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TEST I. MATCHING TYPE: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letters only


__K___ 1. Bending movement that _____15. Movement that is restricted to

decreases the angle of the joint. the wrist joint.
a. Retraction
___D__ 2. Movement away from midline
b. Protraction c.
__H___ 3. Movement toward midline
__E___ 4. Movement describes a cone in
space (making circle)
d. Adduction
__F___ 5. Reverse of flexion, joint angle is
increased e. Circumduction

___G__ 6. Turning of a bone around its own f. Dorsiflexion g.

axis _M____ 7. Lifting shoulder up Rotation

E_____ 8. Radius and ulna are parallel, h. Abduction

palm up
i. Plantar Flexion
_I____ 9. Up and Down movement of the
foot, pointing the toes.
j. Deviation
____O_10. Walking on the inside of the foot
k. Flexion
___N__11. Pushing shoulder down
l. Elevation
____P_12. Up and down movement of the
m. Inversion
foot ___I__13. Radius rotates over ulna,
n. Depression
palm down _Q____14. Walking on pinky
o. Eversion
toe, outside of the foot
p. Supination
q. Pronation
TEST II. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following statement and give the correct

________GOOD POSTURE_______ 1. Means the spine is in a "neutral" position - not

too rounded forward and not arched back too far.

_____POSTURE BODY__________ 2. The application of kinesiology to use of the body in

daily life activities and to the prevention and correction of problems related to posture.

_________MOTION______ 3. The science dealing with the motions of material bodies.

_______POOR POSTURE________ 4. Is the posture that results from certain muscles

tightening up or shortening while others lengthen and become weak, it may lead to pain,
injury or other health problems.

_______CENTER OF GRAVITY________ 5. A point from which the weight of a body or

system may be considered, the total weight of the body may be thought to be

___________LINE OF GRAVITY___ 6. An imaginary vertical line from the center of

gravity to the ground or surface the object or person is on.

_______CENTRE OF GRAVITY________ 7. Refers to the area beneath an object or person

that includes every point of contact that the object or person makes with the supporting

________BACK PAIN_______ 8. Cause of back problems

_________PATELLOFEMORAL______ 9. Pain at the front part of the knee is caused

by an overuse injury, sometimes called “runner’s knee”

______SCIATICA________ 10. Acute pain in their buttocks that spreads to their lower back
and down to their thighs and feet

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