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PNO-C12 b Triple Time

Description Introduction to new Time Signature ¾ , Waltz and Songs based

on same

Class Summary Activity Name Mandatory/Optional Time (in


Introduction, PTT and Concert Mandatory 10


3/4 Time Signature, Dotted Half Mandatory 10

Note & Finger Exercises

Song 1: Big Ben Chimes Mandatory 8

Waltz Exercise Mandatory 8

Little Bo Peep Mandatory 12

PTM (Parent Teacher Meeting) Mandatory 10

Finger Exercises Optional 10

Wrap-Up Mandatory 2

In-Class Slides, Audio, Video


Hygiene ● Have a clean and clear background

● Always keep your camera on
● Sufficient Lighting on your face (light should be facing your
face and not your back)
● Instrument should be clearly visible
● Keep your phone on silent (Refer How To Ace Trial Class
Section for more details)

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Step 1 Introduction, PTT and Concert Practice 10 mins


Hello <student name>. How are you?

Did you search for the instrument “Musette”?

<if the student searched then appreciate if not tell them you can search for it this week>

PTT (Practice Time with Teacher)

PTT is a New Segment introduced in the Lessons so that the student can benefit from
the expertise of their teacher and make corrections under their guidance.

The teacher must ensure that they utilize this time to

● Play Songs with Proper Rhythm
● Work on Flow Issues with the Songs
● Work on Fingerings and Hand Position for the Songs
● Work on Hand Coordination (For Both Hands Together)
● Improve Overall Performance of the student by working on the above
techniques and skills.

Can you play Musette for me once.

<Teacher to access Musette from the “Song Practice” panel to help the student play
during the class. The teacher can click “Launch Song Practice” in the Activity section
below to access song practice. This will give them a list of songs already completed or
ongoing. Check posture and other details while the student plays>

Mark the song as “complete” once the student has played satisfactorily

Good job! I have something really interesting planned for you today. Let’s begin with
some concert practice first.


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Can you play the two songs that you’ve chosen for your concert? (In case the student is
not participating in the recital due to lack of practice or interest, they can still go through
this process as part of their musical learning)

<Student plays the first song of the Concert. The piece can be accessed from “Song
Practice Panel” by clicking on “Launch Song Practice”. Correct the mistakes and Posture
each time the student plays. The process should be repeated 5 times to ensure accurate
delivery of the piece>

<Student plays the second song of the Concert. Correct the mistakes and Posture each
time the student plays. The process should be repeated 5 times to ensure accurate
delivery of the piece>

To make your performance even better, I am going to teach you some etiquettes of a
recital or a concert. Can you give me any example of a concert that you might have
attended or if you have seen any video online?
<student responds>

So there are some really exciting things that we can do to make our performance
beautiful. Let me show you
<Teacher can demonstrate the etiquettes by telling the student about how to introduce
oneself during a recital. Teacher doesn’t have to play anything as part of demo>

1. Introducing the name “Hi! My name is <name> I will be performing <song name>
today. I hope you enjoy”
2. Play the piece
3. Say “Thank you”
4. Then the student says “Now I will perform <second song’s name>.
5. Play the piece/song
6. Stand up, say “thank you” and take a bow>

Now you show me the steps.

<student demonstrates>

Good job. I am confident you'll do a great job at the recital.

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Step 2 3/4 Time Signature, Dotted Half Note 10 mins
& Finger Exercises

Do you remember the Time Signature 4/4?

<student responds>

We are going to learn about a new Time Signature today called ¾. It has 3 Quarter Note
beats in a bar. Did you notice that I changed something? I called it 3 beats. So the correct
term for “counts” in music is “beats”.
What is it?
<student responds beats>

<Show Slide 1 for ¾ Time Signature by clicking on “¾ Time SIgnature, Dotted Half Note
and Exercises” from the Activity Panel>

As you can see the top number is changing and the bottom number is the same as a 4/4.
So the top number represents the beat and the bottom number represents the Type of
beat. Which means that 4/4 would mean 4 Quarter Note Beats in a bar and ¾ would
mean 3 Quarter Note Beats in a Bar. Can you repeat after me. What is a 4/4?
<student responds 4 Quarter Note beats in a bar>

What is a ¾?
<student responds 3 Quarter Note beats in a bar>

Now I am going to show you how we place the beats in different time signatures.

