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Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

+966 (0) 54 354 0815

Khayra Bundakji Social Media Copywriter

This pamphlet explains what social media is, how it can contribute to a business or personal life, and what a social media copywriter does. It contains denitions of some social media jargon and services provided by the author. Examples contained are based on the region, mostly Saudi Arabia.

Use of contained text

All information was researched and written by Khayra Bundakji. Circulating contained the text with appropriate acknowledgements to Khayra Bundakji and its context is the only form of reuse. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Table of Contents
Contact Inf!mation___________ 1
Getting started ................................................................. 1
Getting right down to business Don't know what you want, exactly? No problem! 1 1

What Is Social Media?_________ 2

Basically... ........................................................................ 2 Why is it so important? What's the big deal? .................. 2
Businesses Individuals Professionals Businesses Professionals Individuals
Price list available upon request

2 2 3 3 4 5

Who is using it and how? ................................................. 3

Khayra Bundakji Social Media Copywriter

Who I am_______________ 6
Education ......................................................................... 6
Design Computing Computing Editing & Copywriting 6 6 6 6

Skills ................................................................................. 6

What I Can Do f! You_________ 7

Setting Up ........................................................................ 7
Dening your online identity Setting up your various relevant accounts Showing you the ropes 7 7 7

Providing Initial Content ................................................... 7 Analysis ............................................................................ 8 Maintenance .................................................................... 8

Think of them as press releases Keeping you up to date about your audience Optimizing your online presence 8 8 8

Online Services I W!k Wi"______ 9

Blog .................................................................................. 9
What is it? When is it used? What is it? When is it used? What is it? When is it Used? What is it? When is it Used? Stumble Upon Flickr News feeds 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11

Twitter ............................................................................... 9 Facebook ....................................................................... 10 LinkedIn ......................................................................... 10 Other Networking Websites ........................................... 11

Price list available upon request


Khayra Bundakji Social Media Copywriter

Contact Inf!mation
Getting started
Getting right down to business
Many prefer getting started on their journey of online success as soon as possible. For the quickest results, be sure to have answers to the following questions in mind when you call or include them in the email you send me: What is the purpose for your online presence? Some answers include:
Exposing your company to potential customers Having a cutting-edge presentation of yourself to potential employers and clients Keeping in touch with family and friends Publishing your personal thoughts and opinions Connecting with like-minded professionals and individuals

Who is your target audience? How formal or casual would you like your prole(s) to be? What personality would you like to attach to your online identity?
Fun Casual Intellectual Sophisticated Modern Artistic

Don't know what you want, exactly? No problem!

Quick advising of what social networks will work best for your needs is free during the rst conversation/email. No question or suggestion is too vague or irrelevant. Dening your online identity is the most crucial process of our work together and I will do everything I can to provide information on the opportunities and directions available to you and your company. For inquiries or further qualications and recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact me. +966 (0) 54 354 0815

Price list available upon request


Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

What Is Social Media?

It's a means of online1 mass communication that is interactive. This means that an individual/ company on a social network service2 can broadcast their latest updates, general information, and inquiries and get instant feedback from others online.

Why is it so important? What's the big deal?

Social media provides an instantaneous way to keep track of Which of your marketing techniques work best, giving you the chance to save money on those that don't work at all Who is interested in your services How consumers relate to your brand What customers want from your industry

Social media provides a low-cost instantaneous way to Build and maintain relationships with others regardless of distance of frequency of use Offer a deeper side of you that can't be attained during small-talk Find other like-minded individuals to help you grow and connect within your community Understand and learn about the people you know on a deeper and more consistent level Keep up with news as soon as it happens and contribute to it. Almost every event on the news was published and shared on social media this year and much of it was powered by individuals such as yourself Keep up-to-date with the latest trends

1 2

online (adj.): on the Internet.

social network service (n.): a service provided online that works as a platform to build and maintain relationships between people, and more recently between businesses and customers. These services are utilized and are quickly becoming a must for many in industries requiring individual customer loyalty. Price list available upon request 1

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

Social media provides an instantaneous way to Expose yourself to potential employers on your terms Show the full breadth of your work, from your creative to your technical skills Categorize and display different aspects of yourself such as artwork, attained education, and professional capabilities Do what you love by showing your strengths

Who is using it and how?

