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(Form V)
Prepared as per requirement under Environment Protection Rules,1986 and publishing as per directives of
Ministry of Environment and Forests

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd.

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited - Visakhapatnam Steel Plant

(RINL-VSP), a Navratna PSE, is the country’s first shore based in-
tegrated steel plant. The company is 100% owned by GoI. The
plant is a 3 Million ton based Integrated Steel Plant being ex-
panded to 6.3 Million tons.

Address for correspondence: Contacts:

Environment Management Department Phone: 0891-2518002
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Fax: 0891-2518631
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd.-530032 E-mail:


(i) Name and address of the owner/ : Sri D N Rao
occupier of the industry operation/ Executive Director (Works)I/c,
(ii) Industry category Primary-(STC code): -
Secondary (SIC code)
(iii) Production during 2013-14 in tonnes
a) Saleable steel : 3016068 t
b) Pig iron : 327002 t
c) Coal chemicals(Ammonium sulphate : 129127 t
benzol & tar products) ````````
d) Captive power generation : 218.8 MW
(iv) Year of establishment : 18 FEBRUARY, 1982 (incorporated)

(v) Date of last environmental : 29 SEPTEMBER 2013

statement submitted

Water and raw material consumption

1. Water consumption in KLD

a. In the plant for process (Excluding TPP) : 29002
b. In TPP for power generation : 40586
c. Total in process : 69608
d. In plant for fire fighting & drinking : 18920
Grand total (c+d) : 88528
Name of Process water consumption per unit of product output
During the current financial During the current financial
year, 2012-13 year, 2013-14

Saleable steel 10.13 cum/tonne of sal. Steel 10.71 cum/tonne of sal. Steel

2. Raw material consumption (Unit : ton /ton of Saleable Steel)

Name of Name Consumption of raw-material Per unit of

raw material of output
prod- During the current fi- During the current
ucts nancial year financial year
2012-13 2013-14
Coking coal Salea- 1.163 1.080
Iron ore ble 1.877 1.641
(lumps & steel
Sand 0.003 .0037
Lime stone 0.359 0.298
Dolomite 0.191 0.178
Mn.Ore 0.0049 0.0045
Alloys at SMS 0.020 0.0195

Raw Material Handling at VSP


Pollutants Qty. of pollu- Concentration of Percentage of

tants dis- pollutants in dis- variation from
charged charges prescribed
(mass/day) (mass/volume) standards with

WATER ( ETP outlet )

TSS 287.6 kg/day 95.4 mg/lt -4.6%
O&G 22.3 kg/day 7.4 mg/lt -26.0%
PHENOL 1.5 kg/day 0.5 mg/lt -50.o%
COD 732.3 kg/day 242.9 mg/lt -2.8%
BOD 76.3 kg/day 25.3 mg/lt -15.6%
AMM.N2 124.8 kg/day 41.4 mg/lt -17.2%
# Reduced concentrations due to stabilization in performance of Me-
chanical Biological and Chemical treatment plant of Coke Ovens

Air emissions from process

Pollutants Qty. of pollu- Concentration of Percentage of
tants dis- pollutants in dis- variation from
charged charges prescribed
(mass/day) (mass/volume) standards with
PM 4968 kg/day
against the - -30.66
Consent value
of 7165 kg/day

Waste Water Treatment

System of SMS

Hazardous wastes (As specified under Hazardous Wastes (M&H) Rules,

Total quantity (Generation)

Hazardous wastes
During the current During the current
year 2012-13 year 2013-14
(a) From process
Waste oil sludge 275.82t 234.52 t
Tarry acids/muck(sludge) 2821.1t 2643.17t
Benzol muck 413t 489.84t
Discarded oil drums 9.5t 2.0 t

(b) From pollution control facilities

Activated sludge 214.4t 729.66t

Exclusive facilities for handling

and treatment of hazardous waste

Solid Wastes

Solid Total genera- Recycled or Sold Utilized in %Utilization For

Waste tion Reused (t/year) construc- 2012-13=
(t/year) (t/year) (c) tion activi- {(b+c)/a}*100
(a) (b) ties
a) From Pollution Control Systems
Dust from 249085 196611 56629 0 101.67#
Sludge from 240532 335060 0 0 139.30*
b) From Process

BF Slag 1397080 0 1495596 19295 108.43$

LD Slag 410673 150971 0 0 36.76

Total 2297370 682642 1552225 19295 98.12

#- Additional 4155 of dust recycled from previous stock

* Additional 94528 tons of sludge recycled from previous stock
$ Additional 117811 tons of BF slag utilised/sold from previous stock

Please specify the characterization (in terms of composition and quan-
tum) of hazardous as well as solid wastes and indicate disposal practice
adapted for both these categories of wastes.

