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Date: 19-01-2022

Hadoop Mapreduce
Problem Statement:
a) Create a folder called /VaccineIn in the hdfs directory

b) Put the file provided covid_19_india.csv into the folder

c) File is in a comma separated value format (csv) .

d) Write a MapReduce application to count the state-wise Total Individuals Vaccinated (last
column of the CSV file) from the file specified

e) Output should be in the folder VaccineSummary

f) Output should be of format: (State, Total Individuals Vaccinated count)

Ex: Andaman and Nicobar Islands 9000

g) Write another MapReduce program to display the Vaccines administered on a particular date on
all states

Attached file: covid_vaccine_statewise.csv

[Note: the first row is the column field names shall be removed while processing]

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