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Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering 2 (2014) 1-12


GV Technology for Exploration and Delineation of Lode

Gold Claims

Jim Combs1 and Jeffrey Drizin2

1. Geo Vision, Inc., 12945 Vanderbilt Drive #207, Naples 34110, FL, USA
2. Geo Vision, Inc., 1910 Browning Court, Highland Park 60035, IL,USA

Abstract: Demands for new gold deposits are increasing worldwide and the need to better define lode and placer claims is a critical
environmental and economic issue. Recently, interesting results have been produced using dedicated geological information systems
designed to explore for earth mineral deposits. These systems employ properties of fundamental physical fields generated by
interactions of superlight elementary particles. GV technology (Geo-Vision geological direct detection radiometric and Air-Gamma
technology), a revolutionary technology for exploring the earth from outer space and from inside aircraft, has been utilized to identify
and precisely locate gold deposits. All elements of the Earth’s crust exist in an excited state and are constantly emitting what can be
called their “intrinsic radiation”. The melding of science and data interpretation makes GV Technology ideal for defining both lode
and placer gold deposits. The use of GV technology will improve success ratios associated with the exploration for and delineation of
gold deposits and provide better definition of successful core drilling locations. The technology will also decrease the cost of defining
gold deposits and since GV technology is ecologically friendly, it provides considerable reductions in environmental mitigation costs.
From 1995 to 2014, GV technology has been used to identify and delineate gold deposits in Russia, Mongolia, Kirghizia, Tanzania,
Ethiopia, Namibia, Australia, and the United States.

Key words: GV technology, intrinsic radiation, super small subatomic particles, satellite imagery, gold exploration.

1. Introduction results produced in the utilization of dedicated

geological information systems designed to explore
During the last decade, there has been a significant
earth mineral deposits. The systems employ properties
decline both in the number of major gold deposits
of fundamental physical fields generated by the weak
discovered (> 2.5 Moz Au) and the amount of gold
interaction of superlight elementary particles. GV
contained in these deposits, compared to discoveries
technology is a revolutionary technology for exploring
in the early to mid 1990s [1]. In addition to declining
the earth from outer space and from inside aircraft to
discovery rates, future success will be achieved in an
identify and locate precisely gold, silver,
environment of increasing costs, increasing need for
hydrocarbons, geothermal, and many other earth
yearly replacement of reserves/resources, and an
mineral deposits. The technology reveals, and
apparent minimum size of deposits that really impact
thereafter examines specifically energy emanation of
the bottom line in larger companies [2].
earth minerals in any given area of the globe. The
GVI (Geo Vision Inc.), consisting of engineers,
basic nature of GV technology rests on the premise
scientists, and management personnel, is engaged in
that all physical objects—planetary and outer
expanded use of GV technology (Geo-Vision
space—have unique properties of energy represented
geological direct detection radiometric and
by light elementary 3SP (super small subatomic
Air-Gamma technology) in the exploration for earth
particles) from the lepton family of super-light
mineral deposits. Recently, there have been interesting
subatomic particles. These super small particles can be
Corresponding author: Jim Combs, Ph.D., research field: tracked, or at least the reflections and echoes can be
geophysics & satellite imagery. E-mail:
2 GV Technology for Exploration and Delineation of Lode Gold Claims

