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Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30


Directions (1-6): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while

answering some of the questions.
As the telecommunication industry spent $5.8 billion on consumer advertising
in 2003, top competitors formulated brand identities that would gain them footholds
in the industry. The Sprint PCS Group created advertising to (A) its all-digital,
nationwide service loaded with features, whereas Cellco Partnership’s Verizon
Wireless, the biggest advertising spender and wireless provider in the United
States, branded Verizon Wireless as a high-quality service with its “Can You
Hear Me Now?” campaign. When Europe’s largest telecommunications company,
Deutsche Telekom AG, acquired the U.S. telecommunications companies

VoiceStream Wireless and Powertel, Inc., in 2001, it combined the two under the
name T-Mobile International AG & Company KG, which then stood as the sixth-
largest provider in the United States. The next year T-Mobile used VoiceStream’s
1998 “Get more” tagline for a campaign intended to brand T-Mobile as a service
that offered more minutes, features, and service than its competitors.

For the new campaign T-Mobile chose not to renew its contract with
spokesperson and actress Jamie Lee Curtis, who had appeared in VoiceStream
commercials since 1998. To attract younger subscribers, in 2002 T-mobile hired
the 11-years-younger actress Catherine Zeta-Jones as the brand’s spokesperson
and awarded ad agency Publicis West a $100 million ad budget to release “Get

More.” Using television, print, outdoor, and radio mediums, the campaign first
appeared on September 3, 2002. The first 30-second commercials, which aired on
network and cable TV, featured Zeta-Jones improving people’s romantic
predicaments with a T-Mobile phone. In the spot “Czech” a disappointed young
man on vacation told a Czech woman that he could not join her in Venice because
of his dog-sitting responsibilities back home. Zeta-Jones appeared with a T-Mobile
phone so that he could ask his friend in New York to watch the dog.
1. Which of the following statements are/is true according to the passage?
1) the campaign first appeared on September 23, 2002.
2) T-Mobile chose to renew its contract with spokesperson and actress Jamie Lee
3) Zeta-Jones appeared with a T-Mobile phone so that she could ask his friend in
New York to watch the dog.
4) the biggest advertising spender and not wireless provider in the United States
5) in 2002 T-mobile hired the 11-years-younger actress Catherine Zeta-Jones
1) only 5 2) Only 2 3) Both 2&3 4) Both 1&4 5) 1,4&5
2. What was used for the campaign that first appeared on September 3, 2002 ?
1) using television 2) using print 3) outdoor
4) radio mediums 5) All
3. What is the name of the campaign that Verizon wireless named to provide high
quality of network?
1) do you read me now? 2) can you hear me now?
3) do they hail me? 4) all hear the best quality 5) All

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

4. What is the similar meaning of the word PREDICAMENTS ‘given in bold?

1) benefit 2) advantage 3) boon 4) blessing 5) circumstance
5. What should come in the blank (A) in the above given passage?
1) boast 2) boasted 3) boasting 4) boasts 5) none
6. What is the opposite meaning of the word COMBINED given in bold?
1) merge 2) unite 3) amalgamate 4) integrate 5) separate
Directions (7-12): In each sentence below, four words which are represented as
(A), (B), (C), (D) have been printed in bold type, one of which may be either
inappropriate in the context to the sentence or wrongly spelt. The corresponding
alphabet of that word is the answer. If all the four words are appropriate and also

correctly-spelt, mark (E) i.e. ‘All correct’ as the answer.
7. The Free Trade Hall in Manchester was once(A) one of the North’s great venues(B) for
many years, and also incidentaly(C) a haunt of my teenage (D)years. All correct (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
8. It’s hard to say whether(A) this is a hangover(B) from the breakdown(C) or just

2) B
his incrediable(D) nervous energy finding an outlet. All correct (E)
1) A 3) C 4) D 5) E
9. I have visions(A) of his being arrested(B) and incarcerated indefinitely(C) by the

