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Steel-making processes

1. Tri osnovna procesa pravljenja čelika uključuju Bessemer proces, simens martinov
proces i elektrolučni proces.

The three main processes of steel making include the Bessemer process, the open-
hearth process, and the electric arc process.

2. Iako je Bessemer proces brži u odnosu na druga dva, baš ta brzina otežava kontrolu
hemijskih osobina a pored toga ovaj proces se ne koristi u modernoj proizvodnji

Even though the Bessemer process is faster compared to the other two, that speed is
exactly what makes the control of the chemical properties more difficult and apart
from that this process is not used in modern steel production.

3. Simens Martinov proces omogućava visok stepen kontrole kvaliteta čelika jer je
dosta sporiji budući da traje oko deset sati za svaku šaržu.

The open-hearth process makes possible a high degree of control of the quality of
the steel as it is a lot slower as it lasts about ten hours for each charge.

4. S druge strane, za pravljenje visoko legiranih čelika poput nehrđajućeg,

vatrootpornog i visokobrzinskog čelika najčešće se koristi elektrolučni proces.

On the other hand, for making highly alloyed steel such as stainless, heat-resisting,
and high-speed steels, the electric arc process is used most often.

5. U ovom elektrolučnom procesu koristi se električna peć a čelik iz plamene peći se

koristi za punjenje ove peći

In this electric arc process the electric furnace is used and the steel from the open-
hearth furnace is used to charge this furnace.

6. Proces rezultira visokim stepenom prečišćavanja jer se odstranjuje i fosfor i sumpor,

a metal u peći se deoksidizira.

This process results in a high degree of purification as both the phosphorus and
sulphur are removed and the metal in the furnace is deoxidized.

7. Uz pomoć električnog luka koji nastaje između pokretnih karbonskih elektroda

velikog prečnika i metalne kupke, stvara se toplota koja je potrebna u ovom procesu.

With a help of the electric arch struck between the movable carbon electrodes and
the metal bath, the heat which is necessary in this process is created.

8. Elektrode se pomjeraju dolje na zadatu udaljenost iznad rastopljenog metala jer se

troše u procesu.
The electrodes are moved down to a given distance above the molten metal as they
are consumed in the process.

9. Po potrebi, ove karbonske elektrode se mogu mijenjati s vrha peći.

As required, these carbon electrodes can be changed from the top of the furnace.

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