tracked. Gold, silver, coal, hydrocarbons, and interpretation of quantum mechanics to reflect that
geothermal energy sources all generate these particles current standard methodologies do not fully explain
and leave unique signatures, which can be observed quantum conduct in either the theoretical or real world.
on satellite images. This is not new itself. Almost all-modern quantum
The science of GV technology springs from the research acknowledges that much more is occurring
fertile scientific minds at the A.F. Okhatrin inside the field than can be explained with old theories.
Laboratory in Russia though guarded from the West Accepted science often lags the reality of functional
for decades. The wider scientific world has yet to science. For example, the compass was accepted as a
accept theoretical justifications for these effects, as valuable tool for 300 years before science could
well as Okhatrin’s conceptual model. Unfortunately, accurately describe its mechanism.
scientific acceptance is a slow process. But in its Currently, U.S. university researchers refer to the
defense, GV technology field applications in mineral fields created by elementary particles as “subatomic”,
discovery based on the original findings of Okhatrin and identify four main interactions. The strong force;
have been so precise and successful that the or strong interaction (strong nuclear force, or color
underlying value of the science seems inescapable. force) is one of the four fundamental interactions of
Okhatrin’s underlying concept postulates the nature, others being electromagnetism, the weak
existence of SSP (super subatomic particles) and a interaction and gravitation [5-7]. At the atomic scale,
product of the natural decay of a substance. It has strong interaction is about 100 times stronger than
leptonic properties, but with a significantly smaller electromagnetism, which is several orders of
mass. Leptons are elementary particles and a magnitude stronger than weak force interaction and
fundamental constituent of matter. The best known of gravitation.
all leptons is the electron, which governs nearly all of Although small in size and great in number, the
chemistry as it is found in atoms and is directly tied to atom is one of the greatest enigmas in the science
all chemical properties. Two main classes of leptons world today. The most basic parts of the atom are the
exist: charged leptons (also known as the electron-like electron, the proton and the neutron. These three make
leptons), and neutral leptons (better known as up a small group of the known subatomic particles. Of
neutrinos). More than 200 different subatomic
these three, only the electron is actually a fundamental
particles have been found, however, scientists are still
particle. The proton and neutron are both hadrons
looking for additional ones. In fact, more than 400
composed of different smaller particles called quarks.
elementary subatomic particles “exist” (accelerons,
Any of the subatomic particles that are formed from
axions, gluons, tachyons, etc. and until recently the
quarks, and thus react through strong nuclear force,
Higgs boson).
are hadrons. The hadrons include mesons and baryons,
2. Materials and Methods which are quark-based particles.
As quark-based particles, baryons participate in
2.1 Physics of GV Technology
strong interaction, whereas leptons, which are not
These super small particles are closely related to quark-based, do not participate in strong interaction.
scalar particles introduced into the Peccei-Quinn All known subatomic particles except bosons and
theory [3], which actually condense into vacuum and leptons are hadrons. Except for protons and for
break the Peccei-Quinn symmetry [4]. These particles neutrons that are bound in nuclei, all hadrons have
are very light and very weakly coupled to other matter; short lives and are produced in the high-energy
therefore, these super small particles require an collisions of subatomic particles. The other three basic
GV Technology for Exploration and Delineation of Lode Gold Claims 3

