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Assignment Questions

Module – 4
Note: Prepare first 17 questions for internal

1. List out the object oriented characteristics possessed by Python.

2. Define class and object. Give an example for creating a class and an object
of that class.
3. What are attributes? Explain with an example and respective object diagram.
4. Build a class called Point with two attributes x and y. Write following
functions and demonstrate the working of these functions by creating
suitable objects.
a. To read attribute values
b. To display point as an ordered pair
c. To find distance between two points
5. Write a program to create a class called Rectangle with the help of a corner
point, width and height. Write following functions and demonstrate their
a. To find and display center of rectangle
b. To resize the rectangle
6. Differentiate copy.copy( ) and copy.deepcopy( ) with suitable examples.
7. Write a program to create a class called time and read the attributes for time
8. Differentiate between pure functions and modifiers with suitable examples
9. Explain prototype development versus planning.
10.Discuss the significance of __init__( ) method in Python with a proper
example code snippet.
11.Briefly discuss self-keyword in Python with a proper example code snippet.
12.What does __str__( ) method do in Python? Illustrate with a code snippet.
13.Discuss operator overloading. Mention any five operators with respective
special functions to be overloaded in Python.
14.develop a program to add two point objects by using overloading + operator
15.Write a program to create a class Time to represent time in HH:MM:SS
format. Perform following operations:
a. Overload + to add two time objects
b. Overload + to add a numeric value to a time object (commutative)
16.Explain type-based dispatch operation in python with example?
17. Define polymorphism? Explain with an example program.
18. Explain interface and implementation.
19.Create an object for playing cards and display the specified card
20.Compare two cards by using __it__ method.
21.Explain class diagram with suitable example.
22.Create an object for Deck class and display all the cards
23.Define inheritance. Write codes to Hand class which inherits Deck class and
perform the following
i>To add a card to Hand object
ii>Move a card from one hand to another.
24.What do you mean by class diagram. Explain the relationship between
classes with example.

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