2) B

Americans, or joining a fundamentalist(D) Sunni sect. All correct (E)
1) A 3) C 4) D 5) E
10. More applicably(A), altitude-induced hypoxia(B) may have an independant
(C)influence on redox-sensitive adaptive(D) responses to exercise. All correct (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E

11. There is no inexoreble(A) logic dictating(B) that the media must undermine (C)the
independence of the spheres (D)of art and culture. All correct (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
12. All that the Constitution (A) permits him to do in this direction(B) is to inform
Congress of the state of the nation and to recomend(C) the measures which he

deems to be necessary(D).
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
Directions (13-18): The sentence has a blank which indicates something has
been omitted. Which of the following words given against the sentence, fits the
blank in the given sentence both grammatically and meaningfully.
13. All parts of the tree contain _____ toxins, some unidentified and the tree has a
milky sap that contains phorbol and other skin irritants.
1) weak 2)feeble 3) frail 4) strong 5) soft
14. If you happen to get it on your skin, it causes _____ allergic reactions or
dermatitis and standing below the tree during the rain will cause skin blisters.
1) small 2)little 3) immense 4) minute 5) tiny
15. The sap is _____ acidic and has been known to damage paint on cars and
burning the tree causes ocular injuries if the smoke reaches the eyes.
1) disparity 2) highly 3) separation 4) variety 5) resemblance
16. The fruit if eaten is also ____ and ingestion produces sever gastroenteritis with
bleeding, shock, bacterial super infection and airway compromise.
1) fatal 2)superficial 3) harmless 4) nonlethal 5) helpful
17. As per the statement by the External Affairs Ministry, the Quad leaders will be
discussing the ongoing efforts to _____ the pandemic.
1) agreement 2)harmony 3) treaty 4) quiet 5) combat
18. When you see the casting tapes first it is _____ because you are watching
people speaking your words against a white plain background.
1) ordinary 2) common 3)average 4) weird  5) simple

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

Directions (19-23): Rearrange the following five sentences (P), (Q), (R) and (S) in
the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions
given below.
19. P) year have already torched a total area the size of Connecticut, sending millions
Q) Climate change has made wildfires more common
R) of tons of fine ash into the sky.
S) and more intense. More than 105 large fires in the West this
20. P) that they wanted to discuss such
Q) and the economic situation in the country.

R) as the Pegasus row, farmers’ agitation, inflation
S) The Opposition listed out matters
21. P) students in India to take active interest in the emerging Technologies,
Q) and a world-renowned Space Scientist, was keen on encouraging the
R) His Excellency Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the Former President of India
S) including Space Tech, as these significantly impact our daily lives.
22. P) Phones can track where you and others are, they

Q) as being able to solve calculations and tell you the weather.
R) search up anything of your desire, also other very small things such
S) include the world wide web where you can
23. P) are the most selling items in today’s world, one of the man kinds

Q) of famous creations was the telephone, and now it’s almost like a computer.
R) day as nearly everything we do we always rely on the internet. Phones
S) Online communication is very useful now in the modern
Directions (24-30): In this question a sentence divided into four parts denoted by
(A), (B), (C) and (D) has been given. Read the sentence to find out whether there

is any grammatical error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence.
That part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is “No error”. Ignore the
errors of punctuation of any.
24. Please by(A)/ the invitation(B)/, Shahzaman begins(C)/ travel preparations(D)/.
No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
25. The night before his departure(A)/, however, he discovers(B)/ his wife lying in
the arms(C)/ of a kitchen boy(D)/. No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
26. Furious(A)/, Shahzaman kills the lovers(B)/, throws the bodies into a rench(C)/,
and sets of on his journey(D)/. No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
27. The passive traps of terrestrial butter worts consist for (A)/ flat leaves covered
with a greasy, sticky surface(B)/ that are effective at catching crawling insects(C)/
many like flypaper traps flies(D)/. No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
28. The elegant pitcher plants(A)/ has passive pitfall traps(B)/ that are hollow(C)/,
tubular leaves(D)/. No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
29. Ram said to his son to go to a SBI bank(A)/ to draw money which they were (B)/
supposed to pay to the lorry driver (C)/the nextday for taking the load to the
market(D)/. No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

30. Meditation is a form of(A)/ spiritual practice based on(B)/ focused attention that
is restrained(C)/ in it’s use of words or images(D)/. No error (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
Direction(31-32) : Read the given information carefully and answer the given
P is 9m to the South of K. K is 5m to the East of H. H is 4m to the North of B
L is 3m West of B. D is 7m South of L. G is 8m East of D.
31. If Point Z is 8m to the West of Point P, then what is the distance between L and Z ?

