order to develop strategies and guidelines in a robust framework.
comprehensive manner, it is crucial to identify the factors
Four distinct criteria were used to reconcile the various
that impact the built environment. Recognizing that
factors to determine the applicability of the recommended
many of these are interconnected and interdependent,
a systems-thinking approach was adopted to develop a

1. Time and Cost

Time and Cost evaluates the temporal and financial efficiency of applied strategies

Low Medium High

2. Project Status
Project Status explores the applicability of strategies on existing, current, and future projects.

ex isting current future

3. User Profile
User Profile accounts for the spectrum of users interacting with the building from residents to single time visitors.

families seniors young adults persons with disabilities care givers

guest visitor maintenance provider parcel delivery food delivery

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. Scale
Scale examines the design strategy and/or user experience against different scales of building components.

commons and circulation

sk in



entr y

public realm

Figure 2-4. Building scales that inform design decisions

and Strategies

Image source: Pexels

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 1. Considerat ions
In order to maintain livability and the health of residents during the pandemic, as well as to minimize the social and
environmental tensions following the new normal, it is important to reflect on areas of improvement and collective effort:

3.1.1. Strengthen the sense of community and allev iate the isolation follow ing social distancing:

a. Re-evaluate internal configurations b. Promote wellbeing c. Invigorate communal spaces

Facilitate safe community interactions Administer a healthy environment Cultivate a sense of belonging
by reevaluating dimensions, space that supports physical and mental and neighbourliness by providing
configurations, and typologies. wellbeing. communal spaces that require
community upkeep and care.

examples: external circulation, open examples: visually connect semi examples: co-working spaces, outdoor
corridors, amenities, activate rooftop private spaces, balconies, and spaces worship spaces, outdoor dining tables,
spaces for safe exercise and amenities

reclaim rooftop widen corridors social balconies exercise spaces communal spaces co-working spaces

3.1.2. Improv e connectiv ity betw een public realm and private spaces:

a. Advocate connectivity b. Foster access to natural elements c. Improve movement alternatives

Endorse public private connectedness Enhance access to nature, sunlight, Minimize crowding by creating
while ensuring the security and privacy and natural ventilation as facilitators alternative pathways connecting
of homes. for health and well being. public realm to homes.

examples: presence of balconies on examples: increased dimension of examples: multiple entry ways,
the facade, and raised ground floor fenestration, incorporate natural support variety of modes accessing the
oriented units with stoops and decks landscaping and deck elements site at different grades and points

raised entries present balconies natural ventilation biophilia various entries multi modal access

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3.1.3. Promote agile and resilient housing ty pologies to suppor t the emerging needs of residents:

a. Re-evaluate housing models a. Re-introduce courtyard housing

Advocate for housing models that Revisit successful models of courtyard

empower micro- cultures and small housing that allow for cross ventilation
group support. and community spaces.

examples: housing clusters with ample examples: community spaces in

social spaces for safe gatherings the heart of the house, semi private
gathering spaces

social spaces housing clusters courtyard typology courtyard typology

3.1.4. Rethink thresholds/transitional spaces to dev elop a safe and desirable ex perience to and
from homes:

a. Refine space integration b. Promote health and safety c. Enhance visibility

Enhance the integration of public, Increase the health and safety of Increase visibility at entry points to
semi public, semi private, and private residents by applying strategies that avoid accidental physical contact.
spaces. minimizes physical contact and allows
for sanitation at entry points.

examples: create a robust sequence examples: intentional entry spaces, examples: use of glazing for lobbies
for user’s experience moving from one touchless doors, and hand washing and waiting areas
space to another stations at entry doors

movement sequence user experience easy fixes mud rooms glazings and transparent materials

3.1.5. Enhance flex ibility of homes to accommodate the changing needs of the residents:

a. Advocate flexibility b. Holistic interior design c. Support privacy

Allocate flexible spaces for activities Encourage integrated design of interior Maintain sufficient private space so as
such as working from home and spaces and furniture that allows for to address the need of all residents.
homeschooling. agility and adaptability of homes.

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

examples: moving walls and furnitures examples: adequate use of built in examples: acoustic separation
to adapt to use furniture vs movable pieces, and between spaces

flexible spaces flexible interiors open plan modularity transparent partitions immaterial separators

3.1.6. Improv e the design and placement of elements to minimizes the risk of transmission:

a. Support healthy materials b. Advance digital connections c. Reduce touch surface

Encourage use of materials and Employ bulletin boards and accessible Increase the use of touchless shared
textures that are easier to manage and social media platforms to maintain the elements as well as provide sanitation
sterilize. interaction of residents. stations for regular cleaning

examples: use of stainless steel and examples: bulletin boards, virtual examples: touchless door handles,
glazed materials for easy sanitation gatherings, social media touchless light switches

material and texture material and texture community bulletin social media touchless elements sanitation stations

3.1.7. Cleanse and improv e indoor air quality to inhibit contaminated airborne particles:

a. Increase ventilation and air flow b. Temperature and humidity control c. Filtration and disinfection

Raise the indoor air quality by Control thermal and moisture quality Utilize high performance air filters
distributing fresh air in the ventilation of the indoor air to contain the spread and disinfectants to reduce the risk of
system and flushing out the of the infectious virus recirculating contaminated air
contaminated particles.

examples: use of natural ventilation examples: monitoring and validation examples: high performance filters in
systems, low draft HVAC systems data collection, automated thermostat HVAC canals

natural ventilation building air flush HVAC monitoring systems automated thermostat high performance HVAC filters HVAC disinfectant

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 2. Big Ideas

This effort, comprised of literature review, workshops and studies led to the formulation of six concepts, that could structure
housing strategies for post pandemic design guidelines. The strategies that are presented later in this chapter, exemplify one
or several of these concepts.