Characteristics and practice of disposal

Type of Waste ( Non-Hazardous)

Type of FeO CaO MgO SiO2 Al2O3 MnO Basic- Method of
Waste (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) ity disposal
Yr: 13-14

BF SLAG 0.37 36.59 8.14 34.7 17.77 0.11 1.05 Sold to


LD SLAG 15.76 51.65 10.47 16.99 1.12 1.20 3.09 Partly re-
cycled ,
stacked for
future use.
Others T.Fe CaO MgO SiO2 Al2O3 MnO LOI Method of

Met. 42.29 2.42 0.21 3.93 0.85 - 31.0 100% recy-

Wastes cled in SP

Press Filter at Blast Furnace –3

for recovery of Sludge from
Waste Water of Gas Cleaning

Please specify the characterization (in terms of composition and quan-
tum) of hazardous as well as solid wastes and indicate disposal practice
adapted for both these categories of wastes.

Characteristics and practice of disposal

Type of Waste (Hazardous)

MBC ETP Tank Tar ASP Benzol

Sludge Sludge bot- Sludge Sludge Sludge
S Parame- Conc. Limit Sludge
L ter as per
Rules 2008
1 mg/kg 50 9.54
um 15.52 4.16 5.8 1.48 4.16
2 Total Cr. mg/kg
5000 106.8 75.8 16.3 3.63 30.8 5.454

3 Copper mg/kg
Not App. 32.2 8.05 6.75 2.85 7.7 2.08
4 Iron % 5000 8347 7400 3317 236.1 3800 430
5 Nickel mg/kg 5000 93 10 3.6 2.3 39 BDL
6 Lead mg/kg 20000 72 434.8 216.3 57.2 46.6 6.4

7 Zinc mg/kg Not applica-

ble 320.9 1061 372.8 153.7 317.9 24.8

8 Cyanide mg/kg
50 1088 904 48 424 32 107

9 Carbon % Not applica-

ble 26.67 19.17 57.11 - 15.6 -
Disposal :All the above wastes are recycled in the Coke Oven Batteries

Facilities at Coke Ovens for charging

Hazardous waste into batteries
Impact of pollution abatement meausres taken on conservation of natural resources.

The following are the details of impact on conservation of natural resources and
cost of production due to various pollution abatement and environmental protection
measures taken at VSP in the year 2013-14

Sl.N Pollution Abatement Measures Impact on conserva- Impact on cost

o. tion of natural re- of produc-
sources (13-14) tion(13-14)

1 Recycling of waste water using- i) Saving of 478.87 MG Savings of Rs

Balacheruvu waste water system ii) of water 6.99 crores
Appikonda waste water treatment
systems and iii) Ultra filtration plant
for treatment of township waste wa-

2 a. Recycling of wastes collected Saving of natural re- Savings of Rs

from i) Dust Extraction Systems ii) sources to the tune 254.18 crores
Waste Water Treatment plants of 2.31 million tons

b. Utilisation of Blast Furnace and

LD slag
3 Utilisation and waste heat and pres- Saving of coal of Savings of Rs
sure recovery systems for generation about 148.09 Crores
of power and steam 6.09 lakh tons

4 Utilsation of by product gases in Saving of coal of Savings of Rs

place of coal about 13.17 lakh 320.40 Crores

Appikonda Waste Water Treatment Balacheruvu Waste Water

Plant Showing RO skids as inset
Pumping Station
Additional measures / investment proposal for environmental protection
including abatement of pollution, prevention of pollution.

Additional Environment protection measures taken in in 13-14

1. Revamping & up-gradation of ESPs of SP-1

and BF 2 are taken up at a cost of Rs 144.6 Cr.
to reduce the stack emissions from
115mg/Nm3 to 50mg/Nm3.

ESP of Blast Furnace-1 ESP : Under

Up gradation

2. Rain water harvesting schemes,

to conserve 3.3MGD of water, are
taken up at a cost of Rs 13.84 Cr.
and are at an advanced stage of
implementation. On completion
they shall result in total wa-
ter saving of : 3.3 MGD

Rain water Harvesting : Under


3. Dog house commissioned and

put in operation in Steel Melt
Shop-2 , thereby preventing roof
top emissions from convertor shop

Dog House—SMS2
Additional measures / investment proposal for environmental protec-

Additional Environment protection measures taken in in 13-14

4. Mechanical, Biological and Chemical

(MBC) treatment plant of Coke Ovens ,
which was upgraded incurring an ex-
penditure of Rs 46 Cr was stabilised.
This was done by further addition of
facilities such as
a) 2 sets of new Ammonia columns in
parallel for stabilizing the input load
b) Replacing the problematic roots blow-
Additional Ammonia Columns provid-
ers with centrifugal blowers and modi-
ed for stabilising input load to MBC
fying the air distribution system for
adequate air supply for sustaining
oxidation process
c) Enhancing the flocculent system for
proper dosing of flocculants and co-
This has resulted in:
 Bringing down the ammonical nitro-
gen below the norm of 50 mg/l.
 Bringing down the COD (Chemical Ox-
ygen Demand) below the norm of
Enhanced flocculent dosing system at

5. All Halon based fire fighting sys-

tems at VSP were replaced a with
Inergen based fire fighting systems,
incurring an expenditure of Rs 6.14
crores. In the process 3885 kgs of
Halon was phased out systematically.