forces of nature also affect hadron behavior: all are Russia from an orbiting satellite. As practice has
subject to gravitation; charged hadrons obey shown, such cluster structures, which apparently have
electromagnetic laws; and some hadrons break up by a spherical shape initially, form something of a
way of the weak nuclear force, while others decay via pear-like shape, apparently as a result of gravitational
the strong electromagnetic forces. and other effects. Thus, “prominent” directions of
Schools in Russia call these fields created by propagation no doubt exist. Furthermore, as practice
elementary particles quantum (wave) fields and has shown, clusters vary in structure, which
similarly consider four types of interactions. Data apparently reflects variegation of natural formations.
reflected that the fields are analogous in their Cluster and macro-cluster structures of 3SPs most
properties to MLF (microlepton fields) and are called likely exist also inside bodies, participating in
“orgone fields”, “torsional fields”, “scalar fields”, processes of their transformation, deformation,
“energy-information space”, etc.. The effects of what destruction, and affecting their characteristics.
A.F. Okhatrin identified are slowly being matched by
3. Results and Discussion
current research. By applying both new particle theory
and refined interpretation of quantum mechanics to 3.1 Comparison of GV Technology to Other Survey
the search for signatures of precious metals and Technologies
hydrocarbons, benefits have been obtained. Exploration and delineation of lode and placer gold
is initiated by obtaining mineral rights for a specific
2.2 GV Technology Background
area, followed by the preparation of a good geological
As regards GV Technology, in addition to the map of the area of interest, initially on a regional scale
observed effects, two assumptions are fundamental: (1:50,000) by completing a number of field geological
(1) All substances which are to a lesser or greater traverses, and with the aid of aerial photographs and
degree in an excited state, and not only radioactive satellite imagery (e.g., Ref. [2]). Geologists collect
ones, are subject to natural decay. All decay leaves rock chip samples from favorable locations for gold
traces of its passing. mineralization while preparing their geological map.
(2) The Earth is a strong natural generator of a Geochemical methods (e.g., Refs. [2, 8]) will be
constant electromagnetic field. All substances, e.g., of included in the fieldwork, including stream sediment
the Earth’s crust, are already in an excited state. As an sampling and soil sampling to define anomalous areas.
analogy, one can give the example of using NITON, Similarly, geophysical methods (e.g., Refs. [2, 8]) can
DELTA and other portable spectrometers. As a result be deployed to locate any conductive or magnetic
of the effect of X-radiation, forced excitation of the bodies below the soil horizon. Depending on the
surface of the investigated sample takes place, sampling results, the target areas are delimited for
followed by detection and dispersion into an “intrinsic detained sampling in three dimensions. TD
radiation” spectrum. (three-dimensional) samplings of gold bearing zones
In this way, all elements exist in an excited state are carried out by diamond core drilling and/or RC
and are constantly emitting what could be called their (reverse circulation) drilling. These cores and rock
“intrinsic radiation”. The resulting clusters and chips are submitted for assay and based on the
macro-cluster field structures are sometimes observed three-dimensional sampling of the gold-bearing zone
as a result of polarization above the Earth’s surface. (ore body), the length, width, depth and grade of the
These are described in US Patent 4005289, 250-252, gold deposit is estimated.
1976, and have been recorded above an oil field in In comparisons to these more traditional methods
4 GV
V Technology
y for Explorattion and Delin
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ode Gold Claiims

used for gold g exploraation, GV technology has mitigation costs..

particular annd unequalledd advantages:
3.2 GV Technoloogy Overview
 GV technology is eccologically frriendly.
 It is proofoundly lesss expensive thant present gold GV
G technologgy is applied in three separate phases::
exploration methods.
m Phaase 1—initiall identificatioon of anomallous depositss
 It is siggnificantly fasster than currrent technologgies. for a defined area based on data ob btained from m
Estimated tiime to conduuct a compleete analysis of a sateellite imageryy; Phase 2—aa field expediition (usuallyy
given area 1001 km × 1000 km is norm mally 5 monthhs to a helicopter survvey of the arrea) and dataa processing;;
6 months insstead of 2 yeaars to 3 years. andd Phase 3—final report onn lode depositt and drillingg
 The tecchnology is highly accuratte in definingg and reco ommendationns for gold-beearing zones.
delineating mineral deeposits bothh laterally and 3.2.1
3 Phase 1— —Deposit Ideentification
vertically. When
W the eaarth’s surface is photogrraphed from m
GV technnology has thrree registeredd patents andd has space (Fig. 1), halides of thhe emulsion layer of thee
received sevveral national and internaational awardds. It sateellite imageryy record noot only an im mage of thee
is a superiior technologgy because GV technollogy terrrain in the visible
v opticaal spectrum, but also thee
counters thee inherent unncertainty in exploration and effeect of energy clusters form med by naturaal objects.
the high cosst of failure. The cost of every successsful The
T physiccal/informatioonal founddation forr
exploration technology and a well drilliing success bears
b prospecting undderground reesources is based b on thee
the burden of o all the faillures that preecede it. The cost theo ory of energyy-informationn exchange in n geosystems..
of finding a productive ore body beecomes increased Thiis reflects the known prooperties of substances
s too
when burdened with low w success rattes in identify fying exhhibit dipole fieelds when plaaced in electrric fields.
gold deposits with staandard explooration typess of The
T first phhase of GV technology consists off
exploration. In additioon, explorattion drillingg is asseembling the satellite
s imagges (Fig. 2) for
fo laboratoryy
expensive because
b it depends on the t environm
ment, exaamination (Fiig 3) and is based on thee well-knownn
depth, and complexity off the mineral resource.
However,, GV technnology identiifies, with high h
probability, the exact loccation of goldd deposits. Thus,
the technoloogy provides the t opportuniity to:
 Controll cost and tim me of discovery for extennsive
gold lease poositions;
 Conducct an in-deppth evaluatioon from sateellite
imagery to near
n surface surveys;
 Obtain critical dataa about masss and depthh of
deposits, priior to extensivve exploration;
 Conducct a full feasiibility study, without the needn
for any indirrect or direct techniques suuch as drilling.
As a ressult, this teechnology acchieves multtiple
reductions inn cost. Explooration expennditures are morem
efficient and can lead to the end of o all “dry hole
drilling”. GV V technologyy is ecologicaally friendly, thus Fig.. 1 Macroccluster structu ure are recorded from a
providing a considerablee reduction in i environmeental sateellite traveling in orbit.
V Technology
y for Explorattion and Delin
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ode Gold Claiims 5