Being Together Future is Shared

Resources on
Physically distanced, demand
connected communities

Flex ibility is key

Ability to off er choices

Be part of nature

Nature is the Best


Planning for the

Living with or without Redundancy to
virus enable resiliency

Generosity is

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 3. St rategies

To approach the strategies in a consistent manner, the big ideas are broken down into the following building scales and are
compared against the type of project they are applicable to.

Key Guide level of applicability to the projects

scale • items to consider level of impact

scale of the building major elements within that particular

component (external to internal) component to strategize for

• side walk future

• green separators/planters
• active transportation infrastructure
public realm • on street parking access
• public transit station
• materiality/texture ex isting

• balconies future
• fenestration
• glazing
skin • natural elements

• exterior vertical/horizontal circulation

ex isting

• street access entry future

• parking entry
• active transportation entry
entry • on-ground town-home entry

• glazing
ex isting
• washing/sanitation stations

• lobbies and corridors • storage future

• elevators and stairs • pool/gym
• courtyard - front/back yards • smoking area current
commons • mail/delivery rooms • co-working spaces
• laundry room • outdoor dining/pavilion
ex isting
• roof top • play room/playground

• ventilation future
• water/sewer system
• garbage/recycling disposal
systems • irrigation

ex isting

• unit layout future

• flexible/adaptable strategies
• private spaces
unit • care spaces

• vestibule/genkan
ex isting
• furniture choice/placement

• public elements future

• entry spaces’ elements
• texture and materiality
element • community/social technology

ex isting

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 4. Public Realm [P]

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (public realm → P)

P1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

P1. Sidewalk
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• S1: 10-2, 7-3
• width / dimension • movement direction / pattern
• foliage density • physical distancing signage • S3: 2-3
• sunlight exposure • S4: D3 existing current future
• pausing / resting spots
• building entry pathways

P2. Active Transportation Station

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• S1: 2-1, 4-3, 4-5,
• dimension / no. of stalls • proper locking etiquette
• safety and visibility • litter prevention • S3: 3-4, 3-20
• accessibility • theft prevention • S5: 1-1 existing current future
• room for physical

P3. Foliage Separator

Physical Adaptation Social Behaviour Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• width / dimension • signage placement on soil • S1: 2
3 • location along and
across sidewalk
• litter prevention • S2: 8
existing current future
• foliage type and density
• visual permeability
• soil bioretention

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (public realm → P)

P1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

P4. Public Transit Station

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• S1: 10-2, 7-3
• safety and visibility • movement direction / pattern
• weather protection • physical distancing signage • S3: 2-3
• accessibility • S4: D3 existing current future
• room for physical distancing

P5. On-street Parking

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• position to entryways • movement direction / pattern • S1: 2

5 •

accessibility / ramping
safety and visibility
• physical distancing floor
• S2: 8
existing current future
• adaptive extension of sidewalk
• timed/permitted/drop-off

P6. Materiality and Tex ture

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• safety and health concerns • litter prevention • S1: 10-2, 7-3

6 •

pavement permeability
ease of sanitation
• physical distancing signage • S3: 2-3
• S4: D3 existing current future

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 5. Sk in [S]

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (skin → S)

S1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

S1. Balcony
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• width / dimension • community presence • S1: 3-2, 7-3
• enclosed deck / flex spaces • litter prevention • S2: 3-2

1 • distribution among all units • social integration • S4: D7 existing current future
• orientation
• placement / relationship to
other balconies
• presence of natural elements
• private / shared deck

S2. Glazing
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • community presence • S1: 4-2, 4-3, 4,4, 7-3, 9-1

2 • thermal/acoustic insulation
• operable openings
• glare
• social integration • S2: 3-2, 4-6
• S3: 3-2,
• S4: D1, D8, D23
existing current future

S3. Fenestration
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • social interaction • S1: 3-1, 4-2, 5-2, 7-4,

3 • placement / relationship to
other openings
• orientation / views out
8-2, 9-1
• S3: 2-2, 3,
• S4: D1, D6, D7, D8, D26
existing current future

• sunlight penetration
• natural ventilation

S4. Natural Elements

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • maintenance habits • S1: 3

4 • placement / relationship to
other natural elements
• integrated vs add-in
• sustainability awareness /
community training
• S2: 1, 2, 3, 4-1, 4-6, 7,
• S4: D32
existing current future

• flora species and type

• maintenance

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 6. Ent r y [E]

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (entry → E)

E1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

E1. At Grade Tow nhome Entry

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• distance from / buffer with • litter prevention • S1: 3-1, 4-2, 5-2, 7-4,
1 sidewalk
• elevation from grade
8-2, 9-1
• S3: 2-2, 3, existing current future
• accessibility • S4: D1, D6, D7, D8, D26
• safety and visibility

E2. Street Access Entry

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• multiple and separate entry • physical distancing signage • S1: 3-1, 4-2, 5-2, 7-4,

points • movement direction / yield to 8-2, 9-1
• wayfinding people exiting • S3: 2-2, 3, existing current future
• safety and visibility • minimum surface touch / contact • S4: D1, D6, D7, D8, D26
• accessibility
• ease of sanitation
• no-touch entry elements

E3. Glazing
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• width / dimension • minimum surface touch / contact • S1: 4-2, 4-3, 4,4, 7-3, 9-1
3 •

safety and visibility
minimum accidental encounter
• visual visibility for movement /
yield to people exiting
• S2: 3-2, 4-6
• S3: 3-2, existing current future
• thermal and acoustic insulation • S4: D1, D8, D23
• glare