1) 9m 2) 5m 3) 8m 4) 2m 5) 6m
32. How far and in which direction is Point K from Point G ?
1) 7m to the South 2) 11m to the North
3) 7m to the North 4) 11m to the South 5) 11m to the West
Direction(33-38) : In this question are given four statements followed by five
conclusions, one of which definitely does not logically follow (or is not a possibility
of occurrence) from the given statements. That conclusion is your answer.
[NOTE : You have to take the four given statements to be true even if they seem
to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given

conclusions logically does not follow from the given statements disregarding
commonly known facts.]
33. Statements : No Happening is an Event. No Event is a Function.
All Occasions are Functions. All Incidents are Occasions.
Conclusions :

1) All Happenings being Functions is a possibility.

2) All occasions being happening is a possibility.
3) Atleast some incidents are events
4) All incidents are functions
5) No event is an occasion.

34. Statements : Some New are Old. All Old are Ancient.
No ancient is a Fossil. All Modern are Fossil.
1) No Ancient is New. 2) All Fossils being New is a possibility.
3) No Fossil is Old. 4) No Ancient is Modern 5) No Modern is Old.
35. Statements : All Soldiers are Kings. All Kings are Emperors.
No Emperor is a Ruler. All Rulers are Czars.
1) All Soldiers are Emperors. 2) All Soldiers being Czars is a possibility.
3) No Ruler is a Soldier. 4) All Czars are Emperors. 5) No King is a Ruler.
36. Statements : Some Spots are Dots. All Spots are Marks.
All Marks are Points. No Point is a Blot.
Conclusions :
1) Atleast some Marks are Dots. 2) All Blots are Spots.
3) All Blots being Dots is a possibility.
4) All Spots are points. 5) No Blot is a mark.
37. Statements : No Number is a Digit. All Digits are Alphabets.
All Alphabets are Symbols. All Symbols are Figures.
Conclusions : 1) All Digits are Figures. 2) All Alphabets are Figures.
3) All Numbers being Symbols is a possibility
4) All Figures being Numbers is a possibility
5) Atleast some Figures are Alphabets

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

38. Statements : All Languages are Communications.

All Promises are Communications.
All Communications are Dialects.
No Dialect is a Talent.
Conclusions :
1) All Promises being Languages is a Possibility.
2) All Promises are Dialects. 3) No Promise is a Talent.
4) All Talents are Languages 5) All Languages are Dialects.
Direction(39-44) : Study the given information and answer the question.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words

and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an
illustration of input and rearrangement.
(All the numbers are two digit numbers)
Input play 49 mule flat 26 king tear 42 12 60 pipe 38
Step I : 60 play 49 mule 26 king tear 42 12 pipe 38 flat
Step II : 49 60 play mule 26 tear 42 12 pipe 38 flat king
Step III : 42 49 60 play 26 tear 12 pipe 38 flat king mule
Step IV : 38 42 49 60 play 26 tear 12 flat king mule pipe

Step V : 26 38 42 49 60 tear 12 flat king mule pipe play
Step VI : 12 26 38 42 49 60 flat king mule pipe play tear
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended output of
arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find the appropriate steps for the

given input.
Input : rise 53 neat ball 35 tape 18 58 dump 73 note 45
39. Which step number is the following output 58 73 rise 53 neat 35 tape 18 note
45 ball dump
1) VI 2) IV 3) III 4) There is no such step 5) II