Any other particulars for improving the quality of the environment.

Improvement of Communication :
1.A software dedicated to Environmental Activities ‘ ENVISION ‘ has been developed
in-house, for facilitating in capture of real
time emission data from on-line stack mon-
itors installed at all twenty (20) major chim-
neys and four (4) continuous Ambient Air
Quality Monitoring stations and publishing
to all stakeholders . ENVISION also facili-
tates in scheduling of environmental moni-
toring, report preparation and collation of
environmental data from various depart-
ments. It also interfaces with other software
systems to provide information on process
parameters, status of ESPs in the plant, con-
sumption trends of utility gases - thereby enabling problem diagnosis and correc-
tive action.
2. Real time weather data being broadcasted through intranet of VSP.
Afforestation :
1..VSP is participating in the ambitious “Green Visakha- Plantation Program” , where it
is targeted to plant 40 lakh trees in Visakhapatnam in 5 years, @ 8 lakh trees per
year. The program is initiated by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science &
Technology and Environment, Forests. VSP has already planted 25000 avenue planta-
tion and 75000 block plantation under Green Visakha Programme. Also in-principle ap-
proval of Board of Directors is taken up for plantation of 5 lakh trees in 5 years, under
this program, at an estimated cost of Rs 5.5 Crores .

2. 2.69 Lakh of Trees planted in 2013-14 as part of afforestation efforts

Green Visakha Plantation Program inaugurated by District

Collector of Visakhapatnam

PART – I continued….
Any other particulars for improving the quality of the environment.

1. VSP was recertified for ISO-14001 by M/s BVCI , after auditing in Aug’13 .Certification
is valid for a period of 3 years

2. 77 nos of EMS objectives taken up to improve resource consumption, benign han-

dling, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes, greening initiatives, use of environ-
ment friendly materials etc.

ODS Phase out

1. 26 nos Halon Cylinders have been deposited to National Halon Bank at Centre for Fire
and Explosive Safety , New Delhi during the year 2013-14

Noise reduction:
1. New silencer installed at 7 Ata bleeder of BPTS to reduce noise from 120 to below 90

Measures Taken for reduction in Energy Consumption ( 2013-14)

1. Reduction of BF gas bleeding from 2.95 % to 1.96 % by taking up proactive measures

and optimizing distribution through Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system

2. Replacement of Air Recuperartors in F/C-1 of Light and Medium Merchant Mill

3. Commissioning of Waste Heat Recovery system at Sinter plant no 2(Sinter Machine-3)

for pre heating of combustion air to ignition furnace and supplying hot air to Extended
hood of Sinter Machine-3

4. Commissioning of Energy Efficient fur-

nace with energy efficient burners in
Sinter Plant-2(Sinter Machine-3)

5. Commissioning of 20.6 MW waste heat

recovery system on sinter straight-line
cooler of sinter machine 1 &2.

20.6 MW waste heat recovery system

at straight line cooler of sinter machine
Any other particulars for improving the quality of the environment.

Waste Management :
1. LD Slag consumption in Sinter Plant is increased to 24.0 Kg / ton of charge sinter
against the norm of 16.0 Kg/ ton of charge sinter .More than 1 lakh tons (1.1) of LD
slag consumed in Sinter plant for the year 2013-14.
2. 3628 T of used refractory bricks recovered and reused in Steel Melting shop

1. 52 nos of heating walls of Batt-3 repaired to reduce emissions.

CO2 reduction
1. 1004613 tons of CO2 emissions reduced due to use of clean technologies for genera-
tion of steam and power
2. 2077147 tons of CO2 emissions reduced due to use of CO Gas and LD gas in power
plant in the place boiler coal

CSR activities related to Environment

1. St. Josephs home for aged was provided financial assis-

tance of Rs 26.60 lakhs for providing solar lighting to
the entire building
2. 1000 nos of solar street lights provided in rural areas of
Barabanki district

Use of Environment Friendly material

1. Asbestos rope replaced with ceramic rope at 20 loca-

tions between flash plate and brick wall and in 20 door
frames during replacement & realignment
2. Refractory material procured in 1500 paper bags in-
stead of plastic bags thereby preventing generation of
Solar based street lights
plastic waste
provided by VSP
3. 339.5 CuM of Falg bricks made of fly ash used in civil
maintenance activity

Important Environmental Events –2013-14

1. Cycle Rally was conducted on 26.05.2013 on the occasion of World Environment Day
celebrations on 5th June 2013. Director (Finance), Shri P Madhusudan flagged off the

2. “ENVISION” was inaugurated by CMD on

5th June.2013 . This software tool inte-
grates all activities of Environment Manage-
ment & facilities in real time reviewing of
emissions of the plant. The software was
developed in house by IT & Environment


3. Green Awards distributed to the employees

who contributed towards the improvement of
Environment on the occasion of World Environ-
ment Day celebrations on 5th June 2013.

4. Water Conservation Cam-

paigns -One of the several
water conservation campaigns
conducted for sensitising
employees on importance of
water conservation

15 END

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