effect of a photocheemical reacction in haalide be analyzed andd narrow surrvey areas, which
w includee
microcrystalls, which occcurs under the influencee of the anomalous prospective parcels of land, will bee
electromagnnetic waves (of ( the visibble, infrared, and reco
ommended for fo the secondd survey phaase includingg
ultraviolet spectrum), as well as the effect
e of charrged the helicopter suurvey. Howevver, the results of Phase 1
particles (recording of raare events). The
T conclusioon is allo
ow one only to establish the fact of whether thee
that halide reacts both to t particles and
a to wavess. A targ
get undergrouund resourcee (i.e., gold) is present inn
natural formmation constituutes a geophyysical waveguuide,
consisting of emitters off different maagnitude thatt are
excited by a broad speectrum of active frequenccies.
Thus, eachh emitted wave w of naaturally induuced
polarization has its ow wn amplitude, frequency and
As a result of theiir interactionn, each nattural
formation will
w form, onn the observaation surfacee, an
interference image of its total field f of nattural
polarization,, with a spatiotempporal struccture
characteristiic of the objeect (Figs. 1 & 3). In this way,
w Fig.. 2 “Assemblle” satellite an
nalog images for
f the area too
the spatioteemporal struucture of a wave fieldd of be evaluated.

naturally indduced polarizzation of eneergetically acctive

natural forrmations prresents an image of the
material/eneergy structuree of naturall objects on the
earth’s surfaace.
Visualizattion of naturral formations being searcched
for (Phase 1 of GV technnology) is achhieved as a reesult
of the resonnant expression of inform mation carriedd by
the emulsioon layer of the satellite image, andd an
optical-subaatomic filter tuned to a specific
s chem
element or compound thhereof (gold,, petroleum, gas,
silver, etc.)). Despite the similarity of chem mical Fig.. 3 Laborratory methood to identiffy individuall
emaanations from gold
g deposits.
compositionn, the “intrinnsic radiationn” spectrum has
several diffferences, which
w make it possiblee to
distinguish the
t carbon off natural coall from the carrbon
of diamondss, etc.. The first
f phase off GV technology
will determ mine whetheer the targget undergroound
resource is present
p in thee surveyed terrritory and hoow it
is territorially confined as representeed by the yellow
objects, indiicated in Fig. 4.
In other words,
w in the first phase foor the applicaation
of the GV Technology the collected informatioon is
processed ussing a speciall software proogram to idenntify
Fig.. 4 Gold an nomalies are identified from the digitall
the location of anomalouus deposits (F Fig. 3). Data will sateellite film proceessing.
6 GV
V Technology
y for Explorattion and Delin
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ode Gold Claiims