40. Which of the following represent the first two and the last two elements in the
last step ?
1) 35, 45, note, rise 2) 18, 35, rise, tape
3) 18, 35, note, rise 4) 18, 45, rise, note 5) 35, 45, rise, tape
41. In step II. which element/s appears exactly between “45” and “dump” ?
1) Both ‘note’ and ‘ball’ 2) Only ‘ball’ 3) Only ‘note’
4) Both ‘ball’ and ‘18' 5) Only ‘18'
42. What is the position of ‘ball’ from the right of ‘58’ in step IV ?
1) Eighth 2) Sixth 3) Third 4) Fourth 5) Fifth
43. Which of the following is the eighth element to the right of ‘73’ in step III ?
1) 45 2) 18 3) dump 4) neat 5) ball
44. How many elements are there between ‘58’ and “neat” in the second step ?
1) Three 2) Five 3) Two 4) More than five 5) Four
Direction(45-50) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given
E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L are sitting around a square table in such a way that
four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each
of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners face the centre of the table
while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. Each one of them is
the citizen of a different country viz. India, US, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Australia
and China (None of the information given is necessarily in the same order).

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

J sits to immediate left of the citizen of France. The citizen of France faces
the centre. Only two people sit between J and L. The citizen of US sits second to the
right of L.The citizen of China sits second to the left of I. I is not an immediate
neighbourof L. I is neither a citizen of US nor France.Only one person sits between
the citizen of China and E.The citizen of Australia sits third to the left of K. K is not
an immediate neighbour of I.G is the citizen of UK. The citizen of US is not an
immediate neighbour of the citizen of UK.Only three people sit between the citizen
of UK and the citizen of Spain. F sits immediate left of the citizen of Italy.
45. E is the citizen of which of the following countries ?

1) Australia 2) India 3) Italy 4) China 5) France
46. Who amongst the following sits diagonally opposite the citizen of France ?
1) K 2) The citizen of Spain 3) The citizen of Australia
4) F 5) The citizen of Italy
47. Who amongst the following represent the immediate neighbours of the citizen of UK ?

1) H, L
2) E, I 3) J, L 4) J, I
What is the position of the citizen of China with respect to K ?
5) F, K

1) Immediate left 2) Third to the right

3) Second to the right

E 4) Fourth to the left 5) Second to the left

Who amongst the following sits exactly between H and E ?
1) G 2) The citizen of Australia 3) I
4) The citizen of Spain 5) K
50. Which of the following is TRUE regarding F ?

1) The citizen of India is an immediate neighbour of F

2) F is the citizen of China 3) F sits third to left of J
4) F is one of the immediate neighbours of I
5) F is an immediate neighbour of the citizen of France
Direction(51-55) : Study the following information and answer the question.

Seven Friends namely-D, E, F, G, H, I and J perform in different

Shakespearean plays namely, Othello, Hamlet, Romeo-Juliet, Macbeth, King Lear,
Julius Caesar and Antony-Cleopatra but not necessarily in the same order. Each
friend is also has an audition on different dates of the same month namely Third,
Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Twentieth but not necessarily in
the same order.
I has an audition on Tenth and performs neither in King Lear nor Macbeth.
The one who performs in Othello has an audition on the Third. F performs in
Romeo-Juliet and neither has an audition on the Sixth nor on the Sixteenth. H
has an audition on the Fourteenth and does not perform in Macbeth. The one who
has an audition on the Sixth performs neither in King Lear nor in Macbeth. The
one who performs in Antony-Cleopatra has an audition on Eighth. D has an audition
neither on Third nor Sixteenth and does not perform in Antony-Cleopatra. The
one who has an audition on Sixth does not perform in Julius Caesar. J does not
perform in Othello and does not have an audition on Sixteenth. G does not have
an audition on sixteenth.
51. Which of the following combinations is definitely CORRECT ?
1) J- Macbeth 2) All the given combinations are definitely correct
3) E-Antony-Cleopatra 4) I-Hamlet 5) G-Othello
52. On which of the following date does F have an audition ?
1) Sixteenth 2) Fourteenth 3) Eighth 4) Twentieth 5) Third

