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B/1325 /2021 Office of Tahsildar,

Dandepally, dated 27.10.2021


Sub: Muthe Srinivas S/o Bhumaiah Muthyampet village of Dandepally Mandal –

Filed an Application for wanted location sketch map Belonging to
Sy.No.332/1-1 of Rebbanapally shivar -Reg.
Ref: 1. Application filed by Muthe Srinivas S/o Bhumaiah, Dated.27/10/2021.

I invite kind attention to the subject and references cited and submit that Sri Muthe
Srinivas S/o Bhumaiah R/o Muthyampet village of of Dandepally Mandal has filed an
Application for location sketch map bearing survey no.332/1-1 of Rebbanapally village of
Dandepally Mandal.
The Mandal Surveyer is hereby instructed to Verify and put up location sketch map
bearing Sy.No.332/1-1 of Rebbanapally village of Dandepally mandal.

Tahsildar, Dandepally

Copy submitted to the Mandal Surveyer,Dandepally for Taking necessary action

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