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Ques1 Variable Cost of XYZ Product

Ques2 Fixed cost of XYZ Product

Fixed cost of XYZ Product

Ques 3 Estimate Variable Cost

Ques 4 Estimate Fixed Cost

Ques 5
Managerial Accounting

Highest activity cost - Lowest activity Cost/ highest activity unit-Lowest activity units
$160 per unit

Highest activity cost - ( variable cost per unit *highest activity units)
Lowest activity Cost-( variable cost per unit * lowest activity units)

According to the regression analysis the estimate variable cost is

$164.71 per unit

According to the regression analysis the estimate fixed cost is


Multiple R refers to the cofficient correlation which defines about the relationship
between the idependent variable and dependent variable , and it must lie
between the range of -1 and 1, in this analysis the Mutiple r is about 0.96 which shows
that it is a good predictor

The R square decsribe about the determination how well x variabe explains y variable
which describe that how the variable cost explaines the over head cost
it describe that the variable cost which is 92% of overhead cost.

According to the regression analysis , the intercept is refers to the fixed cost which is
$1547.06 and it represent where the line cross the y axis which describe that if
the productivity level is zero , the fixed cost is about the $1547.06 and there is an equation
which is Y = A+BX which define that the total cost = fixed cost + variable cost

Yes, I can rely on this estimate because it shows the positive result in each analysis , all
all the outputof the regression analysis have show the good indicatoors for the outcomes
and I believe that it shows the positive result for the business.
Ques 6 Units of Product A Sales mix of A* Selling price per unit
$120 Unit of Product A

Ques 7
For Product A
($28000+1)+ 6/($200-$140)
the break even point for A is $466.78 per unit

For Product B
The break even point of B $560.08per unit

No both are not same

Ques 8 As per my opnion the Product B will give

more benefical , because at the time of break even point
the product B per unit is more
if the per unit is more the company can earn more profit
because the chance of sell of product B is more as compared to Product

Ques 9 The total sales $560.80*$150


Ques 10 Sales $2000*16

Cost $2000*12

Fixed cost $2000*4

Profit Sales - Cost

Ques 11 As per my suggestion, Acme should buy the product more the outside su
because when hey buy from the supplier they received from benefit as c
product , the profit after the buying the product is more rather then maki
product also, when he buy the unit from the outside supplier.
Ques 12 The qualitative factor that might change the decision
such as consumer satsfication with a business product, or modification i
and the ownership of a new process that give the business a competitive
compared to Product A.

uct more the outside supplier

ived from benefit as compared to making the
more rather then makig the product , and they give additional benefit also , when they purachse from outside, they can make add
de supplier.
duct, or modification in business managemnet
business a competitive edge.
outside, they can make additional

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