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

53. Four of the following five form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the
following does not belong to that group ?
1) Eighth - Macbeth 2) Twentieth - Romeo-Juliet 3) Third-Othello
4) Fourteenth - King Lear 5) Tenth - Julius Caesar
54. Which of the following combinations of play and date of audition is definitely
correct with respect to H ?
1) Antony-Cleopatra- Eighth 2) King Lear-Twentieth
3) Other than those given as options

4) Hamlet- Fourteenth 5) Othello-Third
55. Four of the following five form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the
following DOES NOT belong to that group ?
1) F - Eighth 2) E - Sixteenth 3) G - Third 4) H - Fourteenth 5) I-Tenth
56. In which of the following plays does D perform ?
1) Romeo-Juliet
4) Othello
ha 2) Julius Caesar
5) Other than those given as options
3) Hamlet

Direction(57-61) : In the given question, assuming the given statements to be

true, find which of the given four conclusions I. II. Ill and IV is/are definitely true
and give your answer accordingly.
57. Statements : R > B  S  D ; S  O  U
Conclusion I. B > U Conclusion II. D  O

Conclusion III. U = B Conclusion IV. R > O

1) Only IV and either I or III are true 2) Only IV is true
3) Only III is true 4) Only II is true 5) Only either II or III is true
58. Statements : B  A < K < F ; T < B = D

Conclusion I. B < K Conclusion II. A > T

Conclusion III. T < F Conclusion IV. F  B
1) None is true 2) Only II and III are true
3) Only III is true 4) Only IV is true 5) Only I and III are true
59. Statements : L > K  X < J = N  Y < D
Conclusion I. X  Y Conclusion II. L > N
Conclusion III. K > J Conclusion IV. D >X
1) Only II and IV are true 2) Only I and II are true
3) Only IV is true 4) None is true 5) Only II and III are true
60. Statements : D > A  M  N ; M  E < L
Conclusion I. D > E Conclusion II . N  A
Conclusion III.A > L Conclusion IV. L < D
1) None is true 2) Only II is true 3) Only I and IV are true
4) Only I is true 5) Only III is true
61. Statements : P > J  V = D > L  C
Conclusion I. P > C Conclusion II. D  C
Conclusion III. L < P Conclusion IV. J > L
1) Only III and IV are true 2) Only IV is true 3) None is true
4) Only I and II are true 5) Only II is true

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

Direction(62-65) : Study the following information to answer the given question.

Eight persons - S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line
equidistant from each other (but not necessarily in the same order) Some of
them are facing South while some are facing North.
(Note : Facing the same direction means, if one is facing North then the other
also faces North and vice versa. Facing the opposite directions means, if one is
facing North then the other faces South and vice versa).
S faces North. Only two people sit to the right of S. T sits third to the left of
S. Only one person sits between T and X. X sits to the immediate right of W. Only

one person sits between W and Z. Both the immediate neighbors of T face the
same direction. U sits third to the left to X. T faces the opposite direction as S. Y
does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. V faces the same direction as
W. Both Y and U face the opposite direction of Z.
62. Who amongst the following sits exactly between Z and W ?

1) Y 2) W
ha 3) X
What is the position of X with respect to Z ?
4) T 5) U

1) Second to the right 2) Second to the left

3) Third to the left

E 4) Third to the right 5) Fifth to the right

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which of
the following does not belong to the group ?
1) V, U 2) Z, Y 3) W, X 4) T, Y 5) T, S

65. How many persons in the given arrangement are facing North ?
1) Three 2) One 3) Two 4) Four 5) More than four
66. A shopkeeper bought same quantity of two varieties of rice, the first at Rs. 25 per
kg and the other at Rs. 30 per kg. After mixing the two varieties of rice, he sold