<Show Slide 2 from the same Activity for counting the beats of different time signatures.
The teacher has to tell the student the difference between 4/4 and ¾ how the 4th beat is

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missing in the new Time Signature. The student has to say the counts continuously
without pausing at 3 and counting an imaginary 4 in the mind>

<student demonstrates>

Awesome. Now let me introduce you to the Biggest Note in a ¾ time signature.
<Show Slide 3 for Dotted Half Note from the same activity>

This is a Half note with a dot and it means it will last for 3 beats/counts. It is the biggest
note in a ¾ Time Signature and occupies the whole bar, just like Whole note is the
biggest note in a 4/4 Time Signature

Let’s do a few Rhythm Exercises to see how it fits into a bar

<Show Slide 4 for the Rhythm Exercise from the same activity>

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<The teacher can demonstrate first and let the student try a few times, till they get
clarity on how to clap in different Time Signatures>

Step 3 Song 1: Big Ben Chimes 8 mins


That was really good.

Tell me something. Have you ever seen a photograph or do you know about Big Ben in
<student might or might know about this>

It is more than 170 years old and was built in 1844. The Big Ben clock in London chimes
like this:
<Show video for Big Ben by clicking on “Big Ben Chimes Video” from the Activity Panel
to make the student familiar with the actual Big Ben sound. Student gives some insights>

Are you ready to imitate a similar sound on the Piano?

<Show Slide for Big Ben Chimes sheet music by clicking on “Big Ben Chimes Sheet
Music” from the Activity Panel>

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Can you see that some notes have Stem Up and some notes have Stem Down?
<student responds>

To make the music look neat and readable we can use the stems in both forms. IT does
not change anything and all the beats remain the same. It is Stem Up like a ‘d’ and Stem
Down like a ‘p’.
<student repeats the same>

Did you notice what is written at the bottom? It is written Play any Low F on the Piano 4
times for the Bell sound. Before we figure out what that is, let's clap and play the music.
<Teacher can demonstrate the flow of Rhythm to the student by tapping on the knees.
Start tapping with the Right Hand and move to the left hand and then right. Counting the
beats is essential>
<student to demonstrate the same>

Very Good! Now let me play it for you to show you how it sounds on the Piano

<Teacher to play the piece and after it ends, teacher can move the left hand to a Low
Pitched F and play it 4 times to demonstrate a Bell sound>

That was innovative, wasn't it?

Let’s set our hand position. I want you to use Finger 1,2 and 3 of the Right Hand on
Middle C, D, E and Finger 2 of the Left Hand on G.

<student sets Hand Position and tries the song. Teacher to guide and help. Take care that
the student is not pausing too much after Beat 3>

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Good now, to end this we will take our Left Hand, any finger on a Low Pitched F and play
it 4 times as if a Bell was ringing.
<student attempts>

Why do you think we are imitating the sound of the Bell by playing F only 4 times? Can
you guess?
<student guesses>

That’s because in older times, the only way to figure out what time of the day was these
big clock towers.

So when it strikes ‘4 o clock’, it chimes 4 times. If it strikes 5 o'clock, it chimes 5 times.

Great. Can you play the whole thing at once from the beginning?
<student plays the tune>

That was so good. Did you have fun?

<student responds>

Would you like to play as if the clock was striking 6 o clock?

<student tries>

Step 4 Waltz Exercise 8 mins


So <Student’s name>, Do you like dancing?

<wait for response>

What kind of different dance styles can you name?<wait for response>
<if the student is not able to answer you can help them by saying few dance styles such
as Tango, Rumba or Indian dance styles such as Bhangra and Garba>

We are going to learn about a new dance style today and play a song on it!
Can you guess which dance style?
<wait for response>

It’s Waltz! Have you heard that word before?

<wait for response>
<if yes, ask them to share what they know and comment on that.

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Regardless tell them:

Waltz is a dance written in ¾ Time Signature and goes Oom-Pah-Pa, Oom-Pah-Pah or

Doom-chak-chak, Doom-chak-chak and people dance>

Let us listen to a beautiful music piece by Tchaikovsky. Remember we did Swan Lake
Ballet? It is an extension of the same.

<Play the Tchaikovsky’s Waltz audio by clicking on “Tchaikovsky’s Waltz music” from the
Activity Panel. While it being played ask the student to notice the music going like
Oom-Pah-Pah in the background>

How was it?

<student responds>

Now let’s learn to play the Waltz. This is a short and interesting tune called “Waltzing
<Open Slide for Waltzing Around by clicking on “Waltzing Around” from the Activity

Can you see anything different with the notes?

