Refreshing The Curriculum-Have Your Say - Ss Vision

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Refreshing the Curriculum

Have Your Say - Social Sciences & Vision

Staff Meeting 25 May 2022

Unuhia te pō, te pō whiri mārama
From the confusion comes understanding

Tomokia te ao, te ao whatu tāngata

From the understanding comes unity

Karakia Tātai ki runga, tātai ki raro, tātai aho

We are interwoven, we are interconnected

Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!

We are interwoven, we are interconnected, together as one!
Mā te whiritahi, ka whakatutuki ai
ngā pūmanawa ā tāngata.

Together weaving the realisation of
Let’s Warm Up

● Heads or Tails
Learning Intentions
By the end of this session you will:

● be familiar with the NZ Curriculum Refresh timeline, knowing what is

happening when.
● understand what the goals of the NZ Curriculum Refresh are and what
changes are being made.
● have been introduced to the draft Vision for Young People and the draft
Social Sciences Curriculum, discussing what this involves and giving
feedback on these two documents.
Let’s Start Thinking About …
What is happening

MoE Refreshing the

Curriculum Timeline
The Goals of the NZ Curriculum Refresh
Refreshing the Curriculum - What is changing?

To achieve these goals what is changing?

In teams, match the statements from the 2007

NZ Curriculum to…..the changing statements of
the refresh.


Understand Know Do
The Understand, Know, Do framing and progression model will be used for
refreshing all learning areas.
Understand-Big Ideas-the big
takeaways, the important,
memorable things you want the
children to learn

Know-Context - give the

understandings life, personalised
to the students own experiences
and interests, national, rohe, local

Do - the inquiry practices you use to

bring rigor to learning
Each thread of the Understand, Know, Do framework has a separate focus. Teachers design
learning experiences that weave these elements together so that student learning is deep
and meaningful, creating the learning that matters.
Have Our Say - Draft Vision and Social Sciences
This is what we have been given the opportunity to do:

• To give feedback on both the draft Vision and the draft Social Sciences

• We will do this through an online survey in teams - (1-3, 4-6, 7-8)

• Questions will be discussed as a group with 1 person filling in the survey.

Refreshing the Vision for Young People

● What: Sets our aspirations for our young people as learners.

● Why it is important: It provides direction for the NZC refresh
● How: Co-design process with ākonga for ākonga

Part of this process is to get feedback from our young people, so Tracey is going to
work with the Student Leadership Team to get their ideas.
Listen to this being read out by one of the codesigners of the vision. Take a moment to
discuss your thoughts on this Vision for Young People.
Refreshing the Vision for Young People
Time to Have Your Say

● Take 5 minutes in teams to get familiar with the document.

● Please take this time to complete the survey giving your feedback as a team on
the draft vision and draft social sciences curriculum.
○ Years 1-3 Ahuriri, Huritini and Ōrongomai
○ Years 4-6 Ōtāwhito
○ Years 7 - 8 Ōtūmatua

Thank you for giving feedback. Teams can go when completed.

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