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Curriculum Vitae __________

Personal Details
Name Place/Date of Birth Sex Address : Purniawan : Jakarta, February 7th 1987 : Male : Jl.Kenanga RT 006 RW 004 No. 48 AC Kelurahan tanjung Barat Kecamatan Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan Phone Number Handphone Country Religion Marital Status Email Blog Hobbies and Interest IPK : 02171309493 : 08388110085 : Indonesia : Islam : Married :, : : Reading, Writing, Sport : 3.12 scale 4.0

Formal Education
2005-2009 : Bachelor Degree Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia Depok 2002-2005 1999-2002 1994-1999 : Senior High School (SMAN 28 Jakarta) : Junior High School (SMPN 239 Jakarta) : Elementary School (SDN 10 Jakarta)

Informal Education
Feb Jan 2011 2011 : Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 : Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Jul 2010 : Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services Jul 2010 : Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services

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Jul Jan

2008 2007

: Building Wireless Networking at Binus Jakarta : Bandwith Management and Security Networking at Pusat Pelayanan Sistem Informasi University of Indonesia

Jul Mei Jan Apr

2006 2006 2005 2005

: Study Group Oracle Database at E-Freelancer Jakarta : Trouble Shooting Hardware Computer at LP2M Array : Building Website and Animation at STMIK Jakarta : Basic Intensive English at LP3I Jakarta

Working Experience
Apr 2009- Now : Staff system development PT KPEI (Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia) Jan 2009- Mar 2009 Aug 2009- Dec 2009 : Staff system development PT Ciptadrasoft : Build authoring tool using standard SCORM with name Sharable Elearning Content Authoring Tool and Repository (SHECAR) as a Student Project at Faculty Computer Science University of Indonesia Mei 2008- Jun 2008 : Internship at Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) to develop system for auditing and reporting suspicious transaction using ASP.Net and C# Oct 2007 Nov 2007 : Setting Networking and Instalation Wired LAN at WARNET Silver Sign and Bintang Net Aug 2007- Sep 2007 : Quick Count PILKADA Bangka Belitung use Gammu as a tool for SMS Gateway and PHP as Interface of Graphical recapitulation Jan 2007- Jun 2007 : Staff of Network Administrator at Pusat Pelayanan Sistem Informasi University of Indonesia : Program Monitoring and Networking use Syslog NG with Kannel as a tool for SMS Gateway Itegno 3000 as modem SMS Gateway under Linux Bandwith Management and Managing Security at Official Site of SPMB 2007-2008

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Interactive Voice Response at Local Line Telephone in University of Indonesia using asterisk

Jul 2006 Aug 2006

: Building Website at, and

Mei 2006- Jun 2006 Mei 2006- Jun 2006

: Mathematic Teacher at Nurul Fikri : Training Microsof Office to Teacher of Junior high School at PENGMAS on IT faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia

Organizational Experience
2001-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 : Chief of Rohis SMP Negeri 239 Jakarta : Chief of Masjid Baiturrahman SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta : Chief of bidang Profesi dan Keilmuan BEM fakultas Ilmu komputer Universitas Indonesia 2007-2008 : Chief of External Biro at Forum Ukhuwah Kajian Islam that coordinate four division : Syiar, Humas, Ukhuwah, and Media Islam

Commitee Experience
2005-2006 : Project Officer at Seminar SUN University day Powering The Participation Age 2006 held by SUN Microsystem 2005-2006 : Project Officer at BISTEK (Bakti Sosial Tekhnologi) Held by BEM Faculty of Computer Science university Of Indonesia 2006-2007 : Leading Operation at Penyambutan Mahasiswa Baru

Seminar and Event

Aug 2005 : Seminar Hacking how to be a good Hacker at Faculty of Computer Science University Of Indonesia Aug 2006 : Building an Ecommerce Site as a Leader of Marketing Network at Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia Aug 2007 : Install Fest Microsoft Indonesia

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Skill Set
C / C++, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, PHP, Oracle, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Ms Office (word, excel, powerpoint, publisher, access), Ms Visio, Ms visual studio, Linux Operating System,Kannel, Gammu, Syslog NG, joomla CMS, Datawarehouse, Sharepoint

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