the surveyeed territory and how itt is territorially chaaracteristic foor the specifiic anomalouss areas beingg
confined. inveestigated.
3.2.2 Phhase 2—Fieeld Expedittion and Data D High
H concentrration points recommendeed for drillingg
Processing goldd bearing depposits are dessignated by yellow
y colorss
In the seccond stage of GV Technology applicatiions,
a field surveey consists of
o flying a heelicopter (Figg. 5)
over the ideentified resouurce (i.e., goold) anomaliees to
provide cusstomers withh informatioon of the exact e
location of deposit outtlines and beedding depthh of
productive horizons. Thhe field exppedition incluudes
measuring anomalous deposits using u the GVI
proprietary GEO-SCAN N ML2 deetector, instaalled
onboard a helicopter
h or, in some caases, if the areal
extent of surrvey is quite limited
l by groound transport.
Phase 2 processing
p crreates digitall imaging off the
fields, theirr intensity, and
a areal exttent (Fig. 6)), to
Fig.. 5 Field su urvey consistss of flying heelicopter overr
provide daata for connducting maathematical and
ntified gold anoomalies.
cartographicc modeling of o the depositts and to idenntity
the anomaloous areas for the construcction of a spatial
model of thhe deposit annd preliminaary estimationn of
reserves durring the comppletion of Phaase 3.
3.2.3 Phhase 3—Final Reporting and Drillling
In Phasee 3, with additional data d processsing,
different deppths of gold deposits
d are defined,
d usingg the
superpositioon principle (FFig. 7).
Additionaally in Phasee 3, field exxpedition surrvey
results and coordinates of the goldd anomalies are Fig.. 6 Maps of field expeedition survey
y result and
presented ono maps idenntifying varyying depths and coorrdinates of gold anomalies.

amounts of o gold inn ounces per ton with w

recommendaations of core drilling locations. The
combined reesult is a tightly focused map that shhows
where all thhe emitter masses
m are reesiding and how
deep they exist
e 7 The compplex analysis of
(Fig. 7).
information received byy GV technoology surveyys in
combinationn with other geological and geophyssical
methods alllows custom mers increasiing precisionn in
forecasting and
a identifyinng mineral deeposits.
The scale of the intenssity of intrinsiic emission using
GV technollogy is usuaally indicatedd in four orr so Fig.. 7 Varying depths
d of gold deposits with recommended
colors (Fig. 8), which correspond
c too the gradatiional drilling locations.
V Technology
y for Explorattion and Delin
neation of Lo
ode Gold Claiims 7

whiich was solld in one yyear to ano other miningg

3 2005-20011
M foor Russian Company OOO IEE E
Zarrubezhcvetmeet. A photoggraph of GV Technologyy
survvey area is prresented in Fiig. 11.

Fig. 8 Drrilling recommmended at th

he identified GV
Technology gold
g anomalies..

as indicatedd in Fig. 8. Orange

O colorrs also repreesent Fig.. 9 GV technnology surveyeed 300 km2 in
n the At-Bashii
a of the Repub
blic of Kirghizia.
recommendeed areas forr drilling byy the custom mer’s
drilling speccialists and geeologists.

3.3 GV Techhnology Gold Deposit Case Histories

During the last nineteenn yeears, GVI has

successfullyy completed several
s GV teechnology surrvey
contracts foor gold bearinng deposit iddentificationss on
five contineents. With permission
p f
from custom
abbreviated case historries of seveeral international
surveys usinng GV technoology for goldd prospectingg are
presented inn this section.
3.3.1 20055-2007 Fig.. 10 Gold anomalies
a idenntified in Phase 1 of GV
Kirghizia at the At-Baashi District was
w surveyedd for tech
hnology surveyy in Kirghizia.