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<student makes observation>

<This is the first time the student will attempt a Harmonic Interval on the Piano. Explain
it to the student if they can see how the notes are sharing a common stem in the Right
Hand. For the first two bars we have E and G together sharing a stem. That means we
have to play E and G together with the Right Hand. Teacher can demonstrate followed by
the student.

Another set of notes are present in the 3rd and 4th bar where F and G are together. It is a
bit different as notes lie on either side of the stem but still common. This happens so that
it is easy for us to read music and it doesn’t get confusing. But it still means F and G are
to be played together. Teacher shows how to play and then student plays>

Good job. Now let’s put the song together. The song starts in the Left Hand with C
followed by E and G twice in the Right Hand for 2 bars then B in the Left Hand followed
by F and G in the Right Hand.
Let me play it once for you
<Teacher plays Waltzing Around>

Did you notice small numbers over the notes? Those are finger numbers. It means play E
and G with Right Hand Finger 1 and 3 and play F and G with Finger number 2 and 3.
Similarly for Left Hand

<student sets the Hand position and then attempts the song. Guide the student
throughout the process>

Step 5 Little Bo Peep 12 mins


The song that we will learn today is called “Little Bo Peep”. Let me open the sheet music
for you.
<Click on “Little Bo Peep” from the Activity Panel to access all three pages of Little Bo
<Teacher to open the Page 1 of the song>

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What can you notice about this song? Can you tell me the Time Signature we are using?
<student answers ¾. If not, then help>

So this means we will have 3 Quarter Note beats in a bar. Let’s look at the Right Hand
section. Can you tell me a little about the rhythm?
<Teacher tip: the piece starts with Quarter notes with C’s followed by same rhythms in
the RH for Bar 2,3,4>
<student observes and responds>

Good. Now let’s look at the Left Hand. It is completely empty in the first 2 bars so we
don’t need to play anything there and then we have a dotted half note with a B.
<Teacher to demonstrate the tapping the rhythm on the knees and student to follow the
same. The tapping begins with only the Right Hand and Left Hand stays down. The
tapping activity is similar to C9>

<Once the student is comfortable in clapping without pauses between the bars, the
teacher can play and show how it sounds>

Did you like it?

<student response>

Let’s Check the Hand Position for this song. Let’s use Right Hand Finger 1,2,3,4,5 for
Middle C, D, E, F, G and try playing the Right Hand. Let us count each time we play.
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<student attempts the Right Hand for Page1 with proper counts>

Now, let’s look at the Left Hand, since we are only using B and later we will use Lower C
also, let’s use FInger 2 and 3 for B and Lower C in the Left Hand,
<student plays the Left Hand section with proper counts>

<Teacher can help them play Hands Together thereafter followed by Page 2 and 3 using
similar Hand Position and explanation. The student should be able to decently attempt
the song Hands Together so that they can independently practice the song during the

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Step 6 Parent - Teacher Meeting (PTM) 10 mins

Welcome Sir/Ma'am,

Your child has been doing really well. We have learnt a few songs along the way and
some amazing activities.
<Ask the student if he/she is good to perform ‘Jingle Bells’ (or) ‘Swan Lake Theme’.
Student can have a little practice or warm up with the teacher and start accordingly>

Click on “PTM Slides” from the Activity Panel to walk the parent through the curriculum.
When you reach “Performance Time”, the student will have to perform whichever piece
they are confident with.

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So <student name> Introduce your song and play.
<Students having an actual piano can use ‘Launch Song Practice’ From the Activity Panel
to access their songs>

Amazing Job <student name>.

Also there was an activity where <student name> had to improvise on a backing music of
a Rain (or) a Jungle track.
This is the first improvisation activity in the Course and this opens the creative side of
your Son/Daughter.

Moving forward, there will be a lot of similar activities that <student name> will
experience in his/her classes.

To the parents - There is some amazing content coming up in the classes to come.

Not only do we have amazing content ahead but also this is the first time the child will
perform at a Live Recital along with other children.

<The teacher can recommend participating in a recital and encourage them to do the
same. Click on “Recital Schedule” on the Activity Panel to open the ‘Calendly link’ and
help the parent schedule a slot for recital>


Slide 1 - Contains the topic of the Module they have learnt. Show it to the parent as a
welcome sign

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Slide 2 - Contains a brief about what they have done so far. Teachers can add more than
what is mentioned in the slide as well.

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Slide 3 - Performance time, when a student performs in front of the parent.

Slide 4 - What is next. The student will learn how to read a music staff. This will enable
the student to read music and play the Piano. The pattern based learning on the staff
makes it easier for students to play instruments.