In addition, businesses can gain immensely from the sophisticated analyzing tools available with social media. Every click3 can be accounted for and information such as how visitors found the site and what country they were in is readily available instantly. This gives the opportunity of presenting quick graphs with minimal effort and time.

News companies
Al-Jazeera, CNN, and many others directly use information provided by individuals on Twitter4 and blogs 5. Newspapers such as Arab News gain a lot of trafc 6 (i.e. readers) through their website by posting7 articles on the website and allowing readers to comment on them. It can be thought of as a very dynamic "Letter to the Editor" section lled with debate and opinions.

Restaurants such as Toasted use Twitter to update customers on deals and new menu items while engaging them in feedback. They also use Facebook to allow people to become their fans 8 and many other services that allow people to inform their friends that they are at the restaurant instantaneously.

click (n. or v.): a click of the mouse.

4 Twitter: a social networking service that allows users to publish very short updates and to follow other users, companies and individuals alike, that interest them. blog (n. or v.): a shortened term for "web log", blogs originated as a means for individuals to publish happenings, ideas, opinions, and literary works with the option of getting feedback from their readers. It has since evolved to include a means for brands and professionals to showcase who they are and interact with the public.
5 6 7 8

trafc (n.): the amount of visits a website gets. post (v.): to publish content online.

fan (n.): a term used on Facebook to describe people that follow the happenings of an ofcial gure or business on the service. Price list available upon request 2

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

Stores such as SID9, 77 Media 10, and boutiques are using the most cutting-edge viral marketing techniques to maintain loyal customers by being approachable and informative. Stores provide catalogs instantly updated with every new season and announce sales and promotions using a variety of social network services. This allows customers to inform friends of the current store they are shopping at and share items they want to or have bought. There are also many opportunities to advertise to the target audience through support from customers and on the services.

Non-prot organizations
Charitable and community-based organizations have benetted immensely from social media with volunteers being able to connect and recruit more volunteers. Updates on events and campaigns reach thousands of individuals with video and audio media that would otherwise be difcult to display on traditional media such as television. The number of organizations on Facebook and Twitter is growing rapidly, with some examples being YIG11 and Friends of Jeddah Parks 12.

In addition, professionals can gain immensely from the sophisticated analyzing tools available with social media. Every click can be accounted for and information such as how visitors found the site and what country they were in is readily available instantly.

Creatives such as photographers, artists, entertainers

Showcasing work online is the most efcient way of providing potential clients with your niche and individual style. Having a portfolio online is also a great way to have material prepared for press releases. Creative professionals such as comedians, artists, and writers use social media to keep a relationship with their audience and fans, maintaining a number of opportunities for themselves.

An example of how a freelancer can use social media is myself. I have been approached by many clients with no cost on advertising and minimal followup with individuals. Freelancers can also have an approachable identity that allows clients to feel comfortable and free enough to be specic in their needs without being overwhelmed.

SID: a high-end concept store in Jeddah 77 Media: a digital media company in Jeddah YIG: Youth Initiative Group in Jeddah Friends of Jeddah Parks: a non-prot NGO working to build sustainable high-impact parks in Jeddah 3

10 11 12

Price list available upon request

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

Job hunters
If you are a recent graduate or seeking employment opportunities, social network services such as LinkedIn 13 and websites create a quick and clear space to showcase your resume in a dynamic and readable manner. Instead of cramming all your important credentials on one piece of paper, potential employers can gain insight on your personality and full certication on all the jobs you are capable of taking on. Best of all, it is non-invasive and works with the time employers have, adding exibility and appreciation of ease.

In addition to the listed uses of social media, you can now get paid for hosting advertisements on your blog or website.

Proactive individuals
As mentioned, charitable organizations and campaigns use social media to gain volunteers and announce events and happenings. Social media, especially Twitter, played a crucial role helping victims of the Jeddah oods in December 2010 and January 2011. Earth Hour 2010 Jeddah 14 was a huge success that was started by an individual unafliated with any organization, and was a huge success. You can use these platforms to start your own campaigns

Opinionated and informed individuals

Today the Internet is giving great priority to vocal individuals. Many people can gain from your expertise, be it a knack for fashion or an interest in collecting news on any topic.

