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"If you live in one culture for the first 20 years of your life, you become

conditioned without knowing it"

The final adult state of the human mind is heavily influenced by the first
years of life, and the cultural and intellectual experiences that said human got to
According to scientific research, the human is developing in the first 18 to
25 years of life. This interval is the most benefic one for learning, making habits
and developing a wider understanding of the world. After the brain is
completely developed, it’s hard for it to accept major changes in mentality or
way of living. This thesis can be proven by the extreme case of Dina Sanichar,
the boy who grew between wolves and couldn’t integrate in society when he
was rescued at maturity.
To further elaborate, humans are social beings, who can be succesful only
by communicating with their community and living together. In this way, we
can see different cultures as disconnected communities, where people live by
different rules and try to achieve different things. After living for 20 years by a
certain set of rules, they become implanted in your mind, and you cannot
imagine normal life in a completely different scenario. A notable example are
our grandparents, some of them still nostalgic for the communist era.
To conclude, the culture in which someone lives their first twenty years
will define and condition them for their entire life.

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