E4. Wash/Sanitation Station

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• maintenance • physical distancing signage • S1: 3
4 •

ease of sanitation
accessibility and abundance
• maintenance etiquette • S2: 1, 2, 3, 4-1, 4-6, 7,
8-2 existing current future
• pet washing / safety shoes • S4: D32
cleaning station

E5. Parking Entry

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• wayfinding • physical distancing signage • S1: 3-1, 4-2, 5-2, 7-4,
5 •

safety and visibility
• movement direction / yield to
people exiting
8-2, 9-1
• S3: 2-2, 3, existing current future
• ease of sanitation • minimum surface touch / contact • S4: D1, D6, D7, D8, D26
• minimum physical contact
• no-touch entry elements

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 7. Commons and Cir culat ion [C]

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (commons and circulation → C)

C1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

C1. Amenities
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• extra width / dimension for safe • acoustic comfort considerations • S1: 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 4-2,

social interaction • physical distancing signage 4-5, 7-3, 9-2, 9-3, 10-2,
• no-touch infrared switches • litter prevention 10-4 existing current future
• sunlight penetration • safe social encounter • S2: 2, 4-5,
• natural ventilation • S4: D6, D8, D9, D13,
D23, D27

C2. Corridor
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• extra width / dimension for safe • acoustic comfort considerations • S1: 3-2, 4-3, 4,4, 7-3,
social interaction • physical distancing signage 7-2,7-3, 8-3, 9-2, 9-4
• number of homes connected via • litter prevention • S2: 3-2 existing current future

2 one corridor • safe social encounter • S3: 3-20

• sufficient circulation space • S4: D8, D9, D19, D23
• exposed corridors / natural
ventilation and daylight
• visibility and wayfinding
• no-touch infrared switches
• thermal/acoustic insulation

C3. Lobby
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• extra width / dimension for safe • physical distancing signage • S1: 3-2, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4,
social encounter • litter prevention 4-5, 7-3, 9-2

3 • materiality and texture

• no-touch infrared switches
• safe social encounter
• sanitation routine
• S3: 2-4
• S4: D1, D6, D9, D14, D26
existing current future

• ease of sanitation
• sunlight penetration
• natural ventilation

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (commons and circulation → C)

C1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

C4. Rooft op
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • physical distancing signage • S1: 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 5, 6, 8

• safety and visibility • litter prevention • S2: 2, 4-5,
• biophilia / habitat restoration / • safe social encounter • S4: D8, D9, D10, D23, existing current future
food growth • sanitation routine D26
• social programming for safe

C5. Staircase
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• width / dimension • minimum surface touch / contact • S1: 3-2, 4-3, 4,4, 4-5,
• exposed staircase / natural • acoustic comfort considerations 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 9-3,
5 ventilation and daylight
• no-touch infrared switches

physical distancing signage
litter prevention
• S3: 3-14, 3-19
existing current future

• materiality and texture • safe social encounter • S4: D6, D8, D9, D10,
• additional programming for • sanitation routine D26, D27

C6. Elevator
Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• materiality and texture • physical distancing floor • S1: 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 5, 6, 8
• S2: 2, 4-5,
• no-touch infrared switches signage
• ease of sanitation • minimum surface touch / contact • S4: D8, D9, D10, D23, existing current future
• multiple sanitation routine D26
• maximum capacity signage
• wear mask culture

C7. Laundry Room - Garbage and Recycling Rooms

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• washing station / sink • physical distancing signage • S1: 3-2, 4-2, 4-5, 7-2,
7 •

materiality and texture
no-touch infrared switches

litter prevention
safe social encounter
7-3, 9-2
• S3: 3-4, 3-19 existing current future
• ease of sanitation • sanitation routine • S4: D8, D9, D11, D22,
• proper ventilation D27

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 8. Unit [U]

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (unit →U)

U1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

U1. Private Spaces

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • acoustic comfort considerations • S1: 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 5, 6, 8
1 •

acoustic / visual isolation
sunlight penetration
• S2: 2, 4-5,
• S4: D8, D9, D10, D23, existing current future
• thermal comfort D26
• access to service spaces (kitchen)

U2. Unit Layout

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • acoustic comfort considerations • S1: 4-2, 4-3, 4,4, 7-3, 9-1
• legibility and efficiency of plan • work from home etiquette • S2: 3-2, 4-6
and circulation • home schooling etiquette • S3: 3-2, existing current future
• flex spaces - transition between • S4: D1, D8, D23
2 day and night
• sunlight penetration
• natural ventilation
• thermal / acoustic comfort
• additional use for circulation
• access to deck / balcony

U3. Care Spaces

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • sanitation routine • S1: 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 5, 6, 8
3 • access to service spaces
( kitchen - bathroom )
• acoustic comfort considerations • S2: 2, 4-5,
• S4: D8, D9, D10, D23, existing current future
• natural ventilation D26
• sunlight penetration
• materiality and texture

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (unit →U)

U1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

U4. Flex ibility and Adaptability

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• integrated and added interior • flexible living space utilization • S1: 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 5, 6, 8
elements • S2: 2, 4-5,
4 • structural modularity
• materiality and texture
• S4: D8, D9, D10, D23,
existing current future

• portable walls - half walls

• open plan concepts
• rethink bathroom space

U5. Furniture Choice and Placement

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• comfort • sanitation routine • S1: 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 5, 6, 8
5 • materiality / texture
• interior space dividers
• sustainable materials • S2: 2, 4-5,
• S4: D8, D9, D10, D23, existing current future
• safety D26
• durability