Social individuals
In the end, these services were originally provided to serve a person's basic need of connecting with their community, friends, and loved ones. There are many platforms that are quickly becoming a must, being just as important as having a mobile phone or an email.

LinkedIn: a social network service that works as a professional platform to showcase your resume and keep in touch with colleagues and professionals in your industry.
13 14

Earth Hour Jeddah: A campaign to raise awareness of energy use and its effects on the environment. 4

Price list available upon request

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

Who I am
Art and design is a hobby I pursued academically in the American University in Dubai. Before changing majors, I studied visual communications for two semesters. I then became an intern at Christie's Auction House and worked on the inaugural auction and initiation of its Dubai branch. All the while, I worked with web design as an amateur pastime.

After deciding to keep art as a passion rather than a career, I enrolled in Effat University to acquire a Bachelor of Computer Science. I went on to work in the university as a web developer during a revamp of the institution's intranet while working to rene my skills in programming. I nally came to the realization that I enjoyed all web-based programming, especially after I became active on social media platforms.

Well-versed in languages such as C++, HTML, and CSS, I have been focusing on Internet programming while completing my degree and learning general theories in computing. I am exible in what operating system I work on, but prefer Mac OS X.

Editing & Copywriting

My condence in being a copywriter comes from my enthusiasm for proper grammar and love for reading. I have written articles in student publications during my academic career and have freelanced as an editor for many companies, usually working on internal documents as well as copywriting for press releases.

Price list available upon request

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

What I Can Do f! You

Setting Up
This is a one-time set service that comes with an explanation of how to maintain your new accounts. Additional tuition available upon request for face-to-face step-by-step instructions.

Dening your online identity

Whether you already have a very specic or no idea of what you want, quick advising of what social networks will work best for your needs is free during the rst conversation/email. No question or suggestion is too vague or irrelevant. Dening your online identity is the most crucial process of our work together and I will do everything I can to provide information on the opportunities and directions available to you and your company.

Setting up your various relevant accounts

After choosing what your online purpose is, I will take care of the process of opening relevant accounts.

Showing you the ropes

Bundled with opening your accounts, I will provide easy step-by-step written instructions for your reference. Topics covered will include the following: How to stay safe and secure while using the service, complete with common tricks used for identity theft How to change your password after I open your account What the terms of services are so you can avoid any accidental illegal activity What your rights are concerning your content, and how to copyright your own work The basics of maintaining and updating your accounts

Providing Initial Content

As a copywriter, I can also provide content such as information about you or your company in any writing style you desire. All content will be 100% original and the tone is completely exible. My knowledge of jargon in various elds allows me to provide the content with little work on your part, making the experience easy.

Price list available upon request

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

With my knowledge of computing and research, I can provide you with in-depth analyses of who is visiting your accounts and websites. Marketing and advertising can be expensive, and these techniques can save money by pointing out the most effective actions you can take. Information available includes the following: The age of your audience (available on some services) What regions your audience comes from (available on some services) How people found your information, giving you the ability to focus your energy and time on those sources Other individuals and companies that have content resembling yours, which is helpful in nding collaborators and competitors Other individuals and companies that share your interests, which is helpful in nding events, projects, and initiatives you could participate in that compliment your brand or yourself

This is different than the initial setup in time-span, description, and pricing.

Think of them as press releases

Whether you are taking this strategy for personal or commercial reasons, updating your identity in real time is crucial. If not maintained, your accounts will certainly fade away and become forgotten. When you give me a quick summary of what you want to share, I can provide you with professionally written updates of any length.

Keeping you up to date about your audience

This is different than analyzing the effectiveness of your accounts. I can provide summaries on qualitative feedback from your audience. This means I will give you easy-to-read quick updates on what people are saying about you. This is important as it can fuel innovative changes in the way you work, increasing efciency and decreasing stress and effort.

