UNIT 16 in A Café

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ln a café

\i'.:i:,|:,ri¿i / Food and drink

t.)tí/1ttr1¿/ Modals'. would l¡ke, will have, and can for ordering
it:tt".t i.tt14. Otdeting in a restaurant

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Look at the pictures of the food and beverages on page 73. Write the numbers of
the pictures next to the correct items on the café menu

@ t,Ltn:t compare your answers.

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O Reg¡na ¡s calling to pla(e a take-out order. L¡sten to her conversation and wr¡te
the miss¡ng prices on the menu.

€ü O Listen to the rest of Regina's conversat¡on. Underline the items that she orders.

1 chicken sandü.ich u4th tomato / a cheese sandwich with tomato

2. alarge coffee / a large milk
3- hot chocolate / chocolate cake

Sqndwi.hej Hoi drinks
Chicken (with lcttr.rcc) Small $- Lnrge $1.8{)
tslam (with lcttLrcc) S1¡all $1.60 Large $195
Cheese (witb letlLLce) SmaLl $1.70 La¡ge 1N2 00
Hot chocolale
Cold drinks
Mixed green s'J?rd Milk
Potato chips Sol¡ dínks
Coke (cola, gi¡ger ¿le, lemo¡/lillle)
Jujce (oranJ.ie/aPPle)
r/ ¡t t)i;,..1,/:,, i;/,tri1 4

tea milk tea with milk Tea with milk, please.

cheese sandwich a cheese sandwich ¡'d like a cheese sandwich.

chicken sandwich a chicken sandwich Can lhave a chicken sandwich?

three fifty three-fifty rÉ $3.50.

@ O Listen ana repeat.

i'/1ll:i::; You eaah have $10. Tell each other what you want to eat and drink from the
Liberty Café menu. say how much it cosls.

I'tl like a cheese sandu)ich ü)ith tomato, a small tea toith lemon, and an apple. The total
¡s 58.25.

{h Strdy *h" Noti(e the differ€nt ways to order in a Estaurant.
l? like a smallsoft drink.
, I'll have bottled water, please.
' Can I have a house salad?

Look at the examples agaiñ, complete the explanat¡on ¡n the chart.


@ Complete the conveFations. There may be more than one aorect answer.

l A: Are you ready to order?

B:Yes, a chicken,lettuce, a¡d tomato sandwich.

And potato chips with üat, please.
A: Anlthing else?
a small ora¡ge juice, please?

2. A: Can I take your order?

tea wiü lemon to go?
A: Small or large?
B: Large, pl€ase.

A: fs that all?
B: No, a piece of banana cake, please.

3. A: Good morning.
B: Goodmorning. a cofree wiü rnilk.
Make it a large.
A: Yes, here you are.
B: And an apple, please. How much is üat?

@ ttt U:;. Compale your answers. Then pract¡ce the (onverrations in Exercise 3.

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l.ill /.rult:l l::ii: .l

Student A, you are a wáiter/waitress ¡n a café. Studenk B
and C, you afe customers,

Student A, look at pagé 138. Str¡dents B and C, look at the menu on th¡s page
and de€ide whai yor¡ want to have. G¡ve your ord€r to the wa¡ter/waitaess.-

A: Can I take your ordet?

B: Yes, IA üke a cheese and tomato sandwích.
C: I'Il have a ham sandwích. Can I haue a house salnd w¡th that, please?

You?e planning a party. Choose the menu from L¡berty Café or Lunch
Munch¡es. Wr¡te an ema¡l to the café manager, Tell what food and dr¡nks
you'd like at the party. Also, ask for some food or dr¡nk ¡tems not on the
ñe u. Ute would like and aan and some of the vo(abulary from th¡s unit.

CoNvensertou ro eo

A:. ',::,:rtrl1'iú4 yoút otdet?

B'. ,.'tl lilt//, a larye.up of coffee, please.


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