ZAO Internaational Mininng Company with the intennt to

define goldd deposit loccations. Thee customer used u
survey resuults completeed by conducting a Phasse 1
survey oveer the area indicated in i Fig. 9. and
discovered 15 gold sites witth high gold g
After analyses of data obtained
o from Phase 1 (Fig. 10)
of GV Techhnology survvey, customeer drilled sevveral
diamond core test holes. After test, drilling and core
assay analysses reserve esttimation identtified a depossit of
11 tonnes off gold as a prooven reserve with
w 5 g/t to 9 g/t, Fig.. 11 Photo of survey area in
n Mongolia.
8 GV
V Technology
y for Explorattion and Delin
neation of Lo
ode Gold Claiims

A GVI crew c conduccted all threee stages of GV

technology on o 300 km2 too identify golld deposits. After
analyses of data obtaineed from bothh Phases 1 annd 2
(Fig. 12) off GV Technoology surveyy, GVI estim mated
that the cusstomer had a gold depossit of at least 19
After drilliing several diaamond core teest holes (Fig. 13),
reserve estim mation by thhe customer identified more m
than 19 tonnnes of gold as a proven reserve. In fact,
gold was disscovered on all sites idenntified by the GV
technology surveys.
Based onn results andd analyses of o the first GVI
survey, a Mongolian
M coompany, Sannsarin Geologgical
Haigool, siggned a 5 yeaar Survey Coontract with GVI
for further GV technoloogy surveys. During the five
years GVI conducted
c 177 successful surveys
s for gold,
copper, hydrrocarbons, annd water in Mongolia.
M Fig.. 12 Results from
f Phase 1 and Phase 2 GV
G technologyy
GVI also conducted suurveys for coopper depositts on gold
d surveys in Mongolia.

350 km2 forr one of the largest comppanies, East Asia A

Copper Minning Companny Erdenet inn additional areas a
of the Monngolia regionn. The first GV technollogy
survey resullted in the ideentification and
a delineatioon of
rich copper bearing
b deposits at 4 areass.
The mostt successful GV technoology survey for
identification of gold depposits in Monngolia conduucted
in the Bayyanhogor Prrovince. Sattellite imagee of
Bayanhogorr gold prospecct is presented in Fig. 14.
With the analysis of thhe results from Phase 1 off the
GV technoloogy survey, there
t was a decision
d madde to
Fig.. 13 Satellite image of diaamond core teest drilling byy
continue withw a Phasse 2 helicopter survey. A Zarrubezhevetmet based on GV Technology suurvey results.
photograph of the crew w and helicoppter used inn the
Phase 2 survvey is presentted in Fig. 15.
A map off results and analyses of the t Phase 2 field
expedition suurvey at Bayaanhogor is proovided in Figg. 16.
After internaal analyses of
o data obtainned from the GV
technology survey, seveeral diamondd core test holes h
were drilledd to confirm the identificaation of the gold
bearing depoosit and mininng was immeddiately startedd.
A satellite image of the mining site iss shown in Figg. 17,
with a photoograph of thee mining site presented in Fig.
18. In summ mary, the minne had producced 2,000 tonnnes Fig.. 14 Satellite image of the B
Bayanhogor go
old prospect in
of gold by thhe end of 20009. Mon ngolia.
V Technology
y for Explorattion and Delin
neation of Lo
ode Gold Claiims 9

idenntified 11 prospective sites for future goldd

ploration andd 4 sites foor diamonds. Namslavicc
requ uested Phasee 2 (Fig. 20) surveys at 2 of the mostt
prospective sitees in the Chhirimbo area where highh
ncentrations of gold weere identified d. Customerr
ntinued explooration, by appplying geocchemical andd
elecctromagnetic methods ass well as shallow s coree
drillling to delineeate large gold deposits.
3 2006-20012
T forr Russian-Taanzanian com mpany, Geoo
Fig. 15 Th he Crew and d Helicopter used
u for the GV Nad dir, completed gold surveyys in the souttheast of Darr
Technology Phase
P 2 Surveyy at Bayanhogoor.
es Salaam
S area. The Phase 1 survey was conducted
c onn
an area
a of aboutt 1,000 km2. Prospective gold
g depositss
werre determinedd in 350 km2 and the redu uced area wass
recoommended for a Phase 2 GV Technologyy
survvey (Fig. 21).