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Slide 5 - Report Card Trigger. This would have triggered after C11 completion. Discuss
the report card with the parent, scope of improvement and success points of students in

Slide 6 - Recital Participation. Please encourage the student to showcase their talent in
front of other students and parents. Share the “Calendly link” from the Activity Panel
with the parent on the “Chat Box” so that they can book a slot.

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Optional Finger Exercises 10 mins
(Optional Activities)


Here are some finger exercises that will help you improve your finger movement! These
are some very easy finger exercises. Are you ready?
<Student response>
<Click on ‘Finger Exercises’ from Activity Panel to access the slides of Finger Exercises>

Here are some basic things to look for before we begin.

1) Your RH fingerings will be 1 2 3 4 5 and your LH fingerings will be 5 4 3 2 1.
2) Keep a curved hand position and all the fingers on the piano even though they are
not being used. The thumb shouldnt be drooping
3) The finger numbers are the same for both hands. Thumb is 1 , Index is 2 , Middle
is 3, Ring is 4 and Little finger is 5.

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Did you understand the instructions?
<Student response>

Then let's start!

< The teacher can analyse the students level of understanding and conduct this exercise
in the following levels.
● Beginner - Slow to moderate tempo, No dynamic difference needed to be shown
and Hands Separately is more than enough.
● Advanced - 1)All the exercises can be explored in various tempos, dynamics and
should play Both Hands together.
2) The teacher can help the student explore the same exercises in
various hand positions.
Finger exercises for 12a, 12b and 12c (Understanding Note Positions)
● All the exercises are based on C Hand Position with notes C, D, E, F and G.
● The teacher is to make sure the hand position is maintained throughout the
● The teacher is to make sure the given finger positions are followed.
● The teacher is to make sure the exercise is played in a consistent flow.

Step 8 Wrap Up 5 mins


That was so good! Did you enjoy the lesson? Can you quickly tell me what all we learnt
<We learnt about:

- A new Time Signature ¾

- The correct term to use is beats instead of counts
- The full definition of ¾ and 4/4 time signature
- The big Ben chimes
- Waltz - which is a dance in ¾
- Little Bo Peep>

As part of your song practice you have Little Bo Peep and practice your recital piece with
etiquettes like we did in class. Can you tell the points we need to remember to make our
performance beautiful?
<Repeat concert étiquettes>

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Let’s play a short Wrap up Quiz based on today’s class before we finish the class. Okay?
<student response>

<Steps to Conduct the Quiz:

1. Teacher to Click on “QUIZ TIME” from the bottom of the Screen. Click on the
Dropdown box and select the Quiz.

2. Teacher to Click on “PRESENT NOW” from the top right corner of the screen to begin
the Quiz for the Student. Now the Student can start answering the questions and
teachers can view the number of questions attended.

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3. Once the student completes the quiz, the teacher can check the “RESULTS” and Click
on “END QUIZ” to finish the Quiz for the students.>

Good Job on the Quiz <student name>.

<student response>

Make sure you

1. Play the Post Class Quiz

2. Access your song for concert and otherwise from the “Song Practice Panel”.

Record the audio and submit to get points and maintain your practice


I had a lot of fun today. Have a good day



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In-Class Activities
(Teacher Led)

Activity File Type Link of the File

Launch Song Practice Song Practice Panel -

Calendly Link for Recital Calendly

Booking 1/music-recitals?month=202

¾ Time Signature, Dotted PPT https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

Half note and exercises

Big Ben Chimes Video MP4 https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

Big Ben Chimes Sheet Music PPT https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

Tchaikovsky’s waltz music MP3 https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

Waltzing Around PPT https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

Little Bo Peep PPT https://s3-whjr-curriculum-u

PTM Slides PPT Slide

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Finger Exercises PPT Slide

In-Class Activities
(Student Led)

Activity File Type Link of the File

Post-Class Activities

Post-Class Quiz To be uploaded To be uploaded

Post-Class Project (If Any) None None

Little Bo Peep (Song PDF Little Bo Peep



(Class Summary)

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Concepts We Cover We learn about the new Time Signature ¾, Dotted Half
Note and how they fit into music. We learnt to play a chime,
a waltz and Little Bo Peep.

Images as Study Material Revise these before the next class along with practicing
Little Bo Peep

Click Here to Listen to the

Audio 256-411f-903a-d708f87be082.mp3

New Song Unlocked Little Bo Peep

New Challenge Unlocked -

What’s Next? We start with the new Module and learn about Staff
Notation in Western Music.

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