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A girl, a dragon and a lesson

Long time ago, there was a realm. Agatha’s Tears, was a place where people lived in peace for
centuries. Only humans were allowed to enter, but they weren’t the only creatures on that planet.
Such magical beasts like werewolves, hippogriffs, centaurs, even unicorns! But none of that
creatures can be nearby, or they’re going to get killed. Humans weren’t supposed to be exposed
with that dangerous beings.

But respect rules weren’t something Kiara had in mind. The little princess, with thirteen years wasn’t
supposed to leave the kingdom territory, however, she was there. The minor from three daughters
was kilometers away from her room. She was extremely mad; her mother catch her writing ‘bout
those creatures. She screamed so hard, then she destroyed everything. Her art, her feelings, her
heart. After that, she locked her in the bedroom. She cried and got angrier. After five minutes, she
just jumped through the window; she’ll go outside, no matter her mother’s thoughts.

She ran away, and Kiara reached that place. A big cave showed up after a while, at the same time
the sky turned grey. A lot of drops appeared from there, so she need to cover herself. Without
another choice, she entered. But she wasn’t alone now. A breath resounded inside, a great breath.
She got hugged by a hot smoke. Then, she understood what’s happening. A big reptile showed his
head. Pointy fangs, lava-orange eyes, big yellow horns and red shiny scales. Judging his face: he
wasn’t enjoying the visit.

He growled first. Mad eyes and “smiling” for Kiara. He started to walk to her. Every step sounded
like Bigfoot multiplied by one hundred. She was scared that hard she wasn’t able to think, but the
dragon seems to don’t care about it. He roared apparently to the princess, but then a basilisk roared
him back. It was about to kill the poor girl, but the bigger beast bit it, taking that snake away from
her. Minutes later, she understood the situation. Kiara was surprised, because every time she heard
about dragons, they’re mentioned like terrible mad dangerous beasts, which hates every single
being nearby.

But there he was, an incredible and majestic creature, sitting in front of her with a genuine smile.
He patted her with delicacy and whisper her the next words: “You shouldn’t run away from your
problems, sweetie. If you fought with another person, talk ‘bout it. Even if you have different points
of view, you must treat with respect. Otherwise, both of you’ll get hurt. On other hand, don’t believe
everything people tell you, think by and for yourself. You’ll do it great”. She smiled and hugged him,
it felt like her daddy, which died a couple of years. “Thank you, dear dragon”. And he took her home.

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