U6. Mudroom and Ganken

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • minimum surface touch / contact • S1: 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 5, 6, 8
6 • storage space
• washing / sanitation space
• sanitation and decontamination
routine upon arrival
• S2: 2, 4-5,
• S4: D8, D9, D10, D23, existing current future
• materiality and texture D26
• space adjacencies

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 9. Element [L]

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (element → L)

L1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

L1. Publicly Used Elements

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • minimum surface contact • S1: 3-2, 7-3
• location and placement • sanitation routine • S2: 3-2
1 •

materiality and texture
no-touch infrared switches
• S4: D7 existing current future

• ease of sanitation after multiple

• durability

L2. Community and Social Technology

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • minimum surface contact • S1: 3-2, 7-3

2 •

location and placement
accessibility for all
ease of sanitation after multiple
• virtual social integration • S2: 3-2
• S4: D7 existing current future

• high tech alternatives and fixture

L3. Entryways Elements

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• size / dimension • minimum surface contact • S1: 3-2, 7-3

• materiality and texture • sanitation routine • S2: 3-2
• ease of sanitation after multiple • S4: D7 existing current future
• accessibility for all user groups
• contactless alternatives

L4. Texture and Materiality

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• sustainability of materials • minimum surface contact • S1: 3-2, 7-3
• thermal and acoustic comfort • maintenance routine • S2: 3-2
4 •

ease of sanitation
• S4: D7 existing current future

• anti microbial carpets and fibers

• non hazardous materials
• seamless / non-porous surfaces

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 10. Mechanical [M]

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Key Guide

name of the main consideration (mechanical → M)

M1. Main Consideration

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status

• strategies • strategies (from BC Housing Design
Guidelines and Construction
Standards 2019)section # : existing current future
close targets guideline #

strategies that are easy to implement based on

time - cost efficiency applicability on projects
related sections of BC Housing
number of the main consideration guideline construction standards based on their status

M1. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• flushing of building • air duct maintenance and cleaning • S1: 9-3
• washroom exhaust ventilation routine • S2: 3-2, 4-1,
• air distribution optimization • timely filter change • S4: D1, D13, D21, D22, existing current future
• disinfectant in air supply ducts, • longer hours of operation for D23
AC units and air purifiers HVAC system to dilute the virus • Appendix C
• temperature and humidity concentration
control dashboard • real time monitoring and
• increase outside air and control
cross contamination
• periodic maintenance
• acoustic insulation for HVAC
• energy recovery risk
• HVAC unit cabinet adjacencies
• IAQ sensor network to monitor
adequate ventilation, for both
CO2 and relative humidity

M2. Natural Ventilation

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• fenestration size / dimension • sanitation routines • S1: 5-4, 7-4, 9-3
• placement of openings for • systems inspection • S2: 3-1, 3-2

2 promoted cross ventilation

• disinfectant ultraviolet
• residents training existing current future

lights for air purifiers

• air flow temperature control
• in-suite HRVs to avoid cross

M3. Domestic Water and Sewerage System

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• flush water system • sanitation routine for fixtures and • S1: 3-1, 4-3, 4-5, 6-1,
• disinfectant water additives drainage pipes 6-2, 8-2, 8-3, 9-3
• water temperature thermostat • periodic plumbing inspection • S2: 6-1, 6-2, 8-1, 8-2 existing current future

• sewage energy recovery risk • physical distanced maintenance • S4: D1, D7, D9, D10,
management • flush with lid down D11, D12, D13, D21,
• fixture / hardware sanitation • run all taps for 5 secs twice a day D22, D23,
• contactless water fixtures in that stops p-traps from drying out
common areas • residents training
• hand washing station near
building entry

M4. Irrigation and Rainwater Collection Systems

Physical Adaptation Social Behavioural Adaptation Related BCH guideline Application per project status
• materiality and texture • maintenance routine • S1: 10-1, 10-2
4 • gray water recovery plan
• water conservation measures
• sustainability awareness /
community training
• S2: 8-2
• S4: D1, D22 existing current future
• real time monitoring and
validation systems

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

3. 11. Summar y

The pandemic has catalyzed our reevaluation of housing Plotted graphically below we show how strategies can be
and its impact on the health and wellbeing of communities. implemented depending on the timing needs (x-axis) and
It has advanced our efforts to improve resource utilization, project status (y-axis) in context.
sustainability, social integration, and physical engagement.

There are many strategies to tackle housing issues in a

pandemic and post pandemic world - from social and
behavioural adaptations to physical and technological
building upgrades.

innovative building system design, structural adaptability, and social, economic, and environm
facade updatability considerations. design

advocate health promoting building systems equitable access

passive design and social respo
to deck and common spaces

equitable planning processes a

interior health and efficiency toolkit development

washing and sanitation stations planning and routines

minimize spacial disuse and ma

operational protocols and staff training


signage and awareness flayer installation rethinking interior layouts for a

interior planning review and upgrade for safe social interaction

reevaluate systems, facade, an
upgrade fixture and finishes schedule flexible outcome

fixtures and finishes replaceme

operational upgrade and staff training

signage and awareness flayer installation interior upgrades

sanitation stations and routines minor space reallocation and p


Priority One - Close Targets Priority Two - M


Figure 3-1. Strategy implementation matrix

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Social Strategy
Economic Strategy
Environmental Strategy

mental integration to building

healthy community measurements

onsibility for residents

generative building systems - going beyond the prospects of
and accessible knowledge pandemic

aximize spatial programming passive design and social responsibility for residents

adaptability and more flex spaces social, economic, and environmental integration to building

nd structural elements for more

involve community in design decisions and addressing them

ent interior layout transformations

addition to the building's spatial inventory and retrofit

unused spaces

programming for safe social

major upgrades to the systems, facade, or structural elements

Mid Term Targets Priority Three - Long Term Targets

x based on building status and guideline priority

Case Studies

Image source: NSDA

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

The basis of the design guidelines are applicable across the BC Housing building typology spectrum ( Fig ure 4-1). In
this section, these guidelines are ex plored on tw o BC Housing projects from design, mechanical, and cost