the mixture at Rs. 33 per kg to earn a profit of 20%. What is the total quantity of
rice that he bought (in kg )?
1) 15 2) Cannot be determined 3) 10 4) 20 5) 30
67. The speed of the boat is 380% of the speed of the current. What is the respective
ratio between the speed downstream and the speed upstream ?
1) 13 : 7 2) 12 : 5 3) 15 : 7 4) 12 : 7 5) 13 : 5
68. A, B and C started a business with their investment amounts in the ratio 2 : 6 : 5
respectively. After 6 months, A and C invested an additional amount which is
same as their respective initial investments and B withdrew half of his investment.
At the end of the year, the profit should be distributed in what respective ratio
among A, B and C ?
1) 2 : 3 : 5 2) 4 : 3 : 5 3) 2 : 4 : 5 4) 1 : 2 : 2 5) 2 : 2 : 5
69. Tammana purchased a jeans and got a membership discount of 20% on the original
bill amount but she had to pay 12.5% VAT on the discounted bill amount and Rs.
5 for a paper bag. If she paid a total of Rs. 4,055, how much membership discount
did she get ?
1) Rs. 450 2) Rs. 880 3) Rs. 900 4) Rs. 1,000 5) Rs. 905
70. In a class of 60 students, the average weight of girls is 6kg less than the average
weight of boys and the number of boys is 12 more than the number of girls. If the
total weight of boys is 1944 kgs, what is the total weight of girls ? (in kg)
1) 1358 2) 1152 3) 1642 4) 1284 50 1426

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

71. The respective ratio between the circumference of a circle and the perimeter of a
square is 11 : 3. What is the respective ratio between area of the circle and area
of the square ?
1) 154 : 9 2) 156 : 7 3) 158 : 7 4) 154 : 13 5) 158 : 9
72. The simple interest received when a sum of money is invested for 12 years in
Scheme A is equal to the simple interest received when the same sum of money
is invested for 16 years in Scheme B. The rate of interest offered by Scheme A is
2% more than the rate of interest offered by Scheme B. What is the simple
interest received when a sum of Rs. 1.500 is invested in Scheme A for 4 years ?

1) Rs. 450 2) Rs. 400 3) Rs. 360 4) Rs. 480 5) Rs. 320
73. 10 women can complete a piece of work in 20 days. After half of the work was
complete. 5 more women joined them. How many more days will it take to complete
the remaining work ? ha
2 1 2 1 1
1) 6 2) 6 3) 4 4) 5 5) 7
3 3 3 3 3
74. Shrishti’s annual income is Rs. 5,04,000. She spends 20% of her monthly income

on paying bills. 15% on household items and 12% on paying her daughter’s fees. If
four-seventh of the remaining amount she invests in fixed deposits, what is the
amount left with her every month ?
1) Rs. 10,990 2) Rs. 8,645 3) Rs. 9,540 4) Rs. 12,845 5) Rs. 11,270
75. 3 years ago Babita’s age was 1.5 times Anya’s age that time. 5 years from now

Babita’s age will be 12 years more than Anya’s age that time. What is Babita’s
present age ? (in years)
1) 27 2) 32 3) 24 4) 39 5) 36
Direction(76-80) : In this question two equations numbered I & II are given. You

have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate answer.
76. I. 3X2 + 7x + 2 = 0 II. 3y2 - 2y - 1 = 0
1) X > Y 2) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
3) X  Y 4) X < Y 5) X  Y
77. I. 12x2 - 7x + 1 = 0 II. 45y2 - 19y + 2 = 0
1) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
2) X > Y 3) X  Y 4) X < Y 5) X  Y
78. I. 8X2 - 6x - 9 = 0 II. 15y2 + 16y + 4 = 0
1) X > Y 2) X  Y
3) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
4) X < Y 5) X  Y
79. I. x2 - 9x + 20 = 0 II. 4y2 - 24y + 35 = 0
1) X  Y 2) X > Y 3) X  Y
4) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established 5) X < Y
2 2
80. I. 5X + 18x + 9 = 0 II. 2y + 13y + 21 =0
1) X > Y 2) X  Y
3) Relationship between X and Y cannot be established
4) X  Y 5) X < Y

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

Direction(81-85) : Refer to the pie charts and answer the given question :
Total Number of participants Total Number of male
(both male and female) : 600 participants : 250
Distribution of total number of Distribution of total number
participants from 6 colleges in of male participants from
Mathematics and Science 6 colleges in Mathematics
Olympiads together : and Science Olympiads together


19% 18% 16% 20%

E 10%
12% B
ha 14%


E 24%
Note : Every student could participate only either in Mathematics or in Science

81. The total number of participants from Colleges A and B together are what percent
more than the total number of participants from College D ?
3 1 8 2 4
1) 38 2) 34 3) 30 4) 33 5) 36
11 11 11 11 11
82. What is the average number of male participants from Colleges B, C, D and E ?

