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Week 2




To study about a Water Pump including its working

principal, History, Components, Detailed working
with schematic, its application, Future innovation
and more.

2.Individual Contribution:

1 Working Principle Hemant Meena

2 History Himanshu Dhiman
3 Components Hritik Chauhan
4 Sawant Detailed working and Ishan Rajesh, Kaustubh
schematic Kumar
5 Applications Kalarchita K
6 Future innovation Katta Joseph Babu

7 Singh Cover, Objective, Title and Kaustubh Kumar



Figure 1
3. Working Principle:
The working principle of centrifugal pumps involves im-
par�ng energy to the liquid by means of a centrifugal
force developed by the rota�on of an impeller that has
several blades or vanes. The basic centrifugal pump
theory of working comprises of the following working

a. Liquid enters the pump

casing at the impeller eye.(-
Fig 2)

Figure 2
b. As shown in figure 3, velocity
energy is given to the liquid by
means of the centrifugal force
produced by rota�on of the
impeller and the liquid is radi-
ally pushed out towards the
impeller periphery. Figure 3
Refrence for figure 2,3 and 4:- h�ps://
The velocity energy of liquid is
converted to pressure energy by
direc�ng it to an expanding
volute design casing in a volute
type centrifugal pump or diffus-
ers in a turbine pump.(figure 4)
Figure 4

4. History
Back in the ancient �mes, the people of
Mesopotamia used a wooden lever kept ad-
jacent to a water bank to pull out the water
using bucket which was a�ached to one
end. On the other hand of the lever a weight
was a�ached to pull the bucket out of the Figure 5
water bank.

The first water pumps trace back to 2000

BC, when Egyp�ans invented a simple
device to draw water from wells called the
Shadoof(figure 5). The Shadoof was a
bucket �ed to a rope and was used to take
out water from deep wells.

source of figure 5 h�ps://

During 3rd to 1st century BC, the Greek civiliza�on
showed great advancements in technology and invented
the water wheel which was used in agriculture for irriga-

The Greek scien�st Archimedes came up with the idea of

the screw pump in which the screw like structures rotated
and moved forward thus trapping the water between two
plates. This method is s�ll used in some backward villag-

Ctesibus from Egypt made another great contribu�on to-

wards evolu�on of the hand pump by introducing the
force pump which is a hand operated pump. The pump
withdraws the water in the upstroke and forced the water
out on the downstroke

The pump technology halted its growth a�er the fall of

the roman empire. It revived its pace during the enlight-
enment period.

In 1593, a Frenchman named Nicolas Grolier suggested

early designs for gear pump. In 1636, Pappenheim invent-
ed double, deep toothed rotatory gear pump.
5. Components

Figure 6: Componets of water pump

A. Casing: it is a shell or a cover which protects and gives sup-
port to the different components of the pump. It helps in
sealing the inside of the pumps to atmosphere to prevent
leakage & retain pressure.

B. Impellers: it is a rota�ng iron or steel disc which transfers

energy from the motor that drives the pump to the fluid
being pumped by accelera�ng the fluid outwards from the
centre of rota�on
There are two types of Impellers:
a. Open Impellers: Open impellers have the vanes free on
both sides. They are structurally weak and typicall used
in small-diameter, inexpensive pumps and pumps
handling suspended solids.
b. Closed impellers: The vanes are located between the
two discs, all in a single cas�ng. They are used in large
pumps with high efficiencies and low required Net
Posi�ve Suc�on Head.
C. Mechanical Seal: It is a device that helps join systems or
mechanisms together by preven�ng leakage containing
pressure, or excluding contamina�on. The effec�veness
of a seal is dependent on adhesion in the case of sealants
and compression in the case of gaskets.

D. Bearings: It is a component that helps reduce fric�on on

moving parts in a pump. It supports the sha� to rotate
Types of Bearing:-

a. Radial Bearing: They are designed to withstand forces

that are perpendicular to the direc�on of the sha�.
b. Thrust Bearing: They are designed to withstand force
in the same direc�on as the sha�.
E. Pump Sha�: it transmit the torque to the impellers. It is
the central component of rotor which carries the impel-
6. Detailed working with schema�c

Figure 7

Before discussing the working, let us understand the con-

cept of priming.