BC Housing Building Tenure Ty pes BC Housing Building Ty pologies

• Home - ownership • Town Homes

• Private Market Rentals • Group Homes
• Rent Assistance in Private Market • Duplexes
• Independent Social Housing • Mid-rises
• Transitional and Supportive Assisted Living • High-rises
• Emergency Shelter and Housing for Homeless • Modular Housing

Figure 4-1. BC Housing Building Tenure Type (left) and Building Typology (right) categories

The proposed operational and design strategies help diminish the spread of the virus in these buildings. Operational strategies
are to be implemented by the building's staff once construction is complete, so these measures are relatively inex pensive. The
design strategies are to be implemented during the development and construction of the project and so are more ex pensive.
Design strategies can be graded as follow s:

1. Low cost: strategies with expenses within 1% of the construction costs

2. Medium cost: strategies with expenses within 2% to 3% of the construction costs
3. High cost: strategies with expenses within 3% to 5% of the construction costs

The images below show the two model buildings we reference in this chapter. Both projects are designed by an architectural
firm in collaboration with BC Housing.

Model Building No. 1 Model Building No. 2

Figure 4-2. Model Buildings Renderings

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 1. Model Building No. 1: Aff or dable Housing

4. 1. 1. Outdoor Amenity Areas

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 1 outdoor amenity areas. It is followed by a
proposed set of operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided permeable paver and ample vegetation in outdoor areas.

• Provided hose bibs at the North and South amenity areas for the cleaning
and sanitation of common areas.

• Provided concrete planters with dense foliage to create green separators

between private yards and public walkways at the south of the building.

• Provided Class B Bicycle Racks to encourage alternative transportation

and physical activity among residents and visitors.

• Provided additional hose bib at East amenity areas for the cleaning and
sanitation of common areas.
a b c


4 4

d b
4 f
d a

b a

Zoomed in Plan a Zoomed i

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Outdoor Amenity Areas

a Provide sanitizer dispensers in all common areas to reduce

transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. d Post signage on building promoting COVID-19 health precautions.
Post signage in children’s play area encouraging physical distancing
b Provide garbage cans in common areas as a litter prevention
e to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface

c Post signage on soil promoting physical distancing in common

areas. f Post signage on shared seating overlooking Unit 101 to reduce
transmission between public walkway and private outdoor spaces.

Proposed Design Strategies for Outdoor Amenity Areas Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Install an additional Class B bicycle racks to promote alternative Space benches minimum two meters apart to promote physical
1 transportation. 4 distancing, safe individual rest, and small group social interactions.

Replace aluminum fences north of the building with concrete

Redesign trellis to provide weather protection over the West
2 planters to increase foliage density and green separators. This 5 outdoor amenity space to allow residents to use it rain or shine.
will increase privacy and reduce the transmission of viruses and
bacteria between the public areas and private patios/yards.
Provide electrical outlets in West amenity area to allow for an
Moved outdoor dining tables to provide adequate clearance for 6 outdoor work area/virtual chat opportunities.
3 physical distancing.




a d

in Plan b Zoomed in Plan c

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 1. 2. Park ing Lev el

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 1 parking level. It is followed by a proposed set of
operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided bicycle storage, scooter storage and storage rooms for

r esidents to use.

• Provided a car wash stall for increased sanitation of vehicles.

• Provided automatic door openers and card readers for P105 Vestibule,
P103 Garbage, P106 Scooter Storage and P109 Bicycle Storage.

a b

1 a b



Zoomed in Plan a

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Parking Level

a Provide sanitizer dispensers at all common areas to reduce

transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. b Place signage on building promoting COVID-19 health precautions.

Proposed Design Strategies for Parking Level Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Install automatic door openers and card readers for P103 Garbage
1 and P111 Storage.

a b


Zoomed in Plan b

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 1. 3. Main Floor Common Areas

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 1 main floor common areas. It is followed by a
proposed set of operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided operable windows to all common areas to increase natural

ventilation in amenity areas.

• Provided store-front glazing in amenity rooms to allow access to natural

light and visibility.

• Provided automatic door openers for 128 Vestibule and 129 Lobby to
reduce the transmission of virus and bacteria through surface contact.

a b c

7 7

5 1 7

7 3 7 3
10 11 b a 6
10 a
11 11
a 3 b

Zoomed in Plan A Zoomed i

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Main Floor Common Areas

Post signage advising maximum elevator occupancy be limited to
a Provide sanitizer dispensers throughout common areas to reduce
transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. c one party or three persons to reduce transmission of viruses and
bacteria through surface contact.
b Post directional signage through corridors to reduce physical
interaction between residents.

Proposed Design Strategies for Main Floor Common Areas Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Upgrade light switches to touchless infrared sensors throughout Provide common Wifi and numerous multi-port outlets in shared
1 common areas to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria 7 amenity areas to promote co-working opportunities.
through surface contact.
Upgrade elevator to increase the vertical feet per second speed of
Expand mailboxes for additional parcel storage to accommodate
increased online shopping trends caused by quarantine and 8 elevator to reduce wait times for residents.
Provide a hand washing and drying station in 129 Lobby with
Install automatic door openers for 126 Amenity, 125 Laundry and
9 touchless fixtures operated by infrared sensors.
3 127 Washroom, as well as east and west entrances to 120 Corridor.
Specify wipeable and durable finishes and materials in common
Post bulletins and signage highlighting pandemic health notices, 10 areas to facilitate increased sanitation needs.
4 building policies, and virtual social connections (social media
groups, building updates, etc.). Install touchless fixtures in common areas (sinks, soap dispensers,
paper towel dispensers, toilets) operated by infrared sensors
Subdivide 126 Amenity with a retractable partition wall to provide
11 to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface
5 flexible uses for multiple small parties. contact.