Fig. 16 Results from m Phase 2 GV technoology

survey—heliccopter survey and analysess of potential gold
bearing depossits at Bayanhogor.

Fig.. 18 Photograaph of the gold

d mining site att Bayanhogor.

Fig. 17 Saatellite imagee of the gold

d mining site at

3.3.3 20066
Namibia, a country loocated in soutthern Africa, and
Fig.. 19 Resu
ults from P Phase 1 GV V technologyy
the custommer was Naamslavic Exxploration. After A surv
vey-satellite im
mage analysess in the Oka
avago area off
d obtainedd from Phase 1 (Fig. 19), GVI
analyses of data Nammibia.
10 GV
V Technology
y for Explorattion and Delin
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ode Gold Claiims

furtther developm ment.

3 2009-20013
U Statess in Landerr County, Nevada.
nducted all three phasses of GV technologyy
survveying for DDSLLC (ddirect detecttion servicess
LLC C). Althoughh there are m more than 700 0 gold miness
locaated in Lander County, thhere remain many squaree
miles of unexploored federal lands. In 201 10, DDSLLC C
decided to utilizze GV technoology to defiine gold lodee
claiims. DDSLL LC has identtified, delineated, staked,,
d acquired 277 gold lode claims on federal
and f landss
ministered byy the U.S. BLM (bureeau of landd
man nagement). At A least, 255 gold anom malies weree
idenntified as the results of thee analysis of Phases 1 andd
Fig. 20 Results from m Phase 2 GV technoology 2 off the GV techhnology surveey (Figs. 22a and 22b).
survey—heliccopter survey and
a analyses. Based
B on the detailed analyysis of Phasee 3 of the GVV
hnology survvey (Fig. 233), the estim mate of thee
productive gold levels start aat a depth of 10 meters too
15 meters and extend to a depth of 21 10 meters too
2400 meters, witth an estimatted 7 producttive horizonss
to 10 productivve horizons. Initial estim mate of goldd
ntent is from 3 grams to 9 grams per ton of ore withh
an estimate
e of 177 tons to 17.55 tons of gold
G concenntrations esstimated by y the GV V
Tecchnology surrvey have nnot been co onfirmed byy
addditional core drilling (Figg. 24) and asssay analysess
for all GV technnology gold annomalies.
A exploratioon program is planned to effectivelyy
testt the subsurfface gold zoones. This program
p willl
Fig. 21 G
Gold deposits identified in
n Tanzania with connsist of as maany as thirty core holes an nd assay testt
three-phase GV
G technology surveys.
worrk. DDSLLC C plans to convert th hese initiallyy
Further, geochemical
g and geophyysical surveyys of idenntified gold loode claims too mineable prrojects whichh
the area as well
w as additiional mapping proved thatt the willl then be soldd to gold minee developmen nt company.
GV Technology survey gold discoveeries were 900+% 3.3.6
3 2013
correct commpared to thhe additionall data that was United
U Statess in Mineral County, Nevada.
obtained byy the Custom mer. Gold concentration
c s in con
nducted a Phaase 1 survey on the Fletccher Junctionn
areas recommmend by GV VI for core hole
h drilling and goldd prospect ofo Nevada E Exploration In nc. Ref. [9],,
assay analysiis confirmed observations
o o 1.5 g/t to 322 g/t.
of whiich was obtaiined from thee NGE web site. In orderr
In 2012, thee gold deposit defined byy GV technollogy to complete a Phase 1 evvaluation of the Fletcherr
was classifieed as large. GVI surveyeed and registtered nction prospeect, an area of approxim
Jun mately 15 km m
claims for 3 sites with goold discoveredd on all threee and by 15 km, or about 225 square kilo ometers, wass
sold the claaims to a Chinese
C mininng companyy for seleected with thee NGE leasess essentially in
i the center
V Technology
y for Explorattion and Delin
neation of Lo
ode Gold Claiims 11

(a) (b)
Fig. 22 (a) Gold
G anomaliees identified by Phase 1 GV V technology su urvey in Land der County, NV V; (b) Gold an
nomalies from
Phase 2 surveey at Lander County,
C NV witth red crosses in
i left center in
ndicating first core drilling llocations.

