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Chapter VI: Becoming a Prince

Assassinate the Prince Disinherited Children

This plot element can be attempted at any time. The chances of
success, and of success in seizing power, greatly increase if the If you are feeling cruel, the old prince can have a young
Player Characters do some groundwork first. son, his “natural heir.” This is cruel because, if the Player
Characters do not kill him, he becomes a magnet for
The challenge is getting to the prince and killing him without discontent. Internal problems appear at a score of 25, rather
anyone tracing the crime back to them. If they succeed, then the than 15, until he is eliminated. On the other hand, can the
court is plunged into anarchy as people struggle for power. The Players handle murdering a Human child? If they do, they
PCs do what they can within that. If they fail, the hunt for the had better make sure that no one finds out it was them;
assassins is on. Very clever Players might be able to strengthen their murdering the heir immediately sets the Internal Trouble
position at court by framing an enemy for the attempt. Score to 30, and the same applies if evidence that they were
responsible comes out later.
Second-Tier Elements
Once the Characters have established themselves in the court, they A large part of the challenge of this plot element is coming up with
can prepare the groundwork for their takeover and betraying the the treacherous scheme. It is important for the GM to remember
prince. that the prince trusts the PCs (that’s why he gave them a powerful
post), and he does not know they are trying to get him killed.
Gain a Powerful Position If they lure the prince into a fight with powerful foes and do not
The Player Characters aim to take control of a powerful position come to his aid, you need to play out the fight. The prince might
within the principality, such as treasurer, general, or chief justice. survive, but you should not simply decide that. Instead, give the
In a large principality, control of a fortress and a few settlements opponents to the Players, and have them try to kill the prince in
would also qualify. The important thing is that the position is one a full combat. If the prince does survive, the Players will really
with enough authority to make its holder a strong candidate for feel that it is their plans that failed. Similar considerations apply
being the next prince if something unfortunate should happen to to other traps; although, it may not be as obvious how you can
the current one. involve the Players.
In order to even try for a powerful position, the Characters must The second challenge is hiding the betrayal. If the Characters fail
have the prince’s trust and more allies than enemies. (If they have to hide the betrayal from their allies, their allies abandon them.
no enemies, they must have at least one ally.) Getting the position Any ally who knows that the Characters betrayed the prince
should involve a further challenge. immediately ceases to be an ally; he can no longer trust them. An
ally who was actually loyal to the prince becomes an enemy, which
Have the has consequences for the chances of the Characters seizing power
Frame the Prince
If the Characters can convince the court that the prince is a
worshipper of the Ruinous Powers, in league with Greenskins, or
a weak-willed “ethical” person, they might be able to get general
agreement to remove him. They still have to fight to take over in
his place, but at least they do not need to hide the fact they were
involved in getting rid of him.
Some princes might actually be corrupt, but corruption lets the
PCs off lightly, so it is not recommended. Framing a prince for
being ethical is e eme if
the Players can s s would
not be able to be nt to
make him at lea
trying to assassinate them. By this stage, the Characters’ allies and
enemies should have figured into at least four plot elements, which Faking and prese
set up the Characters’ activities at this point. element. The PC usted
position to have
If the Characters succeed, they have the powerful position.
Characters are si osed to
believe the Char
Betray the Prince
The Player Char y
The purest form of treason: the Player Characters manoeuvre the present the evide their
prince into a dangerous situation and then abandon him to his subjects accuse t , there
fate. The Characters must hold a powerful position to attempt this is likely to be a c gather
plot element, as no one with a lesser status has enough influence before that time,
over the prince.

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