Apply wipeable coatings where applicable on bathroom fixtures and

6 wall finishes.

a 3
4 b
a 4

in Plan B Zoomed in Plan C

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 1. 4. Second and Third Floor Common Areas

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 1 second and third floor common areas. It is followed
by a proposed set of operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided operable windows to all common areas to increase natural

ventilation of amenity areas.

• Provided store-front glazing in amenity rooms for natural light and

visibility of residents

• Provided automatic door openers for 128 Vestibule and 129 Lobby to
reduce the transmission of virus and bacteria through surface contact.

a b c

4 4 b

1 5 4

Zoomed in Plan a Zoomed

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Second and Third Floor Common Areas
Post signage limiting elevator maximum occupancy to one party
a Provide sanitizer dispensers throughout common areas to reduce
transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. c or three persons to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria
between residents.
b Post directional signage on floors of corridors to reduce physical
interaction between residents.

Proposed Design Strategies for Second and Third Floor Common Areas Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Upgrade light switches to touchless infrared sensor operation Provide retractable balcony glass enclosures (e.g., Lumon) to
1 throughout common areas to reduce transmission of viruses and 4 create flexible outdoor areas for residents to use
as needed.
bacteria through surface contact.
Specify wipeable and durable finishes and materials in common
Post bulletins and signage for pandemic health notices, building
policies, and virtual social connections (social media groups,
5 areas to facilitate increased sanitation needs.
building updates, etc.).

Upgrade elevator to increase the vertical feet per second speed to

3 reduce wait times for residents.

4 4
2 1 5

1 5

d in Plan b Zoomed in Plan c

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 1. 5. Units

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 1 units. It is followed by a proposed set of design
tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided large vinyl windows in the living room and bedrooms of each
unit for increased sunlight penetration.

• Provided operable vinyl windows in the living room and bedrooms of

each unit to increase opportunities for natural ventilation.

• Provided balconies and decks so that residents had access to flexible

outdoor spaces.

• Provided open plan concept between living room, kitchen and dining
areas in order for tenants to adapt and arrange spaces according to their
specific needs (dining, living, office, work out areas).

• Provided easy-to-clean surfaces, including luxury vinyl tile flooring

throughout the suites and vinyl safety flooring with flash coving in a b c

2 2

3 3

Zoomed in Plan a Zoomed i

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Design Strategies for Units Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

1 Increase durability of countertop and wall finishes to allow for

increased sanitation. 3 Specify antibacterial metals for door hardware to reduce
transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact.

Provide foldable desks and additional multi-port outlets to Adapt storage rooms as multi-use office areas, and offer storage
2 accommodate students and employees working from home. 4 space in P1 level.

2 2


in Plan b Zoomed in Plan c

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 1. 6. HVAC Sy stems

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 1 HVAC systems. It is followed by a proposed set of
design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided ventilation and partial cooling from central, roof-mounted energy recovery ventilator (ERV) to all shelter
bedrooms an transitional suites.
• Provided central, roof-mounted ERV-1 for ventilation of all amenity, program and supportive areas.
• Prevented recirculation of ventilation air as supply air streams are separated from exhaust air streams.
• Ensured outdoor air is taken from the roof level so there is no possible contamination of ventilation supply air.

Proposed Design Strategies for HVAC Systems Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

1 Upgrade central ventilation systems be to MERV-13 filters. 4 Ensure plumbing fixtures are easy to disinfect and clean.

Provide a divider in the amenity room including separate air supply Ensure plumbing fixtures in common areas are operated by
2 and exhaust grilles to avoid air transfer between two sections of this
5 touchless, infra-red sensors.

3 Provide two separate DX wall mounted fan coil units.

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

This page intentionally left blank.

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 2. Model Building No. 2: Suppor t iv e Housing

4. 2. 1. Outdoor Amenity Areas

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 2 outdoor amenity areas. It is followed by a
proposed set of operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided permeable paver and ample vegetation in outdoor areas.

• Provided hose bibs at East amenity areas for cleaning and sanitation of
pets and common areas.

• Provided planters with dense foliage to create green separators between

bench and property lines.

• Provided Class B Bicycle Racks to encourage alternative transportation

and physical activity among occupants.

• Provided covered patio space in the South-East amenity area.

a b c

c b

a d

Zoomed in Plan a Zoomed i

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Outdoor Amenity Areas

a Provide sanitizer dispensers in all common areas to reduce

transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. c Post signage on soil promoting COVID-19 health precautions.

b Provide garbage cans in common areas as a litter prevention

strategy. d Post signage on building promoting COVID-19 health precautions.

Proposed Design Strategies for Outdoor Amenity Areas Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Provide additional Class B bicycle racks to promote alternative Aluminum fences at north of the building be replaced by concrete
1 planters to increase foliage density and green separators. This will
4 increase privacy and reduce the spread of transmission of viruses
Provide electrical outlets in North and East amenity areas for an bacteria between the public areas and private patios/yards.
2 outdoor work and virtual chat opportunities.

