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● A look into the psychology of our MBTI personalities


The MBTI is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure people’s preferences among four
opposing personality functions that determine how they perceive the world and make decisions.
The four functions are extraversion vs introversion, sensing vs intuition, thinking vs feeling, and
judging vs perceiving.

Extraversion vs introversion focuses on how you gain energy. Extraverts like to be with others
and gain energy from people and the environment. Introverts gain energy from alone-time and
need periods of quiet reflection throughout the day.

Sensing vs intuition focuses on how you collect information. Sensors gather facts from their
immediate environment and rely on the things they can see, feel and hear. Intuitives look more at
the overall context and think about patterns, meaning, and connections.

Thinking vs feeling focuses on how you make decisions. Thinkers look for the logically correct
solution, whereas Feelers make decisions based on their emotions, values, and the needs of

Judging vs perceiving focuses on how you organize your environment. Judgers prefer structure
and like things to be clearly regulated, whereas Perceivers like things to be open and flexible and
are reluctant to commit themselves.

Abrielle and I are both ENFPs, so extraversion, intuition, feeling, and perceiving. As described
by, “ENFPs are people-centered creators with a focus on possibilities and a
contagious enthusiasm for new ideas, people, and activities. Energetic, warm, and passionate,
ENFPs love to help other people explore their creative potential. They are typically agile and
expressive communicators, using their wit, humor, and mastery of language to create engaging
stories. Imaginative and original, ENFPs often have a strong artistic side. They are drawn to art
because of its ability to express inventive ideas and create a deeper understanding of human

ENFP strengths:
● Warm and enthusiastic
● Empathetic and caring
● Strong people skills
● Strong communication skills
● Fun and spontaneous
● Highly creative
ENFP weaknesses:
● Needs approval from others
● Disorganized
● Tends to get stressed out easily
● Can be overly emotional and hypersensitive
● Overthinks
● Struggles to follow rules

Chloe is an INTJ, so introversion, intuition, thinking, and judging. As described by,

“INTJs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their
innovative ideas. They have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work, at
home, or in themselves. Often intellectual, INTJs enjoy logical reasoning and complex
problem-solving. They approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see, and are
typically focused inward, on their own thoughtful study of the world around them. INTJs are
drawn to logical systems and are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other
people and their emotions. They are typically independent and selective about their relationships,
preferring to associate with people who they find intellectually stimulating.”

INTJ strengths:
● Independent
● Curious
● Have strong determination
● Strategic
● Original
● Informed

INTJ weaknesses:
● Arrogant
● Dismissive of emotions
● Very perfectionistic
● Sometimes seem callous or insensitive
● Combative
● Socially clueless

Characters list:

- Elizabeth Bennett
- Nefertiti
- Marquis de Lafayette
- Anne Boleyn
- Spiderman
- Guy Fawkes
- Pinkie Pie
- Charles Manson
- Mabel Pines
- Alex Jones
- Doja Cat
- Fidel Castro
- Micheal Scott (i love u steve carell ur literally my dad :) )
- Harley Quinn
- Grimes
- Kanye West
- Emperor Norton
- Timothy Dexter


- Oscar Martinez
- Stephen Strange
- Palpatine
- Hannibal Lector
- Walter White
- Mr. Darcy
- Dream ( aabrielle nooooo)
- Elon Musk
- Snape
- H. H. Holmes
- Edmond Dantes
- Princess Luna
- Grunkle Ford
- The unabomber
- Friedrich Nietzsche (incel)
- Jack the Ripper
- Batman
- Karl Marx

Most likely to:

- Accidentally set the kitchen on fire
- Behave like an anime protagonist
- Be a flat earther
- Ask “do you really like me?”
- Be attractive for unknown reasons
- Be goofy
- Accidentally spill their secrets to a stranger
- Be eccentric
- Be always late
- Have the most diverse taste in music
- Indecisive
- Lie to themselves
- Use a lot of emojis
- Buy useless things
- Get hit by a car

- Be Unpopular (females)
- Behave like an anime villain
- Appear menacing but be a sweetheart
- Be paranoid
- Falsely believe they are a genius
- Hate group projects
- Seek vengeance many years later
- Be childfree
- Score low on agreeableness
- Dislike parties
- Be a visual learner
- Leave on read
- Be good at chess
- Reject someone bluntly
- Start WW3 on purpose

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