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C# compiler - csc warning levels 0 Turns off emission of all warning messages. 1 Displays severe warning messages.

2 Displays level 1 warnings plus certain, less-severe warnings, such as wa rnings about hiding class members. 3 Displays level 2 warnings plus certain, less-severe warnings, such as wa rnings about expressions that always evaluate to true or false. 4 Displays all level 3 warnings plus informational warnings. This is the d efault warning level at the command line. GAC - Global Assembly Cache SN tool to create strong name for assemblies sn -k "C:\[DirectoryToPlaceKey]\[KeyName].snk" sn in folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0\Bin web deployment projects single dll for code files of all page, APP_Code files and web services Configuration Prop -> O/p assemblies try catch throw finally System.Data.InvalidExpressionExcepton System.Data.OdbcExcepton System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException System.DivideByZeroException System.IO.DirectroyNotFoundException System.IO.EndOfStreamException System.IO.FileNotFoundException System.IO.IOException NullReferenceException System.OutOfMemoryException System.OverflowException System.Security.SecurityException System.StackOverFlowException System.UnauthorizedException

using using using using using using using using using using using

System; System.Data; System.Configuration; System.Collections; System.IO; System.Web; System.Web.Security; System.Web.UI; System.Web.UI.WebControls; System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; System.Web.UI.HtmlControls

StringWriter strwriter = null; HtmlTextWriter htmlwriter = null; // Set the content type to Excel. Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.AddHeader(WIAConstants.GENERAL_DOWNLOADEXCEL_CONTENTDISPOSITION, "attac

hment;filename=InvoiceImage.doc"); // Remove the charset from the Content-Type header. Response.Charset = ""; // Turn off the view state. this.EnableViewState = false; strwriter = new StringWriter(); htmlwriter = new HtmlTextWriter(strwriter); fvDraftInvoice.AllowPaging = false; fvDraftInvoice.RenderControl(htmlwriter); // Write the HTML back to the browser. Response.Write(strwriter.ToString()); interface - declaration of methods n variables.. implemented in class struct - group of related variables only single level of inheritance of classes in class but can hav multiple inheri tance of interfaces a distinct type consisting of a set of named constants called the enumerator lis t. Every enumeration type has an underlying type, which can be any integral type destructor - tilde <class name>.. cannot b empty.. calls finalize and releases r esources A class or struct may have multiple constructors that take different arguments abstract - a class can only be inherited. An instance of the class cannot be cr eated sealed - class cannot be inherited use the aspnet_compiler.exe to precompile a site. This process builds each page in your web application into a single application DLL and some placeholder files . These files can then be deployed to the server. Viewstate can be compressed to almost 50% of its size. .NET also provides the GZ ipStream or DeflateStream to compress viewstate. By setting the EnableViewStateMac to true in the @Page directive. This attribute checks the encoded and encrypted viewstate for tampering. All source code files kept in the root App_Code folder must be in the same progr amming language. Update: However, you can create two subfolders inside the App_Code and then add both C# and VB.NET in the respective subfolders. By default, ASP.NET submits a form to the same page. In cross-page posting, the form is submitted to a different page. This is done by setting the PostBackUrl property of the button(that causes postbac k) to the desired page. In the code-behind of the page to which the form has been posted, use the FindControl method of the PreviousPage property to reference the data of the control in the first page. Yes. To change a master page, set the MasterPageFile property to point to the .m aster page during the PreInit page event.

The AutoEventWireUp is a boolean attribute that allows automatic wireup of page events when this attribute is set to true on the page. It is set to True by defa ult for a C# web form whereas it is set as False for VB.NET forms. Pages develop ed with Visual Studio .NET have this attribute set to false, and page events are individually tied to handlers. ASP.NET invalidates the existing cache and assembles a new cache. Then ASP.NET a utomatically restarts the application to apply the changes You can use ADSI, WMI, or COM interfaces to configure IIS programmatically

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