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with the difficult rhyme in two consonants instead of one,

by night, render the summer nights most oppressive. At Kabul

own. Opposite the refectory door in the cloister are two

Naxiou, exochos and Fraxou is represented by @, the

Kokchetav (5000); and Petropavlovsk (21,769 in 1901).

of his slaves, and was succeeded by his uncle, Said Pasha.

Pegu. Before a year elapsed the Peguans revolted; but

Conservatoire des Arts at 9.40 A.M., and descended at 3.45

The universities have not, on the whole, been its sources or

conquest. On the death of Alexander VI. he aspired to the

in the average number of wage-earners, and the iron and

indeed to improvements of the land, but to what were still

little more than an ornamental personage. After lasting

the camp or fortress of Theodore, and compel him to deliver

Macdonald, R.E., sent by the British government from Uganda


proper, in the latter case it was styled adrogation,

while the former weighs about 79 lb and the latter 162 lb per

shown by the curves in fig. 17. It may be unduly increased

Agis had, indeed, a son Leotychides, but he was set aside as

Prophets of Israel (2), pp. 415 sqq. On 2 Kings xvi. 3 (cf.

There is a court of admiralty in the Isle of Man of which

food reaches the stomach, the stomach, typically an expanded

himself. But though his eclectic system failed, the spirit

be made quickly with any desired cell. A portable glow lamp

mineral. On exposure to heat, amethyst generally becomes

has no series coil and only one shunt coil, the direction

The accounts of him in the books of Kings and Chronicles are

forty chromosomes, and the germinating tetraspores twenty

Verstanklathor (Klosters to Lavin), snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,682

at least two centuries, although the monuments of an

accepting at the hands of naturalistic agnosticism. If, as

J. B. Entz has introduced an auxiliary device which enables

and the more scientific spirit of history, have made an

father of Pericles. On several coins of Teos he is represented,

after the start, was shot, and two floating buoys with messages

divine service upon the arrival of the emperor and his

more or less to adhere to each other without losing their

recruitment of men; (3) to exercise due diligence in its own

the esters of nitric acid with alcoholic ammonia at 100 deg.

decade are collected in Table IX. The effects of a prolonged

minutes 46 seconds), in 1890 along the 93rd (93 deg. 9 minutes

paved. Sports, probably more or less religious, are often

a mockery of a trial, was strangled in prison, his mother and

was that identified with the name of Cecil Rhodes, namely,

married, in 1793, without his wishes being consulted, to the

the metropolitan area sky signs have already been prohibited,

the Western Sudan, &c.; (1905); Sir F. Hertslet, The Map

Ballenstedt, and Eilika, daughter of Magnus Billung, duke of

after this period the terminal part ceases to grow at the

of working; its capacity at various discharge rates; its

it is better to keep the term applicable to the objects

commissioners of the Office of Works, relating to the Royal

did human speech arise, or how came the animals by their names?),

feeding. With regard to this point the work of the Smithfield

from London by rail. Pop. (1901) 7553. It has a station on the

effected about half-past one, at Meriville, 18 leagues from Paris.

edition (1897) was partially anticipated by the editors

son and mate of the goddess, and the divine pair represented

Gulf, on the E. and S. by Mt. Thyamus and the Acholous.

Infanticide was systematic, never more than two children being

the capital of Greece and the centre of a large commercial

panegyric on Rameses II., the subjects are not historical but

its shores. The Phoenicians, the Romans, the Vandals, the

His table, attendance and officers were an honour to the

advantage, and which frequently appears in the early military

history of the University of Oxford; in several essays....

Zeitung.. (1899); Sirodot, Les Batrachospermes (Paris,

of the city rises a hill (1647 ft.) which was adopted as the

Vere to dismiss him from the chaplaincy; but he was still

Ismail had conquered Darfur, annexed Harrar and the Somali

The most authoritative modern hand-book on the subject is Charles

(Ahmosi, Aahmes) I., and then Tethmosis (Thothmes, Tahutmes)

short tails. The hair, especially on the hind-quarters, is

victory which he there won forced Ayub Khan to fly into

to attempt to recover from her secular rival the old Russian

son of Frederick, count of Goseck, a member of a noble Saxon

Central station

to Udine), railway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,615

Two points connected with this metal are of sufficient

government and a secretary, all nominated by the First Consul.

secretary of the navy--a cabinet officer appointed by the

having two equal bodies, each gabled, with a continuous range of

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