Space benches a minimum of two meters apart to promote physical

3 distancing, safe individual rest or small group social interactions.

a d

d 4

2 4


in Plan b Zoomed in Plan c

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 2. 2. Park ing Lev el

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 2 parking level. It is followed by a proposed set of
operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided bicycle storage and storage rooms for occupants to use.

a b

c 1 1 c

c a b

d d d
c b

Zoomed in Plan a

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Parking Level

Post signage regarding maximum room occupancy limitations in

a Provide sanitizer dispensers at all common areas to reduce
transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. c common rooms.

Post signage limiting maximum elevator occupancy to one party

b Post COVID-19 signage in all common areas and rooms. d or three persons to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria
between residents.

Proposed Design Strategies for Parking Level Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Provide automatic door openers for access to 001 Lobby, 002 Bicycle Upgrade elevator to increase the vertical feet per second speed of
1 Storage (Staff ), 003 Bicycle Storage (Shelter). 2 elevator to reduce wait times for residents.


Zoomed in Plan b

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 2. 3. Main Floor Common Areas

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 2 main floor common areas. It is followed by a
proposed set of operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided operable windows to all common areas to increase natural

ventilation of amenity areas.
• Provided ample glazing in amenity rooms to allow access to natural light
for residents and visibility of occupants.
• Provided numerous multi-use rooms for adaptability of functions.
• Provided numerous single occupancy washrooms for use of staff and
clients to avoid transmission of viruses and bacteria between occupants.
• Provided 135 Training Rm subdivided by retractable partition wall to
provide flexible uses for multiple small parties.
• Provided handwash station in 115 Kitchen.
a b c

a a

a 3
b 5
c c c
6 a 5
9 3 2
1 8 a

a b a b
5 a b 5 a

Zoomed in Plan a Zoomed i

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Main Floor Common Areas

Post signage limiting maximum elevator occupancy to one party or
a Provide sanitizer dispensers throughout common areas to reduce
transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. c three persons to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria
between occupants.
b Provide directional signage on floors of corridors to reduce physical
interaction between occupants. d Post signage on wall regarding directional travel and yielding

Proposed Design Strategies for Main Floor Common Areas Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Upgrade light switches to touchless infrared sensor operation

1 throughout common areas to reduce transmission of 6 Provide automatic door openers for East and West entrances.
viruses and bacteria through surface contact.
Specify wipeable coatings and materials for fixtures, appliances and
Expand mailboxes to accommodate additional parcel storage
related to increased online shopping trends caused by
7 wall finishes.
quarantine and isolation.
Specify antibacterial metals for door hardware to reduce
Post bulletins and signage for pandemic health notices, building 8 transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact.
3 policies, and virtual social connections (social media
groups, building updates, etc.). Upgrade elevator to increase the vertical feet per second speed of
9 elevator to reduce wait times for residents.
Provide common Wifi and numerous multi-port outlets in shared
4 amenity areas to promote co-working opportunities in common
Specify wipeable and durable finishes and materials in common
10 areas to facilitate increased sanitation needs
Specify fixtures in common areas (sinks, soap dispensers, paper
towel dispensers, toilets) with touchless infrared sensor
5 operation to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria through
surface contact.

7 7
d 5
5 a a a
5 5
10 5 10
b b 6

a 10 5 10

4 4

5 a
a 6

in Plan b Zoomed in Plan c

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 2. 4. Second Floor Common Areas

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 2 second floor common areas. It is followed by a
proposed set of operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided operable windows to all common areas to increase natural

ventilation of amenity areas.

• Provided store-front glazing in amenity rooms to allow access to natural

light for residents and visibility of residents.

• Provided automatic door openers for 128 Vestibule and 129 Lobby to
reduce the transmission of virus and bacteria through surface contact.

a b c

a 2 1
d d d b

7 6 7 a b
a e a

a b

Zoomed in Plan a Zoomed i

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Second Floor Common Areas

Post signage limiting maximum elevator occupancy to one party or
a Provide sanitizer dispensers throughout common areas to reduce
transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. d three persons to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria
between occupants.
b Provide directional signage on floors of corridors to reduce physical
interaction between occupants. e Post signage on wall regarding directional travel and yielding
c Provide garbage cans in common areas as a litter prevention

Proposed Design Strategies for Second Floor Common Areas Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Upgrade light switches to touchless infrared sensor operation

Specify wipeable coatings and materials for fixtures, appliances and
1 throughout common areas to reduce transmission of
viruses and bacteria through surface contact.
4 wall finishes.

Specify antibacterial metals for door hardware to reduce

Post bulletins and signage for pandemic health notices, building 5 transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact.
2 policies, and virtual social connections (social media
groups, building updates, etc.).
Upgrade elevator to increase the vertical feet per second speed of
Specify fixtures in common areas (sinks, soap dispensers, paper 6 elevator to reduce wait times for residents.
towel dispensers, toilets) with touchless infrared sensor
3 operation to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria through Provide numerous multi-port outlets in shared amenity areas to
surface contact. 7 promote co-working opportunities in common areas.

5 e a e

4 a

e a

in Plan b Zoomed in Plan c

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 2. 5. Third Floor Common Areas

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 2 third floor common areas. It is followed by a
proposed set of operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided operable windows to all common areas to increase natural

ventilation of amenity areas.

• Provided store-front glazing in amenity rooms to allow access to natural

light for residents and visibility of residents.

• Provided automatic door openers for 128 Vestibule and 129 Lobby to
reduce the transmission of virus and bacteria through surface contact.

a b c

a 2
e a

d d d b
b e
7 6 7
a 1 a

a b

Zoomed in Plan a Zoomed i

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Operational Strategies for Third Floor Common Areas

Post signage limiting maximum elevator occupancy to one party or
a Provide sanitizer dispensers throughout common areas to reduce
transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact. d three persons to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria
between occupants.
b Provide directional signage on floors of corridors to reduce physical
interaction between occupants. e Post signage on wall regarding directional travel and yielding
c Provide garbage cans in common areas as a litter prevention

Proposed Design Strategies for Third Floor Common Areas Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Upgrade light switches to touchless infrared sensor operation

Specify wipeable coatings and materials for fixtures, appliances and
1 throughout common areas to reduce transmission of
viruses and bacteria through surface contact.
4 wall finishes.

