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T e earth is not a perfect sphere. It bulges

slightly at the centre and is flattened at the
poles. In the olden days, the earth was
considered to be a flat disc with steep edges.
ryabhatta, the 5th century Indian astronomer and
the mathematician,
that evåst. believed in the round shape of the earth. He aid
that the earth was spherical in shape and otated
on its axis. In the 6th century, Greek hilosopher
our home planet, is the third planet Pythagoras said the same thing. oday, we have
convincing evidence to prove
from sun and the fifth-largest planet in the
Proof that the Earth is Spherical
solar the It is the only planet which supports in shape
systemFrom space, the earth looks blue (i) The Bedford Level Experiment: An
because experiment was carried out in the Bedford
Level canal area in England. Three poles of
70 per cent of its total area is covered by equal length were fixed at intervals of 5 km. It
water. Hence, it is also called the watery was ensured that the poles had the same height
planet. The family of the sun is called the above the water in the canal. When the poles
Solar System. The members of the solar were viewed from one end of the canal, the
system are at a certain distance from the sun. •middle pole looked slightly higher. It could not
The chief members of the solar system are have happened if the earth had a flat surface
the planets, the satellites that revolve around (Fig. 1.1). A similar experiment was repeated at
the planets and other celestial bodies called different places with the same result. This
asteroids, comets and meteorites. The experiment demonstrated that the surface of the
planets in order of their distance from the earth was curved.
sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, (ii) Sighting of a ship: While standing at seashore,
Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. watching an approaching ship, we first see only its mast.
Saturn, Then, as it comes
Flat Earth
Spherical Eam
at the earth is spherical in shape. Fig. 1.1. Bedford level experiment

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