Fig. 23 First core holes haad 10 levels of gold and predicted Fig.. 25 Fletcher Junction gold
d leases of NG
GE in blue and
gold content ranged
r from 3 g/t to 9 g/t. min
nes are designaated in red.

Fig.. 26 Phase 1 GV technologgy survey eva

aluation of thee
Flettcher Junction
n gold leases and immediatte mines with
Fig. 24 Drilling at Landerr County prosp
pect. eigh
ht anomalous gold
g areas iden
12 GV Technology for Exploration and Delineation of Lode Gold Claims

of the survey area (Fig. 25). being sought. GVI continues to anticipate that
Based on analysis of satellite imagery of the area, companies that determine to utilize our GV
GVI determined there are 8 anomalous gold areas (Fig. Technology will improve their success ratio associated
26), which included an anomaly associated with the with the exploration for and delineation of the lateral
NGE leases and anomalies over the Aurora Mine, the and vertical extent of gold deposits as well as better
Borealis Mine, and a small mine in the upper right define successful drilling locations. We can further
side of Figs. 25 and 26. GVI recommends that NGE, assure mining companies that the cost associated with
or another gold developer, follow the Phase 1 data the definition of lode gold deposits will be decreased
with Phase 2 and 3 GV technology surveys to provide with the use of GV technology and since GV
better definition of the gold zones and drilling technology is ecologically friendly, it provides a
locations in several of the other anomalous gold areas considerable reduction in environmental mitigation
identified. costs.

4. Conclusions References
Based on the lode gold deposit case histories, we [1] Strategies for Gold Reserve Replacement: The Cost of
Finding Gold, Metals Economics Group, 2006.
have received permission to publish, the use of GV
[2] F. Robert, R. Brommecker, B.T. Bourne, P.J. Dobak, C.J.
technology has been very successful in identifying and McEwan, R.R. Rowe, et al., Models and exploration
delineating lode gold deposits both laterally and methods for major gold deposit types, in: Proceedings of
vertically. GV technology is a superior technology the Exploration 07: Fifth Decennial International
Conference on Mineral Exploration, Canada, 2007, pp.
because it counters the inherent uncertainty in
exploration and the high cost of failure. The cost of [3] R.D. Peccei, H.R. Quinn, CP conservation in the
every successful exploration technology and well presence of pseudoparticles, Physical Review Letters 38
drilling success bears the burden of all the failures that (25) 1440.
[4] R.D. Peccei, H.R. Quinn, Constraints imposed by CP
occurred previously. The cost of finding a productive
conservation in the presence of pseudoparticles, Physical
ore body becomes increased when burdened with low Review D 16 (6) (1977) 1791.
success rates in identifying gold deposits with standard [5] K.S. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics, 3rd ed., Wiley,
types of exploration. In addition, exploration drilling is 1987, p. 864.
[6] K.S. Krane, Modern Physics, 3rd ed., Wiley, 1996, p. 560.
expensive because it depends on the environment, [7] M. Capaldi, Subatomic World, Standard Model &
depth, and complexity of the mineral resource. Particle Physics [Online],
GVI recommends the application of our technology
ard-model-particle-physics/ (accessed 2013).
to the exploration for and delineation of gold deposits
[8] R.H. Sillitoe, J.F.H. Thompson, Changes in mineral
being sought by mining companies. GVI is convinced exploration practice: consequences for discovery, Society
that once companies have used our GV technology, it of Economic Geologists special Publication (12) (2006)
will become an accepted exploration and delineation 193-219.
[9] W. Hodges, Fletcher Junction project regional geologic
tool and will provide excellent data to better define the
context, 2013, Nevada Exploration Inc. Web site,
lateral and vertical extent of the gold deposits and
provide successful core drilling locations that are ology/ (accessed 2013).

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