Priming: It is the opera�on of filling the casing, suc�on

pipe and delivery pipe upto the delivery valve completely
with the liquid (in this case - water) to be raised by the
pump before star�ng the pump. If water is not present at
the impellers then the nega�ve pressure it creates with
the help of air will be negligible to li� water at the eye of
the impeller. Therefore, it is an important step in the
working of the water pump.
Working of the water pump: (Refer Fig. 7 for de-
tailed schema�c diagram of water pump)

Before discussing the working, let us understand the con-

cept of priming.

Priming: It is the opera�on of filling the casing, suc�on

pipe and delivery pipe upto the delivery valve completely
with the liquid (in this case - water) to be raised by the
pump before star�ng the pump. If water is not present at
the impellers then the nega�ve pressure it creates with
the help of air will be negligible to li� water at the eye of
the impeller. Therefore, it is an important step in the
working of the water pump.
a. The impeller is required to be immersed in water the
reasons for which are explained in the Priming sec�on.
b. Priming is the first step in the working of the pump.
The delivery valve is kept closed ini�ally.
c. When the impeller is rotated with the sha� connec�ng
to it and the motor, the water surrounding the impeller
starts rota�ng. This creates a high pressure region.
d. There is an increase in the kine�c energy of water. A
powerful centrifugal force is generated which results in
increase of the liquid pressure.
e. A nega�ve pressure is built at the eye of the pump re-
sul�ng into a suc�on pressure which sucks water from
the water source.
f. Now the delivery valve is opened and the water flows
to the desired loca�on while the nega�ve pressure at
the eye allows inflow of water from the source. Thus,
there is a con�nuous flow of water in the water pump.

7. Applica�on of Centrifugal Pump

Centrifugal pump has a wide range of applica�ons.It is used
for industrial, agricultural and domes�c purposes. Centrifu-
gal pump is mainly used for thin fluids with low viscosity.

Listed below are the applica�ons of the centrifugal pump.

a. Centrifugal pumps are used as boos�ng pumps which
helps in increasing the pressure and thus results in
boos�ng the fluid movement.
b. The pumps are widely used as water pumps for domes-
�c purposes.It pumps water to overhead tanks of build-
c. It is used to circulate water flow.
d. It is also used for sewage-drainage purposes.
e. Centrifugal pumps are used in construc�on sites.This
pump is designed for pumping water containing solid
f. It is used in chemical Industries which uses its applica-
�ons for chemical processing.
g. Mining ac�vi�es use pumps which separate Minerals
and Bitumen from sand and clay.
h. It is used in fire protec�on sprinkler systems.
i. Hea�ng, ven�la�on and air condi�oning uses a special
in line compact design for the circula�on of the fluid.Its
is known as a circulatory pump.
j. It is used in power plants and oil refineries.
k. It is used in Dairy Industries.

8.Future Innova�ons:
A single weather event does not prove climate change, but
the heatwave that is hi�ng much of the Northern Hemi-
sphere this summer and triggering forest fires from Califor-
nia and Canada to Portugal, Greece and Sweden is focusing
a�en�on on the need to kick our collec�ve carbon habit.
Even without climate change, it just makes sense to transi-
�on from fossil to renewable energy sources.

Water in Solar Pumps has a promising future. However, ex-

pense and convenience are more immediate needs that
make solar power a�rac�ve. Diesel for submersible pumps
is dirty and expensive, and hand pumps are inconvenient
and �ring. In many different ways, climate change threat-
ens us all, and while technology also causes as many issues
as it solves, the future for solar-powered water systems
looks bright

An alterna�ve is Solar Water Pumping or Photovoltaic

Water Pumping (PVP). It has proved to be opera�onally,
financially, and environmentally sustainable a�er years of
research and technological advances. Solar Water Pumping
has made these variables an extremely viable way of ex-
tending energy access through developing countries and

Digitalized pumps are also an ideal solu�on to modernized

industries. As the world adopts digital solu�ons such as the
Internet of things, data analysis, and network connec�vity
to accelerate their opera�ons, for be�er water manage-
ment, the pump industry uses digitaliza�on to iden�fy
faults, capture live data, and all the while via a remote
monitoring op�on. Modern pumps are being built to meet
future buildings' needs, where produc�on needs to be de-
livered faster, with more competence, and the possible
solu�on to offer this is to integrate digital technology into
pumps. The integra�on of the Internet of things in such
pump solu�ons develops a human-machine interface that
allows for a closer look into opera�ng pumps in real-�me
with lesser human effort.

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