Optimizing your online presence

I am well-read in SEO, which is Search Engine Optimization. This means I have techniques that can increase your presence when people search for you with Google, Bing, Ecosia, and other Internet searching services. I can also rene your identity as time goes by and you evolve. This increases your chances of becoming "popular" online by keeping your audience engaged. Of course, this requires a balance as there are many "don'ts" in social media that can hinder your credibility. I can provide easy ways of maneuvering through customs and keeping your accounts likable and approachable.
Price list available upon request 7

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

Online Services I W!k Wi"

What is it? When is it used?
It can be a verb or noun, and is a shortened term for "web log". Blogs originated as a means for individuals to publish happenings, ideas, opinions, and literary works with the option of getting feedback from their readers. Blogging has since evolved to include a means for brands and professionals to showcase who they are and to interact with the public.

Some websites I use

Blogger Website from scratch, made by me More details on when and how blogs can be used are available upon request.

What is it? When is it used?
Twitter is a micro-blogging service. It is similar to a blog, but with more frequent and shorter updates that are intended to be received by readers in real-time. It is the most efcient when announcing an update on any of your other accounts or websites as well as events that are about to happen within a week. You might have heard of people registering on Twitter and then nding it "useless" or "confusing". It is a common mistake to not fully delve into the Twitterverse15 and learn about how it is changing the world and the marketplace. More information on Twitter's benets is available upon request.

Twitterverse (n.): A combination of Twitter and universe, it denotes all that exists concerning Twitter. Price list available upon request | +966 (0) 54 354 0815 |

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

What is it? When is it Used?
Facebook as a service was originally intended to connect real life people online. It is very much staying true to the idea and then some. People register on Facebook to get a prole while businesses and organizations get a Facebook Page. Both of these give the opportunity for you to showcase yourself, but each are intended for their purpose because it brings out great results. These two features on Facebook have a lot more than what is written here. Some people hesitate about registering for a Facebook prole because they're afraid for their privacy. Facebook is very safe when you know your rights as a registered user. Privacy is far from an issue when you know who to trust and how to set your privacy settings. This is where I come in, to give you long-term knowledge about what is going on. If you are a business or an organization, a Facebook Page or a Facebook Group isn't just helpful, but required. Many organizations don't realize the terms and rules of Facebook, and sometimes get deleted or look unprofessional without realizing. Much more information on the power of Facebook Pages and groups is available upon request.

What is it? When is it Used?
Just as there is a time to play and a time to work, there is a site for friends and a site for professionals. LinkedIn is a way to keep in touch with colleagues, establish a network within your industry, and showcase your resume to future employers. Your business can also have a presence to link all your past and present employees to each other. This is a great way to get in touch with experts in your industry and to keep up-to-date with connections being established between professionals in your eld; this is especially helpful when looking to collaborate or widen your network.

Price list available upon request

+966 (0) 54 354 0815

Khayra Bundakji

Social Media Copywriter

Other Networking Websites

There are many other social networking sites that individuals can use for personal or presentational reasons. Many sites focus on interests connecting people, who then form a community and gain from one another. This is especially helpful for professionals in niche industries such as photography, music, and lmmaking, all of which need a platform with like-minded collaborators.
The following list is to give you an idea of the possibilities, this is just a fraction of what is available.
It is a website based on the idea of radio. When using the radio, a user can provide an artist or genre and similar music will be played. The website shows you how "compatible" you are with other users of the service. You can nd your friends or make new ones and listen to their favorite music and library. Anyone in the industry can utilize it to keep track of what the city's population is listening market their own music.

Stumble Upon
Focused on more personal use, Stumble Upon gives you a tool to browse the Internet based on your interests. Users manually put up sites they found interesting, categorize it, and rate it. You end up "stumbling upon" very interesting gems, and can then rate it, comment on it, and share it.

A popular site to share photos with a select few or the whole world. It was made especially popular here amongst photographers whom still use it to showcase their work.

News feeds
All technical terms aside, there are easy ways to keep track of websites and blogs by getting them straight into your email or all in one website that can be accessed from anywhere.

These are a few of the many social networking services out there, each one giving unique advantages. When working together, we can nd which one will get your wanted results.
Price list available upon request | +966 (0) 54 354 0815 | 3

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