1) 30 2) 60 3) 40 4) 45 5) 50
83. What percent females participated from colleges A and F together ? (Rounded off
to two digits after decimal)
1) 78.46 2) 66.47 3) 50.64 4) 89.14 5) 62.25
84. Out of the total female participants, 54% participated in Mathematics Olympiad
and out of the total male participants. 36% participated in Mathematics Olympiad.
What is the respective ratio between the number of female participants in
Mathematics Olympiad and the number of male participants in the same Olympiad ?
1) 29 : 20 2) 23 : 10 3) 21 : 8 4) 21 : 10 5) 11 : 3
85. What is the difference between the total number of male participants from Colleges
B and D together and the total number of male participants from Colleges C and E
together ?
1) 15 2) 30 3) 35 4) 20 5) 25
Direction(86-90) : What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
number series ?
86. 1 2 8 48 ? 3840
1) 792 2) 586 3) 860 4) 460 5) 384
87. 3 16 42 94 198 ?
1) 406 2) 614 3) 354 4) 216 5) 280
88. 3 10 45 220 1095 ?
1) 1805 2) 4760 3) 5470 4) 3015 5) 2725

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

89. 16 14 15 21 34 ?
1) 67 2) 56 3) 48 4) 81 5) 72
90. 364.5 121.5 40.5 13.5 ? 1.5
1) 6.5 2) 8.5 3) 4.5 4) 3.5 5) 10.5
Direction(91-95) : Study the following table carefully and answer the question.

Airlines Total no of Flight Percentage of Number of

crew members Pilots Flight Male Male Flight
Attendants Pilots Attendants

A 1000 30 70 180 250
B 750 20 80 100 180
C 800 15 85 90 155
D 650
ha 10 90 45 210

Note : Flight Crew consists of only Pilots and Flight Attendants.

91. The number of male Pilots in Airline A is what percent less than the number of
Male Flight Attendants in Airline D?

1) 13
2) 18

E 3) 14
4) 16
5) 12
7 7 7 7 7
92. The total number of female Flight Attendants in Airlines B and D together is
approximately what percent of the total females ?

1) 52% 2) 40% 3) 58% 4) 65% 5) 48%

93. What is the respective ratio between female Flight Attendants from Airlines A &
C together and the female Pilots from the same Airlines together ?
1) 14 : 3 2) 13 : 2 3) 12 : 5 4) 13 : 3 5) 15 : 2
94. What is the difference between the total number of Pilots in Airlines A and B

together and the total number of Flight - Attendants in the same Airlines together
1) 950 2) 850 3) 900 4) 1050 5) 1000
95. What is the average number of pilots in Airlines A, B and C ?
1) 170 2) 150 3) 190 4) 180 5) 210
Direction (96-100) : In the following questions, two statements numbered I and II
are given. On solving them, we get quantities I and II respectively. Solve for both
the quantities and choose the correct option.
96. Quantity I: Without stoppage, a train travels a certain distance with an average
speed of 60 km/h, and with stoppage, it covers the same distance with an average
speed of 40 km/h. On an average, how many minutes per hour does the train stop
during the journey ?
Quantity II: Two typists undertake to do a job. The second typist begins working
one hour after the first. Three hours after the first typist has begun working,
there is still of the work to be done. When the assignment is completed, it
turns out that each typist has done half the work. How many hours would it take
each one to do the whole job individually ?
1) Quantity I > Quantity II 2) Quantity I < Quantity II
3) Quantity I  Quantity II 4) Quantity I  Quantity II
5) Quantity I = Quantity II or the relation can’t be determined

