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Catholic University of Mozambique

Distance Learning Center

Topic of the the work:

Greetings and Verb to BE

Name of the student: Antônio Manuel Banguija

Student's Code:708216338

Course: Degree in Portuguese Language Learning

Subject: English
Year of Frequency: 1st year

Beira, Maio de 2022



General Objective:.............................................................................................................2

Specific Objectives:...........................................................................................................2

1- Meeting for the First Time............................................................................................3

2- Completing using am or are:.........................................................................................3

3- Complete these sentences using am, are and is:............................................................3

4- Numbers and Dates.......................................................................................................4

5- Making the correspondence between the letters and the Numbers:..............................4


The most sign of humans keeping in touch with each other is a communication. It is
through it we transmit to each other the feelings, desires, especially we know each

Its on this ambit we bring on this work the topic about Greetings and Verb to BE. By
basic form of Greetings its possible tô introduce oneself to others either a new
schoolmate or an social individual. But mostly important to know that since se are
talking um other language, which will help us to get on contact with foreigner or when
its needed.

Not only that, on the topic it also appear the use of verb to Be since in English its the
base of most part of communication, when se introduce to each other.

The work ends up with the Last questions about Dates of the month, which will help us
to exercise the reading we did on past in order to also know how to express it.

Finally I world like to salient that the present work is an investigative work um form of
questions to be answered as a form of exercising the reading made in different books,
particularly in a English module.

The present work has got as objectives:

General Objective:
- To evaluate the level of knowledge acquired through the reading of the English
Module on the Unit which talks about Greetings and verb to Be and Dates of the month.

Specific Objectives:
- to be able to use the basic form of introducing oneself to any one
- to be able to use the verb to Be in present tense
- to make use of the dates of the month.

1- Meeting for the First Time
Changing the underline words to make sentences about myself:
a) Hy, my name is António. What's your name?
b) My name os Nguirazi.
a) Nice to meet you Nguirazi.
b)Nice to meet you too.( Shake banda).Where are you from?
a) I'm from Caia, how about you?
b) I'm from Marromeu. What do you study?
a) I study Portuguese. How about you?
b) I study the same course as you.
a) How old are you?
b) I'm 29 years old. How about you?
a) I'm 28 years old. I like to play and watch Soccer on TV. What do you like?
b) I like to sing and playing Piano.
a) Nice to meet you, I have a class now, ser you later.
b) Ok, goodbye.

2- Completing using am or are:

1) Where are you from, Mr. Taylor? I am from London.
2) Good morning. I am miss Kenney, your geography teacher.
3) How are you? Fine thanks, and you?
4) Are you from Japan? Yes, I am.
5) How are you? I am twelve.
6) Are you Egyptian? No, I am not.
7) What nationality are you? I am English.
8) Are you eleven? Yes, I am.

3- Complete these sentences using am, are and is:

1) What is your name?
2) Are you Portuguese?
3) His name is Roberto.
4) Where is She from?

5) My address is 90 Central Street.
6) It is an orange.
7) Who is he?
8) I am Thirteen.
9) How are you?
10) Me. Taylor is an English teacher?

4- Numbers and Dates

Finding out the birthdays of my classmates by asking the question " When is tour
birthday" and writing beside their correct month for each college:

January (22nd) Delfina Alexandre July (27th) Alexandre Macuacua

February (8th) Cátia Feliciana da Costa August (16th) Armindo Vinica

March (18th) Ângela Albano Saimone September (28th) Carlota Mulandessa

April (10th) Madalena Singrisse October (27th) Cheila Fuleque

May (4th) Alberto Miguel Zia November (2nd) Flora Joao

June (23rd) Eurelia Victor December (14th) Carlos José Sarandiue


5- Making the correspondence between the letters and the Numbers:

For example: a) 1/1- the first January

b) 5/4- the fifth April

c) 4/7- the fourth July

d) 17/3- the seventeenth March

e) 22/10- the twenty second December

f) 31/8- the thirty first Augusto

g) 11/2- the eleventh February

h) 27/4- the twenty seventh April

After debauching about the topic about Introducing and Verb to Be, and Dates of the
month which was presented through exercises, its passively to conclude that; the topic
helped to know how to introduce oneself in English and to make the use of Present of
Verb to be, since its one of the most basic Verb used in communication.
Concerning to the exercises which was about Dates of the month, the exercises given it
made to the reader to be able to test the know ledged acquired in the reading of the
English module and other scientific source which talks about the reoffered topic.
Hopefully, the grata desires is that may the reader be able to contribute to the society
through the knowledge acquired.

BEAUMONT, Digby. The Heinemann Elementary Grammar, Heinemann edition,

MOÇAMBIQUE, Universidade Católica (UCM). English Year I.

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