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Dementia – discussing
and planning support
after diagnosis
A quick guide for people with dementia and their family and carers

“The right information and support will

enable us to live better with dementia ”
(Person living with dementia)
A diagnosis of dementia may create very mixed emotions. Coming
to terms with it, making decisions and planning ahead are all part
of living well with dementia.
Getting information and support when you need it from people working in health and social
care can make a real difference.

What information to expect

When you are diagnosed with dementia you should be offered information relevant to the stage
of your condition, including:

ect you
d how it will aff
entia an
e of dem
Your typ apies th
or ther
ent, activities
e r t e s t s , treatm
Any furth you cluding
might he
c o n t a c t them, in
how to
e y o u r care and a t e your ca
p r o v id o r d in
Who will ho will co
p r o f e s sional w lp you
r it ie s t h at can he
nd cha
groups a ou need
to do
Support w h at y
ing and
n a ffe ct your driv
entia ca
How dem are
u if y o u work (or
port yo
lo y e r s h ould sup
r emp
How you work)
looking fo part in
s y o u c ould take
arch stu
Any rese

This information should be explained to you and given to you in writing. You can ask for it to
be provided in a format that you find easy to understand. If you don’t need this information
straight away you can ask for it when you do.

You should also have the chance to talk about:

consent... do you agree information… do you future contact… you

to services sharing know who to contact may not need any help or
information about you? for more advice if your further appointments now.
Who can they share needs change? If that is the case, would
information with and you like to be contacted
what are you willing for again and if so, when?
them to share?
Planning for now The name
d professio
nal should
After your diagnosis, you should :
 Arrange a meeting to
be directed to the services that assess
your needs
can give you more information
and support. You should also be  Give you info
rmation ab
given the name of a professional services an out
d how to ge
who will co-ordinate any care and with them t in touch
support you might need.  Involve you
r family or c
(if you wish arers
Help to express your wishes  Help you m
ake a plan
and suppo for your ca
You should be told about local rt – they sh re
a copy of th ould give yo
advocacy services. An advocate is and agre u
to check it e how often
can help you express your needs with you.
and wishes. They can help you to
understand the different options If you are u
nable to m
about your ake
and to make decisions. They can care, your v decisions
also help you find services, make wishes sho iews and
uld still be
sure the correct procedures are account. Th taken fully
ere is supp into
followed, and challenge decisions help you w ort available
ith this. to
on your behalf.

Planning for your future

Thinking ahead may feel difficult but advance care planning can be helpful in making sure people
are aware of your wishes for the future. When you feel ready for this discussion, you should be
offered support and information to discuss:

why it’s helpful legal decisions
your wishes, to plan ahead about your health and
preferences welfare, and property
and beliefs for and money if you can
your future no longer make them
care (advance yourself (lasting
statement) power of

you want to refuse where you
any specific medical would prefer to be
treatment at some cared for, including
time in the future at the end of
(advance your life

You should be offered the chance to check that any advance statements and decisions are still right
for you each time your care and support is reviewed. You can change any decisions you wish to.
Support for carers
As a carer for a person living with dementia, you should be offered:

training to help you support that is flexible and advice about how to get
understand dementia, right for you and what you an assessment of your own
provide care and want to achieve, that helps needs (a ‘carer’s assessment’)
communicate with the person you support your relative or and about how to get a short
who has dementia, look friend, and that is available break or respite care.
after yourself, find out about when you need it. This may
services, plan activities and be as part of a group
think about the future. or online.

Further information
Dementia: assessment, management and support for people living with dementia
and their carers – NICE guideline
The dementia guide – Alzheimer’s Society Telephone helpline 0300 222 1122
After diagnosis of dementia: what to expect from health and care services
– Department of Health and Social Care
Living with young onset dementia – Young Dementia UK
Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline – Telephone 0800 888 6678
Dementia – SCIE
Join dementia research – National Institute for Health Research
Making decisions – Office of the Public Guardian
Dementia Carers Count – Royal Surgical Aid Society

This content has been co-produced by NICE and SCIE and is based on NICE’s
guideline on dementia: assessment, management and support for people
living with dementia and their carers.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
© NICE 2018. All rights reserved. See Notice of Rights
Social Care Institute for Excellence

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