Sreedhar’s CCE ESI C SSO PRELI M S - M T- 30

97. Quantity I: A dog after travelling 50 km meets a swami who counsels him to go
slower. He then proceeds at of his former speed and arrives at his destination
35 minutes late. Had the meeting occurred 24 km further the dog would have
reached its destination 25 minutes late. The speed of the dog is
Quantity II: In a race of 600 meters, Ajay beats Vijay by 60 metres and in a race
of 500 meters Vijay beats Anjay by 25 meters. By how many meters will Ajay beat
Anjay in a 400 meter race ?
1) Quantity I > Quantity II 2) Quantity I < Quantity II

3) Quantity I  Quantity II 4) Quantity I  Quantity II
5) Quantity I = Quantity II or the relation can’t be determined
98. Quantity I: Two pipe A and B can fill a cistern in 10 minutes and 15 minutes
respectively. Both pipes are opened, but at the end of 3 minutes 'B' is turned off.
How much total time will the cistern take to fill ?
Quantity II: Vinay has some 50 paisa coins, some 2 rupee coins, some 1 rupee coins
and some 5 rupee coins. The value of all the coins in Rs. 50. Number of 2 rupee coins
is 5 more than the 5 rupee coins. 50 paisa coins are double in numbers than 1 rupee
coins is and the sum is Rs. 26. How many 2 rupee coins does he have ?

1) Quantity I > Quantity II
3) Quantity I  Quantity II
2) Quantity I < Quantity II
4) Quantity I  Quantity II
5) Quantity I = Quantity II or the relation can’t be determined
99. Quantity I: Pradeep and Kishan together can complete typing work a book of 1008
pages in 12 days working 7 hrs per day. Pradeep is 25% more efficient than

Kishan. A page contains an average of 333 words, the how many words can Pradeep
type in an hour.
Quantity II: A certain amount of money gets four times to its original amount
after 24 years at a simple interest. What will be the interest on a sum of Rs. 8500
compounded annually at the same rate of interest after 2 year ?
1) Quantity I > Quantity II 2) Quantity I < Quantity II

3) Quantity I  Quantity II 4) Quantity I  Quantity II

5) Quantity I = Quantity II or the relation can’t be determined
100. Quantity I: The ratio of present ages of son and daughter of a lady is in the ratio
of 7 : 8 and the age of lady is sum of total ages of her daughter and son. If the
ratio of age of son after 3 years and the age of daughter 6 years ago is 4 : 3 then
what will be the ratio of the present age of lady and the age of her son after four
Quantity II: Two trains, one from place A to B and another from B to A started
simultaineously. After they meet they reach their destinations after 12.25 hrs
and 17.64 hrs respectively. The ratio of their speeds is.
1) Quantity I > Quantity II 2) Quantity I < Quantity II
3) Quantity I  Quantity II 4) Quantity I  Quantity II
5) Quantity I = Quantity II or the relation can’t be determined

1.1 2.5 3.2 4.5 5.1 6.5 7.3 8.4 9.5 10.3 11.3 12.3 13.4
14.3 15.2 16.1 17.5 18.4 19.1 20.2 21.3 22.4 23.1 24.1 25.5 26.4
27.1 28.2 29.1 30.4 31.2 32.2 33.3 34.1 35.4 36.2 37.4 38.4 39.5
40.2 41.2 42.2 43.3 44.1 45.2 46.4 47.4 48.1 49.4 50.4 51.5 52.4
53.1 54.3 55.1 56.3 57.1 58.1 59.3 60.4 61.1 62.4 63.4 64.4 65.4
66.2 67.4 68.1 69.3 70.2 71.1 72.4 73.1 74.3 75.4 76.3 77.2 78.3
79.2 80.2 81.5 82.3 83.4 84.4 85.2 86.5 87.1 88.3 89.2 90.3 91.3
92.2 93.2 94.2 95.3 96.1 97.2 98.1 99.2 100.1


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