Specify antibacterial metals for door hardware to reduce

Post bulletins and signage for pandemic health notices, building 5 transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact.
2 policies, and virtual social connections (social media
groups, building updates, etc.).
Upgrade elevator to increase the vertical feet per second speed of
Specify fixtures in common areas (sinks, soap dispensers, paper 6 elevator to reduce wait times for residents.
towel dispensers, toilets) with touchless infrared sensor
3 operation to reduce transmission of viruses and bacteria through Provide numerous multi-port outlets in shared amenity areas to
surface contact. 7 promote co-working opportunities in common areas.

e a e

in Plan b Zoomed in Plan c

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 2. 6. Units

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 2 units. It is followed by a proposed set of
operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided large windows in the living room and bedrooms of each unit for
increased sunlight penetration in units.
• Provided operable windows in the living room and bedrooms of each
unit to increase opportunities for natural ventilation.
• Provided open plan concept in order for occupants to adapt and arrange
spaces according to their specific needs.
• Provided easy to clean surfaces, including flooring and shower inserts in
the bathrooms.
• Provided close proximity of sink to unit entry, in order to facilitate
increased hand washing.

a b c

2 1

1 1

Zoomed in Plan a Zoomed i

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Proposed Design Strategies for Units Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

Specify antibacterial metals for door hardware to reduce

1 Increase durability of countertop and wall finishes to allow for
increased sanitation. 3 transmission of viruses and bacteria through surface contact.

Provide foldable desks and additional multi-port outlets to Specify wipeable coatings and materials for fixtures, appliances
2 accommodate students and employees working from home. 4 and wall finishes.

2 2

in Plan b Zoomed in Plan c

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

4. 2. 7. HVAC Sy stems

The list below outlines design approaches used in the Model Building No. 2 HVAC System. It is followed by a proposed set of
operational and design tactics to mitigate the risk and spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19:

• Provided ventilation and partial cooling from central, roof-mounted energy recovery ventilator (ERV) to all shelter
bedrooms an transitional suites.
• Provided central, roof-mounted energy recovery ventilator (ERV)-1 for ventilation of all amenity, program and supportive
• Ensured there is no recirculation of ventilation air as supply air streams are separated from exhaust air streams.
• Ensured outdoor air is taken from the roof level ensuring that there is no possible contamination of ventilation supply air

Proposed Design Strategies for HVAC Systems Low Cost Medium Cost High Cost

1 Proposed central ventilation systems be upgraded to MERV-13

filters 4 Proposed plumbing fixtures should be easy to disinfect and clean

Proposed providing a divider in the amenity room should also Proposed plumbing fixtures in common areas be operated by
2 include adding separate ventilation air supply and exhaust grilles
to avoid air transfer between two sections of this space
5 touchless, infra-red sensors

3 Proposed two separate DX wall mounted fan coil units.

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

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Image source: Unsplash

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

BC Housing. (2019, May). BC Housing Design Guidelines and Construction Standards.

BC Housing. (2020, April). BC Housing Sector COVID-19 Operations Manual.


Mass Design Group. (2020a, July). Designing Senior Housing for Safe Interaction The Role of Architecture in Fighting COVID-19.

Perkins and Will. (2020, May). Return to Campus Roadmap.

Barton, H., & Grant, M. (2006). A Health Map for the Local Human Habitat. The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of
Health, 126(6), 252–253.

Stantec. (2020, April). Getting Back to Social, Responding to COVID-19.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Healthy Buildings Program. (2020, June). Schools for Health, Risk Reduction
Strategies for Reopening Schools.

Healthy Building Network, Perkins and Will. (2020, June). Understanding Antimicrobial Ingredients in Building Materials,
COVID-19 Statement.

UK Green Building Council. (2016, July). Health and Wellbeing in Homes.

City of Vancouver. (2020, April). COVID-19 Housing Response and Recovery.

Google. (2020, June). COVID-19 Community Mobility Report.

MCM Interiors, & Desert, N. (2020). Multi-Family Housing Design and Post-COVID-19 Design Constructions [Slides].
Urban Development Institute.

BOSA Family Companies, & Rahn, M. (2020). UDI - Multi-Family Housing Design and Post-COVID-19
Considerations [Slides]. Urban Development Institute.

Kasian. (2020). Back to the Office 2020, In-between thinking.

Borovina, R. (2020, August 4). HVAC Systems and COVID-19, How Concerned Should Condo Communities Be? REMI New York.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. (2020). Building Readiness Web Starter Kit.

Chart 6 Median living area of condominium apartments by period of construction, Ontario and British Columbia. (2019, May 3).
Statistics Canada.

Jang, B. (2020, June 15). In Fighting Climate Change, an Opportunity to Create a Vibrant
Network of Neighbourhoods. The Globe and Mail.

Lubell, S. (2020, April 22). Will Coronavirus Change City Architecture and Design? Los Angeles Times. https://www.latimes.

Considerations and recommendations for housing in response to a COVID-19, pandemic world

Ravenscroft, T. (2020, May 25). The Manser Practice Envisions the Post-pandemic Hotel. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.

Consumer sentiment and behavior continue to reflect the uncertainty of the COVID-19 crisis. (2020,
July 8). McKinsey & Company.


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