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Routine Battery Saver


 On this page
 Device configuration
o Provider specification
o Default off threshold
 App configuration
o Permissions
o Installation
 Triggering battery saver
o APIs

Android 10 introduces a battery saver schedule option called based on routine. This option
allows an app chosen by the OEM to provide signals to the system for more intelligent
battery saver scheduling. This option requires configuration, and is optional to implement.

Device configuration
Provider specification

To notify the Settings UI that the device is configured correctly, use your config overlay to
override the value config_batterySaverScheduleProvider with the package name of your app.

For example, if you want the app package to control the based

on routine setting, then you would set this config value:

<string name="config_batterySaverScheduleProvider"

Now the phone should show the based on routine option. To verify, build your image, flash
it to a phone, and navigate to Settings > Battery > Battery Saver > Battery Saver
Schedule. The based on routine option should appear.

Default off threshold

The new config_dynamicPowerSavingsDefaultDisableThreshold field specifies a battery level at

which the system turns off battery saver, if it was turned on by the based on
routine scheduler. The system default is 80%, but you can change it.
Important: Set this value lower than 100. This disable threshold serves as a fallback in case
something goes wrong with the provider app, causing it to always try to trigger battery saver.

App configuration

The APIs needed for the app to turn on battery saver from the app are protected by the
permission android.permission.POWER_SAVER. This is a signature/privileged permission, so
grant the app you want to be able to trigger battery saver this permission in your privapp-

An example of granting the privapp permission to an app:

<privapp-permissions package="">
   <permission name="android.permission.POWER_SAVER"/>

If you don't pre-grant this permission to the version of the app on the system image, the app
can't acquire the permission or properly call the APIs. The system doesn't provide any
feedback beyond the usual permission errors, so verify that you can call the APIs and observe
their effects.


For based on routine to work properly, you must pre-install the app on the system image
with the required permission. Give only one app the POWER_SAVER permission and allow it
to control the based on routine APIs. Behavior of the feature when more than one app tries
to use the permission and APIs is unsupported and unspecified.

Triggering battery saver


Assuming setup is successful so far, the OEM app specified in the config should be able to
successfully call the associated method in PowerManager to trigger battery saver:

public boolean setDynamicPowerSaveHint(boolean powerSaveHint, int


If the based on routine battery saver schedule option is enabled and the app calls this method
with a true value for powerSaveHint, then battery saver turns on. Specify disableThreshold so
that if the app can't communicate with the system, the system still knows at which battery
percentage it's safe to turn off battery saver.

This API is subject to user overrides and battery saver snoozing in the same way as the
percentage-based automatic battery saver. See the API documentation for more information.

To verify the APIs are called successfully, query settings global to verify that the backing
setting changed value according to the API calls.
For example, if the user selected routine battery saver mode and the app is
calling setDynamicPowerSaveHint(true, 10), the global settings should have these values:

automatic_power_save_mode: 1
dynamic_power_savings_disable_threshold: 10
dynamic_power_savings_enabled: 1

If you then call setDynamicPowerSaveHint(false, 25), the values should be:

automatic_power_save_mode: 1
dynamic_power_savings_disable_threshold: 25
dynamic_power_savings_enabled: 0

You can check these values using this adb command:

adb shell settings get global <setting-name>


There's no automated way to verify this feature because there's no way to know what
behavior an OEM will use to decide when to trigger routine battery saver mode. OEMs are
thus responsible for testing their integration to make sure that the behavior meets
expectations. In particular, verify that the device can fulfill the following tasks:

 The user selects based on percentage in the battery saver schedule UI and selects 15%. Battery saver
should come on automatically ONLY when hitting 15% battery.

 The user selects based on routine in the battery saver schedule UI. When the app calls the API
with true, battery saver turns on. Additionally, battery saver automatically turns off if the device is
charged to the indicated threshold level and unplugged.

 The user selects none in the battery saver schedule UI. Battery saver should NEVER come on

 If the app turns on battery saver and the user manually overrides battery saver to be off again (using
Quick Settings, Settings, etc.), it should STAY OFF until the user either turns it back on again manually
or plugs the device in.
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